• Title/Summary/Keyword: Atlas Information System

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Base Profile Simulation of SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor for High Frequency Applications (고주파수용 SiGe HBT의 베이스 프로파일 시뮬레이션에 관한 연구)

  • Lee W.H.;Lee J.H.;Park B.S.;Lee H.J.
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2004.06a
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    • pp.172-175
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    • 2004
  • This paper analyzes the effects of Ge profiles shape of SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT's) for high frequency application. Device simulations using ATLAS/BLAZE for the SiGe HBT with trapezoidal or triangular Ge profile are carried out to optimize the device performance. An HBT with $15\%$ triangular Ge profile shows higher cut-off frequency and DC current gain than that with $19\%$ trapezoidal Ge profile. The cut-off frequency and DC gain are increased from 42GHz to 84GHz and from 200 to 600, respectively. The SiGe HBT has been fabricated using a production CVD reactor.

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A Study on the Converter for MEMS Electrostatic Power Generator (MEMS 정전발전기 개발을 위한 변환소자연구)

  • Kang Hee-Jong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.43 no.2 s.344
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2006
  • This is a preliminary study on the MEMS(Miro Electro Mechanical System) electrostatic power generator. It suggested a converting device to change from the electrostatic to the dynamic electricity. To testify, it used Silvaco simulation tools(Athena and Atlas) and fabricated the converting device. The result of the simulation and test it seems to convert electrostatic into dynamic electricity effectively.

A Novel Automatic Algorithm for Selecting a Target Brain using a Simple Structure Analysis in Talairach Coordinate System

  • Koo B.B.;Lee Jong-Min;Kim June Sic;Kim In Young;Kim Sun I.
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.129-132
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    • 2005
  • It is one of the most important issues to determine a target brain image that gives a common coordinate system for a constructing population-based brain atlas. The purpose of this study is to provide a simple and reliable procedure that determines the target brain image among the group based on the inherent structural information of three-dimensional magnetic resonance (MR) images. It uses only 11 lines defined automatically as a feature vector representing structural variations based on the Talairach coordinate system. Average characteristic vector of the group and the difference vectors of each one from the average vector were obtained. Finally, the individual data that had the minimum difference vector was determined as the target. We determined the target brain image by both our algorithm and conventional visual inspection for 20 healthy young volunteers. Eighteen fiducial points were marked independently for each data to evaluate the similarity. Target brain image obtained by our algorithm showed the best result, and the visual inspection determined the second one. We concluded that our method could be used to determine an appropriate target brain image in constructing brain atlases such as disease-specific ones.

Developing a Korean Standard Brain Atlas on the basis of Statistical and Probabilistic Approach and Visualization tool for Functional image analysis (확률 및 통계적 개념에 근거한 한국인 표준 뇌 지도 작성 및 기능 영상 분석을 위한 가시화 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Koo, B.B.;Lee, J.M.;Kim, J.S.;Lee, J.S.;Kim, I.Y.;Kim, J.J.;Lee, D.S.;Kwon, J.S.;Kim, S.I.
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.162-170
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    • 2003
  • The probabilistic anatomical maps are used to localize the functional neuro-images and morphological variability. The quantitative indicator is very important to inquire the anatomical position of an activated legion because functional image data has the low-resolution nature and no inherent anatomical information. Although previously developed MNI probabilistic anatomical map was enough to localize the data, it was not suitable for the Korean brains because of the morphological difference between Occidental and Oriental. In this study, we develop a probabilistic anatomical map for Korean normal brain. Normal 75 blains of T1-weighted spoiled gradient echo magnetic resonance images were acquired on a 1.5-T GESIGNA scanner. Then, a standard brain is selected in the group through a clinician searches a brain of the average property in the Talairach coordinate system. With the standard brain, an anatomist delineates 89 regions of interest (ROI) parcellating cortical and subcortical areas. The parcellated ROIs of the standard are warped and overlapped into each brain by maximizing intensity similarity. And every brain is automatically labeledwith the registered ROIs. Each of the same-labeled region is linearly normalize to the standard brain, and the occurrence of each legion is counted. Finally, 89 probabilistic ROI volumes are generated. This paper presents a probabilistic anatomical map for localizing the functional and structural analysis of Korean normal brain. In the future, we'll develop the group specific probabilistic anatomical maps of OCD and schizophrenia disease.

