• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ar rate

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A Study of the Etched ZnO Thin Films Surface by Reactive Ion in the Cl2/BCl3/Ar Plasma (Cl2/BCl3/Ar 플라즈마에서 반응성 이온들에 의해 식각된 ZnO 박막 표면 연구)

  • Woo, Jong-Chang;Kim, Chang-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.23 no.10
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    • pp.747-751
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    • 2010
  • In the study, the characteristics of the etched Zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films surface, the etch rate of ZnO thin film in $Cl_2/BCl_3/Ar$ plasma was investigated. The maximum ZnO etch rate of 53 nm/min was obtained for $Cl_2/BCl_3/Ar$=3:16:4 sccm gas mixture. According to the x-ray diffraction (XRD) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), the etched ZnO thin film was investigated to the chemical reaction of the ZnO surface in $Cl_2/BCl_3/Ar$ plasma. The field emission auger electron spectroscopy (FE-AES) analysis showed an elemental analysis from the etched surfaces. According to the etching time, the ZnO thin film of etched was obtained to The AES depth-profile analysis. We used to atomic force microscopy to determine the roughness of the surface. So, the root mean square of ZnO thin film was 17.02 in $Cl_2/BCl_3/Ar$ plasma. Based on these data, the ion-assisted chemical reaction was proposed as the main etch mechanism for the plasmas.

The Etching Properties of Indium Tin Oxide Thin Films in O2/BCl3/Ar Gas Mixture Using Inductively Coupled Plasma (유도결합플라즈마를 이용한 O2/BCl3/Ar가스에 따른 Indium Tin Oxide 박막의 식각 특성 연구)

  • Wi, Jae-Hyung;Woo, Jong-Chang;Kim, Chang-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.23 no.10
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    • pp.752-758
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    • 2010
  • The etching characteristics of indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films in an $O_2/BCl_3/Ar$ plasma were investigated. The etch rate of ITO thin films increased with increasing $O_2$ content from 0 to 2 sccm in $BCl_3$/Ar plasma, whereas that of ITO decreased with increasing $O_2$ content from 2 sccm to 6 sccm in $BCl_3$/Ar plasma. The maximum etch rate of 65.9 nm/m in for the ITO thin films was obtained at 2 sccm $O_2$ addition. The etch conditions were the RF power of 500 W, the bias power of 200 W, the process pressure of 15 mTorr, and the substrate temperature of $40^{\circ}C$. The analysis of x-ray photo electron spectroscopy (XPS) was carried out to investigate the chemical reactions between the surfaces of ITO thin films and etch species.

Etching Characteristics of Au Thin Films using Inductively Coupled CF4 / Cl2 / Ar Plasma

  • Kim Dong-Pyo;Kim Chang-Il
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 2003
  • The etching of Au thin films has been performed in an inductively coupled $CF_4 / Cl_2 / Ar$ plasma. The etch properties including etch rate and selectivity were examined as $CF_4$ content adds from o to $30\%$ to $Cl_2/Ar$ plasma. The $Cl_2/(Cl_2 + Ar)$ gas mixing ratio was fixed at $20\%$. Other parameters were fixed at an rf power of 700 W, a dc bias voltage of -150 V, a chamber pressure of 15 mTorr, and a substrate temperature of $30^{\circ}C$. The highest etch rate of the Au thin film was 370 nm/min at a $10\%$ additive $CF_4$ into $Cl_2/Ar$ gas mixture. The surface reaction of the etched Au thin films was investigated using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. The XPS analysis shows that the intensities of Ail peaks are changed, indicating that there is a chemical reaction between Cl and Au. Au-Cl is hard to remove on the surface because of its high melting point. However, etching products can be sputtered by Ar ion bombardment.

Rebar Spacing Fixing Technology using Laser Scanning and HoloLens

  • Lee, Yeongjoo;Kim, Jeongseop;Lee, Jin Gang;Kim, Minkoo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2024
  • Currently rebar spacing inspection is carried out by human inspectors who heavily rely on their individual experience, lacking a guarantee of objectivity and accuracy in the inspection process. In addition, if incorrectly placed rebars are identified, the inspector need to correct them. Recently, laser scanning and AR technologies have been widely used because of their merits of measurement accuracy and visualization. This study proposes a technology for rebar spacing inspection and fixing by combining laser scanning and AR technology. First, scan data acquisition of rebar layers is performed and the raw scan data is processed. Second, AR-based visualization and fixing are performed by comparing the design model with the model generated from the scan data. To verify the developed technique, performance comparison test is conducted by comparing with existing drawing-based method in terms of inspection time, error detection rate, cognitive load, and situational awareness ability. It is found from the result of the experiment that the AR-based rebar inspection and fixing technology is faster than the drawing-based method, but there was no significant difference between the two groups in error identification rate, cognitive load, and situational awareness ability. Based on the experimental results, the proposed AR-based rebar spacing inspection and fixing technology is expected to be highly useful throughout the construction industry.

