• Title/Summary/Keyword: Achromatic

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Color Correction Method for High Dynamic Range Image Using Dynamic Cone Response Function (동적 원추 세포 응답을 이용한 높은 동적 폭을 갖는 영상 색상 보정 방법)

  • Choi, Ho-Hyoung;Yun, Byoung-Ju
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.49 no.9
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    • pp.104-112
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    • 2012
  • Recently, the HDR imaging technique that mimics human eye is incorporated with LCD/LED display devices to deal with mismatch between the real world scene and the displayed image. However, HDR image has a veiling glare limit as well as a scale of the local contrast problem. In order to overcome these problems, several color correction methods, CSR(center/surround Retinex), MSR (Multi-Scale Retinex), tone-mapping method, iCAM06 and so on, are proposed. However, these methods have a dominated color throughout the entire resulting image after performing color correction. Accordingly, this paper presents a new color correction method using dynamic cone response function. The proposed color correction method consists of tone-mapping and dynamic cone response. The tone-mapping is obtained by using a linear interpolation between chromatic and achromatic. Thereafter, the resulting image is processed through the dynamic cone response function, which estimates the dynamic responses of human visual system as well as deals with mismatch between the real scene image and the rendered image. The experiment results show that the proposed method yields better performance of color correction over the conventional methods.

Beverage Taste Perception Influenced by Its Turbidity: Results from Twenties and Thirties (탁도에 따른 음료의 미각 인지: 20, 30대 소비자를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Taesu;Choi, Kyungah;Suk, Hyeon-Jeong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2017
  • This research investigated the cross-modal correspondence between the turbidity and taste of beverages. For an empirical study, we employed two types of achromatic beverages: rice wine and a soft drink. The turbidity of each drink varied between 0.0625~32 g/L, and 0.0078~4 g/L, respectively, and the stimuli were prepared in ten levels according to cognitive turbidity. In the study, participants (N=35) rated each drink stimulus using a 3-point Likert scale with regard to five basic tastes: sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and preferred. In addition, six specific tastes were included that deliberately describe rice wine and the soft drink. Three were yeasty, alcoholic, and astringent for the rice wine, and the other three were creamy, bubbly, and syrupy for the soft drink. Based on participants' assessments, the turbidity of rice wine is highly positively correlated with all five basic tastes. In contrast, the turbidity of the soft drink was positively correlated with sour only. Concerning preference, the most preferred turbidity of rice wine was 4.6~20 g/L, which is close to the turbidity of existing products on the market. Furthermore, except for astringent and syrupy, all tastes were influenced by the turbidity, which implies the potential of turbidity as a new visual parameter to communicate the taste experience of beverages.

A Study on the Figurative Universality of Religious Costume -Centering on the Religious Costume of High Religions- (종교복식의 조형적 보편성에 관한 연구 -고등종교의 종교복식을 중심으로-)

  • Seo, Bong-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.958-967
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    • 2009
  • Just as various religions of the world have multiple systems based on their own belief system respectively, religious costumes, which are the expression of religion, are varied in forms according to different religions. Nonetheless, this research attempts to examine the universal features of the variety of religious costumes. Since the range of this research is broad and the limit of study is clear, this research confines the study objects into world's four high religions. The purposes of this research are as followings; first, the investigation of the world's high religions, second, the study of the figurative attributes of religious costume to study and discuss the universality of figurative beauty and aesthetic value. Figurative attributes are distinct in religious costume. First, the non structural feature of composition, and the manner in which the costume is worn. Second, the rich silhouette covering the body. Third, the restraint and inhibition of decoration, and fourth, the preference of achromatic color and monotones. 'The beauty of concealing', derived from the religious absolute and chastity, 'The beauty of chastity' influenced by the restraint of decoration and design, and 'The beauty of nature' as the drapery and non structural feature are the universal aesthetic values. Human beings tend to contact the divine beings by pursuing the essential thing and concealing the body through religion. The forms of concealment and chastity, mentioned above are reflected in the usual costumes, affected by religion as well as religious costume.

