• Title/Summary/Keyword: Analytic Scoring Method

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Graded approach to determine the frequency and difficulty of safety culture attributes: The F-D matrix

  • Ahn, Jeeyea;Min, Byung Joo;Lee, Seung Jun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.2067-2076
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    • 2022
  • The importance of safety culture has been emphasized to achieve a high level of safety. In this light, a systematic method to more properly deal with safety culture is necessary. Here, a decision-making tool that can apply a graded approach to the analysis of safety culture is proposed, called the F-D matrix, which determines the frequency and the difficulty of safety culture attributes recently defined by the IAEA. A hierarchical model of difficulty contributors was developed as a scoring standard, and its elements were weighted via expert evaluation using the analytic hierarchy process. The frequency of the attributes was derived by analyzing reported events from nuclear power plants in the Republic of Korea. Period-by-period comparisons with the F-D matrix can show trends in the change of the maturity level of an organization's safety culture and help to evaluate the effectiveness of previously implemented measures. In the evaluating the difficulty of the attributes in the recently developed harmonized safety culture model, the difficulties of Trending, Benchmarking, Resilience, and Documentation and Procedures were found to be relatively high, while the difficulties of Conflicts are Resolved, Ownership, Collaboration, and Respect is Evident were found to be relatively low. A case study was conducted with an analysis period of 10 years to attempt to reflect the many changes in safety culture that have been made following the Fukushima accident in March 2011. As a result of comparing two periods following the Fukushima accident, the overall frequency decreased by about 40%, providing evidence for the effects of the various improvements and measures taken following the increased emphasis on safety culture. The proposed F-D matrix provides a new analytical perspective and enables an in-depth analysis of safety culture.

Development and Applying of an Evaluation Index for Selecting Pet Insects Using AHP (AHP를 활용한 애완곤충 종 선발의 평가지표 개발 및 적용)

  • Kim, So-Yun;Park, Haechul;Song, Jeong-Hun;Roh, Seung Jin;Kim, Seonghyun
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.169-175
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    • 2020
  • We developed an evaluation index for selecting pet insect species. As an expert opinion survey, the Delphi method was used to establish evaluation items. Using AHP (analytic hierarchy process), evaluation criteria for selecting pet insects were proposed. And then based on application testing, we established a scoring system.

Development of Green-Tourism Potential Evaluation Method for Rural Villages Considering Amenity and Human Resources (어메니티자원과 인적자원을 고려한 농촌마을의 관광잠재력 평가기법 개발)

  • Kim, Dae-Sik;Choi, Hyun-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2007
  • This study aims to develop an evaluation method of green-tourism potential in village level with amenity resources of rural villages, considering human resources of the village. The amenity resources evaluation system was classified into three sub-classes with social, industrial, and natural resources. The system consisted of a relationship diagram between three classes resources and tourists' behavior. The new methodology considers human resources as a key factor for green-tourism potential evaluation of villages, including the amenity resources of three sub-classes. In quantitative method for the criteria, this study adopted a new method of continuous linear score method, which is applying fuzzy theory, not to give score with the existing discrete scoring method with several steps. The weighting values of the evaluation criteria were calculated from the step wise pair-comparision results by AHP(Analytic Hierachy Process) method, which industrial, natural, and social resources have relative weighting values of 523/1000, 319/1000, and 158/1000, respectively. In evaluation of another weighting value by the same methodology, the results showed that the amenity and the human resources have weighting values of 627/100 and 373/1000, respectively. The new evaluation method was applied to make the potential evaluation for rural villages of the study area, which located on Narial-myun, Keumsan-gun, Chungnam province. The development priority among the villages could be suggested reasonably by the new findings of this study, according to the evaluation results showing that the village with high possibility for development in green-tourism has high score in the potential evaluation.

A Study on the Evaluation Method of Comprehension Task in Proverbs for the Elderly (노인용 속담 이해력 과제의 평가 방법에 대한 고찰)

  • Lee, Young-Min;Kim, Jung-Wan
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2021
  • Objective : This study aimed to establish an analytic methodology that can objectively evaluate the proverb comprehension levels that vary based on the aging process. Method : This study recruited 70 normal elderly aged ≥ 65 years and performed proverb comprehension tasks using an explanation method. A scoring estimation method was designed on 3 and 5-point scales. The difficulty and discrimination levels were calculated based on the two scales, thereby selecting the final questions and evaluation scale. Results : First, the item discrimination index on the 5-point scale was relatively higher than that on the 3-point scale, and 10 items were finally selected. Second, in terms of proverb comprehension ability, the elderly group aged 70 ~ 84 years showed significantly lower performance than those aged 65 ~ 69 years. Additionally, subjects with ≥ 10 years of education showed significantly higher performance than those with 9 ≤ years of education. Third, the performance of the proverbs comprehension task negatively correlated with the reaction time of the executive function task. Conclusion : Proverb comprehension is a task that can distinctively show a deterioration of brain functions in line with the aging process even among the normal elderly group and therefore, can estimate the difference more effectively with an increase in the score of the evaluation scale.

