• Title/Summary/Keyword: Anastomosis site

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Bronchoplastic Procedures for Bronchogenic Carcinoma (폐암 환자에서 기관지성형술)

  • 금동윤;최세영
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.315-321
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    • 1996
  • Bronchoplastlc procedures including sleeve lobectomy were initially introduced for patients whose pulmonary function was insufficient to tolerate pneumonectomy In more recent years, sleeve lobectomy has evolved as an alternative to pneumonectomy in carefully selected cases of bronchogenic carcinoma, especially for centrally located lesions. Between 1992 and 1995, bronchoplastic procedures for bronchogenic carcinoma were performed in 15 patients and the majority of operative procedures were sleeve lobectomy (W: 12). All procedures were considered as complete and potentially curative. Mean age was 62.3 years (range 46 to 70 years) and there were 12 males and 3 females. Of 15 patiients, 7 underwent right upper sleeve, 2 underwent right lower sleeve, 5 underwent left upper sleeve, and 1 underwent right sleeve pneumonectomy. Postoperative staging was , stage I in 3, stage ll in 8, stage llla in 3 and stage lII in 1. The postoperative complications included anastomosis site obstruction due to granulation tissue in 1, local recurrence in 3, and wound infection in 1 There were 1 operative death due to sepsis and 2 late deaths. The three-year survival rate was 80%. The significant correlation was observed (r=0.11) between the predicted FEVI (1.851 L) and measured FEVI (1 762L). In conclusion, bronchoplastic procedure will have better prognosis than pneumonectomy in selected lung cancer patients because of preserving good function in remnant lung.

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Use of the Stomach as an Esophageal Substitute after Total Pharyngolaryngoesophagectomy for Treating Cervical Esophageal Cancer or Hypopharyngeal Cancer (경부식도암 및 하부인두암에서 근치적 전후두인두식도절제술 후 위를 이용한 재건술의 의의)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyuk;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Yoon, Ho-Young;Kim, Choong-Bai
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.200-205
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze the post operative outcome of reconstruction with using the stomach after performing total pharyngolaryngoesophagectomy in patients with hypopharyngeal cancer or cervical esophageal cancer. Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective chart review of 23 patients who underwent gastric pull up for esophageal substitution at the Department of Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, between January 1991 and December 2006. All the patients had transhiatal esophagectomy performed without thoracotomy. Results: There were seventeen males and six females with a median age of 58.1 years (range: 40-70 years). 19 cases were hypopharyngeal cancer, 13 cases had cancer in the pyriform sinus, 15 cases had cancer in the postcricoid area and one case had cancer in the glottic area. The rest were cervical esophageal cancers. The pathologic result was squamous cell carcinoma in all cases. The median total follow-up period was 33 months (range: 1-62 months) and there were two (8.6%) postoperative deaths: one was due to carotid rupture and the other was due to hepatic failure with liver metastasis. The complications were leakage in 1 patient (4.4%), pneumothorax in 1 patient (4.4%) and pneumonia in 1 patient (4.4%). Conclusion: The use of stomach for esophageal reconstruction has many benefits for treating hypopharyngeal cancer or cervical esophageal cancer, So, we made sure there was a sufficient length for the anastomosis after pharyngolaryngoesophagectomy and a rich blood supply from the stomach. There was a low incidence of the leakage at the anastomotic site, along with a low incidence of stenosis and bleeding.

