• 제목/요약/키워드: Accident of death and injury

검색결과 133건 처리시간 0.024초


    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제38권3호
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    • pp.231-238
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    • 2006
  • Whole-body exposure to high-dose radiation causes injury involving multiple organs that depends on their sensitivity to radiation. This acute radiation syndrome (ARS) is caused by a brief exposure of a major part of the body to radiation at a relatively high dose rate. ARS is characterized by an initial prodromal stage, a latent symptom-free period, a critical or manifestation phase that usually takes one of four forms (three forms): hematologic, gastrointestinal, or cardiovascular and neurological (neurovascular), depending upon the exposure dose, and a recovery phase or death. One of the most important factors in treating victims exposed to radiation is the estimation of the exposure dose. When high-dose exposure is considered, initial dose estimation must be performed in order to make strategy decisions for treatment as soon as possible. Dose estimation can be based on onset and severity of prodromal symptoms, decline in absolute lymphocyte count post exposure, and chromosomal analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes. Moreover, dose assessment on the basis of calculation from reconstruction of the radiation event may be required. Experience of a criticality accident occurring in 1999 at Tokai-mura, Japan, showed that ARS led to multiple organ failure (MOF). This article will review ARS and discuss the possible mechanisms of MOF developing from ARS.

외상성 횡격막 파열에 대한 임상적 고찰 (Clinical Evaluation of Traumatic Diaphragmatic Ruptures)

  • 조재민;김은기;이종국;박승일
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제29권11호
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    • pp.1257-1262
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    • 1996
  • 연세대학교 원주의과대학 흉부외과학교실에서는 1989년 1월부터 1996년 2월까지 외상성 횡격막 파열로 진단되어 수술을 시행하였던 환자 50례를 대상으로 하였으며, 남녀 성비는 4:1이였다. 연령 분포는 2세부터 80세까지로 평균 연령은 37세 였다. 외상의 종류로는 둔상이 39례였고 관통상이 11례로서, 둔상인 경우 교통사고가 29례, 추락사고 7례, 경운기 사고가 3례였으며, 관통상인 경우에는 자상 9례, 총상 1례, 유리에 찔린 경우가 1례 였다. 가장 빈번한 증상은 호흡곤란, 흉통 및 복통이었고, 파열 부위는 둔상인 경우 좌측이 30례, 우측이 9례였으며, 관통상인 경우에는 좌측이 8례, 우측이 3례였다. 수술 접근 방법은 18례에서 개흉술을 시행하였고 3례는 개흉 및 개복술을, 29례는 개복술을 시행하였다. 수술후 합병증은 15례로서 둔상인 경우에는 창상 감염이 5례, 호흡 부전이 3례 ,수흉 및 장폐쇄가 각각 2례였으며 농흉, 신부전 및 패혈증이 각각 1례였다. 관통상인 경우는 창상 감염이 2례, 농흉이 1례였다. 사망은 3례로서 사망 원인은 패혈성 쇼크, 뇌손상 및 호흡 부전이 각각 1례였다.

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인신사고로 인한 손해배상과 보험자의 구상권 - 국민건강보험공단의 구상권을 중심으로 - (Compensation for Personal Injury and the Insurer's Claim for Indemnity - Focused on the NHIC's Claim for Indemnity -)

