• Title/Summary/Keyword: Awareness of child abuse

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The influence of Nursing Students' Attitudes Toward the Use of Corporal Punishment on Children and Recognition of Children's Right on the Intention to Report Child Abuse (간호대학생의 아동체벌에 대한 태도와 아동 권리인식이 아동학대 신고의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee Joo Yeon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.347-354
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    • 2023
  • This study is a descriptive survey research aimed at examining the relationship between nursing college students' attitudes toward child corporal punishment, their Recognition of children's rights, and their intention to report child abuse. It also seeks to identify factors influencing the intention to report child abuse. Data were collected from April 1, 2023, to June 30, 2023, using a structured questionnaire administered to 194 nursing college students. Data analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS/WIN 26.0 software and included descriptive statistics, independent t-tests, ANOVA, Scheffe's test, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and Multiple Regression analysis. The research results showed a significant negative correlation between attitudes towards child corporal punishment and awareness of children's rights, and a positive correlation between awareness of children's rights and the intention to report child abuse. Attitudes towards child corporal punishment and the intention to report child abuse collectively explained 19% of the variance in the intention to report child abuse. Therefore, it is necessary to develop educational programs that allow prospective nurses, who have a legal obligation to report child abuse, to experience cases of child abuse, enhance their sensitivity to child abuse, and improve their intention to report child abuse.

A Study of Experience of Sex Education, Awareness of Sexual Abuse, Sex Knowledge, and Sexual Consciousness of Children (아동의 성교육 경험, 성학대 인식, 성지식 및 성의식에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Young Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.355-368
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    • 2013
  • This research was performed for examining the differences of experience of sex education and the awareness of sexual abuse according to child's sex and economic background. Also the differences of sex knowledge and sexual consciousness were analyzed according to child's sex, economic background and sex education. Subjects were 425 children from two elementary schools and 10 community child centers in H city, Gyeonggi-do. The results were as follows. First, more girls thought the desirable place for sex education was home and more girls consulted sexual problems with their parents. Children from low economic backgrounds experienced sex education at school and community child centers rather than at home. Second, both boys and girls replied that sexual abuse was due to the attacker's fault but more girls than boys attributed the fault to themselves. Third, girls' sex knowledge grade was higher than boys. Fourth, boys showed a more open attitude toward heterosexual dating, and children with a low economic background showed a higher sex drive. Fifth, a high sex drive was related to low sexual knowledge, openness in dating and high sexual ethics.

Development of Domains for Improving the Resilience of Unmarried Mothers to Prevent Child Abuse (양육 미혼모의 아동학대 예방을 위한 극복력 증진 영역 개발)

  • Park, Il Tae;Oh, Won-Oak
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: We aimed to develop domains for the resilience improvement of unmarried mothers to prevent child abuse based on a nursing model of resilience. Methods: We conducted a literature review and in-depth interviews with unmarried mothers. Results: Based on Polk's nursing model of resilience, we derived 4 patterns, 10 domains, and 24 sub-domains for improving the resilience of unmarried mothers. Philosophical pattern includes the domain of parenthood preparation and dispositional pattern includes the domains of emotional support, control of emotions, and child abuse awareness correction. Situational pattern includes the domains of maternal health promotion, understanding of child development and improvement of parenting skills, and assessment of the domestic environment and modification of risk factors. Relational pattern includes the domains of enhancement of mother-infant attachment, family support, and social support. Conclusion: We identified domains for enhancing resilience based on the situational and personal characteristics of unmarried mothers. The results of this study may contribute to child abuse precention by promoting the resilience of unmarried mothers.

A Study on the Change of Perceptions of Child Abuse Before and After Special Law (아동학대 범죄의 처벌 등에 관한 특례법 전후의 아동학대 인식 변화에 대한 고찰)

  • Lee, Keung-Eun;Kim, Do-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.629-636
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    • 2019
  • In order to infer whether the Special Act on the Punishment of Child Abuse Crimes, etc. actually brought about a change in the social perception shared about child abuse in our society, we used big data to examine the change in the perception of child abuse by the public. This study selected 'child abuse' as the keyword and collected and analyzed. The results of this study are as follows. First, before the implementation of the Special Act in 2013, the words "china" are kindergarten, teacher, body, problem, reporting obligation and neglect compared to the following. After the implementation of the special law, daycare centers, incidents, eradication, campaigns, domestic violence and preventive education were newly introduced. Second, the interconnection of key words in the previous picture of 2013 shows that the left group focuses on measures to introduce to prevent child abuse while the right group consists of keyword intended to view child abuse in conjunction with domestic violence. They are still seen as a group of divorces, discipline, neglect and parental education, which they still perceive as a family problem. Since the implementation of the Special Act in 2013, it will be divided into four groups, and the top group will be highlighted by the keyword related to child abuse cases, part of suspected cases and awareness of child abuse. In addition, the Act on the Special Cases of Child Abuse and the Child Protection Agency clearly appear as a child protection system.

