• Title/Summary/Keyword: Aged society

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Follow-up study on Activities of Daily Living of the Elderly in Rural Community (농촌지역노인의 일상생활 동작능력에 관한 추적연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Kook;Baek, Eun-Jung;Chun, Byung-Yeol;Yeh, Min-Hae;Jung, Jin-Wook;Kim, Hye-Kyung;Kai, Inchiro
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 1998
  • This study was conducted to find out the factors which have an effect on the rural aged's natural history by disability in Activities of Daily Living(ADL) and ADL decline with 475 old people which were chosen except the dead 90 and unconfirmable 56 old people by performing follow-up survey for 4 years since 1993 on the basis of presurveyed data about 621 home old people over 60 years residing in 13 villages at Kangdong-myon, Kyongju-city, Kyongsangbuk-do Province, Korea. Such activities of daily living as bathing, dressing, going to toilet, transfer, feeding and continence were examined. 1. In the follow-up survey for 4 years, the ADL distribution of the dead was remarkably lower than the subject group. 2. It was also shown in the 4-year follow-up survey that 82.1% of high ADL group maintained high ADL while 77.8% of low ADL group died within 4 years. 3. The occurrence percentage of disabilities of each group by ADL item for 4 years appeared high in such an order as bathing, continence, dressing, going to toilet, transfer and feeding. 6.7%(8.1% for female and 4.6% for male) of the old people who were the high ADL group at the time of the first survey had disabilities that occurred after 4 years. 4. In the change of ADL according to general characteristics used to analyse the factors which have an effect on ADL decline, there was a significant difference in age and job, that is, the jobless old people had the higher degree of ADL decline. In the change of ADL according to behavioral pattern, for the male old people there was a significant difference in support of living expenses and subjective health condition. In this case, the degree of ADL decline was higher if they depended on their sons & daughters or spouses and felt that they were not healthy.

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Food Habits and Health Food Consumption Patterns of Adults in the Ulsan Area (울산지역 중.장년층의 식생활 특성과 건강식품 섭취 실태)

  • 유수연;김혜경
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.889-900
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to obtain information regarding eating habits, including health related behavior and health food consumption patterns. The subjects of this study were 149 men and 152 women residing in the Ulsan area. We obtained results by means of a questionnaire and an interview, and these were analyzed using the SPSS package program. The results of this study are summarized as follows The average age of the men was 47.6 $\pm$ 7.3 years and of the women was 47.3 $\pm$ 7.6 years old. The average height and weight of the men were 169.4 $\pm$ 5.5 cm and 67.7 $\pm$ 8.2 kg, respectively. Those of the women were 157.6 $\pm$ 5.0 cm and 58.2 $\pm$ 7.5 kg, respectively. The BMI values of all the subjects ranged from 20.0 to 25.0, all within the normal levels. In the case of dietary patterns, 24.3% of the total population always skipped a meal. In particular, 15.9% of the total population skipped breakfast. No time to eat, no appetite, having no taste, and having poor health were themain reasons for skipping meals. With regard to health care, there was a significant difference between the men and the women with respect to smoking and drinking (p<0.001). Of the total population, 40.5% hardly exercised (less than once a week), 26.2% exercised occasionally, 13.6% frequently exercised, and 19.6% exercised almost every day. A total of 60.7% responded that they were not interested in their health. The mean eating habit score of the subjects was 65.6 $\pm$ 9.9. The women had a higher eating habit score than the men (64.0 $\pm$ 9.6 for the men and 67.2 $\pm$ 9.9 for the women). Except for one group above 60 years, the older group had a higher eating habit score than the younger one. The group having a higher income and a more specialized career had a higher eating habit score than the one having a lower income and a less specialized career. There was also a marital difference. The group of single subjects showed a lower eating habit score than the married group. The group having a higher eating habit score drank, smoked and went out for meals less, and exercised more than the group having lower scores. They also were more concerned about their health. In the older group, there were more diabetic and hypertensive individuals. The subjects who had a higher BMI index were more likely to be patients with hypertension, especially in the men's group. Those who had a higher BMI index and hypertension simultaneously took a variety of medicines and foods for promoting health. Those who worried a lot about their health and had health problems tended to take special foods for their health. Patients usually took tonics. Special foods for health included Chinese medicines, tonic foods, vitamin or mineral supplements and manufactured health food supplements. Preferences for them depended on the sex and age of the subject. In the case of tonic foods, the men liked them more than the women. Foods other than tonic foods were favorites with the women. This study may provide basic information on the eating habits and health related behaviors of middle-aged people. However, further studies are needed to improve the eating habits and to change the nutritional attitudes, so that people can make better choices of health foods.