  • 노태헌
    • 의료법학
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.87-130
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    • 2015
  • 국민건강보험공단이 인신사고의 피해자에게 요양급여를 시행한 후 가해자에게 요양급여비용 중 공단부담금을 구상하는 사건에서 판례는 국민건강보험법이 정하는 청구권대위와 산업재해보상보험법이 정하는 청구권대위를 동일하게 취급하면서, 상계 후 공제설에 따른 공제 범위로부터 국민건강보험공단의 구상 범위를 도출하여 피해자의 손해배상채권액 내에서 공단이 부담한 요양급여비용 전부의 구상을 인정하고 있다. 그러나 국민건강보험법과 산업재해보상보험법은 모두 사회보험을 규율하는 법이지만, 국민건강보험법 요양급여는 '보장비율을 정한 일부 보험'의 성격을 띠고 있는데 비하여 산업재해보상보험법상 보험급여는 전부 보험의 성격을 보이거나 사회보험적 성격에 따라 손해액과 무관하게 산재를 당한 피보험자가 기존 생활에 가까운 생활을 영위하도록 보조하는 데 중점이 있다. 따라서 건보법상 청구권대위와 산재법상 청구권대위를 동일하게 취급할 이유는 없다. 피보험자는 보험금을 수령하는 대신 보험자가 대위에 의하여 취득하는 청구권을 상실하게 되므로 그 범위에서 보험금의 수령으로 인한 이익이 없다. 따라서 피보험자가 가해자를 상대로 손해배상을 구하는 소송에서 손익상계의 법리는 적용될 여지가 없고, 청구권대위의 범위나 손해배상에서 공제할 공제액은 당사자 사이의 약정이나 관계 법령에 따라 정하여야 한다. 따라서 판례가 상계 후 공제설로부터 국민건강보험공단의 구상 범위를 도출하는 것은 타당하지 않다. 국민건강보험공단의 구상 범위를 정한 국민건강보험법 제58조 제1항을, 손해배상이 먼저 이루어진 경우 국민건강보험공단의 면책 범위를 정한 같은 조 제2항과 결합하여 통일적, 체계적으로 해석하면, 국민건강보험공단의 구상 범위는 지급한 요양급여비용에 가해자의 책임 비율을 곱하여 정하는 것이 타당하다. 이는 산업재해보상보험법 제87조 제1항과 제2항의 해석상 근로복지공단의 구상 범위가 지급한 보험급여 내에서 피보험자의 청구권 전액에 미치는 것과 대비된다. 한편, 판례가 국민건강보험공단의 구상 범위를 판단하면서 그 전제로 삼은 상계 후 공제설은 피해자에게 손해액 이상의 이익을 귀속시키지 않는다는 목적을 이루기 위해서 피해자가 얻은 이익을 손해액에서 공제하면 족한데도 왜 그 이익을 손해배상채권액에서 공제하여야 하는지, 피해자가 입은 손해는 공평하게 분배하면서도 피해자가 얻은 이익은 모두 가해자에게 귀속시키는 것이 타당한지, 실제 사례에서 구체적 타당성이 있는지에 관하여 의문이 있다. 따라서 국민건강보험공단의 구상범위에 관한 판례 법리와 상계 후 공제설을 따르는 판례 법리는 재검토되어야 한다.

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추락과정에서의 인체 허용한도 중요성 연구 (A Study on the Emphasis of Human Tolerance in the Crash Event)

  • 황정선;이상목
    • 한국항공우주학회지
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    • 제41권9호
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    • pp.740-746
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    • 2013
  • 항공기, 자동차를 포함하는 모든 수송수단 설계에 있어서 내추락성 설계가 강조되고 있으나, 심각한 부상 또는 사망으로 이어지는 사고는 지속적으로 발생해 왔고, 앞으로도 발생할 것이다. 심지어 생존 가능으로 분류되는 사고에서조차도 상당한 수준의 인명사고가 있어 왔음은 주지의 사실이다. 그러나 이러한 사고들이 반드시 불가피하다고만 할 수는 없다. 만약 좌석, 구속장치, 탑승공간 강도조건 등 탑승자 보호계통이 적절히 또는 바르게 설계된다면 추락상황에서의 생존성은 획기적으로 증대될 수 있다. 이를 위해서는 급격한 가속도 변화환경에서의 인체 허용한도 특성을 충분히 이해해야 하며, 이를 바탕으로 인체 허용한도 제한치 이내에서 하중조건이 유지되도록 탑승공간을 설계하여야 한다. 본 논문에서는 급격한 가속도 변화환경에서의 인체 허용한도의 중요성과 예측되는 추락환경 변화에 따른 설계요구도 변화 필요성을 강조함으로써 내추락성 설계에 대한 공감대를 넓히고자 한다.

