• Title/Summary/Keyword: Agricultural land use

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Estimation of non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases Emissions from Biomass Burning in the Samcheok Large-Fire Area Using Landsat TM Imagery (Landsat TM 영상자료를 활용한 삼척 대형산불 피해지의 비이산화탄소 온실가스 배출량 추정)

  • Won, Myoung-Soo;Koo, Kyo-Sang;Lee, Myung-Bo;Son, Yeong-Mo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to estimate non-$CO_2$ greenhouse gases (i.e., GHGs) emission from biomass burning at a local scale. Estimation of non-$CO_2$ GHGs emission was conducted using Landsat TM satellite imagery in order to assess the damage degree in burnt area and its effect on non-$CO_2$ GHGs emission. This approach of estimation was based on the protocol of the 2003 IPCC Guidelines. In this study, we used one of the most severe fire cases occurred Samcheock in April, 2004. Landsat TM satellite imageries of pre- and post-fire were used 1) to calculate delta normalized burn ratio (dNBR) for analyzing burnt area and burn severity of the Samcheok large-fire and 2) to quantify non-$CO_2$ GHGs emission from different size of the burnt area and the damage degree. The analysis of dNBR of the Samcheok large-fire indicated that the total burnt area was 16,200ha and the size of the burnt area differed with the burn severity: out of the total burnt area, the burn severities of Low (dNBR < 152), Moderate (dNBR = 153-190), and High (dNBR = 191-255) were 35%, 33%, and 32%, respectively. It was estimated that the burnt areas of coniferous forest, deciduous forest, and mixed forest were about 11,506ha (77%), 453ha (3%), and 2,978ha (20%), respectively. The magnitude of non-$CO_2$ GHGs emissions from the Samcheok large-fire differed significantly, showing 93% of CO (44.100Gg), 6.4% of CH4 (3.053Gg), 0.5% of $NO_x$ (0.238Gg), and 0.1% of $N_2O$ (0.038Gg). Although there were little changes in the total burnt area by the burn severity, there were differences in the emission of non-$CO_2$ GHGs with the degree of the burn severity. The maximum emission of non-$CO_2$ GHGs occurred in moderate burn severity, indicating 47% of the total emission.

A Suvey on Satisfaction Measurement of Automatic Milking System in Domestic Dairy Farm (자동착유시스템 설치농가의 설치 후 만족도에 관한 실태조사)

  • Ki, Kwang-Seok;Kim, Jong-Hyeong;Jeong, Young-Hun;Kim, Yun-Ho;Park, Sung-Jai;Kim, Sang-Bum;Lee, Wang-Shik;Lee, Hyun-June;Cho, Won-Mo;Baek, Kwang-Soo;Kim, Hyeon-Shup;Kwon, Eung-Gi;Kim, Wan-Young;Jeo, Joon-Mo
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2011
  • The present survey was conducted to provide basic information on automatic milking system (AMS) in relation to purchase motive, milk yield and quality, customer satisfaction, difficulties of operation and customer suggestions, etc. Purchase motives of AMS were insufficient labor (44%), planning of dairy experience farm (25%), better performance of high yield cows (19%) and others (6%), respectively. Average cow performance after using AMS was 30.9l/d for milk yield, 3.9% for milk fat, 9,100/ml for bacterial counts. Sixty-eight percentage of respondents were very positive in response to AMS use for their successors but 18% were negative. The AMS operators were owner (44%), successor (44%), wife (6%) and company worker (6%), respectively. The most difficulty (31%) in using AMS was operating the system and complicated program manual. The rate of response to system error and breakdown was 25%. The reasons for culling cow after using AMS were mastitis (28%), reproduction failure (19%), incorrect teat placement (12%), metabolic disease (7%) and others (14%), respectively. Fifty-six percentages of the respondents made AMS maintenance contract and 44% did not. Average annual cost of the maintenance contract was 6,580,000 won. Average score for AMS satisfaction measurement (1 to 5 range) was 3.2 with decrease of labor cost 3.7, company A/S 3.6, increase of milk yield 3.2 and decrease of somatic cell count 2.8, respectively. Suggestions for the higher efficiency in using AMS were selecting cows with correct udder shape and teat placement, proper environment, capital and land, and attitude for continuous observation. Systematic consulting was highly required for AMS companies followed by low cost for AMS setup and systematization of A/S.