A Survey on the Amount used of Toothpaste According to the Size of Head of Toothbrush and Squeezing Method (칫솔두부크기와 짜는 방법에 따른 일회 세치제 사용량 조사)

  • Bae, Soo-Myung;Ryu, Da-Young;Kim, Hee-Kyoung
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.439-443
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to prevent excessive use of fluorine toothpaste. To comparatively evaluate the amount used of the fluorine toothpaste in children from 3 to 6 years old, the toothpaste amount was compared according to toothbrush size and toothpaste squeezing method targeting 84 children in 5 child care centers where were located in Hongseong-gun, Chungnam. The toothpaste amount was compared with a method of squeezing to pea-size and a method of smear on toothbrush, targeting 141 students for the Dept. of Dental Hygiene, who are actually carrying out oral health education to targeting children. The statistical analysis was used SPSS 14.0 K for Windows program(Copyright(c) SPSS Inc.). The following results were obtained. 1. The amount of fluorine toothpaste squeezed on toothbrush for children was 0.29 g. The amount of fluorine toothpaste squeezed on toothbrush for adults was 0.34 g. It was surveyed to use the less amount of toothpaste when squeezing to smaller toothbrush (p<0.05). 2. The amount that children aged 3-6 squeezed as the method of squeezing commonly at ordinary times was 0.31g. The amount that was squeezing to pea-size was 0.21 g. The amount that was squeezed by using smear method was measured to be 0.26g. Less amount of fluorine toothpaste was used with the method of squeezing to pea-size and smear method rather than a method of squeezing commonly at ordinary times(p<0.05). 3. As a result of surveying the students of the department of dental hygiene, the amount of having squeezed to pea- size was 0.23 g. It was surveyed to be 0.15 g when having used the smear method. Thus, it was surveyed to use the less amount of toothpaste when using the smear method(p<0.05). 4. Using smaller toothbrush, the amount used of fluorine toothpaste can be reduced. Both smear method and the method of squeezing to pea-size are available for minimizing careless fluorine intake by less used amount of fluorine toothpaste.

Effects of Inoculum Density, Plant Age and Temperature on the Incidence of Crown Rot of Papper Caused by Phytophthora capsici (전염원(傳染源)의 농도(濃度), 고추의 모령(苗齡) 및 온도(溫度)가 고추역병(疫病) 발생(發生)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim, G.S.;Park, C.S.;Choi, J.S.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.24 no.3 s.64
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    • pp.117-121
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    • 1985
  • Through the laboratory and vinyl house experiments, the effects of inoculum density, plant age and temperature on the incidence of Phytophthora crown rot of pepper (Capsicum annum L.) were investigated. The propagule survival was greater in the natural soil than in autoclaved soil within first 2 weeks when the sporangial suspension of the pathogenic fungus was incorporated into soil, thereafter the survivability reduced rapidly. The propagule was not detectable in 35 days by means of Papavizas selective medium neither in natural nor in autoclaved soil. At least 5 sporangia per gram soil were required to induce crown rot for 30 days old pepper seedlings. Further increase in inoculum concentration above this threshold level resulted in higher disease incidence and shorter incubation period. When the same amount of inoculum was infested, higher disease incidence was observed for younger plants until 3 weeks after inoculation. On the other hand after 4 weeks this tendency was not extended any more. Younger plants were recognized as having shorter incubation period upon infection, however, the days from first symptom appearance to complete death were not significantly different among differently aged seedlings. Exposure of inoculated pepper seedlings to $25^{\circ}C$ resulted in highest infection rates and followed by those to $30^{\circ}C\;and\;20^{\circ}C$ but no disease was found at $15^{\circ}C\;and\;35^{\circ}C$ for 10 days. When the plants previously incubated at different temperature for 10 days were moved to $25^{\circ}C$ room temperature, prior exposure to $20^{\circ}C\;and\;30^{\circ}C$ brought continuous disease development. Even those plants preincubated at $15^{\circ}C$ were diseased up to 50%. But the prior exposure to $35^{\circ}C$ induced no symptom developed, indicating no seedlings infected at all.