An Application of Multivariate Generalizability Theory to Teacher Recommendation Letters and Self-introduction Letters Used in Selection of Mathematically Gifted Students by Observation and Nomination (관찰·추천제에 의한 수학영재 선발 시 사용되는 교사추천서와 자기소개서 평가에 대한 다변량 일반화가능도 이론의 활용)

  • Kim, Sung Yeun;Han, Ki Soon
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.671-695
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    • 2013
  • This study provides an illustrative example of using the multivariate generalizability theory. Specifically, it investigates relative effects of each error source, and finds optimal measurement conditions for the number of items within each content domain that maximizes the reliability-like coefficients, such as a generalizability coefficient and an index of dependability. The method is based on teacher recommendation letters and self-introduction letters, using an analytic scoring method in the context of selection of mathematically gifted students by observation and nomination. This study analyzed data from the 2011 academic year in the science education institute for the gifted, which is attached to the university located in the Seoul metropolitan area. It should be noted that the optimal scoring structures of this study are not generalizable to other selection instruments. However, the methodology applied in this study can be utilized to find optimal measurement conditions for the number of raters, the number of content domains, and the number of items in other selection instruments self-developed by many institutions including: the education institutes for the gifted at provincial offices of education, gifted classes, and the science education institutes for the gifted attached to universities in general. In addition, the methodology will provide bases for making informed decisions in selection instruments of the gifted based on measurement traits.

A Study on the Risk Factors for Maternal and Child Health Care Program with Emphasis on Developing the Risk Score System (모자건강관리를 위한 위험요인별 감별평점분류기준 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 이광옥
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.7-21
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    • 1983
  • For the flexible and rational distribution of limited existing health resources based on measurements of individual risk, the socalled Risk Approach is being proposed by the World Health Organization as a managerial tool in maternal and child health care program. This approach, in principle, puts us under the necessity of developing a technique by which we will be able to measure the degree of risk or to discriminate the future outcomes of pregnancy on the basis of prior information obtainable at prenatal care delivery settings. Numerous recent studies have focussed on the identification of relevant risk factors as the Prior infer mation and on defining the adverse outcomes of pregnancy to be dicriminated, and also have tried on how to develope scoring system of risk factors for the quantitative assessment of the factors as the determinant of pregnancy outcomes. Once the scoring system is established the technique of classifying the patients into with normal and with adverse outcomes will be easily de veloped. The scoring system should be developed to meet the following four basic requirements. 1) Easy to construct 2) Easy to use 3) To be theoretically sound 4) To be valid In searching for a feasible methodology which will meet these requirements, the author has attempted to apply the“Likelihood Method”, one of the well known principles in statistical analysis, to develop such scoring system according to the process as follows. Step 1. Classify the patients into four groups: Group $A_1$: With adverse outcomes on fetal (neonatal) side only. Group $A_2$: With adverse outcomes on maternal side only. Group $A_3$: With adverse outcome on both maternal and fetal (neonatal) sides. Group B: With normal outcomes. Step 2. Construct the marginal tabulation on the distribution of risk factors for each group. Step 3. For the calculation of risk score, take logarithmic transformation of relative proport-ions of the distribution and round them off to integers. Step 4. Test the validity of the score chart. h total of 2, 282 maternity records registered during the period of January 1, 1982-December 31, 1982 at Ewha Womans University Hospital were used for this study and the“Questionnaire for Maternity Record for Prenatal and Intrapartum High Risk Screening”developed by the Korean Institute for Population and Health was used to rearrange the information on the records into an easy analytic form. The findings of the study are summarized as follows. 1) The risk score chart constructed on the basis of“Likelihood Method”ispresented in Table 4 in the main text. 2) From the analysis of the risk score chart it was observed that a total of 24 risk factors could be identified as having significant predicting power for the discrimination of pregnancy outcomes into four groups as defined above. They are: (1) age (2) marital status (3) age at first pregnancy (4) medical insurance (5) number of pregnancies (6) history of Cesarean sections (7). number of living child (8) history of premature infants (9) history of over weighted new born (10) history of congenital anomalies (11) history of multiple pregnancies (12) history of abnormal presentation (13) history of obstetric abnormalities (14) past illness (15) hemoglobin level (16) blood pressure (17) heart status (18) general appearance (19) edema status (20) result of abdominal examination (21) cervix status (22) pelvis status (23) chief complaints (24) Reasons for examination 3) The validity of the score chart turned out to be as follows: a) Sensitivity: Group $A_1$: 0.75 Group $A_2$: 0.78 Group $A_3$: 0.92 All combined : 0.85 b) Specificity : 0.68 4) The diagnosabilities of the“score chart”for a set of hypothetical prevalence of adverse outcomes were calculated as follows (the sensitivity“for all combined”was used). Hypothetidal Prevalence : 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Diagnosability : 12% 23% 40% 53% 64% 75% 80%.