A Study on the Welds Characteristics of Stainless Steel 316L Pipe using Orbital Welding Process (오비탈 용접법을 적용한 STS 316L 파이프 소재의 용접부 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, B.W.;Joe, S.M.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2010
  • This paper was studied on microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion characteristics of 316L stainless steel pipe welds was fabricated by orbital welding process. S-Ar specimen was fabricated by using Ar purge gas and S-$N_2$ specimen was fabricated by using $N_2$ purge gas. Ferrite was not detected in weld metal of S-$N_2$ specimen but the order of 0.13 Ferrite number(FN) was detected in weld metal of S-Ar specimen. Oxygen and Nitrogen concentration of S-$N_2$ specimen was higher than S-Ar specimen on HAZ and inner bead. The welds microstructural characteristics of S-Ar and S-$N_2$ specimens are similar. The microvickers hardness values of S-Ar and S-$N_2$ specimens welds were similar and average values of each regions were in the range of 174~194. The microstructures of S-Ar and S-$N_2$ weld metal were full austenite by primary austenite solidification. The Solidification structures of S-Ar and S-$N_2$ weld metal were formed directional dendrite toward bead center. The potentiodynamic polarization curve of STS 316L pipe welds exhibited typical active, passive, transpassive behaviour. Corrosion current density$(I_{corr.})$ and corrosion rate values of S-Ar specimen in 0.1M HCl solution were $0.95{\mu}A/cm^2$ and $0.31{\mu}A$/year respectively. The values of S-$N_2$ specimen were $1.4{\mu}A/cm^2$ and $0.45{\mu}m$/year.

Tectonic Implication of 40Ar/39Ar Hornblende and Muscovite Ages for Granitic Rocks in Southwestern Region of Ogcheon Belt, South Korea (옥천대 남서부지역에 분포하는 화강암류의$^{40}Ar/^{39}Ar$ 각섬석-백운모 연령에 대한 지구조적 의미)

  • 김용준;박재봉;박영석
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 1998
  • $^{40}Ar/^{39}Ar$ analytical data of hornblende and muscovite separates from granitic rocks in southwestern region of Ogcheon belt shows fellowing tectonic implication, $^{40}Ar/^{39}Ar$ data of 5 samples yield apparent age spectra and $^{37}Ar_{ca}/^{39}Ar_k$ and $^{38}Ar_{CI}/^{39}Ar_k$ plateaus for more than 60% of the $^{39}Ar$ release. Except for HN-100, the $^{36}Ar/^{40}Ar$ versus $^{39}Ar/^{40}Ar$ corelalation diagrams indicate the presence of one distint line. Muscovite of sample PKJ-44 yield flate apparent age plateau for > 60% of the $^{39}Ar_k$ release. In the high temperature steps, the $^{37}Ar_{ca}/^{39}Ar_k$ values are irregular with a correlative increase in $^{38}Ar_{CI}/^{39}Ar_k$, suggesting some Ca and CI rich phase, tapped between the silicate sheet is being argon degassed. The $^{40}Ar/^{39}Ar$ total gas age and the high temperature age of HN-100 is 918.2 Ma and 1360 Ma, respectively. The former affectted by recystallized age of Daebo Orogeny, and the latter indicated age of hornblende closure temperature for cooling stage of amphibole xenolith in granite gneiss. Three rock types of Kwangju granites show about 165 Ma hornblende and muscovite ages with some degassed argon at low temperature steps. These ages of 4 samples indicate also recrystallized age by Daebo Orogeny. In $^{40}Ar/^{39}Ar$ mineral age, Rb/Sr whole age and K/Ar mineral age, discordant ages of southwestern region of Ogcheon belt suggesting cooling rates approaching 3~4$^{\circ}C$/m. y. Such slow cooling rates can be produced by uplift rate of 100m/m.y. or slightly slower than isothem-migration rate derived from the hornblende samples. We conclude that the strongest Orogeny and igneous activity of southwestern region of Ogcheon belt are middle proterozoic era (about 1360 Ma) and middle Jurassic period (about 165 Ma).

