• Title/Summary/Keyword: Accounting system

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Cost Analysis of Home Nursing Care Patients in Rural Hospital (농촌 지역 중소병원의 가정간호사업소 등록환자의 방문비용분석)

  • Kim, Jin-Soon;Kum, Ran;HwangBo, Soo-Ja
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 1999
  • The home nursing care system is an integral part of the health care delivery system in order to meet the various needs of consummer, in particular, early discharge patient from the hospital, patient with long term care needed and the elderly. To find out the cost of home nursing care services, the home nursing care records of patients registered by home nursing care units established in public hospital with 150beds during the period of 1996 - 1997 were analyzed. The subjects were 102patients, 45 of male patients and 57 of female patients, those who live in a rural area in Kymiggi - Do The results obtained are as follows : 1. The male patients accounted for 44.1% of the total, with 45cases : group aged 60 years and more was the largest group, accounting for 79.5%. 2. The most frequent disease revealed was the osteoporosis which constitute 35.3% of the total registered patients, followed, in order, by malignant tumor, cerebrovascular disease. 3. It revealed that the cost per visit for the male was 47,764won ; the female, 46,078 won per visit. Noteworthy the cost per visit was high in the older patient. It was clearly that the gender, years of age and the cost per visit were statistically significant at 0.01 level and 0.05 level. 4. The cost per visit for the non complicated disease was slightly higher than the complicated disease, but it is not statistically significant, the cost per visit by type of disease varied, the cost per visit for COPD was the highest, followed, in order, by in malignant tumor, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis etc. 5. It revealed that home nursing care cost for a eligible disease for home nursing care was less than the cost for hospitalization of the same disease, therefore, we expect that the home nursing care is cost efficiency. In conclusion, the home nursing care costs are needed to analyze further in comparison with the hospitalization costs for a certain disease.

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Soil Chemical Property and Microbial Community under Organic and Conventional Radish Farming Systems (무 유기재배와 관행재배 토양의 화학성과 미생물 군집 비교)

  • Kang, Ho-Jun;Yang, Sung-Nyun;Song, Kwan-Cheol;Cho, Young-Yuen;Kim, Yu-Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.479-499
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to investigate the responses of soil properties and microbial communities to different agricultural management and soil types, including organic management in Andisols (Org-A), organic management in Non-andisols (Org-NA), conventional management in Andisols (Con-A) and conventional management in Non-andisols (Con-NA) by using a pyrosequencing approach of 16S rRNA gene amplicon in Radish farms of volcanic ash soil in Jeju island. The results showed that agricultural management systems had a little influence on the soil chemical properties but had significant influence on microbial communities. In addition, soil types had significant influences on both the soil chemical properties and microbial communities. Organic farming increased the microbial density of bacteria and biomass C compared to conventional farming, regardless of soil types. Additionally, Org-NA had the highest dehydrogenase activity among treatments, whereas no difference was found between Org-A, Con-A and Con-NA and had the highest species richness (Chao 1) and diversity (Phyrogenetic diversity). Particularly, Chao 1 and Phyrogenetic diversity were increased in organic plots by 12% and 20%, compared with conventional plots, respectively. Also, regardless of agricultural management and soil types, Proteobacteria was the most abundant bacterial phylum, accounting for 21.9-25.9% of the bacterial 16S rRNAs. The relative abundance of putative copiotroph such as Firmicutes was highest in Org-NA plot by 21.0%, as follows Con-NA (13.1%), Con-A (6.7%) and Org-A (5.1%.), respectively and those of putative oligotrophs such as Acidobacteria and Planctomycetes were higher in Con-A than those in the other plots. Furthermore, LEfSe indicated that organic system enhanced the abundance of Fumicutes, while conventional system increased the abundance of Acidobacteria, especially in Non-andisols. Correlation analysis showed that total organic carbon (TOC) and nutrient levels (e.g. available P and exchangeable K) were significantly correlated to the structure of the microbial community and microbial activity. Overall, our results showed that the continuous organic farming systems without chemical materials, as well as the soil types made by long-term environmental factors might influence on soil properties and increase microbial abundances and diversity.

