• Title/Summary/Keyword: Avian

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Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes in Ducks in Response to Avian Influenza A Virus Infections

  • Ndimukaga, Marc;Won, Kyunghye;Truong, Anh Duc;Song, Ki-Duk
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2020
  • Avian influenza (AI) viruses are highly contagious viruses that infect many bird species and are zoonotic. Ducks are resistant to the deadly and highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) and remain asymptomatic to the low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV). In this study, we identified common differentially expressed genes (DEGs) after a reanalysis of previous transcriptomic data for the HPAIV and LPAIV infected duck lung cells. Microarray datasets from a previous study were reanalyzed to identify common target genes from DEGs and their biological functions. A total of 731 and 439 DEGs were identified in HPAIV- and LPAIV-infected duck lung cells, respectively. Of these, 227 genes were common to cells infected with both viruses, in which 193 genes were upregulated and 34 genes were downregulated. Functional annotation of common DEGs revealed that translation related gene ontology (GO) terms were enriched, including ribosome, protein metabolism, and gene expression. REACTOME analyses also identified pathways for protein and RNA metabolism as well as for tissue repair, including collagen biosynthesis and modification, suggesting that AIVs may evade the host defense system by suppressing host translation machinery or may be suppressed before being exported to the cytosol for translation. AIV infection also increased collagen synthesis, showing that tissue lesions by virus infection may be mediated by this pathway. Further studies should focus on these genes to clarify their roles in AIV pathogenesis and their possible use in AIV therapeutics.

Diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis by single intradermal comparative tuberculin test and gamma-interferon assay (비교 피내 검사와 감마 인터페론 검사에 의한 우결핵의 진단)

  • Cho, Yun-sang;Kim, Jong-man;Jung, Suk-chan;Woo, Seung-ryong;Kim, Jong-yeom;Yoo, Han-sang;Park, Yong-ho;Ahn, Jong-sam
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.1119-1125
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    • 1999
  • Since Robert Koch found tubercle bacilli in 1882, the studies on tubercle bacilli of human and animal had been carried out. Being old tuberculin(OT) introduced in 1890, the specificity of the diagnosis of tuberculosis has been improved by continual uses of heat concentrated synthetic medium(HCSM) and purified protein derivatives(PPD) tuberculin. Now, two types of tuberculin test are used worldwidly ; the single intradermal test(SIT) using bovine tuberculin and the single intradermal comparative tuberculin test(SICTT) using avian and bovine tuberculins. In the SICTT, each countries have used with different combination of both avian and bovine tuberculins' titers. However, this kinds of studies have not reported in Korea. Therefore, the studies on the combination of their tuberculins' titers were performed through intradermal test of guinea pigs sensitized with either Mycobacterium bovis or M avium and were examined in 10 cattles of SIT positive reactors. Also, IFN-${\gamma}$ assay, the latest diagnostic method of bovine tuberculosis, was experimentally applied to SIT positive reactors. For determining the optimal titers, sensitized guinea pigs with M bovis and M avium were intradermally injected avian and bovine tuberculin. In guinea pigs sensitized with M bovis, bovine tuberculin 50 T.U. showed significant difference from all tested concentrations of avian tuberculin(p < 0.05). In guinea pigs sensitized with M avium, there is significantly different between bovine tuberculin and avian tuberculin by 25 T.U.(p < 0.01). Therefore, optimal titers of bovine and avian PPD tuberculins' titers for the SICTT in Korea were 5,000 and 2,500 tuberculin units, respectively, and the swelling diffences between bovine and avian site in SIT positive reactors were above 3mm. Also, in IFN-${\gamma}$ assay, the 9 SIT positive reactors were showed all the positive reactions.

