Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
This study was designed to compare the nutritional intake and iron nutritional status between urban and rural middle school girls. Along with a questionnaire, blood samples were obtained from 311 middle school girls (urban 129 girls, rural 182 girls). Nutrient intakes were measured with a convenient method, and clinical symptoms relating anemia was investigated by 4-point Likert scale. For the nutrient intake, the total energy intake was 1722.2 kcal (82.0% of RDA) for the urban group and 1649.5 kcal (78.6% of RDA) for rural group. The rural group showed significantly lower level than the urban group in all nutrients except fat, carbohydrate and total energy intake. Regarding the food frequency, students from the rural group marked significantly lower intake of milk (p<0.00l), kimchi (p<0.05), fruit (p<0.05), tofu, bean (p<0.00l) than the urban group. For every clinical finding regarding anemia, the rural group marked higher value than the urban group but the difference was not significant. The hemoglobin concentration of urban group was 13.28 g/dL, and rural group showed 12.51 g/dL which was significantly lower than urban group (p<0.00l). The hematocrit rate was 37.82% for the urban group and 38.13% for the rural group and there was no significant difference between two groups. The red blood cell (RBC) count of the rural group was significantly lower than the urban group (p<0.00l). Evaluating with the iron deficiency standard which is less than 12 g/dL, the urban group was 6.2% and the rural group was 34.6% thus the deficiency rate was significantly higher in the rural group. This study showed that nutrient and iron status of the girls of rural group is not as good as the urban group. As middle school girls require high level of iron absorption due to blood loss which occurs during abrupt physical growth and menstruation, dietary counselling is required to enhance the iron status. When iron deficiency is serious, they need to take more positive action such as iron supplement in addition to food-iron fortification.
Park Hee Ra;Kim Meehye;Kwun Ki-Sung;Kim Soon Ki;Heo Su-Jeong;Kim Kwang_Jin;Yum Tae-Kyung;Choi Kwang Sik;Kim Soo Yeon
Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
This study was conducted to estimate the contents of heavy metals including lead, cadmium, zinc, copper as well as iron status(serum iron, total iron binding capacity, feritin etc)in blood samples of middle school students(n=300). The contents of heavy metals were determined using the GF-AAS (Graphite furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer). The microwave digestion method and dilution method were compared. The dilution method showed the better recovery and detection limit than microwave digestion method. The values of toxic metals in whloe blood of boys & girls were 3.46 & 3.05 for Pb,0.063 & 0.065 for Cd respectively (ug/dL). Also the values of trace metals in serum of boys & girls were 105.9 & 92.6 for Zn, 98.3 & 99.0 for Cu respectively (ug/dL). The prevalence of iron deficiency was $7.5\%$ in 146 boys and $14.3\%$ in 156 girls. The mean values of lead in girls were higher in iron deficiency, iron deficiency anemia and anemia groups than normal group. The mean values of lead and zinc were higher in boys compared to those in girls(P<0.05), the mean values of cadmium and copper in boys were similar to those in girls. Our results of toxic metals such as Pb & Cd showed lower to CDC's(Centers for Disease Control) blood lead levels of concern for children, 10 ug/dL.
The purpose of this study was to assess risk factors associated with food insecurity in the Korean elderly aged over 65 years using data from the Korea National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey 2013 (KNHANES VI). A total of 1,200 subjects were analyzed among the participants of the KNHANES 2013 by using SPSS statistics complex samples (ver. 21.0). Food insecurity was measured by using the modified US Household Food Security/Hunger Survey Module. Thirteen percent of subjects lived in food insecure households. There were differences in the prevalence of food insecurity according to sex, educational level, income level, and household structure. Mean age of the food insecurity group was significantly higher than that of the food security group. The results of logistic regression analysis showed that food insecurity was significantly associated with alcohol intake (OR: 1.82), prevalence of melancholy (OR: 2.07) and suicidal thoughts (OR: 2.67), and intake deficiency of energy (OR: 1.60), calcium (OR: 1.97), iron (OR: 1.97), potassium (OR: 1.96), riboflavin (OR: 1.76), and niacin (OR: 1.64), while not with smoking, physical activity, chronic diseases including obesity, anemia, diabetes, and osteoarthritis, and deficiency of protein, vitamin A, thiamin and vitamin C. These findings suggest that food insecurity is strongly related to mental health and certain nutrient intakes. Prospective research is needed to establish the effects of food insecurity on chronic diseases.