Why Is the Rate of Poor Subjective Health Notably High in South Korea? The Importance of Managing Healthcare Needs (한국인은 왜 주관적 건강상태가 매우 나쁠까? 의료필요 관리의 중요성)

  • Woojin Chung
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.334-346
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    • 2024
  • Background: Research on the link between subjective health and unmet healthcare needs is limited. This study examines whether experiences of subjective healthcare needs and unmet needs are related to subjective health in South Korea, where the rate of poor subjective health is notably high. Methods: This analysis utilized data from the Korea Health Panel (2014-2018), incorporating 68,930 observations from 16,535 adults aged 19 or older. The dependent variable, subjective health, was dichotomized into poor (bad or very bad) and non-poor (fair, good, or very good) categories. The primary variables of interest were the experiences of subjective healthcare needs and unmet needs, while control variables included 14 socio-demographic, health, and functional characteristics. The study employed population proportion analysis and multivariable two-level binary logistic regression analysis for each gender, accounting for the complex sampling design. Results: In 2018, the rate of reporting poor health was 8.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 8.0%-9.5%) for men and 14.7% (95% CI, 13.8%-15.6%) for women. For both genders, compared to individuals whose healthcare needs were met, those without healthcare needs were less likely to report poor subjective health (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 0.58; 95% CI, 0.39-0.86 for men; AOR, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.37-0.93 for women). Conversely, individuals whose healthcare needs were not met were more likely to report poor subjective health (AOR, 2.31; 95% CI, 2.01-2.65 for men; AOR, 2.19; 95% CI, 1.98-2.43 for women). A policy simulation indicated that reducing the experience of subjective healthcare needs would be approximately 5 times more effective in reducing poor subjective health than a policy focused on reducing the experience of unmet needs. Conclusion: South Korea must make significant efforts to reduce the deterioration of subjective health and promote appropriate healthcare utilization. To achieve this, a set of policies is recommended to address subjective healthcare needs. These policies should include (1) prompting individuals to proactively manage their own health, (2) providing primary healthcare similar to that in advanced countries, (3) ensuring the healthcare delivery system operates effectively, (4) decentralizing the healthcare management system, and (5) reducing the likelihood of people being misled into thinking they have a healthcare need.

