• Title/Summary/Keyword: Acceleration Effect

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A data fusion method for bridge displacement reconstruction based on LSTM networks

  • Duan, Da-You;Wang, Zuo-Cai;Sun, Xiao-Tong;Xin, Yu
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.599-616
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    • 2022
  • Bridge displacement contains vital information for bridge condition and performance. Due to the limits of direct displacement measurement methods, the indirect displacement reconstruction methods based on the strain or acceleration data are also developed in engineering applications. There are still some deficiencies of the displacement reconstruction methods based on strain or acceleration in practice. This paper proposed a novel method based on long short-term memory (LSTM) networks to reconstruct the bridge dynamic displacements with the strain and acceleration data source. The LSTM networks with three hidden layers are utilized to map the relationships between the measured responses and the bridge displacement. To achieve the data fusion, the input strain and acceleration data need to be preprocessed by normalization and then the corresponding dynamic displacement responses can be reconstructed by the LSTM networks. In the numerical simulation, the errors of the displacement reconstruction are below 9% for different load cases, and the proposed method is robust when the input strain and acceleration data contains additive noise. The hyper-parameter effect is analyzed and the displacement reconstruction accuracies of different machine learning methods are compared. For experimental verification, the errors are below 6% for the simply supported beam and continuous beam cases. Both the numerical and experimental results indicate that the proposed data fusion method can accurately reconstruct the displacement.

Characteristics of early strength development of blended cement according to the addition of C-S-H based Hardening acceleration (C-S-H계 조강제 첨가에 따른 혼합시멘트의 조기 강도 발현 특성)

  • An, Tae-Yun;Ra, Jeong-Min;Park, Jun-Hyung;Kim, Jin-Man
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2022.11a
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    • pp.127-128
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    • 2022
  • In order to realize carbon neutrality in the international society, research on supplementary cementitious materials(SCMs) has been actively conducted as a way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the cement industry. However, the use of SCMs causes problems of initial hydration delay and strength reduction due to the reduction of tricalcium silicate(C3S) in the cement clinker. Therefore, in this study, the initial hydration and basic characteristics of cement mortar were confirmed by adding a C-S-H based hardening acceleration to blended cement mixed with Portland cement, blast furnace slag, fly ash, and limestone power. As a result of the heat of hydration and compressive strength test, it was confirmed that when hardening acceleration was added, the initial reactivity was high, so the heat of hydration was promoted, and the initial strength was increased. It is considered to be due to C-S-H seeding effect. Therefore, it is judged that the use of C-S-H based hardening acceleration can supplement the problem of initial hydration delay of blended cement in Korea.

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Determination of seismic hazard and soil response of a critical region in Turkey considering far-field and near-field earthquake effect

  • Sonmezer, Yetis Bulent;Celiker, Murat
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.131-146
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    • 2020
  • Evaluation of earthquake impacts in settlements with a high risk of earthquake occurrence is important for the determination of site-specific dynamic soil parameters and earthquake-resistant structural planning. In this study, dynamic soil properties of Karliova (Bingol) city center, located near to the intersection point of the North Anatolian Fault Zone and the East Anatolian Fault Zone and therefore having a high earthquake risk, were investigated by one-dimensional equivalent linear site response analysis. From ground response analyses, peak ground acceleration, predominant site period, 0.2-sec and 1-sec spectral accelerations and soil amplification maps of the study area were obtained for both near-field and far-field earthquake effects. The average acceleration spectrum obtained from analysis, for a near-field earthquake scenario, was found to exceed the design spectra of the Turkish Earthquake Code and Eurocode 8. Yet, the average acceleration spectrum was found to remain below the respective design spectra of the two codes for the far-field earthquake scenario. According to both near- and far-field earthquake scenarios in the study area, the low-rise buildings with low modal vibration durations are expected to be exposed to high spectral acceleration values and high-rise buildings with high modal vibration durations will be exposed to lower spectral accelerations. While high amplification ratios are observed in the north of the study area for the near-distance earthquake scenario, high amplification ratios are observed in the south of the study area for the long-distance earthquake scenario.

Development of Vibration Absorption Device for the Transportation-Trailer System(II) - Connecting Hitch for Power Tiller-Trailer - (수송 트레일러의 충격흡수장치 개발(II) - 동력경운기 연결 히치 -)