A Study on the Characteristics of Knitwear Fashion Design: With a focus on Missoni, Sonia Rykiel, Azzedine Alaia

  • Chun, Hei Jung;Park, Jae Min
    • International Journal of Costume and Fashion
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to better understand the development and characteristics of knitwear fashion design by examining the transformation process of the modern knits. The subjects of the study are Missoni, Sonia Rykiel, and Azzedine Alaia, designers who are world-renowned knit designers, and the expressive techniques in their designs will be evaluated. The study also intends to analyze the aesthetic value of each designer's style through their product's silhouette, colors, and knitting techniques. On the basis of the analysis, we hope to research the factors in the designing process that will allow knits, which were made for practical purposes, to be valued as a luxury fashion item, and with the results, show the potential for knits in expanding its domain in fashion to become a more luxurious, creative fashion item. The characteristic comparison of the designers is as follows: First, in the case of colors, Missoni shows its distinct identity through a balance of splashy colors as well as nature-inspired color composition and balance. And, only with color use, is also able to express perspective, form composition, and rhythm. Sonia Rykiel designs are composed of black backgrounds with strong primary colors that are contrasted with one-point or stripes to express a light, urban image. Alaia emphasizes femininity by the use of black and white colors, which show modernity, in combination with neutral skin-toned colors, such as beige and gray. So, in other words, Missoni and Sonia Rykiel mixed colors for visual interconnectivity, while Alaia expressed femininity through the use of an achromatic color. Second, in the case of knitting techniques, Missoni uses the jacquard technique to make complex patterns that show balance of colors and patterns such as zigzag, stripe, geometries, and titan check, which are geometric, abstract, and symmetric. Sonia Rykiel who uses stripes as her trademark, most often utilizes the intarsia technique, which is expressed through one-point. Alaia combines diverse techniques, such as the Skashi weaving, by using computerized knitting. Third, as for silhouettes, Missoni eliminated exaggerated details in order to emphasize the flashy colors and delicate patterns and weavings of its designs, and this resulted in simplistic and relaxed silhouettes. Sonia Rykiel took advantage of the elasticity that the knit offers to get a tight silhouette, and in turn, emphasized the female sensuality. Alaia used curvilinear cuts that emphasized the womanly curves and gained an image considered soft and feminine.

The Color Characteristics of Vintage Fashion - Focused on Paris Pr$\hat{e}$t-$\grave{a}$-Porter Collections, from 2003 to 2008 - (빈티지 패션의 색채 특성에 관한 연구 - 2003~2008년 파리 프레타포르테 컬렉션을 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Jung-Hee;Park, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.86-105
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    • 2010
  • Vintage fashion is a lot influenced by colors because an emotion is transmitted via images of "old feeling", "worn-out feeling" and "faded feeling" etc. Colors are visual sensation occurring at a time when lights stimulate an eye, which is a representative factor which humans first perceive when they touch objects. And colors in clothing function as a critical element which indicates an individual's impression and character as well as aesthetic sensation. In this study, I examined on the theoretical consideration and aesthetic characteristics via the previous literature on vintage fashion and colors. As an empirical study, I investigated on the colors of vintage fashion appearing in Pr$\hat{e}$t-$\grave{a}$-porter Collections, Paris from Spring/Summer, 2003 to Fall/Winter 2008. As a way for study, I investigated into the total 197 vintage fashion photos and calculated their RGB values by using photoshop. And I converted the values of the colors extracted into H V/C values by using Munsell Conversion Version 9.0.6 and analyzed on Munsell System of 10 Color Notation and the PCCS colors, classifying a color scheme by visual sensation measurement. The result of analyzing on the concept of vintage fashion and its color characteristics is as follows; Vintage fashion made an appearance the most in 2003 and 2004 and its colors appeared a lot in Y, YR, R and PB lines. Color tone concentrated on black and white, achromatic color and low chroma colors in a grayish line, chromatic color. Thus, the study found that colors suitable for a "worn-out", "faded" and "old" image are properly reflected in vintage fashion rather than a clear and bright background. In a color scheme, I found contrast color and same color appearing a lot, which gave an unharmonious feeling and a smack of the country. The study reveals that the color characteristic of vintage fashion is relatively diverse and complex in color, color tone or shade and color scheme, which shows a color trend which reflects a non-constructive and complex coordination characteristic instead of a standardized simple and clear image.