불가항력 의료사고 보상사업에 대한 헌법적 쟁점 검토 (Constitutional Issue Review of Compensation for Inevitable Medical Accidents During Delivery)

  • 전현정
    • 의료법학
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.153-185
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    • 2020
  • 불가항력 의료사고 보상사업의 근거 법률인 현행 「의료사고 피해구제 및 의료분쟁 조정 등에 관한 법률」 제46조제1항에서는, 보건의료인이 충분한 주의의무를 다하였음에도 불구하고 불가항력적으로 발생한 '분만에 따른 의료사고'를 사업의 대상으로 정하고 있다. 또한, 동법 시행령에서 보건의료기관개설자 중 분만실적이 있는 자가 보상재원의 30%를 부담하게 규정하고 있는바, 이에 대하여 헌법재판소에서는 2015헌가13 결정을 통해 의료분쟁조정법에서 위 사업의 분담금 납부의무자의 범위와 보상재원의 분담비율을 시행령에 위임하였다고 하여 헌법에 위반되지 않는다고 결정한 바 있다. 그러나 이는 의료진으로 하여금 의료과실이 없는 분만사고에 대하여 금전적으로 보상하게 하는 것으로 과실책임주의를 배제한 것인바, 이 제도의 본질이 사회보상적 성격을 갖는 사회보장제도의 일종이라면, 보건의료개설자의 비용분담 규정을 삭제하고 국가가 비용 전부를 부담하는 방법을 고려할 수 있을 것이다. 다만, 이와 더불어 의료사고 원인분석 및 재발방지 조치 등 의료기관의 노력을 강화하기 위한 제도적 장치를 함께 검토할 필요가 있다. 더불어, 의료분쟁조정법상 보건의료개설자가 부담하여야 할 보상재원의 분담비율의 상한을 정하는 것이 포괄위임금지원칙의 취지에 부합할 것이다. 한편, 의료사고 보상심의위원회의 분담금 지급기준과 관련하여, 시행령에서 보상의 기준이 되는 재태주수, 출생체중 등을 적시하고, 그 세부기준을 의료사고 보상심의위원회에서 정함이 타당하다. 마지막으로 불가항력 의료사고 보상사업에서 보상의 회색지대를 방지하기 위함은 물론, 의료'과실'이 규범적 판단임을 고려할 때 위 동법 제48조 제1항의 규정에서 '보건의료인의 과실이 인정되지 않는다는 취지의 감정서가 제출되고'의 요건은 삭제하는 것이 바람직하며, 반드시 의료중재원 조정·중재절차가 선행되어야 하는 현행의 규정을 개선할 필요가 있을 것이다.

몬트리올조약에 있어 국제항공여객운송인의 손해배상책임 (Liability of the Compensation for Damage Caused by the International Passenger's Carrier by Air in Montreal Convention)

