• 제목/요약/키워드: Adoption of new Equipment

검색결과 13건 처리시간 0.023초

Determinants of the adoption of new equipment at the individual level within an organization

  • Kim, Hye-Kyoung;Lee, Seung-Hee
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a new equipment acceptance model in the industrial market and test it empirically using a field survey. To define new equipment acceptance factors of employees in the organization, we used the TAM as a useful model to analyze the acceptance process of new equipment. All of the data for the TAM were collected from the employees. Prior research studied the usage of general information technology using a computer and particular software, while we apply the TAM to the new equipment adoption. In this study, both theoretical review and empirical study were conducted and the model was set through the theoretical study which was tested through the empirical analysis. Management support and training/education were shown to have a positive effect on PU and PEOU. Personal innovativeness, management support, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use were shown to have a positive effect on behavioral intention.

시장 불확실성 수준과 혁신체제 패턴간 적합에 관한 연구 : 우리나라 초고속인터넷산업의 사례

  • 김영배;전호일
    • 기술혁신연구
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.239-281
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    • 2003
  • This study explored the patterns of activities and interactions among participants in the adoption process of a new system innovation, ADSL, in Korea, using an integrative framework of innovation system and strategic decision-making process for uncertainty reduction. An in-depth case analysis was undertaken to identify the adoption process of ADSL innovation, as a case in point, in conjunction with activities and interactions among related parties such as government, service providers, equipment suppliers, and content providers. The results of case analysis revealed that as the level of uncertainty in the adoption of ADSL innovation decreases, the focus of decision-making activities moves from scoping, to searching, to evaluating and to committing. Also this study found that at the early stage of ADSL adoption with higher level of uncertainty, government plays a pivotal role in coordination of related parties to participate in the innovation process, while service providers replaced this role at later stage of innovation with lower level of uncertainty. This study discussed theoretical and policy implications for the adoption of new system innovations with varying degrees of uncertainty.

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의료기기 QI 활동 개선방안에 대한 연구 (A Study on Quality Improvement of Medical Equipments)

  • 강훈희;주라형;김종순;김서확;허수진
    • 한국의료질향상학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.190-201
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    • 1998
  • Background : Medical equipments take a very important role in diagnosis and treatment of disease in modern medicine and effective maintenance of the equipments is a necessary to provide a good health care to the public. After developing a new QC program for effective maintenance of medical equipments and practicing it for a year, we report the results of the new program. Methods : The maintenance data of 9 equipments in 8 categories including a CT Scanner were analyzed with regard to the parts responsible for most frequent failure and cause of the failure. After learning the most frequent failure part and cause of the failure, we developed a new QC program that emphasizes preventive maintenance of the most frequent failure part. We compared the number of failure per year and active rate of each equipment before and after the adoption of the new QC program. Results : The average number of failure per year per equipment was 20.7 before and it decreased by 43% to 11.9 after adoption of the new QC program. The average active rate of the equipments was 92.6% before and it increased by 3.2% to 95.8% after adoption of the new program. Conclusions : The practice of the new QC program appears very useful as it decreased the failure rate and increased the active rate of the equipments.

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건설 자동화 장비 도입을 위한 기술도입 영향요인 분석 (Analysis of the Technology Adoption Impact Factors for Automated Construction Equipment)

  • 이치주;이강;심재광
    • 한국건설관리학회논문집
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 2013
  • 안전사고와 민원이 많은 건설현장에서 새로운 건설기술, 특히 자동화 장비가 적용되는 경우는 드물다. 본 연구에서는 건설 자동화 장비의 적용 가능성을 높이기 위하여 고려하여야 하는 기술도입 영향요인들을 도출하고 분석하였다. 먼저, 영향요인들을 기술과 비기술 요인으로 분류하고, 기술요인을 사용성과 기능성 요인으로, 그리고 비기술 요인을 비용, 공사특징, 조직요인으로 분류하였다. 다음으로, 전문가 설문을 통하여 각 영향요인들의 중요도와 실현 가능성을 분석하였다. 사용성과 기능성이 중요도와 실현 가능성이 모두 높은 요인으로 분석되었다. 또한, 영향요인들의 중요도와 실현 가능성에 대한 건설사와 장비 개발사의 관점 차이를 분석하였다. 사전관계와 운전자 태도, 구성원들 의지, 공사품질들은 모두 건설사가 장비 개발사보다 더 높게 인식하고 있었다. 본 연구의 결과를 기반으로 장비 개발사는 건설사와의 관점 차이를 인지하고, 건설사가 중요하게 생각하는 요인들을 중심으로 개발하여야 할 것이다. 또한 본 연구의 결과는 자동화 장비 개발 사전 단계에서 적용할 수 있는 평가기준으로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

The Empirical Study on the Success Factors of IT Adoption in Korea Service Industry

  • Kim, Jin-Soo;Ka, Hoe-Gneung;Hwang, In-Ho
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2010
  • This study is to present effective ways of IT adoption as a new growth engine for vitalizing service industry. The paper identifies key success factors of IT adoption and analyzes empirically its' impact on user satisfaction. Additional analysis of control effect by company sizes is conducted. For data sampling, among 1590 companies in IT systems, equipment, and software, 1570 companies participated and total 2,000 questionnaires were collected. In order to analyze main effect analysis and control effect, Structural Equation Modeling method was applied. The result show that there are significant effect between key success factors and user satisfaction. Based on the result, the paper suggests effective way of IT adoption according to company sizes.

