• Title/Summary/Keyword: Adjustment

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The effects of age adjustment on the diagnosis of noise induced hearing loss (소음성 난청 진단에 있어 연령 보정의 효과)

  • Won, Jong-Uk;Ahn, Yeon-Soon;Roh, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.28 no.3 s.51
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    • pp.651-662
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    • 1995
  • In Korea there is no specific method of age adjustment in noise induced hearing loss(NIHL). We attempted the age adjustment to understand the effects of age on the diagnosis of NIHL. We used the International Standard Organization 1999 as an age adjustment method. We used the 1, 617 otologically normal person's hearing data from a health examination center, and 206 workers diagnosed as NIHL. We concluded as follows; 1. The ISO 7029 function used for age specific hearing loss is not suited to Korean people. 2. The mean of age specific hearing loss is 11.0 6.2dB and the older of age, the more decrease on hearing loss, especially in 4000Hz. 3. The difference of NIHL between before age adjustment and after age adjustment in the 3rd decade is 5.4dB, in the 4th decade is 6.7dB, in the 5th decade is 8.5dB, in the 6th decade is 10.4dB, and in the 7th decade is 12.9dB. The older, the more is the difference. 4. After age adjustment, the number of workers diagnosed as NIHL decreases to 60% of unadjusted.

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Housing Adjustment As a Symptom of Housing Dissatisfaction: Call for an Integrated Approach to Theory Building

  • Lee, Do Young
    • Architectural research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2000
  • Housing Adjustment is a set of creative human activities that take place to meet various housing needs. Thus far, numerous studies have given attention to speculate a typology of those activities on an empirical base. Overall, though, little is known about its theoretical underpinning, due to the independent nature of each individual study in interpreting differences in conclusions. This study examines and compares results from two previous studies on housing adjustment. Previous research on housing adjustment suggests that, other than household and housing characteristics, housing satisfaction as an intervening variable is deeply associated with the choice of housing adjustment involved in mobility, home improvement, or cognitive adaptation. The two studies used similar theoretical schemes, asked similar questions, yet one sample consisted of Korean American residents and the other sample was poor housing residents in Korea. This study shows that differences in sample characteristics lead to a strong discrepancy in interpreting Speare's (1974) satisfaction theory of housing adjustment. For Korean Americans, housing satisfaction turned out to be a good predictor of housing adjustment preference, while it is not the case for poor housing residents in Korea. This implies that findings of any Single study can not be generalized directly to the population as a whole. Thus, continued effort should be made to compare specific findings from various research studies, seeking explanations for differences in conclusions. Theory can be legitimately built and strengthened in this integrated manner.

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The Influence of Internalization Problem and Attachment to Parents on the Adjustment to School Life in Middle School Students (중학교 청소년의 심리적 문제와 부모와의 애착이 학교생활 적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Youn-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2005
  • This research is focused on the influence of internalization problem and attachment to parents on the adjustment to school life, as well as on the attachment to parents as moderators in the influence of the process of internalization problem on the adjustment to school life. To verify the hypothesis, a survey research method was applied using stratified cluster sampling method, and focusing on middle school students in Seoul. Eleven schools were selected randomly from each of the eleven District Offices of Education in Seoul, and data were collected from 1,200 students. The data were analyzed by using the T-test and hierarchical regression methods, and the results are as follows. First, the internalization problem has negatively affected the adjustment to school life. Secondly, the moderators of the attachment to parents in the adjustment to school life were investigated. Through the above mentioned analysis, it can be deducted that, intervention with internalization problem is required in order to promote the adjustment to school life, and the importance of the attachment to parents should be addressed in the intervention for improving adjustment to school life.