  • 김두환
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제18권
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    • pp.9-39
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    • 2003
  • 프로펠러여객기 운항시대에 만들어졌던 국제항공운송인의 민사책임관계를 규정한 1992년의 바르샤바조약은 1955년의 헤이그 개정의정서, 1961년의 과다라하라조약, 1971년의 과테말라의정서 및 1975년의 몬트리올 제1, 제2, 제3및 제4의 정서 등 한개의 조약과 여섯 개의 의정서 등에 의하여 여러 차례 개정이 되었고 보완되면서 70여 년간 전세계를 지배하여 왔지만 오늘날 초음속(마하)으로 나르고 있는 제트여객기 운항시대에 적합하지 않아 "바르샤바조약체제" 상의 문제점이 많이 제기되어 왔다. 특히 시대에 뒤떨어진 "바르샤바조약체제" 는 2개의 조약과 여섯 개의 의정서로 매우 복잡하게 구성되어 있었으며 항공기사고로 인한 국제항공운송인의 손해배상사건에 있어 배상한도액이 유한책임으로 규정되어 있어 항상 가해자인 항공사와 피해자인 여객들간에 분쟁(소송 등)이 끊이지 않고 있으므로 이를 어느정도 해결하기 위하여 UN산하 ICAO에서는 상기 여러 개 조약과 의정서를 하나의 조약으로 통합(integration)하여 단순화시키고 현대화(modernization)시키기 위하여 20여 년간의 작업 끝에 1999년 5월에 몬트리올에서 새로운 국제항공운송인의 민사책임에 관한 조약(몬트리올 조약)을 제정하였다. "바르샤바조약체제" 를 근본적으로 개혁한 몬트리올 조약은 71개국과 유럽통합지역기구가 서명하였으며 미국을 비롯하여 33개국이 비준하여 2003년 11월 3일부터 전세계적으로 발효되었음으로 이 조약은 앞으로 전세계의 항공운소업계를 지배하게 되리라고 본다. 본 논문에서는 몬트리올 조약의 성립경위와 주요내용(국제항공여객운송인의 손해배상책임: (1)총설, (2)조약의 명칭, (3)조약의 전문, (4)국제항공여객에 대한 책임원칙과 배상액((ㄱ)국제항공여객의 사상에 대한 배상, (ㄴ)국제항공여객의 연착에 대한 배상), (5)손해배상 한도액의 자동조정, (6)손해배상금의 일부전도, (7)손해배상청구소송의 제기관계, (8)국제항공여객의 주거지에서의 재판관할관계, (9)항공계약운송인과 항공실제운송인과의 관계, (10)항공보험)을 요약하여 간략하게 설명하였다. 1999년 몬트리올 조약의 핵심사항은 국제항공운송인의 손해배상책임에 관하여 무한책임을 원칙으로 하되 100,000 SDR까지는 무과실책임주의를 채택하였고 이 금액을 초과하는 부분에 대하여서는 과실추정책임주의를 채택하였음으로 "2단계의 책임제도" 를 도입한 점과 항공기사고로 인한 피해자(여객)는 주소지의 관할법원에 가해자(항공사)를 상대로 손해배상청구소송을 제기할 수 있는 제 5재판관할권을 새로이 도입하였다는 점이다. 현재 우리 나라는 전세계에서 항공여객수송량이 11위 권에 접어들고 있으며 항공화물수송량도 3위 권을 차지하고 있음에도 불구하고 아직도 이 조약에 서명 내지 비준을 하지 않고 있음은 문제점으로 지적될 수가 있음으로 그 해결방안으로 세계의 항공산업선진국들과 어깨를 나란히 하고 상호 협력하기 위하여 조속히 우리 나라도 이 조약에 서명하고 비준하는 것이 필요하다고 본다. 한편 우리 나라와 일본은 국내항공운송에 있어서는 국내에서 항공기사고가 발생하였을 때에 국내항공여객운송인의 민사책임을 규정한 법률이 없기 때문에 항상 항공사 측과 피해자간에 책임원인과 한계 및 손해배상액을 놓고 분규가 심화되어 가고있으며 법원에서 소송이 몇 년씩 걸리어 피해자 보호에 만전을 기 할 수가 없는 실정에 있다. 현재 이와 같은 분규의 신속한 해결을 위하여 국내항공운송약관과 민상법의 규정을 적용 내지 준용하여 처리할 수밖에 없는 실정인데 항공기사고의 특수성을 고려하여 볼 때 여러 가지 문제점이 많이 제기되고 있다. 이와 같은 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 국내항공여객운송인의 책임한계 및 손해배상액을 분명하게 정하고 재판의 공평성과 신속성을 도모하기 위하여서는 항공운송계약 당사자간의 책임관계를 명확하게 규정한 "가칭, 항공운송법" 의 국내입법이 절실히 필요하다고 본다.

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화재사고(火災事故)(WHO-E 916)에 관(關)한 역학적관찰(疫學的觀察) (An Epidemiological Observation of Fire Accident in Korea)