Determination of Cost and Measurement of nursing Care Hours for Hospice Patients Hospitalized in one University Hospital (일 대학병원 호스피스 병동 입원 환자의 간호활동시간 측정과 원가산정)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Uoon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.389-404
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    • 2000
  • This study was designed to determine the cost and measurement of nursing care hours for hospice patients hostpitalized in one university hospital. 314 inpatients in the hospice unit 11 nursing manpower were enrolled. Study was taken place in C University Hospital from 8th to 28th, Nov, 1999. Researcher and investigator did pilot study for selecting compatible hospice patient classification indicators. After modifying patient classification indicators and nursing care details for general ward, approved of content validity by specialist. Using hospice patient classification indicators and per 5 min continuing observation method, researcher and investigator recorded direct nursing care hours, indirect nursing care hours, and personnel time on hospice nursing care hours, and personnel time on hospice nursing care activities sheet. All of the patients were classified into Class I(mildly ill), Class II (moderately ill), Class III (acutely ill), and Class IV (critically ill) by patient classification system (PCS) which had been carefully developed to be suitable for the Korean hospice ward. And then the elements of the nursing care cost was investigated. Based on the data from an accounting section (Riccolo, 1988), nursing care hours per patient per day in each class and nursing care cost per patient per hour were multiplied. And then the mean of the nursing care cost per patient per day in each class was calculated. Using SAS, The number of patients in class and nursing activities in duty for nursing care hours were calculated the percent, the mean, the standard deviation respectively. According to the ANOVA and the $Scheff{\'{e}$ test, direct nursing care hours per patient per day for the each class were analyzed. The results of this study were summarized as follows : 1. Distribution of patient class : class IN(33.5%) was the largest class the rest were class II(26.1%) class III(22.6%), class I(17.8%). Nursing care requirements of the inpatients in hospice ward were greater than that of the inpatients in general ward. 2. Direct nursing care activities : Measurement ${\cdot}$ observation 41.7%, medication 16.6%, exercise ${\cdot}$ safety 12.5%, education ${\cdot}$ communication 7.2% etc. The mean hours of direct nursing care per patient per day per duty were needed ; 69.3 min for day duty, 64.7 min for evening duty, 88.2 min for night duty, 38.7 min for shift duty. The mean hours of direct nursing care of night duty was longer than that of the other duty. Direct nursing care hours per patient per day in each class were needed ; 3.1 hrs for class I, 3.9 hrs for class II, 4.7 hrs for class III, and 5.2 hrs for class IV. The mean hours of direct nursing care per patient per day without the PCS was 4.1 hours. The mean hours of direct nursing care per patient per day in class was increased significantly according to increasing nursing care requirements of the inpatients(F=49.04, p=.0001). The each class was significantly different(p<0.05). The mean hours of direct nursing care of several direct nursing care activities in each class were increased according to increasing nursing care requirements of the inpatients(p<0.05) ; class III and class IV for medication and education ${\cdot}$ communication, class I, class III and class IV for measurement ${\cdot}$ observation, class I, class II and class IV for elimination ${\cdot}$ irrigation, all of class for exercise ${\cdot}$ safety. 3. Indirect nursing care activities and personnel time : Recognization 24.2%, house keeping activity 22.7%, charting 17.2%, personnel time 11.8% etc. The mean hours of indirect nursing care and personnel time per nursing manpower was 4.7 hrs. The mean hours of indirect nursing care and personnel time per duty were 294.8 min for day duty, 212.3 min for evening duty, 387.9 min for night duty, 143.3 min for shift duty. The mean of indirect nursing care hours and personnel time of night duty was longer than that of the other duty. 4. The mean hours of indirect nursing care and personnel time per patient per day was 2.5 hrs. 5. The mean hours of nursing care per patient per day in each class were class I 5.6 hrs, class II 6.4 hrs, class III 7.2 hrs, class IV 7.7 hrs. 6. The elements of the nursing care cost were composed of 2,212 won for direct nursing care cost, 267 won for direct material cost and 307 won for indirect cost. Sum of the elements of the nursing care cost was 2,786 won. 7. The mean cost of the nursing care per patient per day in each class were 15,601.6 won for class I, 17,830.4 won for class II, 20,259.2 won for class III, 21,452.2 won for class IV. As above, using modified hospice patient classification indicators and nursing care activity details, many critical ill patients were hospitalized in the hospice unit and it reflected that the more nursing care requirements of the patients, the more direct nursing care hours. Emotional ${\cdot}$ spiritual care, pain ${\cdot}$ symptom control, terminal care, education ${\cdot}$ communication, narcotics management and delivery, attending funeral ceremony, the major nursing care activities, were also the independent hospice service. But it is not compensated by the present medical insurance system. Exercise ${\cdot}$ safety, elimination ${\cdot}$ irrigation needed more nursing care hours as equal to that of intensive care units. The present nursing management fee in the medical insurance system compensated only a part of nursing car service in hospice unit, which rewarded lower cost that that of nursing care.