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The Relationships between the Parenting Stress of Mothers and the Adjustment of Young Children in Child-Care Centers (어머니의 양육스트레스와 영유아의 교육기관 적응의 관계)

  • Lee, Ja Hyun;Wui, Yeong Hee
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.139-161
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationships of mothers' parenting stress and young children's adjustment to the child care centers they attend. The subjects for this study comprised 401 young children from 1 to 4 years of age from 11 child care centers in C-si, Chungnam, and their mothers. The results of this study were as follows : First, there were no significant differences in the parenting stress of mothers related to whether they were working or not, the age of the children nor their gender Second, there were no significant differences in the adjustment of young children to their child care center related to their mothers' work status nor age of the children themselves. However, there was a significant difference in relation to the gender of the young children in that girls were better in their adjustment to the child care center than boys. Third, a negative correlation appeared between mothers' parenting stress and their young children's adjustment to the child care center in that the higher maternal parenting stress was, the greater the difficulties for their young children in their adjustment to the child care center. There were significant negatively correlations between most sub-factors of maternal parenting stress and the adjustment of those children to the child care center.

The Effect of Parental Attachment on School Adjustment Perceived by School-Age Children: Self-Perceived Competence as a Mediating Variable (학령기 아동이 지각한 부모애착이 학교적응에 미치는 영향: 자기역량지각을 매개변인으로)

  • Hwang, Yun-Jung;Min, Ha-Yeoung
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2012
  • This study investigates influence of parental attachment on school adjustment using self-perceived competence as a mediating variable for perceived school age children. The subjects were 760 children who are 4, 5, and 6 grades in 4 elementary schools at Daegu. The collected data were analyzed by single and multiple regressions that used SPSS win 19.0 The results were as follows: (1) The parental Attachment perceived by school-age children was positively associated with on school adjustment. The parental attachment level of school-age children becomes higher as the perception of school adjustment increases. (2) The parental attachment perceived by school-age children was positively associated with self-perceived competence. That is, the parental attachment level of school-age children becomes higher as the self-perceived competence increase. (3) The effect of parental attachment in the school adjustment by children was reducing explanation when controlled for the self-perceived competence. The Parental attachment that influenced the school adjustment is partially mediated by self-perceived competence. The results of this research indicates that both the quality improvement of inter-relationship between children and parents for school adjustment of school-age children and training for strengthening self-perceived competence of school-age children are important.

The Relationships of the Middle-aged Men and Women's Gender-role Identity, Marital Conflict, and Psychological Adjustment (중년기 남녀의 성역할 정체감과 부부갈등 및 심리적 적응의 관계)

  • Lee Eun-A
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.107-126
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships of married middle-aged men and women's gender-role identity, marital conflicts and psychological adjustment. Psychological adjustment was composed of mid life crisis, depression, and perceived happiness. The data of the study were collected from 397 married, middle aged men and women from 40 years to 59 years-old by using self-administered questionnaire method. The results showed that gender role identity was different according to sex. In addition, women's perceived level of marital conflict was found to be significantly different according to their gender role identity, indicating that androgynous women reported the lowest level of marital conflict. However, men's gender role conflict was not related to their marital conflict. Furthermore, men's psychological adjustment level was not different according to their gender role identity, while women's psychological adjustment differed, indicating that androgynous women reported the lowest level of psychological adjustment and the undifferentiated women the highest level of psychological adjustment. Finally, the result indicated that for both men and men, marital conflict were positively correlated with mid-crisis and depression, and negatively related with happiness.

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Children's Daily Experience and School Adjustment by Children's Self-care (초등학교 1학년 아동의 자기돌봄경험에 따른 일상생활경험 및 학교생활적응에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.51-69
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in children's daily experience and school adjustment of elementary school according to children's gender and self-care and to explore the relationship between children's daily experience and school adjustment. Data were collected from the NYPI panel survey of 2010. The data were analyzed by means of Cronbach's α tests, means, standard deviations, Two-way ANOVAs, and Pearson's Correlation. The results of this study were as follows : 1. There were some significant differences by gender and self-care in daily experience. Girls spent more time in watching TV but less time in games than boys. And self-care children spent less time in learning and reading, but more time in game and TV watching. Also there was a interaction effect of learning experience by gender and self-care. 2. There were some significant differences by gender and self-care in school adjustment. Girls showed more positive school adjustment than boys. And children who are cared for by their parents showed more positive learning and school rule adjustment. 3. There were some significant relationship between children's daily experience and school adjustment.

