• Title/Summary/Keyword: Axial Compression

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Distortional buckling of cold-formed lipped channel columns subjected to axial compression

  • Zhou, Wangbao;Jiang, Lizhong
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.331-338
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    • 2017
  • Cold-formed lipped channel columns (CFLCCs) have been widely used in light gauge steel constructions. The distortional buckling is one of the important buckling modes for CFLCCs and the distortional buckling critical load depends significantly on the rotational restrain stiffness generated by the web to the lipped flange. First, a simplified explicit expression for the rotational restraint stiffness of the lipped flange has been derived. Using the expression, the characteristics of the rotational restraint stiffness of the lipped flange have been investigated. The results show that there is a linear coupling relationship between the applied forces and the rotational restraint stiffness of the lipped flange. Based on the explicit expression of the rotational restraint stiffness of the lipped flange, a simplified analytical formula has been derived which can determine the elastic distortional buckling critical stress of the CFLCCs subjected to axial compression. The simplified analytical formula developed in this study has been shown to be accurate through the comparisons with results from the distortional buckling analyses using the ANSYS finite element software. The developed analytical formula is easy to apply, and can be used directly in practical design and incorporated into future design codes and guidelines.

Progressive failure of symmetrically laminated plates under uni-axial compression

  • Singh, S.B.;Kumar, Ashwini;Iyengar, N.G.R.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.433-450
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    • 1997
  • The objective of this work is to predict the failure loads, associated maximum transverse displacements, locations and the modes of failure, including the onset of delamination, of thin, flat, square symmetric laminates under the action of uni-axial compression. Two progressive failure analyses, one using Hashin criterion and the other using Tensor polynomial criteria, are used in conjunction with the finite element method. First order shear deformation theory and geometric nonlinearity in the von Karman sense have been employed. Five different types of lay-up sequence are considered for laminates with all edges simply supported. In addition, two boundary conditions, one with all edges fixed and other with mixed boundary conditions for $(+45/-45/0/90)_{2s}$ quasi-isotropic laminate have also been considered to study the effect of boundary restraints on the failure loads and the corresponding modes of failure. A comparison of linear and nonlinear results is also made for $({\pm}45/0/90)_{2s}$ quasi-isotropic laminate. It is observed that the maximum difference between the failure loads predicted by various criteria depend strongly on the laminate lay-ups and the flexural boundary restraints. Laminates with clamped edges are found to be more susceptible to failure due to the transverse shear and delamination, while those with the simply supported edges undergo total collapse at a load slightly higher than the fiber failure load.

Structural behavior of sandwich composite wall with truss connectors under compression

  • Qin, Ying;Chen, Xin;Zhu, Xingyu;Xi, Wang;Chen, Yuanze
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.159-169
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    • 2020
  • Sandwich composite wall consists of concrete core attached by two external steel faceplates. It combines the advantage of steel and concrete. The appropriate composite action between steel faceplate and concrete core is achieved by using adequate mechanical connectors. This research studied the compressive behavior of the sandwich composite walls using steel trusses to bond the steel faceplates to concrete infill. Four short specimens with different wall width and thickness of steel faceplate were designed and tested under axial compression. The test results were comprehensively evaluated in terms of failure modes, load versus axial and lateral deformation responses, resistance, stiffness, ductility, strength index, and strain distribution. The test results showed that all specimens exhibited high resistance and good ductility. Truss connectors offer better restraint to walls with thinner faceplates and smaller wall width. In addition, increasing faceplate thickness is more effective in improving the ultimate resistance and axial stiffness of the wall.

Experimental study on hollow steel-reinforced concrete-filled GFRP tubular members under axial compression

  • Chen, B.L.;Wang, L.G.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2019
  • Hollow steel-reinforced concrete-filled GFRP tubular member is a new kind of composite members. Firstly set the mold in the GFRP tube (non-bearing component), then set the longitudinal reinforcements with stirrups (steel reinforcement cage) between the GFRP tube and the mold, and filled the concrete between them. Through the axial compression test of the hollow steel-reinforced concrete-filled GFRP tubular member, the working mechanism and failure modes of composite members were obtained. Based on the experiment, when the load reached the ranges of $55-70%P_u$ ($P_u-ultimate$ load), white cracks appeared on the surface of the GFRP tubes of specimens. At that time, the confinement effects of the GFRP tubes on core concrete were obvious. Keep loading, the ranges of white cracks were expanding, and the confinement effects increased proportionally. In addition, the damages of specimens, which were accompanied with great noise, were marked by fiber breaking and resin cracking on the surface of GFRP tubes, also accompanied with concrete crushing. The bearing capacity of the axially compressed components increased with the increase of reinforcement ratio, and decreased with the increase of hollow ratio. When the reinforcement ratio was increased from 0 to 4.30%, the bearing capacity was increased by about 23%. When the diameter of hollow part was decreased from 55mm to 0, the bearing capacity was increased by about 32%.

Buckling performance of pultruded glass fiber reinforced polymer profiles infilled with waste steel fiber reinforced concrete under axial compression

  • Emrah, Madenci;Sabry, Fayed;Walid, Mansour;Yasin Onuralp, Ozkilic
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.653-663
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    • 2022
  • This study reports the results of a series of tests of pultruded glass fiber reinforced polymer (P-GFRP) box section composite profile columns, geometrically similar with/without concrete core, containing 0-1-2-3% steel fiber, with different lengths. The recycled steel wires were obtained from waste tyres. The effects of steel fiber ratio on the collapse and size effect of concrete filled P-GFRP columns under axial pressure were investigated experimentally and analytically. A total of 36 columns were tested under compression. The presence of pultruded profile and steel wire ratio were selected as the primary variable. The capacity of pultruded profiles with infilled concrete are averagely 9.3 times higher than the capacity of concrete without pultruded profile. The capacity of pultruded profiles with infilled concrete are averagely 34% higher than that of the pultruded profiles without infilled concrete. The effects of steel wire ratio are more pronounced in slender columns which exhibit buckling behavior. Moreover, the proposed analytical approach to calculate the capacity of P-GFRP columns successfully predicted the experimental findings in terms of both pure axial and buckling capacity.