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Non-farming family's Food Habits and Health Behavior Compared with Farming Family living in Rural, Korea (농촌 거주 비농업 종사 가족의 식습관과 건강 행동)

  • Chung Kum iu;Cho Sook Ja;Cho Young Sook;Park Dong yean;Won Hyang Rye;Rhie Seung Gyo
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.139-157
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    • 2005
  • In rural area, as the source of family income is related with the agriculture works, the living condition of non-farming family used to be lower except some family groups with a little higher income. In order to find out the improvement in rural life, data about the health behavior and diet habits of non-farming family were observed. This study evaluated the health behavior and diet habits of non-farming families by comparing them with those of the farming families in rural area. The survey was made by trained interviewers and a total of 1,870 subjects from 9 provinces were questioned to collect the data through sampling probability proportional to size. The non-farming families were $29.6\%$ of the total and they were with no spouse($38\%$), low number of family members(2.86), and aged husband(66.8 years) or wife(58.5 years). $83.1\%$ of the non farming families were having breakfast however, $95.1\%$ of the farming families were doing it. And the number of side dishes in non farming families was low(1-2 kinds: $17.7\%$). Out of non farming families, $47.3\%$ took no nutritional supplements and out of the farming families it was 40.8 $\%$ With regard to having snacks, $22\%$ of non-farmers had snacks daily and it was greater than that of farmers($16.6\%$). But the ratio of non-snack taking of the non-farmers($29.6\%$) was higher than that of farmers($24.5\%$). The sorts of snacks also varied and for farmers it used to be fruit and noodles and for non-farmers it was bread and milk. Instant foods were often selected by $35.6\%$ of non-farmers. Dining out with a frequency of once per month was reported in $23.2\%$ of non-farming families, but $47.6\%$ of them did not dine out at all. In case of food production for family consumption, small portion of non-farmers cultivated pepper($13.3\%$), Korean cabbage ($16.2\%$), and sesame($6.2\%$) but almost all of the farmers cultivated such crops. However, non-farmers produced soybean sprouts($0.7\%$), soybean curd($0.2\%$), and eggs($7.2\%$) and it was compared with the fact that farmers produced soybean sprouts($9.7\%$), soybean curd ($4.6\%$), and eggs($5.1\%$). Non-farmers stocked the fermented foods: Doenjang ($57.8\%$), Kochujang ($56.1\%$), Kanjang ($53.6\%$), Kimchi ($77.9\%$) and Jangajji ($37.2\%$), and this ratios were smaller than those of farmers: Doenjang ($93.6\%$), Kochujang ($92.9\%$), Kanjang ($87.9\%$), Kimchi ($97.7\%$) and Jangajji ($66.7\%$). As to health behavior of the subjects, non-farmers had less medical examinations and bathing than farmers did. Non-farmers and their wives used public bath facilities more often and it may be due to the low condition of bathing facilities. And the ratio of daily alcohol consumption was $15\%$ and it was higher than that of the farmers. Most of the spouse of the farmers did not drink($78\%$), but the wives of the non-farmers were drinking more frequently. More farmers smoked than non-farmers and $45\%$ of male farmers were smokers.