The Evaluation of Meteorological Inputs retrieved from MODIS for Estimation of Gross Primary Productivity in the US Corn Belt Region (MODIS 위성 영상 기반의 일차생산성 알고리즘 입력 기상 자료의 신뢰도 평가: 미국 Corn Belt 지역을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Ji-Hye;Kang, Sin-Kyu;Jang, Keun-Chang;Ko, Jong-Han;Hong, Suk-Young
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.481-494
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    • 2011
  • Investigation of the $CO_2$ exchange between biosphere and atmosphere at regional, continental, and global scales can be directed to combining remote sensing with carbon cycle process to estimate vegetation productivity. NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) currently produces a regular global estimate of gross primary productivity (GPP) and annual net primary productivity (NPP) of the entire terrestrial earth surface at 1 km spatial resolution. While the MODIS GPP algorithm uses meteorological data provided by the NASA Data Assimilation Office (DAO), the sub-pixel heterogeneity or complex terrain are generally reflected due to coarse spatial resolutions of the DAO data (a resolution of $1{\circ}\;{\times}\;1.25{\circ}$). In this study, we estimated inputs retrieved from MODIS products of the AQUA and TERRA satellites with 5 km spatial resolution for the purpose of finer GPP and/or NPP determinations. The derivatives included temperature, VPD, and solar radiation. Seven AmeriFlux data located in the Corn Belt region were obtained to use for evaluation of the input data from MODIS. MODIS-derived air temperature values showed a good agreement with ground-based observations. The mean error (ME) and coefficient of correlation (R) ranged from $-0.9^{\circ}C$ to $+5.2^{\circ}C$ and from 0.83 to 0.98, respectively. VPD somewhat coarsely agreed with tower observations (ME = -183.8 Pa ~ +382.1 Pa; R = 0.51 ~ 0.92). While MODIS-derived shortwave radiation showed a good correlation with observations, it was slightly overestimated (ME = -0.4 MJ $day^{-1}$ ~ +7.9 MJ $day^{-1}$; R = 0.67 ~ 0.97). Our results indicate that the use of inputs derived MODIS atmosphere and land products can provide a useful tool for estimating crop GPP.

Improvement of Rotary Tine for Barley Seeder Attached to Rotary Tiller (로우터리 맥류파종기 경운날의 개량시험)