Influence of high axial compression ratios in RC columns on the seismic response of MRF buildings

  • Sergio Villar-Salinas;Sebastian Pacheco;Julian Carrillo;Francisco Lopez-Almansa
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.90 no.1
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    • pp.51-70
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    • 2024
  • Poorly designed reinforced concrete (RC) columns of actual moment-resisting frame (MRF) buildings can undergo Axial Compression Ratios (ACR) so high as their demand exceeds their capacity, even for serviceability gravity load combinations, this lack commonly leads to insufficient seismic strength. Nonetheless, many seismic design codes do not specify limits for ACR. The main contribution of this research is to investigate the need to limit the ACR in seismic design. For this purpose, three prototype 6 and 11-story RC MRF buildings are analyzed in this paper, these buildings have columns undergoing excessive ACR, according to the limits prescribed by standards. To better that situation, three types of alterations are performed: retrofitting the abovementioned overloaded columns by steel jacketing, increasing the concrete strength, and reducing the number of stories. Several finite element analyses are conducted using the well-known software SAP2000 and the results are used for further calculations. Code-type and pushover analyses are performed on the original and retrofitted buildings, the suitability of the other modified buildings is checked by code-type analyses only. The obtained results suggest that ACR is a rather reliable indicator of the final building strength, hence, apparently, limiting the ACR in the standards (for early stages of design) might avoid unnecessary verifications.

Fire resistance tests of LSF walls under combined compression and bending actions

  • Peiris, Mithum;Mahendran, Mahen
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.483-500
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    • 2022
  • Cold-formed steel wall panels sheathed with gypsum plasterboard have shown superior thermal and structural performance in fire. Recent damage caused by fire events in Australia has increased the need for accurate fire resistance ratings of wall systems used in low- and mid-rise construction. Past fire research has mostly focused on light gauge steel framed (LSF) walls under uniform axial compression and LSF floors under pure bending. However, in reality, LSF wall studs may be subject to both compression and bending actions due to eccentric loading at the wall to-roof or wall-to-floor connections. In order to investigate the fire resistance of LSF walls under the effects of these loading eccentricities, four full-scale standard fire tests were conducted on 3 m × 3 m LSF wall specimens lined with two 16 mm gypsum plasterboards under different combinations of axial compression and lateral load ratios. The findings show that the loading eccentricity can adversely affect the fire resistance level of the LSF wall depending on the magnitude of the eccentricity, the resultant compressive stresses in the hot and cold flanges of the wall studs caused by combined loading and the temperatures of the hot and cold flanges of the studs. Structural fire designers should consider the effects of loading eccentricity in the design of LSF walls to eliminate their potential failures in fire.

Buckling of non-homogeneous orthotropic conical shells subjected to combined load

  • Sofiyev, A.H.;Kuruoglu, N.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2015
  • The buckling analysis is presented for non-homogeneous (NH) orthotropic truncated conical shells subjected to combined loading of axial compression and external pressure. The governing equations have been obtained for the non-homogeneous orthotropic truncated conical shell, the material properties of which vary continuously in the thickness direction. By applying Superposition and Galerkin methods to the governing equations, the expressions for critical loads (axial, lateral, hydrostatic and combined) of non-homogeneous orthotropic truncated conical shells with simply supported boundary conditions are obtained. The results are verified by comparing the obtained values with those in the existing literature. Finally, the effects of non-homogeneity, material orthotropy, cone semi-vertex angle and other geometrical parameters on the values of the critical combined load have been studied.

Design of Energy Absorption Device Using the Axial Crushing Behavior of Truncated Cone Type Cylinder (콘 형상 실린더의 축 방향 압축변형을 이용한 충격흡수장치 설계)

  • 김지철;이학렬;김일수;심우전;박동화
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.259-267
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    • 2003
  • A brake device for the high-speed impacting object is designed using an axial crushing of thin-walled metal cylinder. Thickness of the cylinder is increased smoothly from the impacting end to the fixed end, resulting in the truncated cone shape. Truncated cone shape minimizes the imperfection-sensitivity of the structure and ensures that plastic hinges are formed sequentially from impacting end. This prevents the undesirable sudden rise in the first peak-crushing load. Several specimens with different conic angles, mean thickness of the wall, and materials were designed and quasi-static compression tests were performed on them. Results indicate that adoption of appropriate conic angle prevents simultaneous wrinkles generation and sudden rise of crushing load and that appropriate conic angle differs in each case, depending on the geometry and material property of the cylinder. Finite element analysis was performed for static compression of the cylinder and its accuracy was checked for the future application.

Axial compressive behavior of concrete-filled steel tube columns with stiffeners

  • Liang, Wei;Dong, Jiangfeng;Wang, Qingyuan
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2018
  • In order to reduce the deformation and delay the local buckling of concrete filled steel tube (CFST) columns, strengthening the structures with stiffeners is an effective method. In this paper, a new stiffening method with inclined stiffeners was used to investigate the behaviors of short CFST columns under axial compression. Besides, a three-dimensional nonlinear finite element (FE) model was applied to simulate the mechanical performances, including the total deformation, local buckling, and stress-strain relationship. Revised constitutive models of stiffened steel tube and confined concrete are proposed. A good agreement was achieved between the test and FE results. Furthermore, the calculated results of load capacity by using a simplified method also show a good correlation with experimental data.