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A Study in Bridging Sciatic Nerve Defects with Combined Skeletal Muscle and Vein Conduit in Rats (백서의 좌골신경에서 정맥 및 골격근을 이용한 결손신경 봉합술에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Jun-Mo
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 1997
  • A peripheral nerve when approximation of the ends imparts tension at the anastomosis and with a relatively long segment defect after excision of neuroma and neurofibroma cannnot be repaired by early primary suture. The one of the optimistic reconstruction method of severed peripheral nerves is to restore tension-free continuity at the repair site putting an autogenous nerve graft into the neural gap despite of ancipating motor or sensory deficit of the donor nerve area. To overcome the deficit of the autogenous nerve graft, several other conduits supplying a metabolically active environment which is able to support axon regeneration and progression, providing protection against scar invasion, and guiding the regrowing axons to the distal stump of the nerve have been studied. An author have used ipsilateral femoral vein, ipsilateral femoral vein filled with fresh thigh muscle, and autogenous sciatic nerve for the sciatic nerve defect of around 10 mm in length to observe the regeneration pattern in rat by light and electron microscopy. The results were as follows. 1. Light microscopically regeneration pattern of nerve fibers in the autogenous graft group was more abundant than vein graft and vein filled with muscle group. 2. On ultrastructural findings, the proxial end of the graft in various groups showed similar regenerating features of the axons, myelin sheaths, and Schwann cells. The fascicular arrangement of the myelinated and unmyelinated fibers was same regardless of the type of conduits. There were more or less increasing tendency in the number and the diameter of myelinated fibers correlated with the regeneration time. 3. In the middle of the graft, myelinated nerve fibers of vein filled with muscle group were more in number and myelin sheath was thinner than in the venous graft, but the number of regenerating axons in autogenous nerve graft was superior to that in both groups of the graft. The amount of collagen fibrils and amorphous materials in the endoneurial space was increased to elapsed time. 4. There was no difference in regenerating patterns of the nerve fibers of distal end of the graft. The size and shape of the myelinated nerve fbers were more different than that of proximal and middle portion of the graft. From the above results, the degree of myelination and regenerating activity in autogenous nerve is more effective and active in other types of the graft and there were no morphological differences in either ends of the graft regardless of regeneration time.

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Development of Artificial Vessels with Autologous Bone Marrow Cells and Polymers (자기 골수세포와 고분자 폴리머를 이용한 인공 혈관의 개발)

  • Choi, Jin-Wook;Lim, Sang-Hyun;Hong, You-Sun;Kim, Byung-Soo
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.160-169
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    • 2008
  • Bakcground: To treat anastomosis site stenosis and occlusion of the artificial vessels used in vascular surgery, tissue-engineered artificial vessels using autologous cells have been constructed. We developed artificial vessels using a polymer scaffold and autologous bone marrow cells and performed an in vivo evaluation. Material and Method: We manufactured a vascular scaffold using biodegradable PLCL (poly lactide-co-${\varepsilon}$-caprolactone) and PGA (poly glycolic acid) fibers. Then we seeded autologous bone marrow cells onto the scaffold. After implantation of the artificial vessel into the abdominal aorta, we performed an angiography 3 weeks after surgery. After the dogs were euthanized we retrieved the artificial vessels and performed histological analysis. Result: Among the six dogs, 2 dogs died of massive bleeding due to a crack in the vascular scaffold 10 days after the operation. The remaining four dogs lived for 3 weeks after the operation. In these dogs. the angiography revealed no stenosis or occlusion at 3 weeks after the operation. Gross examination revealed small thrombi on the inner surface of the vessels and the histological analysis showed three layers of vessel structure similar to the native vessel. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated regeneration of the endothelial and smooth muscle cell layers. Conclusion: A tissue engineered vascular graft was manufactured using a polymer scaffold and autologous bone marrow cells that had a structure similar to that of the native artery. Further research is needed to determine how to accommodate the aortic pressure.

Results of Surgical Management in Patients with Cardiac and Arterial Manifestations of Behcet's Syndrome (심장 및 동맥계를 침범한 베체트씨 증후군 환자의 수술 후 결과)