  • 김성래;김문규;김기대;허윤근
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 1979
  • The use of barley seeder attached to rotary tiller in the rural area has a significant meaning not only for the solution of labor peak season, but also for the increase of land utilization efficiency. The facts that presently being used barley seeders are all based on the mechanical principles of the reverse rotation, center drive and are all using forward rotating tine, which is used to be easily and heavily worn out when it rotates reversely, raise problem of recommending them to rural area in Korea. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to develop new type of rotary tine attachable to barley seeders. To attain the objective the following approaches were applied. (1) The kinematic analysis of reverse rotating barley seeders. (2) The studies on the soil bin and artificial soil. (3) The comparative experiment on the power requirement of prototype tine. The results obtained from the studies are summarized as follow: 1. The kinematic analysis of barley seeder attached to rotary tiller: The following results were obtained from the kinematic analysis for deriving general formulae of the motion and velocity characterizing the rotary tine of barley seeders presently being used by farmers. a) The position vector (P) of edge point (P) in the rotary tine of reverse rotating, center drive was obtained by the following formula. $$P=(vt+Rcos wt)i+Rsin wt j+ \{ Rcos \theta r sin \alpha cos (wt- \beta +\theta r) +Rsin \theta r sin \alpha sin (wt-\beta + \theta r) \} lk $$ b) The velocity of edge point $(P^')$ of reverse rotating, center drive rotary tine was obtained by the following formula. $$(P^')=(V-wR sin wt)i+(w\cdot Rcoswt)j + \{ -w\cdot Rcos \theta r\cdot sin \alpha \cdot sin (wt-\beta +\theta r) + w\cdot Rsin \theta r\cdot sin \alpha \cdot cos (wt- \beta + \theta r \} k $$ c) In order to reduce the power requirement of rotary tine, the angle between holder and edge point was desired to be reduced. d) In order to reduce the power requirement, the edge point of rotary tine should be moved from the angle at the begining of cutting to center line of machine, and the additional cutting width should be also reduced. 2. The studies on the soil bin and artificial soil: In order to measure the power requirement of various cutting tines under the same physical condition of soil, the indoor experiments Viere conducted by filling soil bin with artificially made soil similar to the common paddy soil and the results were as follows: a) When the rolling frequencies$(x)$ of the artificial soil were increased, the densIty$(Y)$ was also increased as follows: $$y=1.073200 +0.070780x - 0.002263x^2 (g/cm^3)$$ b) The absolute hardness $(Y)$ of soil had following relationship with the rolling frequencies$(x)$ and were increased as the rolling frequencies were increased. $$Y=37.74 - \frac {0.64 + 0.17x-0. 0054x^2} {(3.36-0.17x + 0.0054x^2)^3} (kg/cm^3)$$ c) The density of soil had significant effect on the cohesion and angle of internal friction of soil. For instance, the soil with density of 1.6 to 1.75 had equivalent density of sandy loam soil with 29.5% of natural soil moisture content. d) The coefficient of kinetiic friction of iron plate on artificial soil was 0.31 to 0.41 and was comparable with that of the natural soil. e) When the pulling speed of soil bin was the 2nd forward speed of power tiller, the rpm of driving shaft of rotary was similar to that of power tiller, soil bin apparatus is indicating the good indoor tester. 3. The comparative experiment on the power requirement of prototype tine of reverse rotating rotary: According to the preliminary test of rotary tine developed with various degrees of angle between holder and edge pcint due to the kinematic analysis, comparative test between prototype rotary tine with $30 ^\circ $ and $10 ^\circ$ of it and presently being used rotary tine was carried out 2nd the results were as follows: a) The total cutting torque was low when the angle between holder and edge point was reduced. b) $\theta r$ (angle between holder and edge point) of rotary tine seemed to be one: of the factors maximizing the increase of torque. c) As the angle between holder and edge point ($\theta r$) of rotary tine was $30 ^\circ $ rather than $45 ^\circ $, the angle of rotation during cutting soil was reduced and the total cutting torque was accordingly reduced about 10%, and the reduction efficiency of total cutting torque was low when the angle between holder and edge point ($\theta r$) of rotary tine was $10 ^\circ $, which indicates that the proper angle between holder and edge point of rotary tine should be larger than $10 ^\circ $ and smaller than $30 ^\circ $ . From above results, it could be concluded that the use of the prototype rotary tine which reduced the angle between holder and edge point to $30 ^\circ $, insted of $45 ^\circ $, is disirable not only decreasing the power requirements, but also increasing the durabie hour of it. Also forward researches are needed, WIlich determine the optimum tilted angle of rotary brocket, and rearrangement of the rotary tine on the rotary boss.

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Combustion Characteristics of Cow Manure Pellet as a Solid Fuel Source (고체연료원으로서의 우분 펠릿 연소특성)

  • Jeong, Kwang-Hwa;Lee, Dong-jun;Lee, Dong-Hyun;Lee, Sung-Hyoun
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2019
  • In Korea, 51,013 thousand tons of livestock manure was generated in 2018. A total of 46,530 thousand tons, which is 91.2% of the total amount of livestock manure generated, was treated by composting(40,647 thousand tons) or liquid fertilization(5,884 thousand tons) method. At present, the policy of livestock manure treatment in Korea is to make livestock manure into organic fertilizer(compost, liquid fertilizer) and then to applicate it on agricultural land. And this policy is very effective in terms of livestock manure treatment and nutrient recycling. However, considering the steadily declining farmland area for decades, the use of livestock manure compost could be limited in the future. There is also concern that local nutrient overloading, nutrient management regulation, and restrictions on the number of livestock may become serious problem for livestock manure treatment. In addition, there are some opinions that nutrient derived from livestock manure may flow into tributaries of major dams. In recent years, there has been a suspicion that fine dust may be generated from livestock manure compost. In recent years, the use of livestock manure fertilizer has been rapidly increasing, there is a growing demand of the development of new technologies for livestock manure treatment. Especially, cow excretes a larger amount of manure than other livestock, so that the efficiency of development of new technology for cow manure treatment will be high. Therefore, in this study, the combustion characteristics of cow manure pellet were investigated in order to analyzed whether cow manure could be used as source of solid fuel. During the combustion test, the weight loss of the cow manure pellet began to increase when the temperature of the combustion chamber reached $300^{\circ}C$. The ratio of $H_2$, $CH_4$, CO in the pyrolysis gas produced in the pyrolysis process of cow manure pellet were 6.65~11.62%, 0.58~1.54 and 11.47~14.07%, respectively.

