• 제목/요약/키워드: Airworthiness Authorities

검색결과 16건 처리시간 0.022초

군용항공기 감항 상호인정 정책에 관한 연구 (A Study on The Military Airworthiness Recognition Policy)

  • 최철민;김기동;김성래
    • 한국군사과학기술학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.289-299
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    • 2017
  • Because of its unique ordnance or operational requirements, military aircraft has potential risks different from civil aircraft. This explains why there is no global document for military airworthiness and each nation has its own sovereign authority. But harmonized airworthiness activities among authorities are required to reduce cost and time for recent multinational programs. In this study, we show the airworthiness policy of the European Military Airworthiness Authorities and U.S. DOD Authorities which facilitate recognition of certificates and approvals issued by any other authorities. And we propose future works for Korea military airworthiness society to develop organizational recognition system.

항공기 시스템 설계와 안전성평가에 운영경험 반영 사례 연구 (A Study on the Application of Operational Experience in the Stage of Aircraft System Design and Safety Assessment)

  • 구민성
    • 한국항공운항학회지
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 2014
  • Airworthiness authorities specify the technical standards of airworthiness that propose minimum requirement of the commercial transport category and apply the rules in the certification process to ensure the safety of the aircraft. The Federal Aviation Administration and other national airworthiness authorities define the fatal accident risk levels for the safety assessment of the aircraft system and establish standard procedures to apply both qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques. However, an accident or incident may occur by the combination of various factors, although the aircraft is designed in accordance with the strict standards and approval by the Airworthiness Authorities. There are some key factors, such as human error, unpredictable complex system failures, degradation of the components reliability, improper maintenance task and intervals. Risk can be reduced by reflecting aircraft operational experience with similar types of aircraft in the process of aircraft development and safety assessment. Result of the root cause analysis for the Airbus A300-600 incident in which the aircraft engine reverser was deployed in the air have been introduced to reflect the design of system and related components. Also, this paper suggests to create a big-database in order to provide a feed-back to the FAR Part 25 transport category design and safety assessment of the operational experience.

무인기 감항기준 안전도 설정기법 연구 (Study on establishment of airworthiness level of safety for UAV)

  • 최주원
    • 항공우주시스템공학회지
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    • 제2권4호
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2008
  • To operate UAV in the civil airspace, the airworthiness of UAV system have to be proven by the civil certification system. However, it is difficult for UAV to be certified by the existing certification system because the existing certification system has been developed for the manned aircraft. So, many civil aviation authorities and research institutes are studying developing airworthiness standards for UAV certification. To develop an airworthiness standards for UAV, the airworthiness level of safety have to be established based on UAV categorization. I would like to introduce an quantitative methods for establishing airworthiness level of safety of UAV based on UAV categorization and example of Smart UAV.

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Mutual Recognition of National Military Airworthiness Authorities: A Streamlined Assessment Process

  • Purton, Leon;Kourousis, Kyriakos I.;Clothier, Reece;Massey, Kevin
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.54-62
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    • 2014
  • The Air and Space Interoperability Council (ASIC) has adopted the European Defence Agency (EDA) process for inter-regulatory military airworthiness authority recognition. However, there are gaps in the application of this process to nations outside of the European Union. This paper proposes a model that can effectively map diverse technical airworthiness regulatory frameworks. This model, referred to as the Product-Behaviour-Process (PBP) Bow-Tie model, provides the systematic structure needed to represent and compare regulatory frameworks. The PBP Bow-Tie model identifies key points of difference that need to be addressed, during inter-agency recognition between the two regulatory authorities. With the intention to adopt global use of the EDA process, the proposed PBP Bow-Tie model can be used as a basis for the successful recognition of regulatory frameworks outside of the European Union. Iris plots produced from the implementation of this model are presented, and proposed as a suitable means of illustrating the outcome of an assessment, and of supporting the comparisons of results. A comparative analysis of the Australian Defence Force and New Zealand Defence Force airworthiness regulatory frameworks is used as a case study. The case study clearly illustrates the effectiveness of the model in discerning regulatory framework differences; moreover, it has offered an opportunity to explore the limitations of the Iris plot.

무인항공기 인증제도에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Certification System of the Unmanned Aircraft)

  • 최주원
    • 항공우주시스템공학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2012
  • Nowadays, the demand of civil application of an UAV has been being increased all over the world. And many projects are going on to develop a new regulatory system for an UAV to access a national airspace. Especially, to fly UAV over the non-restricted airspace as a standard airworthiness standard, many authority funded research institutes and associations are studying regulatory environment. For the UAV to access civil airspace, the certification system of the aviation regulation have to allow this. FAA of US, CASA of Australia and European authorities are now issuing an experimental airworthiness certificate to a civil UAV. This is the first step of issuing a standard airworthiness certificate. And many people believe that civil UAV can fly over a NAS if some technical issues are resolved. In this study, I would like to present an international trends of a civil UAV regulation system, reliability trend of unmanned aerial system and would like to bring up a our regulatory environment and suggest an UAV regulatory policy.