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Dry etching properties of SBT thin films using $Cl_2/Ar$ inductively coupled plasma ($Cl_2/Ar$ 유도결합 플라즈마를 이용한 SBT 박막의 건식 식각 특성)

  • Yeo, Ji-Won;Kim, Kyoung-Tae;Kim, Dong-Pyo;Kim, Chang-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.07a
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    • pp.404-407
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    • 2003
  • Among the ferroeletric thin films that have been widely investigated for ferroelectric random access memory (FRAM) applications, the $SrBi_2Ta_2O_9$ (SBT) thin film is appropriate as a memory capacitor material due to its excellent fatigue endurance. SBT thin films were etched in high-density $Cl_2/Ar$ in inductively coupled plasma. The maximum etch rate of SBT film is $1834\;{\AA}/min$ under $Cl_2/(Cl_2+Ar)$ of 30 %, rf power of 700 W, dc-bias voltage of -250 V, chamber pressure of 11 mTorr and gas flow rate of 20 sccm.

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Fabrication of Low Temperature Poly-Silicon by Inductively Coupled Plasma Assisted Magnetron Sputtering (유도결합 플라즈마-마그네트론 스퍼터링 방법을 이용한 저온 폴리실리콘 제조)

  • 유근철;박보환;주정훈;이정중
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.164-168
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    • 2004
  • Polycrystalline silicon thin films were deposited by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) assisted magnetron sputtering using a gas mixture of Ar and $H_2$ on a glass substrate at $250^{\circ}C$. At constant Ar mass flow rate of 10 sccm, the working pressure was changed between 10mTorr and 70mTorr with changing $H_2$ flow rate. The effects of RF power applied to ICP coil and $Ar/H_2$ gas mixing ratio on the properties of the deposited Si films were investigated. The crystallinity was evaluated by both X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. From the results of Raman spectroscopy, the crystallinity was improved as hydrogen mixing ratio was increased up to$ Ar/H_2$=10/16 sccm; the maximum crystalline fraction was 74% at this condition. When RF power applied to ICP coil was increased, the crystallinity was also increased around 78%. In order to investigate the surface roughness of the deposited films, Atomic Force Microscopy was used.

Insulation Properties and Microstructure of SiO$_2$ Film Prepared by rf Magnetron Sputtering (고주파 마그네트론 스퍼터링으로 제조한 SiO$_2$ 절연박막의 구조분석 및 절연저항에 관한 연구)

  • 박태순;이성래
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2002
  • We have investigated insulating properties of $SiO_2$ interlayer for the thin film strain gauge, which were prepared by RF magnetron sputtering method in various deposition conditions, such as Ar pressure, gas flow rates and sputtering gases. SEM, AFM and FT-IR techniques were used to analyze its structures and composition. As the Ar pressure and the flow rate increased, the insulating interlayer showed low insulating resistance due to its porous structure and defects. Oxygen deficiency in $SiO_2$ was decreased as fabricated by hydrogen reactive sputtering. We could enhance the surface mobility of sputtered adatoms by using Ar/$H_2$ sputtering gas and obtain a good surface roughness and insulating property. The optimum insulating resistance of 9.22 G$\Omega$ was obtained in Ar/30% $H_2$ mixed gas, flow rate 10sccm, and 1mTorr.

Etching Kinetics Of $SrBi_2Ta_2O_{9}$ Thin Film in $Cl_{2}$/$CF_{4}$/Ar gas Chemistry ($Cl_{2}$/$CF_{4}$/Ar gas chemistry에 의한 $SrBi_2Ta_2O_{9}$ 박막의 식각 특성)

  • 김동표;김창일;이원재;유병곤;김태형;장의구
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2001.07a
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    • pp.62-65
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    • 2001
  • $SrBi_2Ta_2O_{9}$ thin films were etched in inductively coupled $Cl_{2}$/$CF_{4}$/Ar plasma. The maximum etch rate was 1060 $\AA\textrm{m}$/min in $Cl_{2}$/$CF_{4}$/Ar (80). The chemical reactions on the etched surface were studied with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The etching of SBT thin films in $Cl_{2}$/$CF_{4}$/Ar were etched by chemically assisted reactive ion etching. The small addition of $Cl_2$ into $CF_4$(20)/Ar(80) plasma will decrease the fluorine radicals and the increase Cl radical.

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