• Title/Summary/Keyword: Alternative Economy

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On Promoting the Coastal Transport of Container (컨테이너 연안해송 활성화에 관한 연구 -부산항을 중심으로-)

  • Roh H.S.;Lee C.Y.
    • Journal of Korean Port Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.43-58
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    • 1993
  • There has been fast progress in economy in Korea derived by a consecutive five-year plan program for economic development started in the early 1960's. In the field of transportation, rapid changes in the technological environment of transportation and communication have brought a revolution of the transport system, of which inter-modal transportation through containerisation is typical. Because of the rapidly growing traffic volumes of cargo, especially container traffic, and lack of investment into transport infrastructure in the past, both road and railway are beyond their capacity. As a result, the public-road network has suffered a serious congestion problem. For instance, in relation to the corridor between Seoul and Pusan, today, it takes about 14 hours for the journey of container trailer through Kyongbu Expressway, for which it used to take only 7 hours in 1986. For the railway, though the congestion problem is not very serious compared with the road sector, a shortage of capacity on certain main lines has emerged as a problem as railway traffic has increased. Furthermore, the further expansion of the system in near future is difficult due to burden of higher construction the cost. Unlike these two modes, coastal shipping, which has been paid relatively less attention for commodity transport in Korea, shows no constraint in this respect. In addition, it is the most cost efficient mode of transport. This work therefore aims to make a proposal for the alternative inland transportation mode, which is to promote the coastal transport of container. Three obstructing factors for the promotion of the coastal transport are investigated and some solutions for those are suggested as follows : First, it appears to be essential to provide exclusive ports for the coastal shipping, that comply with simplification, specialization and rationalization. The optimum size of berths on the exclusive ports in Pusan port is estimated as 16-20. We found that it needs periodical study and publicity on the advantages from the adoption of the coastal mode. Inducing competition in the coastal shipping market is also necessary. For the supply of the fleet in the coastal shipping, chartering of the surplus ships in the oversea shipping is found to be more desirable than new shipbuilding. Second, to solve the fragmentation of the companies which wish to participate in the coastal transport, government has to implement the subsidy policy. The encouragement of participation of the shipping lines engaging in Korea-Japan run and Korea-East South Asia run, into coastal shipping also needs to be considered cautiously. Third, simplification of the document for entry in ports is needed for rational coastal shipping management. We can use B/L (Bill of Lading) for coastal shipping as a prerequisite to get the indemnity by P & I Club. The reduction of the government controls on entering and leaving the ports also needs.

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Criticism on Anti-Kitsch Theory (반키치론 비판)

  • Kim, Joo-hyoun
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.123
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    • pp.87-110
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    • 2012
  • The kitsch was emerged from the people's cultural desire in the conditions of the various duplicating technology, the capital economy system, and the civil revolution in the western modern mass society. But it is underestimated constantly because of the conspicious consumption and the aesthetic inadequacy. Even though some kitsches are elevated to the 'kitsch arts' in the historical description of the modern arts, still the most of kitsches are remained as 'just kitsches' and excluded from the aesthetic research according to the double standard. In this essay, I research for whether anti-kitsch theory is convincing theoretically and practically. Anti-kitsch theory criticizes the kitsch on the basis of the modernist aesthetics, in which the 'fine art' provokes the aesthetic pleasure in the disinterested contemplation. But kitsch purposes for the sensual gratification and the sentimentality. So the anti-kitish theorists conclude that the kitsch is the bad taste. In critically analyzing the argumentation of Greenberg's. Kaplan's and $C{\tilde{a}}linescu^{\prime}s$, I refute the privileged prejudice of the ideal critic. They don't justify the criteria of the classification of 'art'/ 'kitsch'. They supplement the economical and the political grounds for the evaluative theory of the kitsch. But the argumentation of the kitsch is consumed conspicuously and results in the unlettered masses is not sufficient. People produce and enjoy the kitsches in the various ways. People envelope the genres, styles and media of the kitsches and they try to suggest the new horizon of the popular aesthetics. So anti-kitsch theories cannot be accepted because they adhere to the elitism and formalism. The exclusion of the kitsch is the derogation for people's taste. Also they didn't reflect the contemporary cultural practice and the aesthetic needs in the system of post-art. The alternative aesthetics of the kitsch is the topic of my next essay.

On The Development of The Stern Form with Low Resistance and High Propulsive Efficiency for Full Ships (저저항(低抵抗) 고추진(高推進) 효율(效率)의 비대선(肥大船) 선미선형(船尾船型)의 개발(開發)에 관하여)

  • Ho-Chung,Kim;Chun-Ju,Lee;Young-Bok,Choi
    • Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 1990
  • It is required to develop a hull form with low resistance and high propulsive efficiency for the improvement of the ship-board operational economy. Since the hull forms with low resistance frequently have lower propulsive efficiency and on the other hand the hull forms with higher propulsive efficiency don't show good resistance characteristics, it is always very difficult to obtain economical hull forms which require less propulsive power accordingly. Efforts have been made to pursue a stern form with excellent resistance and propulsion characteristics together by shaping the run of the so-called buttock-flow type stern, which is known to have good viscous resistance performance, like that of conventional aftbody(U-type or Hogner type) featured by high propulsive efficiency. First model tests confirmed that the above concept can be one of the alternative approaches to the design of the good stern form and by the continuing efforts thereafter for the refining of the concept, propelled by the first promising results, stern form of good resistance performance together with good propulsive efficiency has been realized to some extent. In addition, it is confirmed that the new new stern can have better cavitation and vibration characteristics due to uniform wake-fields and the compact engine room arrangement can be possible due to it's larger floor area in way of engine room double bottom as compared with usual barge stern.