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  • Fattah, A.;Nishiwaki, Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1993.06a
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    • pp.1051-1054
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    • 1993
  • The International Atomic Energy Agency's Statute in Article III.A.5 allows it“to establish and administer safeguards designed to ensure that special fissionable and other materials, services, equipment, facilities and information made available by the Agency or at its request or under its supervision or control are not used in such a way as to further any military purpose; and to apply safeguards, at the request of the parties, to any bilateral or multilateral arrangement, or at the request of a State, to any of that State's activities in the field of atomic energy”. Safeguards are essentially a technical means of verifying the fulfilment of political obligations undertaken by States and given a legal force in international agreements relating to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The main political objectives are: to assure the international community that States are complying with their non-proliferation and other peaceful undertakings; and to deter (a) the diversion of afeguarded nuclear materials to the production of nuclear explosives or for military purposes and (b) the misuse of safeguarded facilities with the aim of producing unsafeguarded nuclear material. It is clear that no international safeguards system can physically prevent diversion. The IAEA safeguards system is basically a verification measure designed to provide assurance in those cases in which diversion has not occurred. Verification is accomplished by two basic means: material accountancy and containment and surveillance measures. Nuclear material accountancy is the fundamental IAEA safeguards mechanism, while containment and surveillance serve as important complementary measures. Material accountancy refers to a collection of measurements and other determinations which enable the State and the Agency to maintain a current picture of the location and movement of nuclear material into and out of material balance areas, i. e. areas where all material entering or leaving is measurab e. A containment measure is one that is designed by taking advantage of structural characteristics, such as containers, tanks or pipes, etc. To establish the physical integrity of an area or item by preventing the undetected movement of nuclear material or equipment. Such measures involve the application of tamper-indicating or surveillance devices. Surveillance refers to both human and instrumental observation aimed at indicating the movement of nuclear material. The verification process consists of three over-lapping elements: (a) Provision by the State of information such as - design information describing nuclear installations; - accounting reports listing nuclear material inventories, receipts and shipments; - documents amplifying and clarifying reports, as applicable; - notification of international transfers of nuclear material. (b) Collection by the IAEA of information through inspection activities such as - verification of design information - examination of records and repo ts - measurement of nuclear material - examination of containment and surveillance measures - follow-up activities in case of unusual findings. (c) Evaluation of the information provided by the State and of that collected by inspectors to determine the completeness, accuracy and validity of the information provided by the State and to resolve any anomalies and discrepancies. To design an effective verification system, one must identify possible ways and means by which nuclear material could be diverted from peaceful uses, including means to conceal such diversions. These theoretical ways and means, which have become known as diversion strategies, are used as one of the basic inputs for the development of safeguards procedures, equipment and instrumentation. For analysis of implementation strategy purposes, it is assumed that non-compliance cannot be excluded a priori and that consequently there is a low but non-zero probability that a diversion could be attempted in all safeguards ituations. An important element of diversion strategies is the identification of various possible diversion paths; the amount, type and location of nuclear material involved, the physical route and conversion of the material that may take place, rate of removal and concealment methods, as appropriate. With regard to the physical route and conversion of nuclear material the following main categories may be considered: - unreported removal of nuclear material from an installation or during transit - unreported introduction of nuclear material into an installation - unreported transfer of nuclear material from one material balance area to another - unreported production of nuclear material, e. g. enrichment of uranium or production of plutonium - undeclared uses of the material within the installation. With respect to the amount of nuclear material that might be diverted in a given time (the diversion rate), the continuum between the following two limiting cases is cons dered: - one significant quantity or more in a short time, often known as abrupt diversion; and - one significant quantity or more per year, for example, by accumulation of smaller amounts each time to add up to a significant quantity over a period of one year, often called protracted diversion. Concealment methods may include: - restriction of access of inspectors - falsification of records, reports and other material balance areas - replacement of nuclear material, e. g. use of dummy objects - falsification of measurements or of their evaluation - interference with IAEA installed equipment.As a result of diversion and its concealment or other actions, anomalies will occur. All reasonable diversion routes, scenarios/strategies and concealment methods have to be taken into account in designing safeguards implementation strategies so as to provide sufficient opportunities for the IAEA to observe such anomalies. The safeguards approach for each facility will make a different use of these procedures, equipment and instrumentation according to the various diversion strategies which could be applicable to that facility and according to the detection and inspection goals which are applied. Postulated pathways sets of scenarios comprise those elements of diversion strategies which might be carried out at a facility or across a State's fuel cycle with declared or undeclared activities. All such factors, however, contain a degree of fuzziness that need a human judgment to make the ultimate conclusion that all material is being used for peaceful purposes. Safeguards has been traditionally based on verification of declared material and facilities using material accountancy as a fundamental measure. The strength of material accountancy is based on the fact that it allows to detect any diversion independent of the diversion route taken. Material accountancy detects a diversion after it actually happened and thus is powerless to physically prevent it and can only deter by the risk of early detection any contemplation by State authorities to carry out a diversion. Recently the IAEA has been faced with new challenges. To deal with these, various measures are being reconsidered to strengthen the safeguards system such as enhanced assessment of the completeness of the State's initial declaration of nuclear material and installations under its jurisdiction enhanced monitoring and analysis of open information and analysis of open information that may indicate inconsistencies with the State's safeguards obligations. Precise information vital for such enhanced assessments and analyses is normally not available or, if available, difficult and expensive collection of information would be necessary. Above all, realistic appraisal of truth needs sound human judgment.