소형 무인항공기 감항인증 기술기준 및 에너지 충돌기법 분석 연구 (Analysis for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Airworthiness Certification Criteria)

  • 임준완;김용래;최병철;고준수
    • 한국항공운항학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2014
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs) refer to the aircraft which carries no human pilot and is operated under remote control or in autonomous operational mode. As the UAVs can perform the dull, dangerous and difficult missions, various kinds of UAVs with different sizes and weights have been developed and operated for both civil and military application. As the avionics and communication technology related to the UAVs are matured, the demand for the UAVs is dramatically increased. Therefore, It is important to develope airworthiness process and regulations of the UAVs to minimize related risk to the man and environment. This paper describes related regulations and classification of the small UAVs for different international airworthiness authorities. The analysis of the CS-LURS verses Stanag 4702 and Stanag 4703 can provide guidelines for the generation of the airworthiness certification criteria for the small UAVs in civil sector. This paper conducted kinetic impact energy analysis of the loss of the small UAVs control scenarios and of the very small UAVs under 66 joules. Based on the analysis, the energy impact analysis can be considered before the design certification approval for the small UAVs.

Operational Risk Assessment for Airworthiness Certification of Military Unmanned Aircraft Systems using the SORA Method

  • Namgung, Pyeong;Eom, Jeongho;Kwon, Taehwa;Jeon, Seungmok
    • 항공우주시스템공학회지
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.64-74
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    • 2021
  • Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are rapidly emerging not only as a key military power, such as surveillance and reconnaissance for military purposes but also as a new air transportation means in the form of Urban Air Mobility (UAM). Currently, airworthiness certification is carried out focused on the verification of technical standards for flight safety suitability of aircraft design in accordance with the Military Aircraft Flight Safety Certification Act and does not employ the model for operational risk assessment for mission areas and airspace. In this study, in order to evaluate the risk of the mission area from the perspective of the UAS operator, a risk assessment simulation has been conducted by applying the Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) model to the operating environment of the Korean military UAS. Also, the validity of the SORA model has been verified through the analysis of simulation results, and a new application plan for airworthiness certification of the military unmanned aerial system has been presented.

해외 군당국의 감항인정의제 고찰 (Study on Foreign Military Authority Recognition Questionsets (MARQs))

  • 노진철;구본욱;고준수
    • 항공우주시스템공학회지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2016
  • 국가간의 지역충돌, 영토, 보호, 대테러 그리고 국제 무역 흐름에 직면한 현 세계는 항공기 수출, 부대파견 및 해외 주둔에 연관되어 감항인증 업무가 증가될 수 있다. 주권 국가의 위치와 책임을 최소화하기 위해서 외국 군 당국사이의 감항인증 절차를 확립하는 것은 중요하다. 이 연구는 항공기 개발 및 운영을 위한 비행 안전을 확보하기 위한 인정 파트너 사이의 군 감항 인정을 연구하였다. 이 논문은 감항 당국의 역할, 감독능력, 생산절차 및 인증의 소개로 미국 및 유럽 군 당국의 인정의제를 분석하였다. 군 당국인정인제를 기본으로, 다른 외국 군당국과 한국군감항당국에 의해 요구되는 규정활동을 감소할 수 있다.

적절한 헬기 트랜스미션 내구도 시험절차 연구 (A Study on Proper Procedure for Helicopter Transmission Endurance Test)

  • 이상목;황정선
    • 한국군사과학기술학회지
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.771-778
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    • 2013
  • Transmission is a core component of helicopter to transmit power from engine to rotor and must have a endurance to be able to show satisfactorily its performance required during its life time. When developing a new helicopter, both military and civil airworthiness authorities require a tie-down test to verify its endurance. Procedure for transmission endurance test is described in FAR part 29 or US military specification but its details are more or less ambiguous. In this paper, we have proposed a proper procedure for transmission endurance test by giving KUH transmission endurance test example including determination of applicable torque, load and test profile.

A Study on the Pilot Qualification and Qualification System Establishment of The Aerospace Composite Materials

  • Yong Man Yang;Sung In Cho;Seok Ho Jeong;Je-Jun Kim;Manseok Oh;Young Hwan Kim
    • International Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.14-24
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    • 2023
  • The materials applied to the aircraft fuselage, parts, and components must be verified by relative authorities in accordance with the procedures set by the airworthiness authority to achieve the aircraft type certification. There are no examples of domestic composite materials which were verified in order to be applied to aircraft structure. In this study, the composite material certification system of NCAMP, an American composite material standard certification organization, was reviewed and used as the fundamentals of the first aerospace composite material certification system in ROK(Fig 2,8). Also updated material certification documents were developed and confirmed by material certification engineers and inspectors. This aerospace composite material qualification system is intended to modernize the material certification system for AAM(Advanced Air Mobility) as well as aircraft and to enhance the understanding of related technicians and inspectors.