  • 원종윤;장병철;이도연;박상준
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.36-42
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    • 2002
  • Background: To evaluate the efficiency of surgical treatment in patients with cardiac valvular and arterial involvement of Behcet's syndrome. Material and Method: 12 patients underwent surgical treatment due to the valvular heart diseases and the various arterial diseases associated with Behest's syndrome over 7 years; 6 with valvular heart disease, 1 with annuloaortic ectasia, 1 with ascending aortic aneurysm, 4 with pseudoaneurysms in abdominal aorta(n=2), carotid artery(n=1), and popliteal artery(n=1). All 12 patients had received valvular replacement(n=6) and the artificial(n=5) or autologous(n=1) graft interposition. We followed the results of these surgical treatments. Result: Operations were technically successful in all 12 patients and peri-operative complication was not demonstrated. However, 10 patients had recurrences; 6 with valvular dehiscence, 3 with pseudoaneurysm at anastostomosis site, and 1 with aorto-duodenal fistula. The duration of recurrence was 1 to 55 months(mean: 15.7$\pm$ 16.2 months). 7 patients underwent the second operation and among them, 4 patients showed repeated recurrences. Overall, 5 patients died 2 to 25 months after the operation(mean: 13.6 months), because of the bleeding at the anastomosis site Five patients did not present recurrence after the first(n=2) or the second operation(n=3) and their follow up duration was 5 to 60 months(mean: 45.8$\pm$41.7 months). Five patients received immune-suppressive therapy after the first(n=2) and second operation(n=3). Three did not shown recurrence for the 13, 29 and 33 months. Conclusion: Post-operative prognosis of arterial manifestation of Behcet's syndrome was not encouraging and if possible, other treatment strategy should be considered.

Tracheal Reconstruction with Perichondrial Graft - An Experimental Study in Rabbits - (연골피막편 이식후 기관 결손부위의 재생에 관한 실험적 연구(제 1 보))

  • 이원상;서장수;이성은;홍원표;박찬일
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1982.05a
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    • pp.10.3-11
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    • 1982
  • Recently through the advancement of medical and surgical managements and the development of low pressure cuffed endotracheal tube, incidence of tracheal stenosis was decreased significantly. Though its incidence was decreased markedly, stenosis was developted unfortunately in the situations such as long term use of respirator, heavy infection, trauma of the trachea and long term intubation etc. Tracheal stenosis had been handled with various methods such as mechanical dilatation, tissue graft techniques, luminal augumentation and end to end anastomosis due to their individual advantages but their effects were not satisfactory. In 1959 Lester had been found the regenerated cartilage from the perichondrium of the rib incidentaly. Since then Skoog, Sohn and Ohlsen were reported chondrogenic potential of perichondrium through the animal experiments. Though many different materials have been tried to rebuild stenosis and gaping defect of trachea, tracheal reconstruction has been a perplexing clinical problems. We choose the perichondrium as the graft material because cartilage is the normal supporting matrix of that structure and it will be an obvious advantage to be able to position perichondrium over a defect and obtain new cartilage there. The young rabbits, which were selected as our experimental animals, were sacrified from two to eight weeks after surgery. The results of our experiment were as follows; 1) In control group, the defect site of trachea was covered with fibrosis and vessels but graft site was covered with hypertrophied perichondrium and vessels. 2) Respiratory mucosa was completely regenerated in defect sites both control and grafted groups. 3) The histologic changes of the grafted sites were as follows: 2 weeks- microvessel dilatation, inflammatory reaction, initiation of fibrosis 4 weeks- decreased microvessel engorgement, submucosal fibrosis, decreased inflammatory reaction immatured cartilage island was noted in the grafted perichondrium (one specimen) 6 weeks- mild degree vascular engorgement submucosal fibrosis. chronic inflamatory reaction cartilage island and endochondrial ossification was noted in the grafted perichondrium (Two specimens) 8 weeks- minute vascular engorgement dense submucosal fibrosis. loss of inflammatory reaction. cartilage island was noted in the grafted perichondrium (two specimens) 4) There was no significant differences in regeneration between active surface in and out groups. 5) We observed immatured cartilage islands and endochondrial ossification in the perichondrial grafted groups where as such findings were not noted in control groups except fibrosis. We concluded that perichondrium was the adequate material for the reconstruction of defected trachea but our results was not sufficient in the aspect of chondrogenic potential of perichondrium. So further research has indicated possibility of chondrogenic potential of perichondrium.