Kim, So Young;Son, Meong Hi;Yeom, Jung suk;Park, Ji sook;Park, Eun Sil;Seo, Ji-Hyun;Lim, Jae-Young;Park, Chan-Hoo;Woo, Hyang-Ok;Youn, Hee-Shang
Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
Purpose : The concentration of soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) is estimated as an iron parameter to evaluate erythropoiesis and iron status. The aim of our study is to evaluate the correlation between sTfR concentration and inflammatory parameters and to distinguish iron deficiency anemia from anemia of inflammation. Methods : One hundred and forty-four infants younger than two years of age who visited Gyeongsang University Hospital for 7 years from 2000 to 2006 were enrolled. Patients who had hemoglobin (Hb) <11 g/dL and ferritin <12 mg/L were excluded. Routine hematologic lab, serum ferritin, sTfR, and inflammatory markers [C-reactive protein(CRP), interleukin-6(IL-6), and absolute neutrophil count (ANC)] were investigated. Results : In all patients, the sTfR concentration showed a correlation with Hb, ferritin, MCV, and ANC, but not with CRP and IL-6. In multiple regression models, positive correlations were found between sTfR concentration and IL-6 (r=0.078, P=0.043), and negative correlations were found between sTfR concentration and ANC (r=-0.117, P=0.033) and MCV (r=-0.027, P=0.009). Conclusion : sTfR concentration was influenced by inflammatory parameters. Therefore, sTfR does not appear to be a useful parameter for discriminating between iron deficiency anemia and anemia of inflammation in infants.
Jang, Seung Hoon;Heo, Hong;Kwon, Ja Ok;Yim, Yun Kyoung
Journal of Haehwa Medicine
Objectives : The purpose of this study is to report the clinical effects of Hominis Placenta Pharmacopunture(HPP) on Vertigo. Methods : A 82-year-old female patient whose chief complaint was Vertigo was treated with Placenta Pharmacopunture at CV6 and GB21, twelves times for a month. Acupuncture and herbal medicine were added depending on the symptoms. Laboratory test was taken and Korean Version of Dizziness Handicap Inventory was examined before and after each treatment. Results : After the treatments, the symptoms were improved. Conclusions : Hominis Placenta Pharmacopuncture may be an efficacious therapy for Iron Deficiency Anemia.
Seo, Deok-Gyu;Kim, Jin;Lee, Chan-Yeong;Park, Seong-Ho
The Journal of the Korean dental association
Sjogren syndrome is a chronic systemic autoimmune disorder that chiefly involves the salivary gland and the lacrimal gland, resulting in xerostomia and xerophthalmia. Although the exact cause of the disease is not early diagnosis, treatment and observation must be emphasized because of its poor prognosis, such as the high occurrence of malignant lymphoma and other autoimmune disease that may be accompanied. In the present case, a twenty-year-old woman whose chief complaint was multiple dental hard tissue loss and xerostomia, which was misdiagnosed as iron deficiency anemia at first, but through re-evaluation and differential diagnosis it was Sjogren syndrome. the diagnosis approach was discussed in this report, suggesting that Sjogren syndrome should be considered as a differential diagnosis in a with xerostomia.
Plummer-Vinson syndrome(Paterson-Kelly syndrome) is characterized by dysphagia due to upper esophageal or hypopharyngeal web, iron deficiency anemia, and atropic oral and glossal mucosa. This syndrome is usually known as precancerous lesion that develops into postcricoid carcinoma. Universally, the clinical manifestations of this syndrome were markedly improved after oral iron replacement therapy or endoscopic balloon or electrocautery treatment. 63 year-old woman was received a short segment, free jejunal transfer to be released from esophageal stricture. After the operation, the stenotic lesion proved to be Plummer-vinson syndrome with carcinoma in situ by pathologic study.
Soybean seed ferritin is essential for human iron supplementation and iron deficiency anemia prevention because it contains abundant bioavailable iron and is frequently consumed in the human diet. However, it is poorly understood in regards its several properties, such as iron mineralization, subunit assembly, and protein folding. To address these issues, we decided to prepare the soybean seed ferritin complex via a recombinant DNA approach. In this paper, we report a rapid and simple Escherichia coli expression system to produce the soybean seed ferritin complex. In this system, two subunits of soybean seed ferritin, H-2 and H-1, were encoded in a single plasmid, and optimal expression was achieved by additionally coexpressing a team of molecular chaperones, trigger factor and GroEL-GroES. The His-tagged ferritin complex was purified by $Ni^{2+}$ affinity chromatography, and an intact ferritin complex was obtained following His-tagged enterokinase (His-EK) digestion. The purified ferritin complex synthesized in E. coli demonstrated some reported features of its native counterpart from soybean seed, including an apparent molecular weight, multimeric assembly, and iron uptake activity. We believe that the strategy described in this paper may be of general utility in producing other recombinant plant ferritins built up from two types of subunits.