Evaluation of Water Quality Impacts of Forest Fragmentation at Doam-Dam Watershed using GIS-based Modeling System (GIS 기반의 모형을 이용한 도암댐 유역의 산림 파편화에 따른 수(水)환경 영향 평가)

  • Heo, Sung-Gu;Kim, Ki-Sung;Ahn, Jae-Hun;Yoon, Jong-Suk;Lim, Kyoungjae;Choi, Joongdae;Shin, Yong-Chul;Lyou, Chang-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.81-94
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    • 2006
  • The water quality impacts of forest fragmentation at the Doam-dam watershed were evaluated in this study. For this ends, the watershed scale model, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was utilized. To exclude the effects of different magnitude and patterns in weather, the same weather data of 1985 was used because of significant differences in precipitation in year 1985 and 2000. The water quality impacts of forest fragmentation were analyzed temporarily and spatially because of its nature. The flow rates for Winter and Spring has increased with forest fragmentations by $8,366m^3/month$ and $72,763m^3/month$ in the S1 subwatershed, experiencing the most forest fragmentation within the Doam-dam watershed. For Summer and Fall, the flow rate has increased by $149,901m^3/month$ and $107,109m^3/month$, respectively. It is believed that increased flow rates contributed significant amounts of soil erosion and diffused nonpoint source pollutants into the receiving water bodies. With the forest fragmentation in the S1 watershed, the average sediment concentration values for Winter and Spring increased by 5.448mg/L and 13.354mg/L, respectively. It is believed that the agricultural area, which were forest before the forest fragmentation, are responsible for increased soil erosion and sediment yield during the spring thaw and snow melts. For Spring and Fall, the sediment concentration values increased by 20.680mg/L and 24.680mg/L, respectively. Compared with Winter and Spring, the increased precipitation during Summer and Fall contributed more soil erosion and increased sediment concentration value in the stream. Based on the results obtained from the analysis performed in this study, the stream flow and sediment concentration values has increased with forest fragmentation within the S1 subwatershed. These increased flow and soil erosion could contribute the eutrophication in the receiving water bodies. This results show that natural functionalities of the forest, such as flood control, soil erosion protection, and water quality improvement, can be easily lost with on-going forest fragmentation within the watershed. Thus, the minimize the negative impacts of forest fragmentation, comprehensive land use planning at watershed scale needs to be developed and implemented based on the results obtained in this research.

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Rewetting Strategies for the Drained Tropical Peatlands in Indonesia (인도네시아의 배수된 열대 이탄지에 대한 재습지화 전략)