The Study on the Contexts and Place Names in Old County Maps of Goryeong-hyeon(高靈縣) in Late-Joseon Dynasty (조선 후기 고령현 군현지도의 계열별 특성과 고지명 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.16-35
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    • 2009
  • This paper is to compare the contexts and old place names in old county maps of Goryeong-hyeon(高靈縣) according to the four types of maps. 23 maps covering Goryeong-hyeon were collected from the old county-map atlas(郡縣地圖帖) and Eupji(邑誌). The first type(named 'picture county map') included 8 county-maps in which information of military, and administrative contents are mainly mapped. The second type(named '1-ri grid system map') included 4 county maps in which information about beacon routes and road systems were regarded as very important. The third type(named '20-ri grid-system map(方眼地圖)' included 4 county-maps which were drawn as same scale with 20-ri(里) grids. The fourth type(named 'local county-map(地方郡縣地圖)' included 5 county maps which were drawn by local mappers. Types of toponyms which were included in maps are different by the propose of map-drawing. In the picture county maps, place names from military, and administrative contents are written. In the 1-ri grid system county maps, place names especially from military and transportation are fluent. In the 20-ri grid system county maps, generic name from natural environment, such as mountains are very fluent. In the local county maps, city-walls and castles are drawn exaggeratively and detailed generic name from warehouses and villages are written in those maps. This study shows that Daedongyeo-jido was drawn on the basis of 20-ri grid system county maps with the supplementation of geographical information.

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Semi-Automatic Registration of Brain M Images Based On Talairach Reference System (Talairach 좌표계를 이용한 뇌자기공명영상의 반자동 정합법)

  • Han Yeji;Park Hyun Wook
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2004
  • A semi-automatic registration process of determining specified points is presented, which is required to register brain MR images based on Talairach atlas. Generally, ten specified points that define Talairach coordinates are anterior commissure(AC), posterior commissure (PC), anterior feint (AP), posterior point (PP), superior point (SP), inferior point (IP), left point (LP), right point (RP) and two points for the midline of the brain. The suggested method reduces user interaction for S points, and finds the necessary points for registration in a more stable manner by finding AC and PC using two-level shape matching of the corpus callosum (CC) in an edge-enhanced brain M image. Remaining points are found using the intensity information of cutview.

Exploring and Testing Satellite Imagery to Historical Geography (위성영상의 문화역사지리학적 활용 가능성에 대한 탐색)

  • Chang, Eun-Mi;Park, Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.745-754
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    • 2000
  • Both Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing fields have been nearly neglected or ignored by historical geographers.This paper intends to show the potentiality of satellite images of various spatial reslutions to explore and to express themes of historical geography. Old Chinese maps and atlas were also used to relate the digital values and historical facfors. Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer data might be used as a real image for a contintal scale to show changes in coastal shoreline. Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery of Beijing showed some of boundaries of old palace. Finally IKONOS images of one meter resolution showed detailed information of landcover and landuse of the City, Beijing. The potential capability and limitation to apply satellite imagery in application of historical geography are also discussed.

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Probabilistic Anatomical Labeling of Brain Structures Using Statistical Probabilistic Anatomical Maps (확률 뇌 지도를 이용한 뇌 영역의 위치 정보 추출)