A Study on Characteristics of Chinese Consumer Type & Fashion Consumption according to G sensibility (G감성척도에 의한 중국소비자 유형특성 및 패션소비 연구)

  • Shim, Young-Wan;Geum, Key-Sook
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.351-362
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to investigate the characteristics of Chinese consumers, who are growing up as the global biggest consumption market, according to G sensibility types, and to provide the data base for China market by analyzing the consuming pattern per sensibility and the preferred color. For the investigation, the survey on G sensibility and consuming pattern was conducted for consumers in four cities of China. As a result of classification of G sensibility types, it was found that Chinese consumers tended to behave in accordance with their values and identities and the most general type in them was G1 pursuing the reasonable and logical consumption, unlike Korean consumers who tended to be shown as G3 for the most general type according to the preceding study. As to characteristic of consumption, Chinese consumers preferred to purchase clothes from the department store, and in case of G2 type, the characteristics was corresponded with Actionist's character which shows the wide range of behavior and high-consumption, by preferring the road-shop next to the department store. Chinese consumers tended to purchase the clothes on the basis of their preferred colors, and especially it was shown that achromatic color was very commonly preferred. Also the black color was on the highest preference, and white, dark gray and light gray were followed. Meanwhile, in chromatic color, it was found that brown, orange, red and blue were preferred in order, and in case of G4, it was found that they preferred more various colors compared to the other types. This result could be used as the data base for the marketing strategy of fashion design industry and the related companies, as well as the new communication method for the consumers.

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Illuminant Color Estimation Method Using Valuable Pixels (중요 화소들을 이용한 광원의 색 추정 방법)

  • Kim, Young-Woo;Lee, Moon-Hyun;Park, Jong-Il
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2013
  • It is a challenging problem to most of the image processing when the light source is unknown. The color of the light source must be estimated in order to compensate color changes. To estimate the color of the light source, additional assumption is need, so that we assumed color distribution according to the light source. If the pixels, which do not satisfy the assumption, are used, the estimation fails to provide an accurate result. The most popular color distribution assumption is Grey-World Assumption (GWA); it is the assumption that the color in each scene, the surface reflectance averages to gray or achromatic color over the entire images. In this paper, we analyze the characteristics of the camera response function, and the effect of the Grey-World Assumption on the pixel value and chromaticity, based on the inherent characteristics of the light source. Besides, we propose a novel method that detects important pixels for the color estimation of the light source. In our method, we firstly proposed a method that gives weights to pixels satisfying the assumption. Then, we proposed a pixel detection method, which we modified max-RGB method, to apply on the weighted pixels. Maximum weighted pixels in the column direction and row direction in one channel are detected. The performance of our method is verified through demonstrations in several real scenes. Proposed method better accurately estimate the color of the light than previous methods.

The Characteristics of Colors Found in the Gyubang Culture of Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 규방문화에 표현된 색채특성)