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Analysis and Improvement of Utilization Status through GPS Data Analysis of Shared Electric Kickboard in Wirye New Town (위례 신도시 공유 전동 킥보드 GPS데이터 분석을 통한 이용실태 분석 및 개선사항)

  • Hong, Seok-Do;You, Yen-Yoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.471-476
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    • 2021
  • Personal mobility (PM) is a new concept of transportation used by one or two people using electricity. Personal transportation aims to move quickly and conveniently over an ambiguous distance that is too close to the destination and too far to walk. In particular, as electric kickboard sharing services have become more common in recent years, they are receiving great popularity from citizens. However, it is necessary to come up with an alternative solution as it is acting as a risk not only to users but also to pedestrians and road drivers. Therefore, in order to present measures to establish and improve a safe personal mobility utilization environment, this research was conducted as follows. First, based on GPS data from shared electric kickboards, the usage status in everyday life was examined and analyzed in detail. Second, it is convenient to rent and return shared electric kickboards directly to applications regardless of time, and it is highly accessible to rent them from their location and reach their destination. Based on these findings, this study suggests that careful access to rental and return could have a more positive effect on users and pedestrians by installing a cradle in a place where there is more use than disorderly device placement and expansion.

The Determinants of Port Hinterlands Competitiveness in Korea-China: Focusing on Gwangyang Port and Qingdao Port (한·중 항만배후단지의 경쟁요인 비교분석에 관한 연구: 광양항과 칭다오항을 중심으로)

  • Qing, Cheng lin;Na, Ju Mong
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.109-130
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to identify the priority for the Gwangyang and Qingdao hinterlands which are in the same category of benchmarking crowed paths. This study has been mainly done with comparison. There is certain limitation to use competitive factors of existing research so, this study has had proper competitive factors deriving from factors analysis and studied hinterland priority of competing factors by AHP. Major results are as follows. First, the factor analysis resulted in 20 factor that were 0.6 or higher loading level of commonality and then these 20 factors were divided into groups: operating factors, service factors, cost factors, port infrastructure factors, and hinterland conditions factors with the rotated component matrix analysis. Second, according to the result of top competitive factors, the best factor was the hinterland condition(0.256). The other factors such as infrastructure, economy, accessibility, incentive, and port traffic in hinterland were highly ranked in terms of general importance using multiple weights. Third, the result of detailed properties importance about the final alternative, Gwangyang hinterland was considered more highly than Qingdao hinterland in the port information system, the support a variety of administrative services, the efficiency of the customs, and the tax benefits.

Forecasting the Future Korean Society: A Big Data Analysis on 'Future Society'-related Keywords in News Articles and Academic Papers (빅데이터를 통해 본 한국사회의 미래: 언론사 뉴스기사와 사회과학 학술논문의 '미래사회' 관련 키워드 분석)

  • Kim, Mun-Cho;Lee, Wang-Won;Lee, Hye-Soo;Suh, Byung-Jo
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.37-64
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to forecast the future of the Korean society via a big data analysis. Based upon two sets of database - a collection of 46,000,000 news on 127 media in Naver Portal operated by Naver Corporation and a collection of 70,000 academic papers of social sciences registered in KCI (Korea Citation Index of National Research Foundation) between 2005-2017, 40 most frequently occurring keywords were selected. Next, their temporal variations were traced and compared in terms of number and pattern of frequencies. In addition, core issues of the future were identified through keyword network analysis. In the case of the media news database, such issues as economy, polity or technology turned out to be the top ranked ones. As to the academic paper database, however, top ranking issues are those of feeling, working or living. Referring to the system and life-world conceptual framework suggested by $J{\ddot{u}}rgen$ Habermas, public interest of the future inclines to the matter of 'system' while professional interest of the future leans to that of 'life-world.' Given the disparity of future interest, a 'mismatch paradigm' is proposed as an alternative to social forecasting, which can substitute the existing paradigms based on the ideas of deficiency or deprivation.