  • Roh, Yujin;Kim, Seongjun;Han, Seung Hyun;Lee, Jongyeol;Son, Yowhan
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2018
  • The tropical peatlands have been deforested and converted to agricultural and plantation areas in Indonesia. To manage water levels and increase the overall productivity of crops, canals have been constructed in tropical peatlands. The canals destructed the structure of the tropical peatlands, and increased the subsidence and fire hazard risks in the region. The Indonesian government enacted regulations and a moratorium on tropical peatlands, in order to reduce degradation. A practical method under the regulations of rewetting tropical peatlands was to permit a canal blocking. In this study, four canal blocking projects were investigated regarding their planning, construction priority, design, building material, construction, monitoring, time and costs associated with the canal blockings. In the protected areas, regulations restricted the development of the tropical peatlands areas that were noted as deeper than 3 m, and the administration stopped issuing new concessions for future work projects for this noted criteria of land use. A noted purpose of canal blockings in these areas was to effectuate the restoration of the lands in the region. The main considerations of the restoration efforts were to maintain a durability of the blockings, and to encourage the participation of the area stakeholders. In the case of a concession area, regulations were set into place to restrict clear-cutting and shifting cultivation, and to maintain groundwater level in the tropical peatland. The most significant priorities identified in the canal blocking project were the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the project. Nevertheless, the drainage of tropical peatlands has been continued. On the basis of a literature review on regulations and rewetting methods in tropical peatlands of Indonesia, we discussed the improvements of the regulations, and adequate canal blockings to serve the function to rewet the tropical peatlands in Indonesia. Our results would help establishing an adequate direction and recommended guideline on viable rewetting methods for the restoration of drained tropical peatlands in Southeast Asia.

The Great Depression in High School Social Science Textbooks : Critiques and Suggestions (대공황에 대한 고등학교 사회과 교과서 서술의 문제점과 개선방안)

  • Kim, Duol
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.171-209
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    • 2008
  • The Great Depression is one of the most important economic incidents in the twentieth century. A significant and long-lasting impact of this event is the rise of the government intervention to the economy. Under the catastrophic downturn of the economic condition worldwide, people required their government to play an active role for economic recovery, and this $mentalit{\acute{e}}$ prolonged even after the Second World War. Social science textbooks taught at Korean high schools mostly referred to the Great Depression for explaining the reason of government intervention in economy. However, the mainstream view commonly found in the textbooks provides a misleading theological interpretation. It argues that inherent flaws of the market economy causes over-production/under-consumption, and that this mismatch ends up with economic crisis. The chaotic situation was resolved by substitution of the governments for the market, and the New Deal was introduced as the monumental example ('laissez-faire economy ${\rightarrow}$over-production${\rightarrow}$the Great Depression${\rightarrow}$government intervention${\rightarrow}$economic recovery'). Based on economic historians' researches for past three decades, I argue that this mainstream view commits the fallacy of ex-post justification. Unlike what the mainstream view claims, the Great Depression was neither the result of the 'market failure', nor the recovery from the Great Depression but was due to successful government policies. For substantiating this claim, I suggest three points. First, blaming the weakness or instability of the market economy as the cause of the Great Depression is groundless. Unlike what the textbooks describe, the rise of the U.S. stock price during the 1920s cannot be said as a bubble, and there was no sign of under-consumption during the 1920s. On the contrary, a new consensus emerging from the 1980s among economic historians illustrates that the Great Depression was originated from 'the government failure' rather than from the 'market failure'. Policymakers of European countries tried to return to the gold standard regime before the First World War, but discrepancies between this policy and the reality made the world economy vulnerable. Second, the mainstream view identifies the New Deal as Keynesian interventionism and glorifies it for saving the U.S. economy from the crisis. However, this argument is not true. The New Deal was not Keynesian at all. What the U.S. government actually tried was not macroeconomic stabilization but price and quantity control. In addition, New Deal did not brought about economic recovery that people generally believe. Even after the New Deal, industrial production or employment level remained quite low until the late 1930s. Lastly, studies on individual New Deal policies show that they did not work as they were intended. For example, the National Industrial Recovery Act increased unemployment, and the Agricultural Adjustment Act expelled tenants from their land. Third, the mainstream view characterizes the economic order before the Great Depression as laissez-faire, and it tends to attribute all the vice during the Industrial Revolution era to the uncontrolled market economy. However, historical studies show that various economic and social problems of the Industrial Revolution period such as inequality problems, child labor, or environmental problems cannot be simply ascribed to the problems of the market economy. In conclusion, the remedy for all these problems in high school textbooks is not to use the Great Depression as an example showing the weakness of the market economy. The Great Depression should be introduced simply as a historical momentum that had initiated the growth of government intervention. This reform of high school textbooks is imperative for enhancing the right understanding of economy and history.