  • Hong J. H.;Lee H. J.;Lee S. B.;Park W. Y.;Kim S. Y.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.30 no.3 s.110
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2005
  • The improved hitch device, which connecting the trailer to power tiller, was developed. This device, composed with spring and rubber, could reduce the vibration and shock levels during driven on off-road. The vertical vibration accelerations for the improved hitch device were measured at 6 positions, i.e. engine, hitch, seat, and three points in trailer (front, middle, and rear) for not driving but at low engine speed of 500 rpm, and compared with the existing hitch device. The results of this study could be summarized as follows; The average vibration acceleration up to 120 Hz was $0.4m/s^2$ at engine part, but it was 0.08 and $0.05m/s^2$ at trailer for existing and improved hitch device, respectively. About $38\%$ of average acceleration level could be absorbed for the improved hitch device compared with existing hitch device. The average vibration acceleration up to 40 Hz was reduced to 0.12 and $0.06m/s^2$ at trailer for existing and improved hitch device respectively, showing the reduction effect of $50\%$. The maximum acceleration occurred at up to 20 Hz of low frequency was much higher than total acceleration occurred at up to 120 Hz, which means that much loss or damage could be occurred during transporting of agricultural products on off-road. The portions of average acceleration occurred at up to 20 Hz of low frequency were $27\%\;and\;21\%$ for the existing and improved hitch device, respectively.

Probabilistic pounding analysis of high-pier continuous rigid frame bridge with actual site conditions

  • Jia, Hongyu;Zhao, Jingang;Li, Xi;Li, Lanping;Zheng, Shixiong
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 2018
  • This paper studied the probability of pounding occurred between decks and abutments of a long span high-pier continuous rigid fame bridge subjected to ground motions with local soil effect. A pounding probability analysis methodology has been proposed using peak acceleration at bedrock as intensity measure (IM) for multi-support seismic analysis. The bridge nonlinear finite element (FE) models was built with four different separation distances. Effect of actual site condition and non-uniform spatial soil profiles on seismic wave propagating from bedrock to ground surface is modelled. Pounding probability of the high-pier bridge under multi-support seismic excitations (MSSE) is analyzed based on the nonlinear incremental dynamic analysis (n-IDA). Pounding probability results under uniform excitations (UE) without actual local site effect are compared with that under MSSE with site effect. The study indicates that the required design separation length between deck and abutment under uniform excitations is larger than that under MSSE as the peak acceleration at bedrock increases. As the increase of both separation distance between deck and abutment and the peak acceleration, the probability of pounding occurred at a single abutment or at two abutments simultaneously under MSSE is less than that under UE. It is of great significance considering actual local site effect for determining the separation distance between deck and abutment through the probability pounding analysis of the high-pier bridge under MSSE.

Effect of Rear-Vortex of a Convergent-Divergent Duct on the Flow Acceleration Installed in a Vertical Structure (수직구조물 후방의 와류현상이 구조물에 설치된 벤투리관의 유체가속 효과에 미치는 영향에 관한 해석 연구)

  • Chung, Kwang-Seop;Kim, Chul-Ho;Cho, Hyun-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.94-100
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    • 2013
  • A convergent-divergent nozzle or venturi nozzle has been used to accelerate the wind speed at its throat. The wind speed at the throat is inversely proportional to its area according to the continuity equation. In this numerical study, an airflow phenomena in the venturi system placed at a vertical structure was investigated to understand the vortex effect occurred at the rear-side of the vertical structure on the air speed increment at the throat of the venturi system. For this study, a venturi system sized by $20(m){\times}20(m){\times}6(m)$ was modelled and the area ratio(AR) of the model venturi was 2.86. To see the vortex effect on the air flow acceleration in the venturi throat, two different boundary conditions was defined From the study, it was found that the pressure coefficient(CP) of the venturi system with the vortex formed at the exit of the venturi was about 2.5times of the CP of the venturi system without the vortex effect. The velocity increment rate of the venturi system with the vortex was 61% but 9.5% only at the venturi system without the vortex. Conclusively, it can be said that the venturi system installed in a vertical structure has very positive effect on the flow acceleration at its throat due to the vortex formed at the rear-side of the vertical structure.

Optimum Transport Systems of Agricultural Products(II) -Vibration characteristics of the transporting traliler- (농산물 수송 최적화 시스템 (II) -트레일러의 진동 분포 특성-)

  • 홍종호;이홍주
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.315-322
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    • 2001
  • Agricultural products can be damaged due to the vibration of transporting trailer on the off-road. So, this study was conducted to identify the vibration characteristics of the agricultural products transporting trailer by measuring the vertical acceleration according to positions on the trailer loaded with agricultural products. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. At non-operating state of engine, the larger vertical acceleration was occurred at rear side compared with front side in the case of 4.5Hz of vibration frequency. But, in the case of 53.5Hz of frequency, the maximum vertical acceleration at front side of trailer was higher than value at rear side. So, the maximum acceleration at front side of the trailer was increased with the increase in frequency. 2. At operating state of engine, the maximum vertical acceleration at front side of the trailer was increased with the increase in frequency. 2 At operating state of engine, the maximum vertical acceleration delivered through the hitch from the engine was occurred at front side of the trailer as $3.0\times10^{-3}m/s^2$, in the case of 8.75Hz of frequency. But, in the case of 102.5Hz of high frequency, the maximum vertical acceleration was occurred at rear side of the trailer. 3. When the power tiller loaded with pear of 325kg was travelling on the artificial uneven road of 3cm height, the maximum acceleration was occurred at rear side of the trailer as $4.7\times10^{-3}m/s^2$at 3.75Hz of frequency. But, that was occurred at diagonal of the trailer 43.5Hz and 91.25Hz, which meant that there was rolling and pitching on the trailer. 4. At operating state of engine, the mean acceleration of the trailer delivered through the hitch according to the increase in frequencies was showed the maximum value at range of 40-90Hz. At rear side of traiㅣer, the maximum value was occurred at about 40Hz, and that was reduced according to the increase in frequencies and diminished at about 100Hz. 5. When the power tiller loaded with pear of 32.5kg was travelling on the artificial uneven road of 3cm height, the mean acceleration by the increase in frequencies was showed lower level at rear side than front side of the trailer. This was opposite configuration to the Hinsch’s results tested with air-conditioned truck. This means that the shorter length of the trailer, the more effect of engine vibration is transferred to the front side of trailer.