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Dynamic risk assessment of water inrush in tunnelling and software development

  • Li, L.P.;Lei, T.;Li, S.C.;Xu, Z.H.;Xue, Y.G.;Shi, S.S.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.57-81
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    • 2015
  • Water inrush and mud outburst always restricts the tunnel constructions in mountain area, which becomes a major geological barrier against the development of underground engineering. In view of the complex disaster-causing mechanism and difficult quantitative predictions of water inrush and mud outburst, several theoretical methods are adopted to realize dynamic assessment of water inrush in the progressive process of tunnel construction. Concerning both the geological condition and construction situation, eleven risk factors are quantitatively described and an assessment system is developed to evaluate the water inrush risk. In the static assessment, the weights of eight risk factors about the geological condition are determined using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Each factor is scored by experts and the synthesis scores are weighted. The risk level is ultimately determined based on the scoring outcome which is derived from the sum of products of weights and comprehensive scores. In the secondary assessment, the eight risk factors in static assessment and three factors about construction situation are quantitatively analyzed using fuzzy evaluation method. Subordinate levels and weight of factors are prepared and then used to calculate the comprehensive subordinate degree and risk level. In the dynamic assessment, the classical field of the eleven risk factors is normalized by using the extension evaluation method. From the input of the matter-element, weights of risk factors are determined and correlation analysis is carried out to determine the risk level. This system has been applied to the dynamic assessment of water inrush during construction of the Yuanliangshan tunnel of Yuhuai Railway. The assessment results are consistent with the actual excavation, which verifies the rationality and feasibility of the software. The developed system is believed capable to be back-up and applied for risk assessment of water inrush in the underground engineering construction.

A Study on Land Acquisition Priority for Establishing Riparian Buffer Zones in Korea (수변녹지 조성을 위한 토지매수 우선순위 산정 방안 연구)

  • Hong, Jin-Pyo;Lee, Jae-Won;Choi, Ok-Hyun;Son, Ju-Dong;Cho, Dong-Gil;Ahn, Tong-Mahn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.29-41
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    • 2014
  • The Korean government has purchased land properties alongside any significant water bodies before setting up the buffers to secure water qualities. Since the annual budgets are limited, however, there has always been the issue of which land parcels ought to be given the priority. Therefore, this study aims to develop efficient mechanism for land acquisition priorities in stream corridors that would ultimately be vegetated for riparian buffer zones. The criteria of land acquisition priority were driven through literary review along with experts' advice. The relative weights of their value and priorities for each criterion were computed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP) method. Major findings of the study are as follows: 1. The decision-making structural model for land acquisition priority focuses mainly on the reduction of non-point source pollutants(NSPs). This fact is highly associated with natural and physical conditions and land use types of surrounding areas. The criteria were classified into two categories-NSPs runoff areas and potential NSPs runoff areas. 2. Land acquisition priority weights derived for NSPs runoff areas and potential NSPs runoff areas were 0.862 and 0.138, respectively. This implicates that much higher priority should be given to the land parcels with NSPs runoff areas. 3. Weights and priorities of sub-criteria suggested from this study include: proximity to the streams(0.460), land cover(0.189), soil permeability(0.117), topographical slope(0.096), proximity to the roads(0.058), land-use types(0.036), visibility to the streams(0.032), and the land price(0.012). This order of importance suggests, as one can expect, that it is better to purchase land parcels that are adjacent to the streams. 4. A standard scoring system including the criteria and weights for land acquisition priority was developed which would likely to allow expedited decision making and easy quantification for priority evaluation due to the utilization of measurable spatial data. Further studies focusing on both point and non-point pollutants and GIS-based spatial analysis and mapping of land acquisition priority are needed.