• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ascending-Yang

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Experimental Study on the Stimulating Effect of Commercial Moxa Combustion through the Measurement of Temperature - Focused on ascending temperature gradient and effective stimulating period - (온도 측정을 통한 상용 쑥뜸의 자극효과에 대한 실험적 연구 - 승온속도 및 유효자극기를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Geon-Mok;Lee, Gun-Hyee;Lee, Seung-Hoon;Yang, Myung-Bok;Go, Gi-Deok;Seo, Eun-Mi;Jang, Jong-Deok;Hwang, Byung-Chan
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.64-76
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    • 2002
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanism and effect of moxibustion objectively and to be used as the quantitative data for developing the new thermal stimulating treatment by observing the combustion characteristics of commercial moxaes. Methods : We have selected two types(large-size moxa A(LMA), large-size moxa B(LMB)) among large moxaes used widely in the clinic. We examined combustion times, temperatures, temperature gradients in each period during a combustion of moxa. Results : 1. The ascending temperature gradient measured in the central point of non-contacted surface was fastest, the average ascending temperature gradient of both moxaes was $0.0384^{\circ}C/sec$, $0.0123^{\circ}C/sec$ respectively, 3.1 times faster in LMA. The maximum ascending temperature gradient was also about 2.9 times faster in LMA. The time required for the maximum ascending temperature gradient from ignition was 254sec, 411sec respectively. 2. The minimum descending temperature gradient in the retaining period was $-0.0250^{\circ}C/sec$, $-0.0090^{\circ}C/sec$ respectively and the average descending temperature gradient was $-0.0160^{\circ}C/sec$, $-0.0037^{\circ}C/sec$ respectively on the non-contact surface. 3. On the basis of the non-contact surface($A_I$), the time at which the effective stimulus period began to occur was about 264sec, 796sec respectively after an ignition, the time at which the maximum temperature began to occur was about 373sec, 1323sec respectively after an ignition, and the maximum temperature was $0.9^{\circ}C$ higher in LMA. The maximum ascending temperature gradient was also about 4.2 times faster in LMA. Conclusion : It was thought that not only the figure of moxicombustion device, but also the form and size of moxa had influence on the combustion characteristics deciding the performance of stimulus seriously.

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A Study on Seok-kok Lee, Kyu-jun's Pu-yang-non (석곡 이규준의 부양론(扶陽論)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Hwang, In-Deok
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.16-53
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    • 1999
  • On the viewpoint of Nae-Kyung and Ju-Yeok, the Seok-Kok's Pu-Yang-Non and other oriental medical doctor's Po-Eum-Eok-Yang, Pu-Yang-Eok-Eum theory which are on the basis of the Kun-Shin-Sang-Wha theory of Nae-Kyung and Myung-Mun theory of Nan-Kyung were compared and studied. The results were as follows : 1. Ju-Yeok and Nae-Kyung said the South is Fire. And explained it as the chief object of life activity by likening to king or saint. And said the North is Water. but didn't mentioned that there exists Fire. The activity of Kun-Wha is regarded as the the chief object of life activity and the Shin-Su can be vatalized by receiving the Shim-Kun-Wha. Therefore, the Seok-Kok's opinion that Shang-Wha is the Fire received by Shin-Su matchs the theory of Nae-Kyung and Nan-Kyung. 2. The Kidney(Shin) in Nae-Kyung means Puk-Bang- Han-Su(The North Cold Water) which has two characters, charging and discharging, ascending and descending. The paragrap "Kam-Ga-Seub(坎加習)" in Ju-Yeok means Puk-Bang-Su(The North Water) which also has two characters, charging and discharging, ascending and descending. The beginning and the end. And One Eum and Two Yang of Ri Sign of divination(離卦) cannot be divided into Su-Jang and Wha-Jang, the same as that, One Yang and Two Eum of Kam Sign of divination(坎卦) is Puk-Bang-Han-Su which cannot be divided into Shin and Myung-Mun. The theory of Choa-Shin-Woo-Myung-Mun of Nan-Kyung is the result that the Shin which has two characters is regarded as two organs. Therefore, from the viewpoint of Nae-Kyung and Ju-Yeok, the Seok-Kok's opinion that the Shin is the Puk-Bang-Han-Su which charges from the right and discharges to the left is more proper. 3. For the first time, the right kidney(Woo-Shin) defined as Myung-Mun in the Nan-Kyung and it is trailblazing theory which dosen't exist in the Nae-Kyung. But from the viewpoint of Nae-Kyung, Myung-Mun-Shang-Wha which some oriental medical doctors thought importantly is considered as Shim-Po which is in charge of the order of Shim(心命). 4. The rush of heat to the upper part(上熱) is raised by blind acting of Shang-Wha which exists in the lower part. This theory is on the basis of the Myung-Mun-Shang-Wha theory of Nan-Kyung. The theory that Wha is in the Shin(Kidney) doesn't exist and only the theory exists that the fever happens by the Kun-Wha not going down but ascending in the Nae-Kyung. Therefore the Shang-Wha blind acting theory of the lower part is not coincided with the theory of Nae-Kyung. 5. When the Vital power(陽氣) is blocked by bad tendencies(邪氣) like uncontrolled joy and anger or too much cold and heat etc, the trapped heat(鬱熱) or Ascending Shang-Wha apper, so Vital power itself cannot have blind activity or excess. Therefore, the theory of oriental medical doctors that the remaining vital power is the fire(氣有餘便是火) cannot be materialized. 6. On the basis of the Woo-Shin-Myung-Mun theroy, oriental medical doctors attached importance to Shin-Eum and Shin-Yang. So they emphasized on Ja-Eum-Gang-Wha or On-Bo-Shin-Yang for curing the Fire. Contrarily, On the viewpoint of siding with the vital power which is the Good and repressing the bad tendency which is the Bad, and another viewpoint that when the vital power which is Shim-Kun-Wha moves through the body consistently and fills up the body, then the enery and blood can be made, the Seok-Kok's theory is coincided with the theory of Nae-Kyung.

