• Title/Summary/Keyword: AgCl

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Analysis of Arsenic(III) by the Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry (음극 벗김 전류법을 이용한 비소(III) 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Young Ja;Lee, Hyung Sook;Ko, Weon Bae;Kim, Chung Hee
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.417-423
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    • 1992
  • The effects of metal ions on the arsenic(III) stripping peak were examined by the cathodic stripping voltammetry. The reduction stripping peak potential and current of arsenic(III) value were -0.79V(vs. Ag/AgCl). $0.86{\mu}A$ by using 0.1N-hydrochloric acid solution. When 10 times of Cu(II) was added to the solution, the reduction stripping peak potential of arsenic(III) was the value of -0.84V(vs. Ag/Cl), which showed a good agreement with theoretical value -0.84V(vs. Ag/Cl) by using 0.1N hydrochloric acid solution. Lead(II) and copper(II) increased the stripping peak heigh of arsenic(III), Among them, the copper(II) extremely enhanced it.

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Novel Linking Ligand Containing Sulfur-Donor Atoms and Its Compounds of Palladium and Silver

  • Lee, Hee-K.;Lee, Soon-W.
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.421-426
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    • 2007
  • A linking ligand containing sulfur donor atoms in the terminal thiophene rings, 1,2-bis(thiophen-2-ylmethylene) hydrazine (L), was prepared by Schiff-base condensation. Ligand L reacted with [PdCl2(NCPh)2] to produce a molecular Pd compound [PdL2Cl2] (1). On the other hand, it reacted with AgNO3 and AgClO4 to produce a 2-D network [AgL0.5(NO3)] (2) and a 1-D polymer [AgL]ClO4 (3), respectively, whose structures are based on secondary intermolecular forces such as H-bonding, van der Waals interaction, and π-π stacking. Polymer 2 exhibited photoluminescence at room temperature in the solid state.

Development of an Active Dry EEG Electrode Using an Impedance-Converting Circuit (임피던스 변환 회로를 이용한 건식능동뇌파전극 개발)

  • Ko, Deok-Won;Lee, Gwan-Taek;Kim, Sung-Min;Lee, Chany;Jung, Young-Jin;Im, Chang-Hwan;Jung, Ki-Young
    • Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.80-86
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    • 2011
  • Background: A dry-type electrode is an alternative to the conventional wet-type electrode, because it can be applied without any skin preparation, such as a conductive electrolyte. However, because a dry-type electrode without electrolyte has high electrode-to-skin impedance, an impedance-converting amplifier is typically used to minimize the distortion of the bioelectric signal. In this study, we developed an active dry electroencephalography (EEG) electrode using an impedance converter, and compared its performance with a conventional Ag/AgCl EEG electrode. Methods: We developed an active dry electrode with an impedance converter using a chopper-stabilized operational amplifier. Two electrodes, a conventional Ag/AgCl electrode and our active electrode, were used to acquire EEG signals simultaneously, and the performance was tested in terms of (1) the electrode impedance, (2) raw data quality, and (3) the robustness of any artifacts. Results: The contact impedance of the developed electrode was lower than that of the Ag/AgCl electrode ($0.3{\pm}0.1$ vs. $2.7{\pm}0.7\;k{\Omega}$, respectively). The EEG signal and power spectrum were similar for both electrodes. Additionally, our electrode had a lower 60-Hz component than the Ag/AgCl electrode (16.64 vs. 24.33 dB, respectively). The change in potential of the developed electrode with a physical stimulus was lower than for the Ag/AgCl electrode ($58.7{\pm}30.6$ vs. $81.0{\pm}19.1\;{\mu}V$, respectively), and the difference was close to statistical significance (P=0.07). Conclusions: Our electrode can be used to replace Ag/AgCl electrodes, when EEG recording is emergently required, such as in emergency rooms or in intensive care units.