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Actionspectra for Circadian Melatonin Rhythms in the Avian Pineal In Vitro

  • Kondo, Chieko;Haldar, Chandana;Tamotsu, Satoshi;Oishi, Tadashi
    • Journal of Photoscience
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.249-251
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    • 2002
  • The avian pineal as well as the retina has been known to contain several types of photoreceptors with different visual pigments such as rhodopsin, iodopsin and the pineal specific opsin, pinopsin. These organs are also known to have circadian clock to regulate melatonin production. Exposure of animals to light causes a decline of the melatonin level and the phase shifts of melatonin rhythms in the pineal and retina. Therefore, the circadian clock system of these organs seem to consist of three elements, i.e., light input, oscillator and melatonin output systems. In birds, it was suggested that rhodopsin might be involved in the entrainment of pineal melatonin rhythms from the action spectrum experiment for controlling NAT activity rhythms. However, there are much more pinopsin-immunoreactive (Pino-IR) cells than rhodopsin (Rho-IR) and iodopsin (Iodo-IR) cells in the avian pineal. We found that Pino-IR cells appeared earlier embryonic stages than Rho-IR and Iodo-IR cells. So, we tried to identify the visual pigments involved in the circadian melatonin rhythms in the pineal and retina. Organ cultured pineals were exposed to monochromatic light to find out which opsin participates in regulation of melatonin rhythms. The action spectra showed a peak at 475nm, suggesting that pinopsin is the major photopigment to regulate melatonin production in birds.

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Expression of VP2 of Aquatic Birnavirus GC-1 Isolated from Rockfish (Sebastes schlegeli), Rearing in Seawater in Korea (국내 해산양식어 조피볼락에서 분리된 수생버나바이러스 GC-1의 VP2 발현)

  • Joh, Seong-joon;Sung, Haan-woo;Lee, Yun-jeong;Kim, Jae-hong;Kang, Shien-young
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.449-456
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    • 2003
  • The VP2 gene of aquatic birnavirus, Korean isolate (GC-1) was cloned and expressed using the baculovirus expression system. The VP2 gene and VP2 partial gene, which contained a neutralizing epitope, were constructed for recombinant transfer vectors, for baculovirus expression. The expressed recombinant proteins were confirmed by indirect immuno fluorescence antibody (IFA), SDS-PAGE and Western blot. The level of expression was checked at regular time using IFA and Western blot. To measure the neutralizing activity of recombinant proteins against GC-1 strain, the antisera against recombinant proteins were produced by using guinea pigs. The result showed that the antisera neutralized the GC-1 strain. However, the neutralizing titer was higher in antisera against the VP2 gene expressed recombinant protein than that of VP2 partial gene recombinant protein.

Avian malaria associated with Plasmodium spp. infection in a penguin in Jeju Island

  • Ko, Kyeong-Nam;Kang, Sang-Chul;Jung, Ji-Youl;Bae, Jong-Hee;Kim, Jae-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.197-201
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    • 2008
  • Plasmodium spp. in domestic and wild birds are microscopic, intracellular parasitic protozoa within the blood cells and tissues cause avian malaria. A 17-month-old Magellan penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) with a clinical signs of anorexia, depression, and respiratory distress for 3 days was submitted to the Pathology Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University in October 2005. It was born and reared in the Jeju Island. Grossly, the liver was enlarged, pale and friable. The spleen was also enlarged with dark red coloration and friable. Histopathologically, the lesions in the liver were characterized by multifocal infiltration of macrophages and lymphocytes especially in perivascular regions. The schizonts of Plasmodium spp. contained up to 30 merozoites were found in numerous infiltrated mononuclear cells. Similarly, histiocytic cells were proliferated in red pulp of spleen and the schizonts were found in these cells. Numerous dark brown pigments were widely distributed in the liver and spleen. The result of the nested polymerase chain reaction clarified the causative agent of this case was Plasmodium spp.. This is the first report for the outbreak of avian malaria caused by Plasmodium spp. in a penguin that was born and reared in Jeju Island in Korea.