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Clustering Method based on Genre Interest for Cold-Start Problem in Movie Recommendation (영화 추천 시스템의 초기 사용자 문제를 위한 장르 선호 기반의 클러스터링 기법)

  • You, Tithrottanak;Rosli, Ahmad Nurzid;Ha, Inay;Jo, Geun-Sik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.57-77
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    • 2013
  • Social media has become one of the most popular media in web and mobile application. In 2011, social networks and blogs are still the top destination of online users, according to a study from Nielsen Company. In their studies, nearly 4 in 5active users visit social network and blog. Social Networks and Blogs sites rule Americans' Internet time, accounting to 23 percent of time spent online. Facebook is the main social network that the U.S internet users spend time more than the other social network services such as Yahoo, Google, AOL Media Network, Twitter, Linked In and so on. In recent trend, most of the companies promote their products in the Facebook by creating the "Facebook Page" that refers to specific product. The "Like" option allows user to subscribed and received updates their interested on from the page. The film makers which produce a lot of films around the world also take part to market and promote their films by exploiting the advantages of using the "Facebook Page". In addition, a great number of streaming service providers allows users to subscribe their service to watch and enjoy movies and TV program. They can instantly watch movies and TV program over the internet to PCs, Macs and TVs. Netflix alone as the world's leading subscription service have more than 30 million streaming members in the United States, Latin America, the United Kingdom and the Nordics. As the matter of facts, a million of movies and TV program with different of genres are offered to the subscriber. In contrast, users need spend a lot time to find the right movies which are related to their interest genre. Recent years there are many researchers who have been propose a method to improve prediction the rating or preference that would give the most related items such as books, music or movies to the garget user or the group of users that have the same interest in the particular items. One of the most popular methods to build recommendation system is traditional Collaborative Filtering (CF). The method compute the similarity of the target user and other users, which then are cluster in the same interest on items according which items that users have been rated. The method then predicts other items from the same group of users to recommend to a group of users. Moreover, There are many items that need to study for suggesting to users such as books, music, movies, news, videos and so on. However, in this paper we only focus on movie as item to recommend to users. In addition, there are many challenges for CF task. Firstly, the "sparsity problem"; it occurs when user information preference is not enough. The recommendation accuracies result is lower compared to the neighbor who composed with a large amount of ratings. The second problem is "cold-start problem"; it occurs whenever new users or items are added into the system, which each has norating or a few rating. For instance, no personalized predictions can be made for a new user without any ratings on the record. In this research we propose a clustering method according to the users' genre interest extracted from social network service (SNS) and user's movies rating information system to solve the "cold-start problem." Our proposed method will clusters the target user together with the other users by combining the user genre interest and the rating information. It is important to realize a huge amount of interesting and useful user's information from Facebook Graph, we can extract information from the "Facebook Page" which "Like" by them. Moreover, we use the Internet Movie Database(IMDb) as the main dataset. The IMDbis online databases that consist of a large amount of information related to movies, TV programs and including actors. This dataset not only used to provide movie information in our Movie Rating Systems, but also as resources to provide movie genre information which extracted from the "Facebook Page". Formerly, the user must login with their Facebook account to login to the Movie Rating System, at the same time our system will collect the genre interest from the "Facebook Page". We conduct many experiments with other methods to see how our method performs and we also compare to the other methods. First, we compared our proposed method in the case of the normal recommendation to see how our system improves the recommendation result. Then we experiment method in case of cold-start problem. Our experiment show that our method is outperform than the other methods. In these two cases of our experimentation, we see that our proposed method produces better result in case both cases.

A Comparative Study of the Foreign Trade Strategies of Gaisong Merchants and Modern Companies in Korea. (현대기업과 개성상인의 해외진출전략의 비교분석)