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Efficacy and Safety of Red Ginseng on Women's Health Related Quality of Life and Sexual Function (여성의 건강관련 삶의 질과 성기능에 대한 홍삼의 효과 및 안전성 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-II;Choi, Min-Sun;Alm, Hong-Yeop
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2009
  • To evaluate the efficacy and safety of red ginseng on women's health-related quality of life (QOL) and sexual function. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover clinical study was performed. The main efficacy was measured using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFl) and the 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Twenty-four healthy, married women aged 30-45 years with FSFl scores below 25 were randomly divided into two groups: the red-ginseng group (N=12) and the placebo group (N=12). During the first six-week period (Study 1), each group was given red ginseng or placebo twice a day. Before the start of the second six-week period (Study 2), a crossover design was chosen with a two-week break (washout period). Interchanging the two groups after the washout period, red ginseng and placebo were given to each group. The outcomes were measured before and after each six-week period. Overall, 23 participants completed the study. In Study 1, the changes relative to the baseline in the FSFl total score were 22.50% and 22.99% for red ginseng and placebo, respectively. In Study 2, the relative changes were 8.14% for red ginseng and 6.29% for placebo. The results showed a greater improving trend in Study 1 with respect to all of the participants' sexual functions, but no significant difference was found between the groups (P=0.9567). After taking red ginseng, all the participants exhibited an improving trend in the desire domain of FSFl, but no significant difference was shown. In the measurement of SF-36, no significant difference was likewise shown. After taking red ginseng, though, all the participants exhibited an improving trend in the physical functioning (PF) domain of SF-36, with no significant difference. Moreover, there was no significant adverse event related to red ginseng. The QOL and sexual function of the study participants in the red-ginseng group were mostly improved, but no statistically significant effect of red ginseng was shown. It is supposed that this result was partly due to the affirmative impression of red ginseng in Korea. Thus, it is anticipated that a long-term clinical trial will show a significant effect of red ginseng on the QOL and sexual function.

A Clinical study on the Treatment of Pruritus (피부소양증(皮膚瘙痒症) 치료(治療)에 관(關)한 임상적(臨床的) 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Seong-sik
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.361-376
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    • 1999
  • 1. Backgrounds and Purpose : Pruritus, one of the most common dermatological symptoms, was clinically examined with a view to a better understanding of its characteristics for more accurate treatment. 2. Method : For 22 months from November in 1997 to September in 1999 we selected outpatients who had consulted for itchiness more than twice in the department of Sasang Constitution of the Pundang Oriental medical hospital, Dongkook University, and 59 of those (35 males and 24 females) were confirmed of their course of treatment. From their medical records and history, we learned the general characteristics and patterns of pruritus, and the qualities and effects of its various treatments. 3. Result and Conclusion : Pruritus was more complained by men than by women and the largest age groups were 20's and 30's. For its suffering period, the duration of 1 month to less than 1 year was the greatest, and most patients had already experienced western medical care. Itchiness affected them almost day and night. In addition, many patients had abnormal bowel habits as a general symptom. According to Sasang Constitution, the Soeumin gave sleep disturbance and indigestion; the Soyangin showed a different pattern in their tongue coatings and bowel habits; the Taeumin had different tongue coatings and sweating pattern. The commonly prescribed herbal formula for pruritus was Gakhangjungisan, Yangkyuksanhwatang, Chungsimyonjatang. As for their efficiency, 61.0 % of patients improved, whereas 39.0 percent did not. Patients aged over 30 showed a more significant improvement than those of 20 years or under, and the duration of less than 1 year was more significantly improved than that of 1 year or more. Those who had no experience in western medical care or had been continuously treated showed a more significant improvement than those with intermittent treatments, and severe pruritus was more significantly improved than mild pruritus.

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A Consideration on Intraspecific Competition with Particular Reference to Basal Area-class Structure of Even-aged Coniferous Monocultures (침엽수 동령 인공림내 개목들의 저적면적빈도분포에 의거한 종내경쟁에 대한 고찰)

