• 제목/요약/키워드: B 계수

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The Influence of the Application Methods of Direct Analysis Method for the Evaluation of Frame Stability (골조 안정성 평가를 위한 직접해석법의 적용 방법에 따른 영향)

  • Kim, Hee-Dong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.293-303
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of the methods of application of the direct analysis method, using the load amplification factor suggested by the KBC 2009 design code, for the evaluation of frame stability. For this purpose, the direct analysis method was performed for three-story-one-bay and five-story-three-bay unbraced steel frames with various notional loads, bending stiffness reductions, and factor B2s. The results of the analyses were compared with the results of the second-order inelastic analysis to evaluate the influence of the applied methods. The scale of the frame, the axial load ratio, and the axial load distribution pattern were added to the main parameters to investigate the external effects. The research results showed that the influence of the methods of application of the direct analysis method is not significant in the case of the required axial strength and the application of the additional notional loads; and that the application of the factor B2 with the story stiffness concept to the direct analysis method is appropriate for the required flexural strength.

Digital Watermarking Using Watermark Reordering Based on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT 기반의 워터마크 재정렬을 이용한 디지털 워터마킹)

  • Bae, Sung-Ho
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.9B no.5
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    • pp.609-614
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    • 2002
  • Watermarking is embedding a digital signal called as watermark into images to claim the ownership. In this paper, a new digital watermarking algorithm based on DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) which enhances invisibility and robustness is proposed to improve contentional digital watermarking method using DCT. In the proposed method, it is possible to enhance invisibility and robustness using watermark reordering in which the relative significance of original DCT coefficients can be preserved in watermarked DCT coefficients, and the distortions of original DCT coefficients can be minimized. The experimental results show that the proposed method improves invisibility approximately 9~12[dB] and is more robust to various attacks than the conventional method.

Prediction of rainfall-induced runoff considering infiltration of water in both unsaturated and saturated porous media (불포화 및 포화 투수층에서의 침투를 고려하여 강우 유출 해석)

  • Changhoon Lee;Minh Thang Tran
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.62-62
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    • 2023
  • 강우가 지표면 아래로 침투할 때 초기에는 투수층이 불포화 상태이어서 부압이 작용하면서 침투할 것이다. Richards 식(Richards, 1931)을 써서 불포화 투수층의 침투를 모의할 수 있다. 강우가 지속되는 동안 하상 아래 어느 구간은 포화 상태가 되어 Richards 식을 더 이상 사용할 수 없다. 하지만 현재까지의 연구는 Richards 식을 사용하여 침투를 모의하는 오류를 범하고 있다. 강우에 의한 침투를 예측할 때 지표면에서의 침투율 qb 가 필요한 데 현존하는 연구에서는 Horton 식(Horton, 1941)을 사용하여 초기 침투율 fo 와 장시간 후 침투율 fc 와 시간에 따라 지수함수로 감소하는 계수 k 의 3가지 계수값을 실험이나 현장 관측값에서 찾아서 쓰고 있다. 그런데, 이 계수값은 강우강도 ri 가 클수록 침투율 q 가 커지는 물리 현상을 반영하지 못하는 한계가 있다. 본 연구에서 먼저 포화 투수층에서의 침투를 모의하는 식을 개발하였다. 지표면 아래에서 불포화 투수층에는 Richards식을 사용하고 포화 투수층에는 개발한 식을 사용하여 침투를 모의하였다. 또한 지표면에서의 침투율 qb 를 구하는 공식을 개발하였다. 하상에서의 침투율의 최대값은 $q_{bmax}=-{\lambda}{\sqrt{2g(s-b)}}$ 일 것이다. 여기서 λ 는 투수층의 공극율, s 는 유출수면의 위치, b 는 지표면의 위치이다. 지표면에서의 침투율의 최소값 qbmin 은 지표면 바로 아래 지점에서의 침투율일 것이다. 지표면에서의 침투율 qb 로 qbmax 와 qbmin 사이의 적절한 값을 선택한다. 강우강도를 ri 라고 하면 지표면 위 유출수의 연속방정식은 다음과 같다: $s-b={\int}(r_i-{\mid}q_b{\mid})dt$. 즉, 유출수면의 위치 s 는 강우강도 ri 가 클수록 또는 지표면에서의 유출율의 크기 |qb| 가 작을수록 크다. 또한 지표면에서의 침투율 qb 와 지표면 아래에서의 침투율 q 는 s - b 가 클수록 크다. 따라서, 강우강도 ri 가 클수록 침투율 qb, q 가 큰 현상이 잘 반영되었다. 강우-침투-유출 모형실험을 수행하여 강우강도에 따라 침투율과 유출량이 다른 현상을 관측하여 수치실험 결과와 비교·검증하였다.

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Numerical Investigation of Drag and Lift Characteristics of Cavitator of Supercavitating Underwater Vehicle (초공동 수중운동체 캐비테이터의 항력과 양력특성에 관한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Kang, Byung Yun;Jang, Seyeon;Kang, Shin-Hyoung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.38 no.10
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    • pp.797-805
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the drag and lift characteristics of the cavitator of a supercavitating underwater vehicle and the pressure loss due to water intake. These investigations were performed by changing the diameter, velocity, radius of curvature of the intake, and angle of attack of the cavitator. With increasing ratio of the intake diameter to the cavitator diameter ratio($d/D_1$), the drag coefficient and the pressure loss coefficient of the water intake decreased. The greater the increase in the ratio of the intake velocity-to-free stream velocity ratio(S), the smaller was the decrease in the drag coefficient and the lift coefficient. When the intake had a radius of curvature(c), the pressure loss coefficient decreased. On the contrary, the effect of the radius of curvature on the drag coefficient was imperceptible. For angles of attack (${\alpha}$) of the caviatator in the range of $0^{\circ}$ to $10^{\circ}$, the drag coefficient and the pressure loss coefficient changed slightly, whereas the lift coefficient increased linearly with increasing angle of attack.