  • Park, Sang-Gyu
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.17
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    • pp.153-183
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    • 2004
  • The Gaisong Merchants can be regarded to playa pioneering role to activate the Korea's trade with foreign countries. In the early period of Yi-Dynasty, the Gaisong Merchants focused on personal trade, but in the middle period of Yi-Dynasty, they entered to the realm of governmental trade. Furthermore, their business activities widened to various forms of trades, for example, smuggling. Utilizing accumulated capital, Gaisong merchants expanded their trading activities to their neighboring countries such as Japan and China. In recent times, it is necessary for modem Korean companies to diversify risks through the establishment of corporations for production, marketing and R&D abroad or through joint venture, M&A and strategic alliance with foreign companies in order to reduce the risks originated from volatile economic and political situations. In this study, we utilize tools of comparative study to compare Gaisong Merchants' foreign trade strategies with those of modem companies such as AMOREPACIFIC, HANILCEMENT and SHINDORICO. The purpose of the paper is to test the hypothesis that modem Korean companies grew up by following the cases of Gaisong Merchants' business activities. We summarize our main findings as follows. First, both Gaisong Merchants and modem Korean companies have common functional core capability in the field of marketing, manufacturing technology, R&D, and human resources development. Second, both Gaisong Merchants and modem Korean companies have common organizational core capability. Third, both Gaisong Merchants and modem Korean companies have common infrastructures such as planning, finance, accounting and MIS. It constitutes the infrastructure of Korea's foreign trade sector. Fourth, both Gaisong Merchants and modem companies have common organizational culture in the field of management policy and philosophy. Actually, those factors are evaluated to be driving forces of Koera's success in foreign trade. In conclusion, the business activities of Gaisong Merchants who represented the peculiarity of Korean business spirit are partially inherited to current Korean business management. The value system and behavior pattern of modern Korean companies is succeeded from the spirit of Gaisong Merchants and it playa major role to specify the identity of Korean business administration.

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Bankruptcy prediction using an improved bagging ensemble (개선된 배깅 앙상블을 활용한 기업부도예측)

  • Min, Sung-Hwan
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.121-139
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    • 2014
  • Predicting corporate failure has been an important topic in accounting and finance. The costs associated with bankruptcy are high, so the accuracy of bankruptcy prediction is greatly important for financial institutions. Lots of researchers have dealt with the topic associated with bankruptcy prediction in the past three decades. The current research attempts to use ensemble models for improving the performance of bankruptcy prediction. Ensemble classification is to combine individually trained classifiers in order to gain more accurate prediction than individual models. Ensemble techniques are shown to be very useful for improving the generalization ability of the classifier. Bagging is the most commonly used methods for constructing ensemble classifiers. In bagging, the different training data subsets are randomly drawn with replacement from the original training dataset. Base classifiers are trained on the different bootstrap samples. Instance selection is to select critical instances while deleting and removing irrelevant and harmful instances from the original set. Instance selection and bagging are quite well known in data mining. However, few studies have dealt with the integration of instance selection and bagging. This study proposes an improved bagging ensemble based on instance selection using genetic algorithms (GA) for improving the performance of SVM. GA is an efficient optimization procedure based on the theory of natural selection and evolution. GA uses the idea of survival of the fittest by progressively accepting better solutions to the problems. GA searches by maintaining a population of solutions from which better solutions are created rather than making incremental changes to a single solution to the problem. The initial solution population is generated randomly and evolves into the next generation by genetic operators such as selection, crossover and mutation. The solutions coded by strings are evaluated by the fitness function. The proposed model consists of two phases: GA based Instance Selection and Instance based Bagging. In the first phase, GA is used to select optimal instance subset that is used as input data of bagging model. In this study, the chromosome is encoded as a form of binary string for the instance subset. In this phase, the population size was set to 100 while maximum number of generations was set to 150. We set the crossover rate and mutation rate to 0.7 and 0.1 respectively. We used the prediction accuracy of model as the fitness function of GA. SVM model is trained on training data set using the selected instance subset. The prediction accuracy of SVM model over test data set is used as fitness value in order to avoid overfitting. In the second phase, we used the optimal instance subset selected in the first phase as input data of bagging model. We used SVM model as base classifier for bagging ensemble. The majority voting scheme was used as a combining method in this study. This study applies the proposed model to the bankruptcy prediction problem using a real data set from Korean companies. The research data used in this study contains 1832 externally non-audited firms which filed for bankruptcy (916 cases) and non-bankruptcy (916 cases). Financial ratios categorized as stability, profitability, growth, activity and cash flow were investigated through literature review and basic statistical methods and we selected 8 financial ratios as the final input variables. We separated the whole data into three subsets as training, test and validation data set. In this study, we compared the proposed model with several comparative models including the simple individual SVM model, the simple bagging model and the instance selection based SVM model. The McNemar tests were used to examine whether the proposed model significantly outperforms the other models. The experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms the other models.