Preparation of Pure Silver Powders by using Mechanochemical Process (기계화학공정(機械化學工程)에 의한 은(銀)염화물로부터 고순도 은(銀)분말 제조(製造))

  • Lee, Jaer-Yeong;Tung Le, M.;Ahn, Jong-Gwan;Kim, Jong-Oh;Chung, Hun S.;Kim, Byoung-Gyu
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.15 no.5 s.73
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    • pp.33-37
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    • 2006
  • An equal-molar mixture of silver chloride (AgCl) and copper (Cu) was ground in atmosphere conditions using a planetary ball mill to investigate mechanochemical (MC) reaction for preparation of silver powders. The reaction causes the mixture of AgCl and Cu to change the composition of the mixture, such as silver (Ag) and cuprous chloride (CuCl). Through the leaching with ammonium hydroxide solution (1 mol), CuCl can be separated from MC product, so that pure Ag powders can be obtained as the final product. Moreover, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) was used as the additive not only to improve dispersion of Ag pow- der during MC process, but also to control surface oxidation of Ag powders, prepared as the final product.

Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetry of Ge(IV)-Mercaptoacetic Acid Complex (Ge(Ⅳ)-Mercaptoacetic Acid 착물에 의한 흡착벗김 전압-전류법)

  • Park, Chan Il;Seong, Suk Hee;Cha, Ki Won
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.36-41
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    • 1999
  • The adsorptive stripping voltammetric determination method of trace germanium (IV) using mercaptoacetic acid as a ligand was studied. Optimal conditions were found to be 0.25 M NaCl solution (pH 6.0) containing mercaptoacetic acid concentration of $5.0{\times}10^{-6}M$. The peak potential appeared at - 1.402 V vs. Ag/AgCl. Effects of sodium chloride concentration, mercaptoacetic acid concentration, and accumulation time for the complex of Ge(IV)-Mercaptoacetic acid on the peak current were studied. Amberlite IRC-718 chelating resin was applied to the separation of Ge(IV) from other metal ions.

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The Electrochemical Studies of Two Osmium Redox Polymer Films and Their Application for Multi-Detecting Biosensor (전기화학적인 방법을 이용한 두 개의 오스뮴 고분자 막의 고정화 및 다중 검출 바이오센서에 관한 연구)

  • Tae, Gun-Sik;Kim, Jin-Gu;Choi, Young-Bong;Kim, Hyug-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.170-175
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    • 2008
  • Screen printed carbon electrodes (SPEs) modified with co-immobilized osmium-based redox polymers can be used to apply multi-detecting biosensors. In this study, we report our initial studies of multi-detecting biosensor concepts using two osmium-based redox polymers for horseradish peroxidase-mediated reduction of ${H_2}{O_2}$ coupled to glucose oxidase-mediated oxidation of glucose. We target to synthesize two osmium redox polymers of potentials use, a chloride-containing redox polymer ($E^{O'}$ + 0.520 vs. Ag/AgCl) and a methoxy-containing redox polymer $E^{O'}$ + 0.150 vs. Ag/AgCl). The former show good catalytic electrical signals with horseradish peroxidase and the latter's redox polymer is to be an effective redox mediator of glucose oxidation by glucose oxidase.

Fabrication of CO2 Sensor Membrane by Photolithographic Method (사진식각법을 이용한 CO2 센서 감지막의 제조)

  • Park, Lee Soon;Kim, Sang Tae;Koh, Kwang-Nak
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.6-12
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    • 1998
  • A FET(Field Effect Transistor) type dissolved $CO_2$ sensor based on Severinghaus type $CO_2$ sensor was fabricated by the photolithographic process. The sensor consists of Ag/AgCl reference electrode and membranes (hydrogel membrane and $CO_2$ gas permeable membrane) on the pH-ISFET base chip. Ag/AgCl reference electrode was fabricated as follows. Ag layer was thermally evaporated and then its upper surface was chemically chloridized into the AgCl. The hydrogel used as an internal electrolyte solution was fabricated by a photolithographic method using 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate(HEMA) and acrylamide. $CO_2$ permeable membrane on the top of the hydrogel layer was formed by photolithographic process with UV-oligomer. The FET type $pCO_2$ sensor fabricated by photolithographic method showed good linearity within the concentration range of $10^{-3}{\sim}10^0mole/{\ell}$ of dissolved $CO_2$ in aqueous solution with high sensitivity.