A Content Analysis of Child Sexual Abuse Coverage in Vietnamese News Media

  • Nguyen Thi Thuy;Jae Woong Shim
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.73-97
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    • 2024
  • This study examined how Vietnamese news media reported on Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) cases from 2017 to 2021. A quantitative content analysis was conducted on 663 news articles related to CSA from Vietnam's two most popular news media, vnexpress.net and dantri.vn. The study found that some news articles disclosed personal information such as gender, age, address, photograph, and occupation of both victims and perpetrators. The most frequently cited sources were government agencies, while experts on children's issues, who are arguably more relevant, were rarely referenced. The most prevalent news frame was weak punishment, followed by moral decay, tradition of saving face, and lack of proper sex education. These findings suggest that Vietnamese news media may fall short in raising awareness of CSA as a serious crime. This shortfall could result from a lack of professionalism among journalists and inadequate adherence to journalistic principles. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the role of news media and journalism ethics.

A Qualitative Study on Intervening Work Experiences of Hospital-Based Child Protection Team on Child Abuse Death Cases (병원 학대피해아동보호팀의 아동학대 사망사건 개입경험 연구)

  • Kim, Kyunghee;Lee, Heeyoun;Chung, Ickjoong;Kim, Jihae;Kim, Sewon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.65 no.4
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    • pp.61-88
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study was to explore the work experiences of hospital-based child protection team staffs who had intervened the child abuse cases resulting in death. In order to gather the relevant data, all 62 child protection teams registered nationwide were contacted and 5 teams which had actually experienced at least one child abuse deaths were found. The staffs (hospital social workers and doctors) who belonged to these teams were intensively interviewed, and the interviewed materials were thoroughly analyzed by qualitative research methodology. The result showed that treatment delay was the most important obstacle to prevent unnecessary deaths of the victims. Some abused victims were sent to the hospital only after their physical condition had so gravely deteriorated. In other cases, custodians' bland denial or refusal to treatment made impossible the timely intervention to save the child lives. Nevertheless, child protection team staffs' reasonable suspicion and active intervention could sometimes uncover the hidden truth that child abuse was the actual cause of death. These incidents were regarded as a team's meaningful accomplishments by team members. Meanwhile, lack of awareness and excessive burden about the role and responsibility of mandated reporter precluded medical staffs' active involvement. Also, substantiating the abuse suspicion by securing positive evidences was found to be a facilitatory factor for the rapid public intervention. On the basis of these results, several practice and policy implications were discussed to improve the early detection process, securing evidence and uncovering the actual cause of death in child abuse deaths.

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Dentists' Recognition of Child Abuse and Neglect and Mandatory Attitude to Report (치과의사의 아동 학대 및 방임에 대한 인식과 신고 의무 태도)

  • Da Hyeo Jang;Yong Kwon Chae;Ko Eun Lee;Ok Hyung Nam;Hyoseol Lee;Sung Chul Choi;Mi Sun Kim
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.47-64
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the recognition of child abuse and neglect (CAN) and reporting attitudes of general dentists and pediatric dentists in Korea were estimated. A survey was conducted among dentists working at clinics or university hospitals, including interns and residents at dental hospital training institutions. The questionnaire, consisting of 32 questions and detailed questions, subdivided into 'general characteristics of respondents', 'CAN', 'CAN report', 'laws to CAN', 'countermeasures against CAN'. The survey was conducted using a messenger, and 176 respondents' answers were analyzed. The recognition of CAN showed high scores in the order of physical abuse, neglect, and emotional abuse. The positive attitude toward reporting CAN had a higher score than the negative attitude. Of the total respondents, 19 said they reported child abuse, and 18 said they were suspected of child abuse but hesitated to report it. Among the laws related to CAN, the protection measures for CAN reporters and the protocol for CAN showed low awareness. Since then, they have wanted to know how to find abused children and how to deal with them in education. This study is expected to be used as data to improve dentists' awareness and consciousness of CAN in the future.