  • 이종대;한성은;빈순덕;주인호
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 1968
  • Epidemiological and statistical observations were made of fire hazards that occurred during the past 18 years, 1948 to 1965. Injury and mortality rates for all ages were computed chronologically. For the years of 1955, 1961 and 1965, all fire accidents were epidemiologically analysed to draw characteristic patterns in relation to the seasonal and 24 hour distribution, causes and sites of accidents etc.. Fire hazards observed herein are the categorys E 916 of the International Classification of Causes of Death, 1955, and includes all accidents caused by fire and explosion of combustible materials. The following conclusion was made: 1. The average number of annual deaths due to fire was 183 and the number of the in jured due to the same cause was 335. The mortality rate per 100,000 population was 0.8 and the ratio of injuries per death was 1.83. 2. The casually rate including both the dead and injured was 5.0 per 100,000 in Seoul, the highest among the provinces and followed by 3.4 in Cheju -Do, 2.1 in Kangwon-Do, 1.7 in Kyunggi-Do accordingly. The other provinces had a range of 0.6 to 1.2. 3. The monthly distribution of fro accidents showed that the winter months, December through February, had more frequent accidents, while the summer season, June through August had less. The 24 hour distribution of accidents showed more cases from 12:00 to 18:00 and less from 4:00 to 10:00 hours. 4. The per cent distribution of causes of accidents showed; 90.0% for careless, 10.0% for arson. The cause of carelessness was further breakdown into; 15.0% for kitchen fire places, 13.8% for fire playing, 9,4% for electrical heating and wires, 8.3% for fuels, 6.3% for matches, 5.2% for ash dumps and the remaining for others. 5. The accidents as classified by place revealed that 56.8% of the total occurred at the common dwelling houses, 11.3 at various industrial workshops, 9.3% at the street shops and the remaining at the miscellaneous places.

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흉부손상에 의한 외상성 가사 4예 (Traumatic Asphyxia with Compressive Thoracic Injuries -4 Cases Report-)

  • 김현순
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.212-218
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    • 1980
  • A severe crushing injury of the chest produce a very striking syndrome referred to as traumatic asphyxia. This syndrome is characterized by bluish-red discoloration of the skin which is limited to the distribution of the valveless veins of the head and neck. And also if it is characterized by bilateral subconjunctival hemorrhages and neurological manifestations. But these clinical entities faded away progressively in a few weeks. Apporximately 90% of the patients who live for more than a few hours will recover from traumatic asphyxia when it occurs as a single entity. And so, death results from either severe associated injuries of from subsequent infection, rather than from pulmonary or cardiac insufficiency in traumatic asphyxia. We have experienced 4 cases of traumatic asphyxia with severe crushing thoracic injuries at department of the chest surgery, Captial Armed forces General Hospital during about 3 years from April 1977 to Aug. 1980. The 1st 22 year-old male was struct 2$\frac{1}{2}$ ton truck on the road and was transferred to this hospital immediately. He had taken tracheostomy due to severe dyspnea with contusion pneumonia and for removal of a large amount of bronchial secretion. The 2nd case was 23 year-old male who was got buried in a chasm. In this case, the heavy metal post tumbled over him back while at work. The 3rd case was 39 year-old male who leapt out of a window in 5th story while fire broke out in living room by oil stove heating. He had multiple rib fracture with right hemothor x and right colle's fracture and pelvic bone fracture. The last 22 year-old male was run over by a gun carriage. The wheel of this gun carriage passed over his thorax and right chin. He was brought to this hospital by helicopter. when he was first examined at emergency room, he was in semicomatose state and has pneurmomediastinum with multiple rib fracture and severe subcutaneous emphysema. As soon as he arrived, bilateral closed thoracostomy was performed and cardiopulmonary resuscitation was done. In hospital 8th weeks, chest series showed fibrothorax in right side even if chest wall stabilized. All 4 cases had multiple petechiae over their facees and chest and bilateral subconjunctival hemorrhages referred to as traumatic asphyxia. 3 cases except one case who received splenectomy, had been suffered from contusion pneumonia and had been treated with respiratory care. In these 3 cases, they had warning of impending injury before accident, and took a deep breath hold it and braces himself. And also, even if he had not impending fear in remaining one case, he had taken a deep breath and had got valsalva maneuver for pulling off the heavy metal post. Intrathoracic pressure rose suddenly and resulted to traumatic asphyxia in this situation. All these cases were recovered completely without sequelae except one fibrothorax, right.