Penalty Factor Computation Algorithms for Economic Load Dispatch Based on B-Coefficient and AC Load Flow and their Performance Comparison (경제급전을 위한 B-계수와 조류계산에 의한 페널티계수 산정법의 개발 및 성능비교)

  • Nam, H.K.;Moon, Y.H.;Choi, H.K.;NamKung, J.Y.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1999.11b
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    • pp.206-209
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    • 1999
  • This paper presents an improved method of calculating the penalty factors for economic load dispatch based on B-coefficient and AC load flow and their performance comparison. The algorithm for calculating B-coefficients by Meyer is improved and its performance is compared with that of AC load flow. The B-coefficient method is superior to the load flow method in its simplicity and computation speed. However accuracy of the B-coefficient method is not satisfactory when it is applied to the ill-conditioned systems where generators produce excessive reactive power.

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Theoretical Analysis for the Measurement of Viscosity and Shear Modulus of Viscoelastic Fluids by Using a Quartz Crystal Oscillator (수정진동자를 사용한 점탄성 유체의 점성계수와 전단 탄성계수 측정에 관한 이론해석)

  • Suh, Yong-Kweon;Kim, Young-Han
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.487-496
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    • 2008
  • Quartz crystal oscillator is frequently used in measuring a very small amount of mass attached to or adsorbed on the surface of an electrode on the quartz plate. The physical principle is that the resonance frequency of the shear vibration of the quartz caused by an applied electric field is a function of the mass. Recently, effort has been tried to measure physical properties of viscoelastic fluids, such as viscosity and shear modulus. This paper presents useful formula that can be used in estimating the properties of viscoelastic fluids. Important finding in this analysis is that the formula can produce multiple values for the physical properties of the viscoelastic materials.

Full angle range pressure coefficient maps of five-hole probe and new calibration coefficients (5공프로브의 전 각도 범위 압력계수 지도와 새로운 보정계수)

  • Kim, Jin-Gwon;Gang, Sin-Hyeong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.1437-1448
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    • 1997
  • Pressures of a five-hole probe were measured for a full range of yaw and pitch angles and complete pressure coefficient maps were obtained. Based on these maps, various features of five-hole probe pressures were revealed and new five-hole probe calibration coefficients were devised. The new calibration coefficients show non-diverging characteristics for any flow direction and one-to-one correspondence for a wide range of flow angles. These calibration coefficients expand the valid flow angle range of five-hole probe calibration by .+-.10 degrees and complement a critical defect of five-hole probe zone-division calibration method which has not been known yet. Moreover new non-diverging calibration coefficients have advantages in nulling methods, too.

The Psuedocolor Image Enhancement on Gray Image with Wavelet Filter Coefficients (웨이블릿 필터계수를 적용한 그레이 이미지의 의사컬러 향상에 관한 연구)

  • 유병근;김윤호;류광렬
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.260-263
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    • 2003
  • The pseudocolor mage enhancement of gray image using wavelet filter coefficients is presented. The psuedocolor enhancement is that the decomposition enhancement is realized by wavelet transform and RGB image is extracted by wavelet filter coefficients with norma waveletl. The result of experiment an increases enhanced gray image as 30dB compared the processing of wavelet filter coefficients.

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Roughness Coefficients Evaluation of the Korean Riparian Vegetation (국내 수변 식생의 조도계수 평가)

  • Rhee, Dong Sop;Lee, Du Han;Kim, Myounghwan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.6B
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    • pp.345-354
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    • 2012
  • The main objective of this study is evaluating experimentally roughness coefficients of the Korean riparian vegetations based on the n-VR analysis to suggest the practical guideline for Manning's roughness coefficients for the channel design. Hydraulic experiments were conducted for Phragmites japonica Steud., Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Benth., and Phragmites communis Trin. under both submerged and un-submerged conditions, and the n-VR relationships are developed for each grass. Three vegetations tested in this study can be considered as same group showing similar roughness characteristics, though these grasses are strongly affected by vegetation stiffness. Vegetation roughness are also affected by the growth state of plants according to experimental results of Phragmites communis Trin.

Embedded Image Compression Scheme Using Rate-Distortion Optimized Block Coding of Wavelet Coefficients (웨이브렛 계수의 비트율-왜곡 최적화 기반 블록 부호화를 이용하는 임베디드 영상 압축 방법)

  • Yang, Chang Mo;Chung, Kwangsue
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39A no.11
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    • pp.625-636
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose a new embedded image compression scheme which uses rate-distortion optimized block coding of wavelet coefficients. Unlike to previous works in which set-partition or block-partition is performed according to the magnitude of wavelet coefficients, the proposed scheme achieves rate-distortion optimization by sorting wavelet coefficients or blocks according to their expected rate-distortion slope. At the same time, it performs the optimized block-partition coding using the expected rate-distortion slope of blocks. The proposed scheme also uses various relationship of wavelet coefficients for the entropy coding. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed image compression scheme provides better overall performance than the existing embedded coding schemes such as SPIHT and EBCOT, in which the PSNR gains of the proposed scheme are about 0.11~1.16dB and -0.18~0.52dB, respectively.