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Estimating Acceleration and Deceleration Lane Lengths by Analyzing Vehicle Speed Variation of Rest Areas for Drowsy Drivers (고속도로 졸음쉼터 진·출입 차량 주행속도 분석 및 적정 가·감속차로 길이 산정 연구)

  • Han, Dajeong;Kim, Eungcheol
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.54-66
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    • 2018
  • In this study, vehicle speeds at acceleration and deceleration lanes of rest areas for drowsy drivers were investigated to analyze effects of acceleration and deceleration lane lengths, grades and curve radius. In addition, we used VISSM to analyze proper lengths of rest area's acceleration and deceleration lanes. Several VISSIM scenarios with different lengths of acceleration and deceleration lane were constructed. Through VISSIM simulation, we collected individual vehicle speed data to analyze speed changes by different lengths of acceleration and deceleration lanes. As a result of the vehicle speed change investigation, grades and curve radii of the rest area affected the speed, most of all lengths of acceleration and deceleration lane showed a great effect on the vehicle speed. In the case of short lengths of acceleration and deceleration lane, speed variation among vehicles was significant. If the deceleration lane length is short, the vehicle enters a state in which the speed is not sufficiently reduced, and if the acceleration lane length is short, the vehicle enters a state in which the speed is not sufficiently accelerated showing high risks of conflicts and accidents. It is recommended that 245m length of deceleration lane and 370m length of acceleration lane should be installed at least to secure safety and manage conflicts relevantly.

A Study on The Impact of Enterprise Innovation Factors on Enterprise Innovation Performance: Analysis of The Differences between Innovation Acceleration Factors(High, Low Level) and Innovation Hindrance Factors(High, Low Level) by Groups (기업혁신요인이 기업혁신성과에 미치는 영향 연구 : 혁신촉진요인(High, Low 수준)과 혁신저해요인(High, Low 수준)의 집단별 차이 분석)

  • Ji, Yong-Bin;Seo, Young Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.441-456
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    • 2021
  • Enterprise is focused on R&D innovative activities in order to achieve sustainable growth & secure competitive advantage. There are many factors that influence enterprise innovation performance, but enterprise innovation activities do not always have a positive effect. Therefore, this study analyzed the effects of on innovation performance, focusing on innovation acceleration factors and innovation hindrance factors. The research model analyzed 2,081 national manufacturing enterprises that responded to the 2016 Korean Innovation Survey (STEPI). SPSS 25.0 was used to perform reliability, feasibility, and logistic regression analysis. The results are as follows. First, innovation activities have positive effects on enterprise product and process innovation performance. On the other hand, government support had the opposite results. Second, the collaboration of technology showed a positive effect on product innovation performance, independent of innovation acceleration and hindrance factors. Third, innovation activities showed a positive effect on process innovation performance, regardless of the innovation acceleration and hindrance factors. Unlike prior studies limited to technological innovation, this study analyzed the attitudes of enterprises toward innovation acceleration and hindrance factors. This study is expected to contribute to establishing a strategy for reducing the failure and risk of innovation due to its findings on how innovation performance varies by groups.

Analytical Method to Analyze the Tolerance Effect on the Vehicle Ride Comfort (차량 승차감에 미치는 공차의 영향 분석을 위한 해석적 방법)

  • Kim, Beom-Seok;Yoo, Hong-Hee
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.549-555
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    • 2008
  • Analytical method to analyze the tolerance effect on the vehicle ride comfort is suggested in this paper. Ride comfort is one of the most important performance indices which decide the vehicle design quality. In general, the ride comfort is affected by the variations of parameters of a vehicle model. Therefore, the effects of the parameters on the ride comfort need to be evaluated statistically based on the whole-body vibration of the vehicle. In this paper, weighted RMS values of the acceleration PSD of a seat position are used to define the ride comfort. The equations of motion and the sensitivity equations are derived based on a 5-DOF vehicle model. By employing the sensitivity information of the acceleration at the seat position, the tolerance effect on the vehicle ride comfort could be effectively analyzed.