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Clinical Studies on Locally Invasive Thyroid Cancer (국소침범한 갑상선암의 임상적 고찰)

  • Kim Young-Min;Lee Chang-Yun;Yang Kyung-Hun;Rho Young-Soo;Park Young-Min;Lim Hyun-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.236-243
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    • 1998
  • Objectives: Local invasion of the thyroid cancer that is invasion of the upper aerodigestive tract, neurovascular structures of the neck and superior mediastinum, is infrequent and comprises of 1-16% of well-differentiated thyroid cancer. However the proximity of the thyroid gland to these structures provides the means for an invasive cancer to gain ready access into theses structures and when invasion occurs, it is the source of significant morbidity and mortality. So locally invasive thyroid cancer should be removed as much as possible, but still much debates have been exist whether the surgical method should be radical or conservative. This study was desinged to evaluate the clinical characteristics and the surgical treatment of the locally invasive thyroid cancer. Material and Methods: At the department of otorhinolaryngology of Hallym university, 10 patients diagnosed as locally invasive thyroid cancer among the 81 patients treated for thyroid cancer between 1991 to 1997 were retrospectively evaluated. Results: Of the 10 patients, 3 patients had histories of previous surgical treatment with or without radiation or radioactive iodine therapy. The site of invasion of thyroid cancer were trachea(7 cases), recurrent laryngeal nerve(5 cases), mediastinal node(5 cases), esophagus(3cases), larynx(3cases), carotid artery(3 cases), pharynx(l case), and other sites(4 cases). The operation techniques included 1 partial laryngectomy and 1 partial cricoid resection, 2 shavings and 3 window resections of the trachea, 1 sleeve resection of the trachea with end-to-end anastomosis and 1 cricotracheoplasty for tracheal invasion, 2 shavings and 1 partial esophagectomies for esophageal invasion, and 1 wall shaving and 2 partial resections with $Gortex^{\circledR}$ tube reconstruction for carotid artery invasion, and so on. Conclusions: These data and review of literature suggest that the surgical method should be perfomed on the basis of individual condition and complete removal of all gross tumor with preservation of vital structures whenever possible will offer a good result.

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The Analysis of Failure Pattern in Locally Advanced Stomach Cancer Treated with Surgery and Post-Op Chemotherapy: To Explore The Role of Post-Op Irradiation (수술과 항암요법으로 치료한 국소 진행된 위함 환자에서의 치료실패 양상분석 : 수술후 방사선 치료의 역할에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Eun-Kyung;Chang, Hye-Sook;Suh, Cheol-Won;Lee, Kyoo-Hyung;Lee, Jung-Shin;Kim, Sang-Hee;Kim, Hae-Ryun;Kim, Myung-Hwan;Min-Young-Il;Kim, Jin-Cheon;Lee, Sung-Gyu;Park, Kun-Choon
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.249-252
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    • 1991
  • A Retrospective study to analyze the failure pattern in locally advanced stomach cancer, treated with radical surgery and post-op chemotherapy was perfomed. Among 107 patients who underwent radical gastrectomy in Asan Medical Center between June 1989 and August 1990. there were 20 stage II(T2NO, T2N1) and 87 stage III(T3N1, T3N2) and 91 patients were eligible for study. 57 patients treated with 6 cycles of postop adjuvant chemotherapy. Among 57 patients treated with postop adjuvant chemotherapy, local failure occurred in $21\%$ and distant failure in $12\%$. Among 34 patients who were not treated with postop chemotherapy, local failure occurred in $24\%$ and distant failure in $26\%$. Among 29 failures including 13 locoregional, 9 distant metastasis and 7 locoregional and distant metastasis, 11 cases recurred in the anastomotic site, 3 in the gastric bed,7 in the regional lymph nodes and peritoneal seeding occurred in 6 cases. The true incidences of gastric bed, nodal and peritoneal failures may be higher in the longer follow-up or reoperative or autopsy series. Our data sugest that postop chemocherapy is beneficial by reducing distant failure rate. Our data suggest that postop chemocherapy is beneficial by reducing distant failure rate. Postop adjuvant locoregional radiotherapy in addition to the systemic adjuvant therapy may reduce the local failure rate and potentially benefit in at least $20\%$ of patients who developed the local failure only.