The Possibility of Application of the US CASA Program in Korea - Focusing on comparison of child protection service between USA and Korea (한국에서의 미국 CASA프로그램 적용 가능성 탐색 - 미국과 한국의 아동보호서비스 비교를 중심으로)

  • Sunghae Park
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.473-489
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    • 2018
  • Our society has an obligation and responsibility to respect and protect the character of the child. Recently, however, Korean society has been suffering from child abuse and abuse that is pouring out every day. In order to protect these children, the child protection system and the judicial system should be fundamentally child-friendly. The CASA(Court Appointed Special Advocates) volunteer program, which is being held in the United States with such a concern, is a continuing program of court attendance and emotional support services for abused children throughout the United States. In Korea, however, there are many similar programs such as mentoring projects, dream co-supporters project similar to the CASA program in various organizations of the region and the enactment of the Act on the Punishment of Child Abuse increases the involvement of the public system in child abuse. There is also an increased awareness of children's rights and strengthened government intervention through active monitoring to prevent recurrence of child abuse. These changes in the Korean society should be actively reviewed by the US CASA program and settled as a national project in the Korean society so that the system of protecting the safety and rights of the victims of child abuse will be established. It is anticipated to be a way to prevent social problems from occurring in advance.

The Effect of Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs of Concepts of Prevention and Coping Skills in Preschool Children (성학대 예방교육의 접근방법에 따른 유아의 성학대 이해와 대처방안)

  • Chong, Chae Ok;Lee, Jae Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 2000
  • This study compared the effectiveness of various prevention methods(1-time video viewing; repeated video viewing; participation-enriched video viewing) used in delivering awareness of sexual abuse and coping skills to preschool children. All of the experimental groups performed better than the control group. The participation-enriched viewing group displayed higher levels of coping skills than the control and the 1-time viewing groups. Repeated viewing and participation-enriched viewing approaches were most effective in long-term understanding. The repeated viewing group showed superiority in long-term coping skills. Direct participation, interaction, and reinforcement by means of repetition are important for optimal results in sexual abuse prevention education.

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The Impact of Domestic-Violence Exposure Experience on Mental Health among Male and Female College Students: - Focused on the Moderating Effects of Social Support Resources - (가정폭력 노출 경험이 남녀 대학생의 정신건강에 미치는 영향 - 사회적 지지 자원의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Ju-Hee
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.131-149
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    • 2016
  • The aims of this study are to investigate the impact of the experience of exposure to domestic violence(witnessed interparental conjugal violence and child abuse) on mental health among college students, and to explore whether social support acts as a moderator between domestic violence and mental health. Through this process, I intended to provide a reference base to suggest substantial interventions for family welfare by helping students to overcome negative domestic violence exposure experiences and adapt as healthy members of society. To achieve this goal, the study established a conceptual framework by considering the mental health of adolescents with domestic-violence exposure experience as a dependent variable, domestic violence exposure experience (witnessed interparental conjugal violence and child abuse) as an independent variable, and social support as a moderator of the relationship between these two variables. The subjects composed 747 college students in 8 colleges in Seoul. The main summary of this study is as follows: First, according to the analysis of domestic-violence exposure experience, all the subjects of this study had substantial experience of violence at home and witnessed interparental conjugal violence. These students scored 3.83 points in social support, higher than the median of 3, implying that these students had a higher awareness of social support. Moreover, their mental health score was 3.50 points, which is higher than the median of 3, indicating a somewhat positive tendency toward mental health. Second, to explore the moderating effects of social support between child violence experience and mental health, gender, age, financial status, academic-performance, child abuse and social support were input in the first step, and then buffering effects were examined by entering an interaction term to the first step in the second step. There was a significant interaction between social support and mental health. Therefore, social support was identified as having moderating effects on the relationship between child violence and mental health. Third, the analysis of moderating effects of social support between witnessed interparental conjugal violence and mental health revealed that social support had a positive influence on mental health in the first step. By contrast, the interaction term of witnessed interparental conjugal violence and social support showed no significance, indicating no moderating effect of social support in the second step. To sum up, social support served as a moderator for mental health among college students with child abuse experience, but had no moderating effect on witnessed interparental conjugal violence experience.