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A Study on He Meng-Yao's(何夢瑤) Idea of Medicine of divination(醫易) (하몽요(何夢瑤)의 생애(生涯)와 의역사상(醫易思想)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Yun, Chang-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2014
  • Objectives : He Meng-Yao(何夢瑤), a doctor from Qing Dynasty, wrote Yi Bian(醫碥, Fundamentals of Medicine), in which he described many things related to Medical Medicine of divination (醫易). As the content includes a lot of teachings for the posterity, I have studied it. Methods : I have taken from Yi Bian(醫碥) the selections related to Medicine of divination(醫易) and explained them. Results : While accepting the principle of upholding yang and suppressing yin based on the understanding of the Book of Changes(周易) that takes a superior man for yang and a small man for yin, He Meng-Yao(何夢瑤), who thought of both yin and yang as Qi (energy), criticized the contemporary malpractice of uniformly applying the principle. In matching the five viscera to the Eight Trigrams(八卦), he put Qian and Dui Trigram(乾兌) to lung, Kan Trigram(坎卦) to kidney, Zhen and Xun Trigram(震巽) to liver, Li Trigram(離卦) to heart, and Kun and Gen Trigram(坤艮) to spleen, which is reasonable. He didn't fix the position of the vital gate and called it Fire in water(水中之火), and set great store by the role of Fire from Vital Gate(命門火) by calling it Water begetting tree(水生木) when the fire of the vital gate steams the kidney water and turns it into Qi to send it up to liver. He emphasized Water-ascending and Fire-descending(水升火降), which he said involves all five viscera. He also argued that mind runs on the principle of water-ascending and fire-descending. He thought that Qi and blood both originate from kidney, which I think is a significant suggestion. Conclusions : The criticism on the uniform application of upholding yang and suppressing yin, the combination of the five viscera and the Eight Trigrams(八卦), the belief that the Vital gate(命門) is Fire in water(水中之火), the excellent opinion on water-ascending and fire-descending, and the suggestion that Qi and blood both originate from kidney, as presented by He Meng-Yao(何夢瑤), are all theories that should be reasonably appreciated and further developed by the posterity.