Analysis of Forestry Household Income Inequality using Gini Coefficient Decomposition by Income Sources (소득원천별 지니계수 분해법을 이용한 임가의 소득불평등 분석)

  • Kim, Eui-Gyeong;Kim, Bo-Kyeong;Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.3
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    • pp.392-404
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of various income sources on income inequality of forestry households. Data from the Forestry Household Economy Survey from 2013-2016 were analyzed using the Gini coefficient decomposition method via income source. In particular, the income inequality analysis of forestry households was broken down into separate analyses based on group, i.e., the whole of forestry households and the five income quintile classes. The results of the analyses showed that income inequality of forestry households is primarily affected by forestry and nonforestry incomes and income quintile class. Moreover, income inequality of the highest income quintile class was largely affected by forestry income compared with other sources of income, whereas that of other income quintile classes was largely affected by nonforestry income. Therefore, in order to reduce income inequality in forestry households, it is necessary to increase the proportion of forestry income in the lower four quintile classes. Given that the income of the lowest quintile class is negative, it is necessary to devise ways to improve the proportion and quantity of forestry income. At the same time, as forestry income increases, a policy alternative is also required to improve inequality in forestry income.

Examining Economic Activities of Disabled People Using Media Big Data: Temporal Trends and Implications for Issue Detection (언론 빅데이터를 이용한 장애인 경제활동 분석: 키워드의 시기별 동향과 이슈 탐지를 위한 시사점)

  • Won, Dong Sub;Park, Han Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.548-557
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the statistical usefulness of using atypical text data collected from media that are easy to collect to overcoming limits of the existing data related to economic activities of disabled people. In addition, by performing semantic network analysis, major issues by period that could not be grasped by statistical analysis were also identified. As a result, semantic network analysis revealed that the initiative of the public sector, such as the central and local government bodies, was strongly shown. On the other hand, in the private purchase sector, it was also possible to confirm the consumption revitalization trend and changes in production activities in the recent issue of Covid-19. While the term "priority purchase" had a statistically significant relation with the other two terms "vocational rehabilitation" and "employment for the disabled". For the regression results, while the term "priority purchase" had a statistically significant association with the other two terms "vocational rehabilitation" and "employment for the disabled". Further, some statistical analyses reveal that keyword data taken from media channels can serve as an alternative indicator. Implications for issue detection in the field of welfare economy for the disabled is also discussed.

A Study on the Method of Manufacturing Lactic Acid from Seaweed Biomass (해조류 바이오매스로부터 Lactic acid를 제조하는 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hakrae;Ko, Euisuk;Shim, Woncheol;Kim, Jongseo;Kim, Jaineung
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2022
  • With the spread of COVID-19 worldwide, non-face-to-face services have grown rapidly, but at the same time, the problem of plastic waste is getting worse. Accordingly, eco-friendly policies such as carbon neutrality and sustainable circular economy are being promoted worldwide. Due to the high demand for eco-friendly products, the packaging industry is trying to develop eco-friendly packaging materials using PLA and PBAT and create new business models. On the other hand, Ulva australis occurs in large quantities in the southern seas of Korea and off the coast of Jeju Island, causing marine environmental problems. In this study, lactic acid was produced through dilute acid pretreatment, enzymatic saccharification, and fermentation processes to utilize Ulva australis as a new alternative energy raw material. In general, seaweeds vary in carbohydrate content and sugar composition depending on the species, harvest location, and time. Seaweed is mainly composed of polysaccharides such as cellulose, alginate, mannan, and xylan, but does not contain lignin. It is difficult to expect high extraction yield of the complex polysaccharide constituting Ulva australis with only one process. However, the fusion process of dilute acid and enzymatic saccharification presented in this study can extract most of the sugars contained in Ulva australis. Therefore, the fusion process is considered to be able to expect high lactic acid production yield when a commercial-scale production process is established.

A Study on the Method of Manufacturing Lactic Acid from Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extraction Byproducts (은행잎 추출부산물로부터의 Lactic acid 제조법에 관한 연구)

  • Euisuk Ko;Hakrae Lee;Woncheol Shim;Soohyeon Lee;Sunjin Kim;Jaineung Kim
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2023
  • Despite the easing of social distancing, demand for non-face-to-face services continues to rise. Recently, the EU is pursuing a comprehensive plastic use reduction by expanding the scope of plastic use regulations for packaging plastics according to the New Cyclical Economy Action Plan(NCEAP). In response to this trend, the packaging industry is moving away from conventional non-degradable/petroleum-based plastics and conducting research on packaging materials using biodegradable plastics such as PLA(Poly Lactic Acid), PBAT(Poly Butylene Adipate-co-butylene Terephthalate). On the other hand, ginkgo leaves occur in large quantities in Korea and act as a cause of slip accidents and flooding. In this study, a method to utilize ginkgo biloba leaf as a new alternative biomass resource was proposed by producing lactic acid through pretreatment, enzymatic saccharification, and fermentation processes. For the efficiency of lactic acid production, a comparative analysis of lignin content from before and after browning was performed. In addition, the degree of glucan extraction was evaluated by applying a pretreatment method using three catalysts: hot water, sulfuric acid, and sodium hydroxide. It is difficult to expect high production of lactic acid with single process. Therefore, an integrated process operation using both the pretreated hydrolyzate and the residual solid enzymatic saccharification solution must necessarily be applied.