Management of the Nakdong-Jeongmaek based on the Characteristics of Cold Air - Focused on Busan, Ulsan, Pohang - (찬공기 특성을 고려한 낙동정맥 관리방안 연구 - 부산, 울산, 포항 인근을 대상으로 -)

  • Eum, Jeong-Hee;Son, Jeong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.103-115
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to analyze the properties of cold air production and its flow of Nakdong-Jeongmaek(mountain ranges), and to suggest management strategies for Nakdong-Jeongmaek in order to enhance the green air conditioning functions of Jeongmaek. For this purpose, three study sites including Gudeoksan Mountain and the vicinity in Busan, Goheonsan Mountain and the vicinity in Ulsan, and Unjusan Mountain and the vicinity in Pohang were selected. The results found that cold air flow and its height of the three study sites were analyzed based on topographic properties and land use. Management strategies for preserving and enhancing their temperature reduction functions were suggested. The cold air produced in the vicinity of Gudeoksan was not fully developed and spread because of the high-density development at the border of Jeongmaek. Since high pressures of development are expected at the border, high conservation policies are required. In the vicinity of Goheonsan, where the agricultural complex and industrial park are located, cold air flows well throughout the entire study site thanks to fully developed cold air in the wide, flat valley. Hence, plans to maintain the current cold air flow are required, and conservation plans to mitigate future developments are also needed in the flat valley. The cold air in Unjusan and the vicinity with its complex and narrow mountain valleys gradually develops into valley bottoms. In order to take advantage of the terrain, the valley near the cold air production areas are preserved. In particular, special plans are required to prevent damage to the cold air layer near Youngcheonho Lake, where the highest height of cold air was recorded due to the closed and lower terrain feature. This study could support the establishment of systematic management plans of Nakdong-Jeongmaek to preserve and enhance its green air conditioning functions.

Predicting the Goshawk's habitat area using Species Distribution Modeling: Case Study area Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea (종분포모형을 이용한 참매의 서식지 예측 -충청북도를 대상으로-)

  • Cho, Hae-Jin;Kim, Dal-Ho;Shin, Man-Seok;Kang, Tehan;Lee, Myungwoo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.333-343
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    • 2015
  • This research aims at identifying the goshawk's possible and replaceable breeding ground by using the MaxEnt prediction model which has so far been insufficiently used in Korea, and providing evidence to expand possible protection areas for the goshawk's breeding for the future. The field research identified 10 goshawk's nests, and 23 appearance points confirmed during the 3rd round of environmental research were used for analysis. 4 geomorphic, 3 environmental, 7 distance, and 9 weather factors were used as model variables. The final environmental variables were selected through non-parametric verification between appearance and non-appearance coordinates identified by random sampling. The final predictive model (MaxEnt) was structured using 10 factors related to breeding ground and 7 factors related to appearance area selected by statistics verification. According to the results of the study, the factor that affected breeding point structure model the most was temperature seasonality, followed by distance from mixforest, density-class on the forest map and relief energy. The factor that affected appearance point structure model the most was temperature seasonality, followed by distance from rivers and ponds, distance from agricultural land and gradient. The nature of the goshawk's breeding environment and habit to breed inside forests were reflected in this modeling that targets breeding points. The northern central area which is about $189.5 km^2$(2.55 %) is expected to be suitable breeding ground. Large cities such as Cheongju and Chungju are located in the southern part of Chungcheongbuk-do whereas the northern part of Chungcheongbuk-do has evenly distributed forests and farmlands, which helps goshawks have a scope of influence and food source to breed. Appearance point modeling predicted an area of $3,071 km^2$(41.38 %) showing a wider ranging habitat than that of the breeding point modeling due to some limitations such as limited moving observation and non-consideration of seasonal changes. When targeting the breeding points, a specific predictive area can be deduced but it is difficult to check the points of nests and it is impossible to reflect the goshawk's behavioral area. On the other hand, when targeting appearance points, a wider ranging area can be covered but it is less accurate compared to predictive breeding point since simple movements and constant use status are not reflected. However, with these results, the goshawk's habitat can be predicted with reasonable accuracy. In particular, it is necessary to apply precise predictive breeding area data based on habitat modeling results when enforcing an environmental evaluation or establishing a development plan.