음성 통신을 할 때 배경 잡음이 존재하게 되면 일반적으로 음질이 저하된다. 이것은 잡음 자체가 듣기 싫다거나 음성을 더 작게 들리게 만들기 때문이기도 하고 음성 코덱이 잡음이 섞이지 않은 깨끗한 음성에 최적화되어 있어서 잡음이 섞인 음성에 대한 코딩 효율이 떨어지기 때문이기도 하다. 이 논문에서는 잡음에 의한 음성 통신의 품질 저하를 막기 위한 방법으로서 음성 향상(speech enhancement) 기술과 음성 강화(speech reinforcement) 기술에 대해 소개한다. 음성 향상 기술이란 전송부의 마이크에서 녹음된 잡음과 음성이 섞인 입력 음성으로부터 깨끗한 음성을 추정하는 기술을 말한다. 음성 향상 기술은 상당히 오랜 기간 동안 연구되어 온 기술이며, 최근에는 각 파라미터의 분포에 의존하는 방법보다 확률 모델에 기반한 방법이 각광을 받고 있으며 인간의 청각 특성을 고려한 음성 향상 방법도 제안되고 있다. 음성 강화 기술이란 수신단에서 주변 잡음에 따라 전송되어 온 음성을 주파수별로 증폭하여 더 잘 들리도록 만드는 기술이다. 음성 향상이 내 주위의 잡음이 상대방에게 들리는 음성에 미치는 영향 혹은 상대방 주변의 잡음이 나에게 들리는 소리에 미치는 영향을 줄여주는 기술이라면 음성 강화는 내 주위의 잡음이 나에게 들리는 음성에 미치는 영향을 상쇄해 주는 기술이다. 이 경우 주변 잡음은 어떤 전자 시스템도 거치지 않고 귀로 직접 들어오기 때문에 잡음 자체를 줄여 주는 것은 힘들고 전송되어 온 음성을 적절히 증폭 혹은 변형함으로써 귀에 들리는 음질 또는 명료성을 개선하게 된다. 이 논문에서는 통계 모델을 기반으로 한 음성 향상 기법과 인간의 청각 특성을 고려한 음성 향상 기법, 그리고 음성 강화 기법에 대해 설명한다.을 시도한 결과 안정적이고 반복 가능한 급성 심부전 모델을 얻을 수 있었다. bench scale실험결과와 같이 AOC는 배수관망에서의 박테리아 증식과 크게 상관관계를 갖고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다.)', 'have a headache (2.10±0.79)', 'poor memory (2.09±0.83)', 'no appetite (1.99±0.85)', As for the correlation between iron parameter and clinical symptoms related to anemia, the hematocrit rate was negatively correlated with 'get a cold easily', 'pale face', 'feeling blue', 'difficult digestion' (p<0.05). The level of iron was negatively correlated with 'tired out easily', 'get a cold easily' (p<0.05) and TS (%) were negatively correlated with 'tired out easily (p<0.05)', 'get a cold easily (p<0.01). Our study resulted that the prevalence of a iron deficiency of a middle school girl is very high, therefore the guidelines for iron supplementation and nutritional education to improve their iron status should be provided.한 질소제거를 N-balance로부터
The aim of this study was to define the range of the menstrual blood loss(MBL), and the upper limit of the MBL associated with iron deficiency anemia in Korean women, For this purpose, healthy unmarried women between the age of 15 to 26 years were selected from July to September, 1979 and results obtained were used for determining baseline MBL and its relationship to iron nutriture. One houndred forteen women were tested for their MBL and hematological and biochemical data such as hemoglobin(Hb) concentration, hematocrit, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration(MCHC), and serum iron and ferritin concentration. This study was partly supported by World Health Organization. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1) The mean values and standard error of mean of MBL were $30.7{\pm}2.19ml$ for total subjects, $30.4{\pm}3.14ml$ for sutjects below 20 years of age and $30.3{\pm}2.49ml$ for subjects aged more than 20 years. No significant variation was noted for amount of MBL between two age groups. 2) The median value and 95th percentile value of MBL were 26.5ml and 69.0ml respectively for total subjects. Maximum number (24.6%) of the subjects fell in group with 10-20ml of MBL while 10.5% showed MBL above 50m1. 3) Mean value of the duration of menstruation for total subjects was 4.34 days. 4) It was observed that mean values of Hb concentration, hematocrit and MCHC were decreased slightly in subjects showing MBL more than 40m1. Serum iron and ferritin levels were markedly decreased in women with MBL above 40m1 and 20-30ml, respectively. 5) In subject population showing MBL above 50ml, the frequency of subjects with hematological and biochemical data below anemia criteria were remarkably increased. 6) Although the number of subjects tested was small and the subject selection was not done by random stratified sampling from a population group, this study suggested that the upper normal limit of MBL of Korean women seems to be in the range of 40-50ml.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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② 당 사이트는 서비스를 특정범위로 분할하여 각 범위별로 이용가능시간을 별도로 지정할 수 있습니다. 다만
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제 13 조 (홈페이지 저작권)
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③ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 보도, 비평, 교육, 연구 등을 위하여 정당한 범위 안에서 공정한 관행에
합치되게 인용할 수 있습니다.
④ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 무단 복제, 전송, 배포 기타 저작권법에 위반되는 방법으로 이용할 경우
저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
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② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
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제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
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제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
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당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
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서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.