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항공기(航空機) 사고조사제도(事故調査制度)에 관한 연구(硏究) (A Study on the System of Aircraft Investigation)

  • 김두환
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제9권
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    • pp.85-143
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    • 1997
  • The main purpose of the investigation of an accident caused by aircraft is to be prevented the sudden and casual accidents caused by wilful misconduct and fault from pilots, air traffic controllers, hijack, trouble of engine and machinery of aircraft, turbulence during the bad weather, collision between birds and aircraft, near miss flight by aircrafts etc. It is not the purpose of this activity to apportion blame or liability for offender of aircraft accidents. Accidents to aircraft, especially those involving the general public and their property, are a matter of great concern to the aviation community. The system of international regulation exists to improve safety and minimize, as far as possible, the risk of accidents but when they do occur there is a web of systems and procedures to investigate and respond to them. I would like to trace the general line of regulation from an international source in the Chicago Convention of 1944. Article 26 of the Convention lays down the basic principle for the investigation of the aircraft accident. Where there has been an accident to an aircraft of a contracting state which occurs in the territory of another contracting state and which involves death or serious injury or indicates serious technical defect in the aircraft or air navigation facilities, the state in which the accident occurs must institute an inquiry into the circumstances of the accident. That inquiry will be in accordance, in so far as its law permits, with the procedure which may be recommended from time to time by the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO). There are very general provisions but they state two essential principles: first, in certain circumstances there must be an investigation, and second, who is to be responsible for undertaking that investigation. The latter is an important point to establish otherwise there could be at least two states claiming jurisdiction on the inquiry. The Chicago Convention also provides that the state where the aircraft is registered is to be given the opportunity to appoint observers to be present at the inquiry and the state holding the inquiry must communicate the report and findings in the matter to that other state. It is worth noting that the Chicago Convention (Article 25) also makes provision for assisting aircraft in distress. Each contracting state undertakes to provide such measures of assistance to aircraft in distress in its territory as it may find practicable and to permit (subject to control by its own authorities) the owner of the aircraft or authorities of the state in which the aircraft is registered, to provide such measures of assistance as may be necessitated by circumstances. Significantly, the undertaking can only be given by contracting state but the duty to provide assistance is not limited to aircraft registered in another contracting state, but presumably any aircraft in distress in the territory of the contracting state. Finally, the Convention envisages further regulations (normally to be produced under the auspices of ICAO). In this case the Convention provides that each contracting state, when undertaking a search for missing aircraft, will collaborate in co-ordinated measures which may be recommended from time to time pursuant to the Convention. Since 1944 further international regulations relating to safety and investigation of accidents have been made, both pursuant to Chicago Convention and, in particular, through the vehicle of the ICAO which has, for example, set up an accident and reporting system. By requiring the reporting of certain accidents and incidents it is building up an information service for the benefit of member states. However, Chicago Convention provides that each contracting state undertakes collaborate in securing the highest practicable degree of uniformity in regulations, standards, procedures and organization in relation to aircraft, personnel, airways and auxiliary services in all matters in which such uniformity will facilitate and improve air navigation. To this end, ICAO is to adopt and amend from time to time, as may be necessary, international standards and recommended practices and procedures dealing with, among other things, aircraft in distress and investigation of accidents. Standards and Recommended Practices for Aircraft Accident Injuries were first adopted by the ICAO Council on 11 April 1951 pursuant to Article 37 of the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation and were designated as Annex 13 to the Convention. The Standards Recommended Practices were based on Recommendations of the Accident Investigation Division at its first Session in February 1946 which were further developed at the Second Session of the Division in February 1947. The 2nd Edition (1966), 3rd Edition, (1973), 4th Edition (1976), 5th Edition (1979), 6th Edition (1981), 7th Edition (1988), 8th Edition (1992) of the Annex 13 (Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation) of the Chicago Convention was amended eight times by the ICAO Council since 1966. Annex 13 sets out in detail the international standards and recommended practices to be adopted by contracting states in dealing with a serious accident to an aircraft of a contracting state occurring in the territory of another contracting state, known as the state of occurrence. It provides, principally, that the state in which the aircraft is registered is to be given the opportunity to appoint an accredited representative to be present at the inquiry conducted by the state in which the serious aircraft accident occurs. Article 26 of the Chicago Convention does not indicate what the accredited representative is to do but Annex 13 amplifies his rights and duties. In particular, the accredited representative participates in the inquiry by visiting the scene of the accident, examining the wreckage, questioning witnesses, having full access to all relevant evidence, receiving copies of all pertinent documents and making submissions in respect of the various elements of the inquiry. The main shortcomings of the present system for aircraft accident investigation are that some contracting sates are not applying Annex 13 within its express terms, although they are contracting states. Further, and much more important in practice, there are many countries which apply the letter of Annex 13 in such a way as to sterilise its spirit. This appears to be due to a number of causes often found in combination. Firstly, the requirements of the local law and of the local procedures are interpreted and applied so as preclude a more efficient investigation under Annex 13 in favour of a legalistic and sterile interpretation of its terms. Sometimes this results from a distrust of the motives of persons and bodies wishing to participate or from commercial or related to matters of liability and bodies. These may be political, commercial or related to matters of liability and insurance. Secondly, there is said to be a conscious desire to conduct the investigation in some contracting states in such a way as to absolve from any possibility of blame the authorities or nationals, whether manufacturers, operators or air traffic controllers, of the country in which the inquiry is held. The EEC has also had an input into accidents and investigations. In particular, a directive was issued in December 1980 encouraging the uniformity of standards within the EEC by means of joint co-operation of accident investigation. The sharing of and assisting with technical facilities and information was considered an important means of achieving these goals. It has since been proposed that a European accident investigation committee should be set up by the EEC (Council Directive 80/1266 of 1 December 1980). After I would like to introduce the summary of the legislation examples and system for aircraft accidents investigation of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Swiss, New Zealand and Japan, and I am going to mention the present system, regulations and aviation act for the aircraft accident investigation in Korea. Furthermore I would like to point out the shortcomings of the present system and regulations and aviation act for the aircraft accident investigation and then I will suggest my personal opinion on the new and dramatic innovation on the system for aircraft accident investigation in Korea. I propose that it is necessary and desirable for us to make a new legislation or to revise the existing aviation act in order to establish the standing and independent Committee of Aircraft Accident Investigation under the Korean Government.