Prevalence of Serum Antibodies in Breeder Chickens against Specific Avian Pathogens (특정(特定) 전염성(傳染性) 병인체(病因體)에 대한 국내(國內) 종계(種鷄)의 항체(抗體) 보유상황(保有狀況))

  • Kim, Soon J.;Rhee, Young O.;Kim, Sun J.;Jhun, Woo S.;Park, Keun S.
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 1980
  • Incidence of avian infectious diseases in breeder chickens was followed serologically. Serum samples were collected during the period of 1978~1979 from breeders throughout country and tested for the presence of antibodies against Salmonella pullorum(SP), Mycoplasma gallisepticum(MG), Avian Infectious Bronchitis virus(AIBV), Infectious Bursal Disease virus(IBDV) and Egg Drop Syndrome Virus(EDS). The tests used serum plate agglutination for SP and MG, immuno-diffusion for AIBV and IBDV and hemagglutination-inhibition test for EDS virus. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Individuals and Hocks incidence rate of Avian Infectious Bronchitis virus were 16.9% and 55.3%. 2. Individuals and Hocks incidence rate of Infectious Bursal Disease virus were 50.1% and 66.4%. 3. Individuals and Hocks incidence rate of sal. pullorum were 17.2% and 65.9%. 4. Individuals and flocks incidence rate of M. gallisepticum were 36.2% and 63.2%. 5. Individuals and flocks incidence rate of Egg Drop Syndrome (BC 14) virus were 14.1% and 46.3%.

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The Possibility of Avian Influenza Virus Infection in Human (가금인플루엔자 바이러스의 인체 감염 가능성)

  • 모인필;하봉도;송창선;김재홍
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2004
  • Avian influenza(AI) is an epizootic disease of variable severity caused by type A influenza viruses of the orthomyxovirus group. Chickens were the most frequently affected avian species with AI viruses. There were many outbreaks of fowl plague, now known as highly pathogenic AI(HP AI), throughout the world since Perroncito described the fowl plague in 1978 in Italy. In recent years HPAI viruses of different serotypes such as H5, H7 and H9 has been isolated from humans on several occasions either related with outbreak of HPAI in birds or not. In 1997, one of the most noteworthy events in AI history was the human mortality with H5N1 HPAI virus infection in Hong Kong. Six persons of total 18 persons with clinical signs of influenza were died. Recently the human cases with mortality related with HP AI outbreaks in poultry industry has been increased such as outbreaks of HP AI throughout Asia countries including Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam, Thailand and others in 2003. Although these outbreaks revealed the capable of spreading from birds to human, the capability for transmission between people was not clear. Therefore, this report will review the possibility of HP AI infection in human associated with HPAI outbreak in poultry industry.

Coinfected cases with adenovirus, chicken infectious anemia virus and Newcastle disease in broiler chickens (육계에서 아데노바이러스, 전염성빈혈 및 뉴캣슬병 복합감염 증례)

  • Chu, Keum-Suk;Kang, Mi-Seon;Rim, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Jeong-Won
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2010
  • There are several immunosuppressive viral diseases in chickens such as avian adenovirus (AAV), chicken anemia virus (CAV), infectious bursal disease (IBD) and Marek's disease (MD). In this study, we have investigated two broiler chicken farms suffered from high mortality in Jeonbuk in July to August 2009. Clinically high fever and growth retardation were observed in the diseased chicken. In necropsy, the hemorrhages in thigh leg and thymus, hemorrhages and enlargement of liver, kidney and proventriculus, and yellowish fluid in heart were seen. Histologically, necrotic foci and basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies of hepatocytes, hemorrhages and infiltrated lymphocytes in kidney and proventriculus were observed. By using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the genes of avian adenovirus, CAV and ND virus were detected in specimens. We suggested that these coinfection cases with high mortality were due to primarily infection of immunosuppressive diseases such as avian adenovirus, CAV, followed by secondary infection of Newcastle disease (ND) virus.