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Surgical Treatment of Anomalous Origin of Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery: Postoperative Changes of Ventricular Dimensions and Mitral Regurgitation (관상동맥-폐동맥 이상기시증(Anomalous Origin of Coronary Artery from Pulmonary Artery)의 수술적 치료: 중기 성적과 좌심실 및 승모판 기능의 변화 양상에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Chang-Hyun;Kim, Woong-Han;Seo, Hong-Joo;Kim, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Cheul;Chang, Yoon-Hee;Hwang, Seong-Wook;Back, Man-Jong;Oh, Sam-Se;Na, Chan-Young;Han, Jae-Jin;Lee, Young-Tak;Kim, Chong-Whan
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2004
  • Background: The aims of this study are to verify the result of the surgical treatment of ALCAPA and to identify the postoperative changes of left ventricular dimensions and mitral regurgitation (MR), Material and Method: Fifteen patients operated on since 1985 were included in the study. The patients operated on before 1998 (n=9) showed heterogeneous properties with various surgical strategies and cardiopulmonary bypass techniques. However, six patients were operated on with the established surgical strategy since 1998; 1) Dual perfusion and dual cardioplegic solution delivery through ascending aorta and main pulmonary artery, 2) Coronary transfer by rolled-conduit made of pulmonary artery wall flap, and 3) Additional mitral valvular procedure was not peformed. Result: Median age of the study group was 6 months (1 month to 34 years). The operative methods were left subclavian artery to left coronary artery anastomosis in 1, simple ligation in 2, Takeuchi operation in 2, and coronary reimplantation in 10 patients. The mean follow up period was 5.5<5.8 years (2 months 14 years), There were one early death (6.7%) and one late death. Overall 5-year survival rate was 85.6$\pm$9.6%. The Z-value of left ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic dimensions were 6.4$\pm$3.0 and 5.1 $\pm$3.6 preoperatively, and decreased to 1.7$\pm$ 1.9 and 0.8$\pm$ 1.6 in 3 months (p<0.05). Significant preoperative MR was identified in 6 patients (40%) and all the patients showed immediate improvement of MR within f month postoperatively. There were 3 cases of reoperation due to coronary anastomosis site stenosis and recurrence of MR. However, there was no mortality nor late reoperation in the patients operated on after 1998. Conclusion: The surgical treatment of ALCAPA showed favorable survival and early recovery of ventricular dimensions and mitral valvular function. Although long-term reintervention was required in some cases of earlier period, all the cases after 1998 showed excellent surgical outcome without long-term problem.

The Results of using the Cabrol Technique for Aortic Root Replacement (대동맥 근부치환술에 대한 Cabrol 술식의 성적)

  • Kim, Jeong-Won;Lee, Jong-Tae;Cho, Joon-Yong;Kim, Kyu-Tae;Kim, Gun-Jik
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.573-579
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    • 2008
  • Background: Composite valve graft replacement is currently the treatment of choice for a wide variety of the lesions of aortic root disease. The purpose of this study was to explore the results of aortic root replacement after using the Cabrol technique over a 13-year period at our institution, and we analyzed the results to help surgeons make better decisions when repairing aortic root disease. Material and Method: Between January 1994 and December 2006, twenty-five patients underwent a Cabrol technique operation at our institution. The mean patient age was $43.7{\pm}14.1$ years old (range: $6{\sim}65$ years) and the male and female ratio was 21:4 (84% : 16%). The patients' follow-up was 100% complete, and the mean follow-up period was $60.7{\pm}50.4$ (range:$1{\sim}162$) months. Annuloaortic ectasia (n=18) was the most frequent cause of aortic disease in this series, followed by aortic dissection (n=7). The mean cardiopulmonary bypass time was $177.2{\pm}44.9$ minutes and the mean aortic cross clamping time was $123.4{\pm}34.1$ minutes. Nine patients were checked with MDCT (Multidetector computed tomography) for evaluating a well functioning secondary graft and the coronary anastomosis site. Result: The early mortality rate was 4% (1 of 25 patients). A significant stenosis, kinking or occlusion of the secondary graft was detected by MDCT in 4 patients. The overall survival rate was 88%. Conclusion: The Cabrol technique demonstrated a significant incidence of long-term complications such as secondary graft stenosis or obstruction. It could be used when the modified Bentall technique is not feasible.