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Study on the Corrosin Properties of Au-Ag-Cu Dental Alloys (치과용 Au-Ag-Cu계 합금의 부식특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Bu-Sob
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.23-43
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    • 1992
  • Corrosion characteristics of four commerial gold-based dental alloys(C-1; Au75%, Ag13.9%, Pd3%, Cu & etc.,8.1%, C-2 ;Au 52.08, Ag 24%, Pd 5%, Cu & etc.,18.92, C-3 ; Au 53%, Ag 22%, Pd 5%, Pt 3% Cu & etc.,17%, C-4 ; Au 53%, Pd4, Pt1.5%, Ag & Cu & etc.,41.5%) and four experimental ternary Au-Ag-Cu alloys(E-1 ; Au 50%, Ag 30%, Cu 20%, E-2 ; Au 50%, Ag 20%, Cu 30%, E-3 ; Au 50%, Ag 10%, Cu 40%, E-4 ; Au 50%, Ag 40%, Cu 10%) were investigated by potentiodynamic polarization analysis and the structure was examined by optical microscope and SEM. All corrosion testing was conducted in 1% NaCl solution. The main results are as follows : 1. The corrosion resistence of commercial alloys was decreased in the order of C-1, C-3, C-4, C-2. C-2. 2. The E-1 and E-3 ternary alloys exhibits the higher corrosion resistence than E-2 and E-4 alloys. 3. The cast microstructure of alloys reveals dendrite morphology which shows the significant microsegregation caused by the difference in the diffusion rate between liquid and solid. 4. It is found that the surface corrosion products were mainly AgCl by X-ray diffraction results.

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Identification of 4-Chlorobenzoate Dechlorinating Bacteria by Simple Plate Assay (평판배지법에 의한 4-chlorobenzoate 탈염소화 세균의 검색)

  • Chae, Jong-Chan;Kim, Chi-Kyung;Min, Kyung-Hee;Park, Yong-Keun
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.104-109
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    • 1995
  • The gene responsible for dechlorination of 4-chlorobenzoate (4CBA) was cloned in E. coli XL1-Blue from Pseudomonas sp. DJ-12. The cloned cell of E. coli Cjl had the hybrid pBluescript SK(+) plasmid, into which about 9.5 kb genomic DNA fragment of PseudOmonas sp. DJ-12 was inserted. The subclone of pCJlOl was constructed by inserting the 3.4 kb EcoRI-HindIII fragment of pCJl into the vector. Those cloned cells could be simply selected by halo formation around the colonies which was the precipitate of AgCl produced by reaction of AgNO$_{3}$ and chloride ion liberated by bacterial dechlorination of 4CBA- Such a plate assay method was standardized by the procedure that the colonies grown for 2 days on the Cl$^{-}$-free plate medium containing 1 mM 4CBA were flooded with 0.1 M AgNO$_{3}$ solution.

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Electrogravimetric and Electrochemical Ac Response of Polypyrrole Films

  • Yang, Haesik;Lee, Hochun;Kwak, Juhyoun
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.663-668
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    • 1995
  • Ion transport of a polypyrrole/chloride (PPy/Cl) film and a polypyrrole/poly(styenesulfonate) (PPy/PSS) film as a function of applied dc potential was investigated by employing electrogravimetric impedance technique and electrochemical impedance technique. The cation and anion contribution to the whole charge capacitance and the diffusion coefficients of cation and anion in a PPy/PSS film were calculated by fitting the electrogravimetric impedance data with proposed model circuit. The diffusion coefficients of $Na^+$ in a 1 M $NaClO_4$ solution are over 1 order of magnitude larger than those of $ClO{_4}^-$, and $ClO{_4}^-$ contribution to charge compensation decreases as dc potential lowers. The charge compensation of a PPy/Cl film ir a 1 M CsCl solution is carried out largely by $Cl^-$ at 0.2 V vs. Ag/AgCl and by $Cs^+$ as well as $Cl^-$ at -0.4 V.

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