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승강기 중대고장 분석을 통한 안전관리 시사점 도출 (Derivation of Safety Management Implications through Analysis of Major Elevator Failures)

  • 김범상;박범
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2020
  • As the duty to report and investigate major elevator failures has expanded due to the total amendment of the Elevator Safety Management Act in 2018, more important information on major elevator failures that have been partially identified has been collected. As of 2019, the number of elevators in Korea exceeded 700,000, making it the eighth-class elevator powerhouse in the world, but there is a trend of increasing casualties due to accidents and breakdowns. An Seung-gang-gi is a term that encompasses an elevator that moves vertically and an escalator that moves horizontally. It is an important means of transportation for most citizens that are encountered almost every day in daily life, and it is also necessary as a means of transportation that enables the construction of skyscrapers. And it seems that its importance will never diminish in the future. Major elevator failures are the main cause of dispatch when accumulating the number of 119 dispatches, and the frequency of occurrence is high. It's a shame. According to Heinrich's Law, 300 minor signs and danger phenomena precede, 29 minor accidents and 1 major accident. Accidents caused by elevators are increasing every year due to the increase in the number of installations, and the damage is threatening the valuable lives and property of users and workers in related fields due to fatal risks such as death and serious injury. Elevator safety management can achieve its purpose only when it is managed with the usual interests, awareness of safety, and full efforts of the users, workers, and the government concerned. This study was analyzed based on 2019 data notified to the Korea Elevator Safety Agency on major breakdowns improved after the revision of the Elevator Safety Management Act in 2018, and a total of 8,256 data were analyzed using the SPSS 21 version, a statistical analysis tool, to analyze the correlation with technical statistics. Proceeded. Through the analysis, it was possible to obtain preventive safety management data to prevent serious elevator safety accidents from occurring, and to derive meaningful implications that related safety management and maintenance can be effectively operated to prevent serious failures. In addition, through this analysis, we expect the development of related industries and legal and institutional improvement.