• Title/Summary/Keyword: Agenda-setting Process

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A Comparative Study on the Policy Process of Long-term Care Insurance for the Elderly Between Korea and Japan - Focused on the Policy Network Theory - (노인장기요양보험제도 정책과정에 관한 한.일 비교연구 - 정책네트워크이론을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Kwang-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.279-306
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    • 2010
  • This study is to compare and analyze the policy decision process between Korea Long-term Care Insurance and Japan's using policy network theory as an analysis tool, and to lead political and theoretical implications. The result of the study is summarized as follows. First, a policy agenda about Long-term Care problem for the Elderly set up by the government-leading both Korea and Japan. and the number of policy participation(actors) increased to characteristics of policy process stage. but there is a difference between Korea and Japan in a background of setting up policy agenda about Long-term Care problem. Second, interaction among policy actors is corporative from early policy agenda establishment stage in Korea and Japan. but it changes to dissenting or critical rapidly as being announced the frame of system to the people. Also, it shows that main policy actors play a role in policy making decision and the connection structures of network is similar to both countries although it has a difference in the interaction frequency. Fourth, although the number of policy actors and the extent of their opinion reflection to the policy effect are different, it shows that policy network pattern is very similar to from policy agenda setting stage to parliament(The National Assemble) policy decision stage as a result of government-leading policy process. The theoretical and political implications of this study are as follows. The number and the variety of policy participation, the importance of establishing opened-interaction system, lots of limitation of policy making-decision process of Japan Long-term Care system, and exclusively the government-leading network has demerits about the reflection of too much government's opinion to the policy outcomes.

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Analysis of School-based Mental Health Policy Stream based on Kingdon's Policy Stream Model (학교기반 정신건강정책의 흐름 분석: Kingdon의 정책흐름모형을 중심으로)

  • Min, Hea Young;Kang, Kyung Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.139-149
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study aims to analyze the factors affecting the agenda-setting process and the formation process of school-based mental health policies by applying a policy stream model. Methods: For this purpose, Kingdon's policy stream model was used as the analytical framework. Results: First, when establishing a school-based mental health policy, the agenda was set going through unpredictable and nonlinear changes. Second, for the school-based mental health policy to be selected onto the agenda and to be developed and implemented as an actual policy, the role of policy makers was considered most important in the process. Third, the policy window for school-based mental health policy was closed around the year 2013. Finally, an analysis of the school-based mental health policy stream identified two key features. One is that the school-based mental health policy first emerged when school violence prevention policy expanded its scope into relevant neighboring policies. The other is that the school-based mental health policy has taken shape through a linear decision-making process (being put on the government's agenda, searching for an alternative, selection, and implementation) during the policy implementation period after it has been selected as an alternative policy. Conclusion: Conclusions can be summed up as follows. The school-based mental health policy needs continuous development and improvement in case the window for the policy may open in the coming future. The government's support is needed to draw policy makers' interest and participation who play the biggest role in establishing policies.

News Attributes and the Second-level Agenda Setting Study: Coverage of the nuclear waste storage facility in Wido (뉴스의 속성과 2차 의제설정 효과 연구: 위도 핵폐기장 보도를 중심으로)

  • Ban, Hyun;Choi, Won-Seok;Shin, Sung-Hye
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.25
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    • pp.65-102
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the news attributes of the nuclear waste storage facility in Wido by conducting content analysis of two newspapers (Chosun Ilbo and Hangyoreh) and Ohmynews. Furthermore, this study measured the effects of news attributes on readers' attitude, opinion, and recognition of the event. The results of the content analysis indicated that all three newspapers focused on event-oriented coverage than issue-oriented one. Also, they only dealt with two issues-decision making process of the residents and rewards for residents-among a total of nine issues. That is, according to the hypothesis of the second-level agenda-setting theory, the media emphasize on a particular attribute while ignoring other attributes, which, in turn, make the particular attributes more salient. Based on the results of content analysis, this study conducted an experiment to measure the effects of media attributes on public recognition toward the attributes in terms of cognitive and of affective aspects. The results showed a significant relationship between media attributes and public attributes, which confirmed the effects of the second-level agenda setting. However, the transfer of attributes did not take place in affecting public opinion and public recognition of the event itself.

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News Media Coverage of Carbon Neutrality in Korea and China: A Big Data Analysis

  • Yifan Wang;Kyung Han You
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to compare the differences in the carbon neutral agendas of the two countries based on the differing interest positions of the media in the two countries, as well as to analyze the carbon neutral media coverage in South Korea and China. It also seeks to identify the major topics emphasized in the carbon neutral news agenda setting process in the two countries. A total of 49,227 news articles from South Korea and 105,680 news articles from China, covering the period from the declaration of carbon neutrality in both countries in 2020 to May 9, 2022, were collected. CONCOR and topic modeling analyses were performed on these texts. The results found that South Korean media showed a preference for covering carbon neutrality from the perspective of its inhabitants, whereas Chinese media demonstrated a preference for covering carbon neutrality from the viewpoint of the nation. The discourses on coverages largely focus on areas such as energy strategy, business strategy, industrial growth, and international cooperation, with an obvious lack of discourse on the environment. The findings of this study expect to serve as a primary reference in establishing a news coverage strategy which is environmentally sustainable for the media.