Changes of Fruit Characteristics by Fruit Load Control in 'Niitaka' and 'Whangkeumbae' Pear Trees on Y-trellis Training System (Y자 수형의 '신고'와 '황금배'에서 착과량 조절에 따른 과실 특성 변화)

  • Kwon, Yong-Hee;Park, Yo-Sup;Park, Ji-Eun;Park, Hee-Seung
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.523-530
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to understand the characteristic relations fruit changes caused by adjusting the amount of the fruit load in 'Niitaka' and 'Whangkeumbae'. The average fruit weight of 'Niitaka' was 672.0 g and the amount of fruit in the range of 601-750 g was the highest, accounting for 33.8% of the production and as for 'Whangkeumbae', the average fruit weight was 477.5 g and fruit in the range of 401-600 g accounted for 72.5% of total production. The weight of the 'Niitaka' was evenly distributed in each range from below 300 g to over 1 kg and the percent of the regular shaped fruit in 'Whangkeumbae' was high as the distribution range of the fruit weight was narrow. The brix degree and the soluble solid content (SSC)/acidity ratio of 'Niitaka' had a significantly positive correlation with the fruit weight, the length, and the diameter of the fruit. The brix degree also had a positive correlation with weight and diameter of the fruit for 'Whangkeumbae'. As for the difference in fruit quality according to fruit weight for each variety, the brix degree was low in 'Niitaka' that were below 451 g and the fruit firmness was low in fruits weighing under 400 g. There was no difference according to fruit weight in 'Whangkeumbae'. The fruit size was impacted by the fleshy part and the ratio of fleshy part was higher as the fruit size became larger. The weight of the fruit, brix degree, and the SSC/acidity ratio were low while the firmness was high in light thinning treatment for 'Niitaka' and in the case of 'Whangkeumbae', the fruit weight and brix degree were both low in light thinning treatment. The brix degree was higher in bigger sized fruit in all thinning intensity for 'Niitaka', the case in light thinning treatment especially where the quality was poor due to low brix degree in fruits that weighed less than 450 g, on the other hand, there was no difference in the quality due to the fruit weight among the thinning intensity for 'Whangkeumbae'. Therefore, it is possible to produce smaller sized fruits in 'Niitaka' by controlling the thinning intensity, as it is inevitable to result in lower quality fruits, however, it is projected that we can produce small to mid-sized fruits in 'Whangkeumbae' by controlling the thinning intensity without causing the decline in fruit quality.

Evaluation of Difference between Skin Motion and Tumor Motion for Respiration Gated Radiotherapy (호흡조절방사선치료를 위한 피부움직임과 종양움직임 차이 평가)

  • Kwon, Kyung-Tae;Lim, Sang-Wook;Park, Sung-Ho;Kwon, Soo-Il;Shin, Sung-Soo;Lee, Sang-Wook;Ahn, Seung-Do;Kim, Jong-Hoon;Choi, Eun-Kyung
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.14-20
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    • 2008
  • Accounting for tumor motion in treatment planning and delivery is one of the most recent and significant challenges facing radiotherapy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation and clarified the relationship between the motion of an external marker using the Real-Time Position Management (RPM) System and an internal organ motion signal obtained fluoroscope. We enrolled 10 patients with locally advanced lung cancer and liver cancer, retrospectively. The external marker was a plastic box, which is part of the RPM used to track the patient's respiration. We investigated the quantitatively correlation between the motions of an external marker with RPM and internal motion with fluoroscope. The internal fiducial motion is predominant in the caraniocaudal direction, with a range of $1.3{\sim}3.5cm$ with fluoroscopic unit. The external fiducial motion is predominant in the caraniocaudal direction, with a range of $0.43{\sim}2.19cm$ with RPM gating. The two measurements ratio is from 1.31 to 5.56. When the regularization guided standard deviation is from 0.08 to 0.87, mean 0.204 cm, except only for patients #3 separated by a mean 0.13 cm, maximum of 0.23 cm. This result is a good correlation between internal tumor motion imaged by fluoroscopic unit and external marker motion with RPM during expiration within 0.23 cm. We have demonstrated that gating may be best performed but special attention should be paid to gating for patients whose fiducials do not move in synchrony, because targeting on the correct phase difference alone would not guarantee that the entire tumor volume is within the treatment field.

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