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ATCA 기반 통신 장비의 수요 요인 분석 및 도입 전략에 관한 연구 (A Study on Influencing factors and strategic market segmentation for diffusing ATCA based network equipments)

  • 유재흥;하임숙;최문기
    • 한국통신학회논문지
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    • 제30권7B호
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    • pp.450-463
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    • 2005
  • ATCA(Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture)는 장기간의 통신 장비 시장의 침체에 돌파구를 마련하기 위해 100여개의 관련 업계가 모여 만든 차세대 표준 네트워크 설계 규격이다. ATCA는 기존 소수의 대형 벤더들이 자사의 고유 시스템을 공급함으로써 발생했던 이기종간의 호환성 문제, 고가의 장비가격, 시스템 변경 및 확장에 있어 어려움, 수요자의 공급업체에 대한 기술 의존성과 같은 문제를 해결할 수 있을 것으로 기대되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 ATCA 기반 장비의 잠재 수요자인 기업의 입장에서 어떠한 요인들을 기준으로 시스템을 채택하는 지를 Rogers의 혁신 이론에 근거하여 살펴보고 있으며 91개 기업체를 대상으로 설문 조사를 실시하여 실증 분석하였다. 로지스틱 회귀분석을 통해 ATCA 장비 구매에 유의한 영향을 주는 요인을 기준으로 군집 분석을 실시하여 기업의 특성에 따른 ATCA 장비 도입 전략을 제시한다.

Long-term Radiation Dose Reduction Plan of KHNP

  • Kim, Saeng-Ki;Shin, Sang-Woon;Lim, Byoung-Chan
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2003
  • Annual radiation dose limit to radiation worker was substantially lowered in Korea by the adoption of 1990 recommendations of the International Commission on Radiation Protection (ICRP 60) in its legislation. On the other hand, radiation management environment in nuclear power plants is getting more worse because of the accumulation of radiation sources inside the system and the frequent need for maintenance according as the operation years of nuclear power plants increase. Therefore, Korea Hydro & Nuclear power Co., Ltd. (KHNP) has established a long-term 10 years plan from 2001 to 2010 for the reduction of radiation dose to workers. The plan is aimed for the reduction of annual dose per unit averaged over 5 years from 0.9 man-Sv in 2001 to 0.75 man-Sv in 2010 by radiation source reduction, equipment/tool improvement or new equipment development for easy maintenance, and the improvement of administration and system.

A Study of the Technical Treatment within an Environmental Appetency for the Ballast Water

  • Nam, Chung-Do
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제28권8호
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    • pp.1313-1323
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    • 2004
  • In accordance with adoption of new convention for the control of ship's ballast water at the diplomatic conference held in London Feb, 2004, every country has to regulate the ballast water and deposit matters. When this Resolution comes into effect in 2009, all vessels engaged in international voyage must have ballast water control program, ballast water records, equipments which are suitable to the standard of exchange and performance for the ballast water. This study estimates objectively their performances, merits and demerits of the ballast water treatment technique and exchanging techniques for safe operation of ships. It is desirable to design an equipment to control the ballast water using the brush-type vacuum suction nonstop reverse cleaning system to overcome the clogging phenomenon and the direct disc filtering to maximize filtering area for the optimum process considering biological availabilities. It will be expected to protect against marine pollution and to maintain clean sea if it is secured to develop new ballast water treatment techniques. And it will also be expected to cope with the Resolution and each regulation of the developed countries from the ballast water.

연료전지 시스템을 적용한 하이브리드 굴삭기 해석 모델 개발 (Development of Simulation Model for PEMFC Hybrid Excavator)

  • 이세영
    • 드라이브 ㆍ 컨트롤
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2019
  • Due to the rise in energy consumption and natural resource prices, the demand to improve energy efficiency in the construction machine has been highlighted. Even though many researchers have contributed to the development of the technology, CO2 gas emissions of heavy machinery remains high. One of the most significant problems of the novel excavator with internal combustion engines is the emission of harmful gas. To reduce emissions in the construction machine, it is necessary to replace the internal combustion engines with the alternative one. To overcome those problems, this paper focuses on the adoption of PEMFC hybrid engine for the excavator system. An internal combustion engine is replaced by new structures with fuel cell, battery and ultra capacitor. The proposed system has been designed and modeled using Simcenter Amesim software and compared with the conventional one through simulation results.

Assessment of Odor Issues and Technologies in Wonju Traditional Market

  • Benish ZAHRA;Young-Jin SO
    • 웰빙융합연구
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates the sources and characteristics of odor pollutants, focusing on total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs), hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia in traditional markets. The objective is to assess the impact of these odors on market environments and evaluate the effectiveness of new odor-reducing techniques. Research design, data, and methodology: Conducted in Wonju Traditional Market, the research employed a longitudinal design to analyze odor concentrations over time through continuous monitoring at five strategically established points. Measurements were taken continuously for five minutes at one-minute intervals using the AOMS-1000 odor-measuring equipment. The study also applied a sewage odor-reducing substance spraying device designed to minimize unpleasant odors. Data was collected in the summer of 2022 and again in the summer of 2023, allowing for a comparative analysis of odor levels before and after implementing the odor-reducing technique. Results: Findings revealed significant concentrations of TVOCs, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia, with a notable reduction in pollutants following the introduction of the odor-reducing device. Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of effective odor management in traditional markets. It recommends the adoption of advanced technologies such as biofilters, electrostatic precipitators, and photocatalytic purification systems to better control odor emissions. Implementing these solutions can significantly enhance the shopping experience for consumers.