The Role of Academic Journal in Health Policy (보건정책에 있어 학술지의 역할)

  • Park, Eun-Cheol
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-2
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    • 2017
  • Health policy is the governmental decision contained with the objectives to achieve the desirable health and the tools to achieve them. The academic journal in health policy could be involved in all stages of the health policy process-agenda setting, policy making, policy implementing, and policy evaluating. 'Health Policy and Management' has been undertaking the role of an academic society in health policy. 'Health Policy and Management' will strengthen its role in health policy.

An Analysis of Messages Produced by Participants in the Agenda Setting Process during a Government's Crisis Situation: Focusing on the Ministry of Drug and Food Safety's Response to Paraben Toothpaste Issue (정부의 위기 상황에서 의제설정과정 참여자들의 메시지 분석: 파라벤 치약 논란과 정부의 대응을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Mina;Hong, Ju-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.460-476
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to provide practical implications on government crisis management strategies and on the use of SNS in crisis management. Specifically, this study analyzed Ministry of Drug and Food Safety's responses to paraben toothpaste issue, media coverage of paraben toothpaste issue, and public responses to paraben toothpaste issue. Through textual analysis and the network analysis of 45 news articles and 645 tweets, this study found that Ministry used one-way communication strategy and mostly negative issues regarding Ministry's crisis response strategies were diffused via the media and Twitter. This study was meaningful in that it highlighted the importance of media relations and use of SNS in crisis management. The findings of this study provide useful implications for government officials and PR practitioners in their crisis management and communication strategy.

Assessing Agenda Setting for the South Korean Peace Initiative of Moon Jae-in

  • Tae-Kyeong Ryu;Kisuk Cho
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.58-82
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    • 2024
  • Former South Korean President Moon Jae-in implemented a project called the Peace Initiative, which prioritized a "peaceful and prosperous Korean Peninsula" as the core national agenda and involved using a peace-based frame instead of a unification approach to address inter-Korean relations from a different perspective. This initiative was evaluated in this study using a revised version of the pyramid model to assess the input-output-result process underlying the project and determine whether it generated results that differed from those achieved by the previous administration. To these ends, this research compared Moon's key presidential speeches with those of his predecessor, Park Geun-hye, as input, news commentaries and responses from major players as output, and the trend of perceptional and attitudinal changes in public opinion as results. Although Moon failed to accomplish significant policy effects on inter-Korean relations because of geopolitical challenges and the transfer of power to the conservative party, the analysis revealed that the input, output, and partial results of inter-Korean dialogue reflect some progress.

Language Network Analysis of 'Marine Environment' in News Frame (언론의 '해양환경'에 대한 의제설정 언어 네트워크 분석)

  • Kim, Ho-Kyung;Kwon, Ki-Seok;Jang, Duckhee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.385-398
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    • 2016
  • This research analyzed domestic newspapers' agenda setting trend and meaning construction process on the issue of marine environment by year. The research conducted a language network analysis and used R program and Netminer program to analyze four major daily newspapers' news coverages (Dong-A, Joongang, Hanhyoreh, and Kyunghyang) for the last ten years (2005-2014). The results show that the issue of marine environment in Korean media reports are signified in the economic context. For the last ten years, news reports are mainly focused on the 'development' issue of marine environment, without distinction of year. The core key words of the networks are "development", "plan", and "project." However, diverse strategies for 'preservation' are not covered in media reports as a major issue. The importance of effective preservation and reasonable development should be considered in a balanced way. Korean media coverages mainly concentrate on the development issue, and it has a strong influence on considering the marine environment area as an object of development. Future direction and implication of the press reports related to marine environment are discussed.

A Study on the Agenda-Setting Process for Alternatives in Application of Fixed Book Price Policy to Libraries: Based on the Policy Network Model (도서정가제의 도서관 적용에 대한 대안 정책 의제화 과정 연구 - 정책네트워크 모형을 적용하여 -)

  • Heo, Go Eun;Kim, Giyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.289-315
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    • 2015
  • The Fixed book price policy, a portion of publication and printing promotion act applied from February 2003 in the South Korea, is a system of fixed book prices that administered by a government body. The publishing industries had been attempted to lower the discount rate and to extend the application scope. The amendment for the attempts was passed in April 2014, and implemented from November 2014. From the library point of view, this amendment caused a reduction of buying library materials. For this reason, the agenda about expansion of material budget in libraries has been recognized as the alternative. The purpose of this study is to analyze the stance and role of libraries as actors in the policy process. Based on this, this study also attempt to identify usefulness and improvement point of Policy Network Model. For this purpose, this study identifies actor's internal characteristics as an improvement point that previous studies did not identified.

Formulation of Industrial Policy for Nurturing the Bio-medical Sector: A Case Study on the Construction the Bio-medical Complexes of Korea (첨단 의료산업분야 정책형성과정 연구 -첨단의료복합단지 조성정책을 중심으로-)

  • Jeong, Yong-Il;Kim, Sang-Tae
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.839-860
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    • 2013
  • Drawing on a case of the construction of high-tech medical complexes, this study demonstrates the process of policy formuation. Beause the construction of high-tech medical complexes involves various analytic elements, and changes of political, economic and social environment, Kingdon's Policy Stream Framework is employed for analysis. The analysis ranges from the embarkment of the Presidential Committee on Healthcare Industry Innovation (PCHII) in August, 2005, to the enactment of High-tech Medical Complex Special Act in March, 2008. The analysis illuminates that policy formulation from agenda setting to enactment in the area of biomedical industry involves multiple factors and policy streams. An enactment of policy agenda particularly depends on the roles of multiple stakeholders as welll as policy leaders.

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