A Study on Non-Professional Working Wife's Marital Adjustment, Communication Style and Their Interrelationship (비전문직 취업주부의 결혼 적응과 부부간 의사소통양식 및 그 상호 관계에 대한 연구)

  • 도미향;최외선
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.69-85
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this study is to offer basic data for satisfactory marital adjustment and functional communication by investigating marital adjustment, communication style and interrelationship between them, for non-professional working wives. Research was conducted form May, 1089 in Taegu on 470 subjects, who are non-professional working wives as questions and interview. For analysis of data, percentile, frequencies, ANOVA, Scheffe-test, X2-test, t-test were used, and through such research procedure the following major findings were obtained: 1) The marital adjustment of nonprofessional working wives were relatively high with 78 in percentile. 2) Among the related variables, husband's income, job, support and wife's motive of employment, job, age on the marital adjustment and husband's occupation, educational, level, income, the length of marriage and number of children, family style on the communication style have turned out o be significant. 3) Th higher the degree of emotional disclosure and the more open the verbal experesion, the higher the level of marriage adjustment, 4) In communication style, marriage adjustment was found to increase in such order as contactful style, speculative style, conventional style, and controlling style. Such were found to affect significantly marital adjustment.

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The Study Effect to Attachment to Family-of-origin and Psychological Separation on Newly-Wedded Marital Adjustment (원가족 부모와의 애착 및 심리적 독립심 지각과 신혼기 결혼적응과의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Yu-Jin;Park, Jeong-Yun;Yang-Hee, Kim
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 2008
  • This study focused on the parent.child relationship and its, which has effect on the newly.wedded marital adjustment. Based on the relationship with analyzing attachment to parents, psychological separation, and newly.wedded marital adjustment, the research was conducted focusing on explored the relationships influences among these influences things. The subjects of this study were 216 in the newly-wedded couples with less than 5 years since of marriage. The major findings of this study were as follows: First, as a result of analysis of differences in marital adjustment according to attachment to parents revealed that, the group with stable attachment to parents showed the more a smoother adjustment in their relationships with the spouses after marriage. Second, as a result of analyzing analysis of the difference in marital adjustment according to psychological separation from parents indicated that, the higher psychological separation from parents showed the related to higher marital adjustment.

A Study on Korean-Chinese Childrens Acculturation and Adjustment to the Mainstream Society

  • Cho Bokhee;Han Sae-Young;Lee Joo-Yeon
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between acculturation and the daily adjustment of Korean-Chinese children to Chinese society. Specifically, this study examined the differences between language factors and cultural factors in the levels of acculturation of Korean-Chinese children. In addition, the differences of Korean-Chinese children's adjustment according to their levels of language-related and culture-related acculturation were analyzed. Subjects consisted of 679 Korean-Chinese 4th graders in Yangil, Shenyang, and Harbin. First, the result from this study showed that Korean-Chinese children in Yangil, Shenyang, and Harbin were more acculturated to the Chinese language than to Chinese cultural activities. Second, language factors and cultural factors in acculturation were distinctively associated with Korean children's daily adjustment variables such as their well-being, internal locus of control, achievement motivation, school adjustment, teacher and peer support. Lastly, this study revealed that using Korean ethnic language and maintaining Korean ethnic culture are more likely to be associated with better daily adjustment for Korean-Chinese children. These results discussed within the unique sociocultural context of the Korean-Chinese immigrant society. This study suggests that ethnic minority children's adjustment and development should be understood within the sociocultural context of their immigrant society.