Research of discrimination of internal injury from external by Lee Dong-won from medical historical point of view (이동원(李東垣) 내외상변(內外傷辨)의 의사학적(醫史學的) 고찰(考察))

  • Chin, Joo-pyo;Kim, Nam-il
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.153-166
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    • 2001
  • Lee Dong-won based on the machanism of internal disease founded on Umhwa and Wonki in discriminating internal injury from external. His general idea of discrimination of internal injury from external could be thought as an reinterpretation of the concept from "Neijing", to Triple heater Wonki and ascending and descending of stomach qi. He distinguished between Yin disease and Yang disease and classified into internal and external injury. "Insufficiency of yang brings about cold syndrome." and "An excess of yang brings about heat syndrome." are considered as external infection, and "Insufficiency of yin brings about heat syndrome." and "An excess of yin brings about cold syndrome." as internal injury.

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A Study on Verses Quoted from the 『Bencaoshu』 in the 『Benjingshuzheng』 (『본경소증(本經疏證)』의 『본초술(本草述)』 인용(引用)에 대한 고찰(考察))

  • Ahn, Jinhee
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.103-133
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    • 2021
  • Objectives : This paper examines verses from the 『Bencaoshu』 that are quoted in the 『Benjingshuzheng』 to determine its characteristics. Methods : Based on the two texts, contents by Liuqianjiang in the 『Benjingshuzheng』 were selected, of which his pharmacology was examined to determine common characteristics. Results & Conclusions : Based on what Zouzhu adopted from the pharmacology of the 『Bencaoshu』, it could be said that he focused on the interaction between Yin/Yang and Five Phases, the ascending/descending/exiting/entering of Qi, and the smooth circulation and communication of Qi. Constant Yin/Yang movement as a result of continuous circulation of Qi was emphasized. Zouzhu's adoption of the pharmacology of the 『Bencaoshu』 is in indication of his approval of Liuqianjiang's descriptive methods, and his will to follow and further develop the pharmacology of the 『Bencaoshu』 that is based on the theories of the 『Shanghanlun』 and the 『Jinguiyaole』.

Feasibility of a New Vault Technique through Kinematic Analysis of Yeo 2 and YANG Hak Seon Vaults

  • Song, Joo-Ho;Park, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Jin-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2018
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of a new vault technique through a kinematic comparison of the YANG Hak Seon and Yeo 2 vaults. Method: The photographic images of the YANG Hak Seon and Yeo 2 vaults were collected using a high-speed camera, and their kinematic characteristics were analyzed using three-dimensional image analysis. Results: During the post-flight phase of the Yeo 2 and YANG Hak Seon vaults, the time of flight, height of flight, and flight distance were similar. At the peak of the post-flight phase, the trunk rotation angle of the YANG Hak Seon vault rotated $457^{\circ}$ more than did the Yeo 2 vault. During the post-flight descending period, the twist velocity of the trunk was much faster with the YANG Hak Seon vault ($1,278^{\circ}/s$) than with the Yeo 2 vault ($1,016^{\circ}/s$). Conclusion: To succeed in the new technique, the average twist velocity during post-flight must be maintained at $1,058^{\circ}/s$ and the twist velocity must be increased from the ascending phase.

Unilateral bimaxillary vertical elongation by maxillary distraction osteogenesis and mandibular sagittal split ramus osteotomy: a case report (상악 골신장술과 하악 상행지시상분할술을 이용한 편측 상하악골 수직 증가술: 증례보고)

  • Jung, Young-Eun;Yang, Hoon-Joo;Hwang, Soon-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.539-544
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    • 2011
  • Maxillary canting and vertical shortening of the unilateral mandibular ramus height is common in cases of severe facial asymmetry. Normally, mandibular distraction osteogenesis (DO) with horizontal osteotomy at the ascending ramus is used for vertical lengthening of the mandibular ramus to correct facial asymmetry with an absolute shortened ascending ramus. In this case report, vertical lengthening of the ascending ramus was performed successfully with unilateral DO and sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO), where the posterior part of the distal segment can be distracted simultaneously in an inferior direction with maxillary DO, resulting in a lengthening of the medial pterygoid muscle. This case describes the acquired unilateral mandibular hypoplasia caused by a condylar fracture at an early age, which resulted in abnormal mandibular development that ultimately caused severe facial trismus. The treatment of this case included two-stage surgery consisting of bimaxillary distraction osteogenesis for gradual lengthening of the unilateral facial height followed by secondary orthognathic surgery to correct the transverse asymmetry. At the one year follow-up after SSRO, the vertical length was maintained without complications.