  • 오계칠
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 1981
  • Girth at breast height was measured to test skewness ($g_1$) and kurtosis ($g_2$) of frequency distribution of the basal area in terms of t-test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for a total of forty six monocultures within Sudong and Kwhangnung area in central part of Korean peninsula in 1979 and 1980. The monocultures are about 10 to 50 years old, and four kinds: Pinus koraiensis, Larix kaempferi, Abies holophylla and Pinus rigida. Most of the sample sizes per site were ranged 70 to 110 excluding 4 sites. The number of classes interval was based on Sturges rule for each monoculture and was ranged from 5 to 10. In Sudong the range of age(yr) and basal area (($cm^2$)/tree) of the monocultures were from 10 to 20 and from 27.60 to 383. for Kwhangnung they were from 15 to 47 and mostly 102.15 to 619.14, respectively. All 43 monocultures except 1 showed +$g_1$, which ranged from 0.3 to 2.2 except six sites. Of the total 46 sites, 23 sites showed significant +$g_1$ which includes about 10 year-old monoculture. The number of classes interval with significant positive skewness ranged from 6 to 9. The data suggest that intraspecific competition in terms of stand structure seems to appear from about 10 year-old monocultures, and it may even last to about 50 year-old one. Around 24 monocultures showed nonsignificant -$g_2$ except one. Most -$g_2$ ranged from -0.12 to -0.83. Around 20 monocltures showed positive $g_2$ ranging from +0.13 to +3.841. Of the 22 +$g_1$, majority of 11 were very highly significant. Of all monocultures only 5 showed significant result from Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Of the 4 species, Larix kaempferi seems to show density stress first then Abies holophylla, and Pinus koraiensis last. Data of this study indicate that adequate number of classes intervals and sample sizes for studying intraspecific competition in terms of basal area are 6 to 9 and 80 trees rather than 12 and 100 trees, respectively. It also suggests that most of the frequency distribution of basal area class are trimodal rather than bimodal under density stress. It is proposed that the leptokurtic distribution appears before normal distribution rather than direct change from platykurtic to normal distribution of basal area for selected stages in the development of stands.

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Antioxidant activity of the Sumaeyaksuk tea extracts prepared with different drying and extract conditions (건조 및 침출 조건에 따른 섬애약쑥 침출물의 항산화활성)

  • Hwang, Cho-Rong;Seo, Weon-Taek;Jung, Min-Jung;Shin, Jung-Hye
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.546-553
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we examined the antioxidant activity of the Sumaeyaksuk (Artemisia argyi) tea extracts from different pre-treatment and extraction methods. Sumaeyaksuk was sun-dried for 3.5 days (control, RC) and aged at a temperature of $60^{\circ}C$ for 3.5 days (HA), 7 days (HB), and 14 days (HC), respectively. Each sample was extracted in $60^{\circ}C$ and $95^{\circ}C$ hot water for 2 minutes. The soluble solids content of HA from the $60^{\circ}C$and $95^{\circ}C$ hot water extraction were $0.52{\pm}0.18%$ and $0.92{\pm}0.18%$, respectively. The soluble solids content was increased by the higher extraction temperature. The reducing sugar content of RC was $9.55{\pm}0.18mg/g$ in the $95^{\circ}C$ extraction, which was significantly higher than in the $60^{\circ}C$ extracted sample. However, the reducing sugar content did not show a remarkable difference based on aging periods. The total phenolic compound content of the $95^{\circ}C$ extracted samples was $3.36{\pm}0.13{\sim}9.88{\pm}0.23mg/g$, which was significantly higher than that of the $60^{\circ}C$ extracted sample. The ABTS radical scavenging activity of the $60^{\circ}C$ extracted RA and HA samples were 35.63% and 95.10%, respectively. Moreover, the radical scavenging activity increased to 63.35% and 96.78%, respectively, in the $95^{\circ}C$ extracted samples. As a result of the high temperature, the extracted sample showed an increase in the FRAP. In the RC sample, the FRAP was two times higher in the $95^{\circ}C$ extracted sample ($181.28{\pm}2.90{\mu}M$) than in the $60^{\circ}C$ extracted sample ($83.88{\pm}0.43{\mu}M$).