  • Kim, Eun-Kyoung;Kim, Young-In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.109-130
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    • 2009
  • This study examines the rotor characteristics of Guybang culture (women's living in Joseon) relics which the life images and mental world of women in Joseon if expressed to prepare rotor data to be utilized in modern design and information for color identity establishment of Korean women culture. The result of this study is as following: 1. From 176 pieces of relic photos, total of 1380 color chips were extracted. For color analysis, 1368 units (99.1%) of color data excluding achromatic 12 units (0.9%) among 1380 units of colors were used. With the standard of 10 color wheel of Munsell Color System, the result of studying distributions according to frequency, red was the highest by 25.9%, yellow was 21.4% in women's goods in Joseon period which the ratio of red and yellow was 473%. Other than that, GY 14.6%, YR 11.3% and RP 11.1% followed next which is studied that the warm colors that conveys enjoyable and glamorous feelings composed 84.3%; 2. As a result of tone analysis, high value low chroma ltg color showed highest distribution of 20% and d was 12.2%, b was 11.7% and sf was 8.8%. Generally, it showed high frequency in high value cocors such as ltg, sf and b of 40.5%t and in low chroma (ltg) and medium chroma (d, sf) of 41% and colors in bright and calm image was used the most. 3. As a result of analyzing relationship between hue & tone, the ltg tone of Y close to white in traditional color sensibility showed the highest frequency of 9.6% and ltg tone of GY(6.4%), b tone of RP(6.1%), and v(5.4%), b(5.4%), dp(5.3%) of R followed next. 4. As a result of analyzing the characteristics of coloring, it showed that in case of coloring contrasting hues, it is adjusted similar tones and in case of coloring less contrasting hue, the difference in tone is adjusted to be rather large to make harmonized coloring. Moreover, in case of coloring similar hues, the ratio of using same tone and similar tone was large which the coloring of calm image and dynamic image is all used.

A Study on the Design of Office Filing System Furniture (사무용 수납가구의 디자인 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 신화경;하숙녕
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2002
  • Against the projection that the volume of filing would be drastically cut in the Information Age, the needs for filing in this age increases gradually. In this respect, it is critical to study the design of office filing system furniture. Through this study, we could find out what shall be the major requirements for office lijillg system furniture. This study would also provide important raw data for developing more efficient and more satisfactory office filing system furniture. Subject for this study includes 6 representative filing system furniture including a lateral file cabinet. For the design analysis, we used catalogues of foreign and domestic office furniture, particularly filing system furniture. The analysis is classified into the following six categories such as size, shape, color, material, handle, and filing method, mobility, flexibility, and so on. According to the analysis of office furniture in the market, requirements of furniture fit for office environment are found to be as follows. -Instead of the fixed-type furniture, movable furniture is more adaptable to the ever-evolving office environment. -Design the office furniture in accordance with a standardized module would provide a more unity and diversity of arrangement in space particularly when it is arranged with other furniture. -Development of more diverse color, which ranges from achromatic color to wooden color to other various colors, is more favored in the ever-changing office environment. -As the grip provides a variety of image to the furniture let alone its function, its development is required to be more diverse and more conforming 10 the design of Ihe furniture. -The filing methods in general are with drawer and shelf, among which the drawers design is usually fixed. However, under the evolving office furniture environment, the design of Ihe drawer, bolh inlerior and exterior, shall be more diverse and flexible.

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A Study on Uniform Recognition of Some Dental Hygiene Students (일부 치위생과 학생의 유니폼 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Eun-Gyo;Jung, Hwa-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.388-395
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted from March 15 to March 19, 2019. The purpose of this study was to examine the recognition of uniforms and their images for the selection and development of uniforms and the pursuit of images for dental hygienists and students in some regions. Study methods included frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, ANOVA, chi-squared test, and regression analysis. The collected data was analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 program. This study found that students majoring in dental hygiene thought that uniforms influenced their image and that they influenced the image of the hospital. In addition, students who experienced clinical practice preferred the pants type to the uniform type and the color to achromatic color. In addition, these students preferred scrubs and the use of Crocs for shoes. The results of this study showed that dental hygiene students considered image transmission through uniforms as important. However, it appears that they prefer practical uniforms and shoes over uniforms that convey external images. This is a part that makes us aware of the need for changes in training clothes and training. In conclusion, it is necessary to develop a practical uniform while expressing the image of the institution, which will be reflected in future dental uniform selection.