Concept of Health from the View of Korean Medical Science (한의학의 관점에서 살펴본 건강의 개념)

  • Bang, Jung-Kyun
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.1111-1116
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    • 2006
  • Medical science is an area of study that focuses on maintaining health and treating disease. However, modern medicine focuses on treating disease and neglects methodology of maintaining health. Although the definition of heal this defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) and as the concept of harmonizing Yin and Yang in Korean medicine, there is no specific details regarding the definition. Thus, the following conclusion was obtained after the concept of health is viewed through Yin-Yang(陰陽), Vital Essence(精), Qi(氣), and Healthy Person(平人). Although Yin and Yang have opposite properties, they work very closely, maintaining the overall balance and harmony. Secondly, Vin and Yang would each function by the effects of one another, and the body could maintain normal physiological activities through this function. Thirdly, it maintains normal physiological state through the ascending Kidney-Water and descending Heart-Yang(水升火降). Fourthly, Vital Essence is divided into the congenital Essence(先天之精) and the acquired Essence(後天之精) in which the former is related with reproduction and the latter, nourishing. Fifthly, Qi is resistant to pathogens and related with the physique so that Qi and physique should be balanced. Sixthly, Healthy Person is the state where the exchange of Qi-Blood is active.

A Study on Restaurant Envirionment and Crowding in Foodservice Company (외식기업의 레스토랑 환경과 혼잡지각에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Tai-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Culinary Society of Korean Academy Conference
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    • 2006.08a
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    • pp.115-134
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted during a period from July 4 to 30 to investigate the effect of restaurant environment upon customer's satisfaction and crowdedness awareness. Total 800sets of questionnaire were distributed among major food service corporations. They were 16 restaurants from McDonald, Burger King, Popeyes, KFC, Rits Carlton, Intercontinental, The Westin Chosun, Hilton, Merriot, Outback Steak House, Bennigans, VIPS, Pizza Hut Pul-hyanggi(Scent of grass), Nolboo Co.,, and Our Story, and received 50 see each to hand out to their customers. Out of total 800 sets of questionnaires, 592 sets (74.25% were retrieved and underwent a Multiple Regression Analysis. We found the following results from the study. First among each variable of restaurant environment that had a significant effect on the crowding, 'pTast service' and 'responsiveness to customer complaints' sooted a regression coefficient value 0.381 and 0.325 respectively. Second, among each restaurant environment factor that had a significant effect on crowding, 'quality of facility' sooted the highest regression coefficient value 0.423 with a standard error score 0.1074, fellowed by 'status of waiting', 'overall ambience' and 'service quality' in ascending order. Third, in the analysis of the effect of each environmental factor upon the satisfaction rate, 'status of waiting' showed the highest regression coefficient value 0.3821 with a standard error score 0.4565, followed by 'cleanliness', 'service quality' and 'conveniency', in ascending order.

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A Study on Restaurant Environment and Crowdedness in Foodservice Company (외식기업의 레스토랑 환경과 혼잡 지각에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Young-Bae;Yang, Tai-Seok
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.12 no.4 s.31
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    • pp.63-79
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of restaurant environment upon customers' satisfaction and crowdedness awareness from July 4 to 30. Total 800 sets of questionnaire were distributed among major foodservice corporations including 16 restaurants from McDonald, Burger King, Popeyes, KFC, Ritz Carlton, Intercontinental, The Westin Chosun, Hilton, Merriot, Outback Steak House, Bennigans, VIPS, Pizza Hut, Pul-hyanggi(Scent of grass), Nolboo Co., and Our Story. They received 50 sets each to hand out to their customers. Out of total 800 sets of questionnaires, 592 sets (74.25%) were retrieved and underwent the Multiple Regression Analysis. We found the following results from the study. First, among each variable of restaurant environment that had a significant effect on crowdedness, "fast service" and "responsiveness to customer complaints" scored a regression coefficient value 0.381 and 0.325 respectively. Second, among each restaurant environment factor that had a significant effect on crowdedness, "quality of facilities" scored the highest regression coefficient value 0.423 with a standard error score 0.1074, followed by "condition of waiting", "overall ambience" and "service quality" in ascending order. Third, in the analysis of the effect of each environmental factor upon the satisfaction rate, "condition of waiting" showed the highest regression coefficient value 0.3821 with a standard error score 0.4565, followed by "cleanliness", "service quality" and "convenience', in ascending order.

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