  • Kim, Jin-Su;Lee, Dong-Soo;Lee, Byung-Il;Lee, Jae-Sung;Shin, Hee-Won;Chung, June-Key;Lee, Myung-Chul
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.317-324
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: The use of statistical parametric mapping (SPM) program has increased for the analysis of brain PET and SPECT images. Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinate is used in SPM program as a standard anatomical framework. While the most researchers look up Talairach atlas to report the localization of the activations detected in SPM program, there is significant disparity between MNI templates and Talairach atlas. That disparity between Talairach and MNI coordinates makes the interpretation of SPM result time consuming, subjective and inaccurate. The purpose of this study was to develop a program to provide objective anatomical information of each x-y-z position in ICBM coordinate. Materials and Methods: Program was designed to provide the anatomical information for the given x-y-z position in MNI coordinate based on the Statistical Probabilistic Anatomical Map (SPAM) images of ICBM. When x-y-z position was given to the program, names of the anatomical structures with non-zero probability and the probabilities that the given position belongs to the structures were tabulated. The program was coded using IDL and JAVA language for 4he easy transplantation to any operating system or platform. Utility of this program was shown by comparing the results of this program to those of SPM program. Preliminary validation study was peformed by applying this program to the analysis of PET brain activation study of human memory in which the anatomical information on the activated areas are previously known. Results: Real time retrieval of probabilistic information with 1 mm spatial resolution was archived using the programs. Validation study showed the relevance of this program: probability that the activated area for memory belonged to hippocampal formation was more than 80%. Conclusion: These programs will be useful for the result interpretation of the image analysis peformed on MNI coordinate, as done in SPM program.

A Study on the Types of Old County-Maps in the Case of Dongrae-Bu(동래부) (조선 후기 군현지도의 유형 연구 - 동래부를 사례로 -)

  • Kim Kihyuk;Yoon Yongchul;Bae Miae;Jung Am
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.1 s.106
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2005
  • This paper is to classify old county-maps of Dongrae-bu(東萊府), Busan in late-Chosun dynasty and to analyze place names in maps comparatively. 26 maps covering Dongrae-bu were collected from the old county-map atlas(郡縣地圖帖) and Eupji(邑誌). By e comparative analysis of contents, those maps can be classified into four types. The first type(named 'Haedong-Jido(海東地圖)') included 7 county-maps in which information of military, and administrative contents are mainly mapped. The second type(named 'Yeongnam-do(嶺南地圖)') included 5 coon maps in which information about beacon routes and road systems were regarded as very important. The third type(named 'Grid-system map(方眼式地圖)') included 4 county-maps which were drawn as same scale with 20-ri(理) grids. The fourth type(named 'Local Count-map(地方郡懸地圖)') included 7 county maps which were drawn by local mappers. Comparative analysis of place names between those four types revealed that Grid-system maps were developed toward the large scale whole map of Korea in the 19th century.

A preliminary study and its application for the development of the quantitative evaluation method of developed fingerprints on porous surfaces using densitometric image analysis (다공성 표면에서 현출된 지문의 정량적인 평가방법 개발을 위한 농도계 이미지 분석을 이용한 선행연구 및 응용)

  • Cho, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Hyo-Won;Kim, Min-Sun;Choi, Sung-Woon
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.142-153
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    • 2016
  • In crime scene investigation, fingerprint identification is regarded to be one of the most important techniques for personal identification. However, objective and unbiased evaluation methods that would compare the fingerprints with diverse available and developing methods are currently lacking. To develop an objective and quantitative method to improve fingerprint evaluation, a preliminary study was performed to extract useful research information from the analysis with densitometric image analysis (CP Atlas 2.0) and the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) for the developed fingerprints on porous surfaces. First, inked fingerprints obtained by varying pressure (kg.f) and pressing time (sec.) to find optimal conditions for obtaining fingerprint samples were analyzed, because they could provide fingerprints of a relatively uniform quality. The extracted number of minutiae from the analysis with AFIS was compared with the calculated areas of friction ridge peaks from the image analysis. Inked fingerprints with a pressing pressure of 1.0 kg.f for 5 seconds provided the most visually clear fingerprints, the highest number of minutiae points, and the largest average area of the peaks of the friction ridge. In addition, the images of the developed latent fingerprints on thermal paper with the iodine fuming method were analyzed. Fingerprinting condition of 1.0 kg.f/5 sec was also found to be optimal when generating highest minutiae number and the largest average area of peaks of ridges. Additionally, when the concentration of ninhydrin solution (0.5 % vs. 5 %) was used to compare the developed latent fingerprints on print paper, the best fingerprinting condition was 2.0 kg.f/5 sec and 5 % of ninhydrin concentration. It was confirmed that the larger the average area of the peaks generated by the image analysis, the higher the number of minutiae points was found. With additional tests for fingerprint evaluation using the densitometric image analysis, this method can prove to be a new quantitative and objective assessment method for fingerprint development.