Study on Hospital Environmental Causes Affected the Mother′s Comfort After Her Child Birth (산욕부 안위에 영향을 미치는 병원환경 요인에 관한 연구)

  • 변수자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 1978
  • The Purpose of this study is to examine closely the causes influenced upon the comfort and recovery of the woman delivered of a child in the hospital at the same time to understand environmental status of hospitals in order to promote mother's health recovery, and to improve hospital environment by emphasizing the meaning of environment and health before the medical staff and hospital administrative authority. In the method of servery of the research, 165 post paestum patients have been randomly selected who were accommodated and delivered their babies at OB(obstetric ) & GY (Gynecologic) unit the 7 general hospitals for the period of 6 December 1976 through 17 December 1976. As for the survey, it has been used of Questionnaire where we have 65 items in the respect of personal environment in the hospital such as trusting nurse, ability, reliability, kindness and etiquette of nurse and tile character of nurse the relationship with patients the other respect of physical environment included 9f temperature, moisture. air-ventilation lightening noise, cleanness. facilities, and the third realm being of mother's hearth ground to have the following conclusion 1. The feature of the collected personnel they are from OB or GY sects of from OB unit of the other 5 hospitals except the two general hospitals of the college or school Otherwise the rate of the patients to nurses would be 9 : 1. As for the nurses'ground it would be appeared of 20-25 years of age as the 76%. either 3 year course or 4 year course in the education would be each 50% and less than 2 year experience case would record as of 60 %. In the respect of hospital physical environmental status, there we have two hospitals without any thermometers, on the other han4 nowhere there's hygrometer, otherwise, the lightening is normal or over than normal As for the structure of noise protection the corridors're, generally speaking worse than rooms, nerver hueless, there's no ventilating system in the hospitals. The rooms'repainted in white and yellow, light green white, or green color. The patient's clothing were in green pink blue, light green or in white co for. There're not anything special in both decoration and equipments. Most of them used tall beds except in one hospital 2. To the extent of perception of patient's hatch 9round and hospital environment it is presented that they perceived nurse's ability in highest in total human variable, though perceived kindness or etiquette in the lowest otherwise, comparatively high in total average. 3. In the respect of physical environment it is highest perceived of lightening terms, otherwise, lowest perceived of air ventilation and total average became lowest than the one of the original record 4. To ages, in the respect of hatch ground rather old aged mother than the younger one has perceived that nurse would be trusting, in good service character, able, at the same time, liable, Otherwise, in physical environment regardless of age, they perceived lightening in high and remarkably lower in ventilation As a result of the examination of the difference in hospital environment to each age it is appeared of statistical difference at 5% level of ability in the personal environment otherwise little difference as for physical environment 5. In the respect of perceiving level to educational standard it is highly perceived of personal environment for higher ranking group rather than lower group in the educational standard. In case of physical environment it is highly perceived for lower level group rather than higher level group in educational background. The variables which have statistical significance at 5% level are from trusting kindness, etiquette and total kindness, etiquette and total all significance at 5% level are from trusting, kindness, etiquette and total human environment variable in personal environment, otherwise, there's little difference in the physical environment. 6. The perceiving level due to times of admission and accommodation at the hospital would be cleared out as gradual higher perception both physical and personal environment in the hospital. At 5% significant level of the ventilation condition in physical environmental variable it is presented of meaningful difference otherwise, there we have little difference both in Personal variable and other one. 7. In accordance with living standard, the perception degree of personal environment in tee hospital would be inclined to increase to higher living standard on the other hand, in case of the physical environment, the perception level world increase to lower living standard At 5 % level, the trustuariable and total scores in the personal eicuironmectal variable there appeared a meaningful/ significant difference otherwise, there presented little difference both in physical environmental and other variable to the living standard 8. Pertaining to family unit, the mother of an independent family unit perceived highly in all respect of the personal and the physical environment in the hospital rather than the woman of succeeding family unit. At 5 % level there appeared a difference in the respect of kindness and etiquette both in personal environment variable, on the other hand, there hardly marked a difference between other variable and physical environmental one. 9. The degree of perception to comforting level has little connection with a statistical difference the age, educational level hospital admitting times, living standard or family unit. 10. The most effective variable to mother's comforting level will be nurse's ability, reliability, trusting manner, and total physical environment variable in order.

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