• Title/Summary/Keyword: ASTER 영상

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Matching Points Extraction Between Optical and TIR Images by Using SURF and Local Phase Correlation (SURF와 지역적 위상 상관도를 활용한 광학 및 열적외선 영상 간 정합쌍 추출)

  • Han, You Kyung;Choi, Jae Wan
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2015
  • Various satellite sensors having ranges of the visible, infrared, and thermal wavelengths have been launched due to the improvement of hardware technologies of satellite sensors development. According to the development of satellite sensors with various wavelength ranges, the fusion and integration of multisensor images are proceeded. Image matching process is an essential step for the application of multisensor images. Some algorithms, such as SIFT and SURF, have been proposed to co-register satellite images. However, when the existing algorithms are applied to extract matching points between optical and thermal images, high accuracy of co-registration might not be guaranteed because these images have difference spectral and spatial characteristics. In this paper, location of control points in a reference image is extracted by SURF, and then, location of their corresponding pairs is estimated from the correlation of the local similarity. In the case of local similarity, phase correlation method, which is based on fourier transformation, is applied. In the experiments by simulated, Landsat-8, and ASTER datasets, the proposed algorithm could extract reliable matching points compared to the existing SURF-based method.

Analysing of Forest Types in Chungnam Coastal area Using Multi-Temporal Satellite imagery and ASTER DEM Data (다중시기 위성영상과 ASTER DEM자료를 이용한 충남해안지역의 임상 변화 분석)

  • KIM, Jang-soo;JANG, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzed the relationship between the geomorphic factor and changes in forest types of the Chungnam coastal area using ASTER DEM and multi-temporal satellite imagery. The results showed that in case coniferous forests vary by altitudinal segments, reduction rate continuously increased up to 500m, but dropped upon exceeding 550 meters. Next, the variation rate of mixed forests by altitudinal segments decreased from less than 50m. However, the variation rate of mixed forests increased from more than 50m to 700m, but dropped upon exceeding 700m. Lastly, the variation rate of deciduous forests according to altitudinal segments increased at all altitudes. A sharp increase was found in segments of more than 550 meters. With regard to the changes in the distribution area of forest types according to slope aspects, coniferous forests showed a reduction in all slope aspects. The reduction rate was especially higher in northern, northwestern, western and northeastern aspects. Mixed forests manifested a high growth rate in northwestern, northern and western aspects, but slightly decreased in eastern and southeastern aspects. In addition, deciduous forests increased in all slope aspects, but the growth rate was especially high in eastern, southeastern, northeastern and southern aspects.

A Study on the Land Surface Emissivity (LSE) Distribution of Mid-wavelength Infrared (MWIR) over the Korean Peninsula (한반도 중파장적외선 지표 복사율 분포 연구)

  • Sun, Jongsun;Park, Wook;Won, Joong-sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.423-434
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    • 2016
  • Surface emissivity and its background values according to each sensor are mandatorily necessary for Mid-Wavelength Infrared (MWIR) remote sensing to retrieve surface temperature and temporal variation. This study presents the methods and results of Land Surface Emissivity (LSE) of the MWIR according to land cover over the Korean Peninsula. The MWIR emissivity was estimated by applying the Temperature Independent Spectral Indices (TISI) method to the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) band 4 Day/Night images ($3.74{\mu}m$ in center wavelength). The obtained values were classified according to land-cover types, and the obtained emissivity was then compared with those calculated from a standard Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) spectral library. The annual means of MWIR emissivity of Deciduous Broadleaf Forest (0.958) and Mixed Forest (0.935) are higher than those of Croplands (0.925) and Natural Vegetation Mosaics (0.935) by about 2-3%. The annual mean of Urban area is the lowest (0.914) with an annual variation of about 2% which is by larger than those (1%) of other land-covers. The TISI and VIIRS based emissivity is slightly lower than the ASTER spectral library by about 2-3% supposedly due to various reasons such as lack of land cover homogeneity. The results will be used to understand the MWIR emissivity properties of the Korean Peninsula and to examine the seasonal and other environmental changes using MWIR images.

Analyzing the spectral characteristic and detecting the change of tidal flat area in Seo han Bay, North Korea using satellite images and GIS (위성영상과 GIS를 이용한 북한 서한만 지역의 간석지 분광특성 및 변화 탐지)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.44-54
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    • 2005
  • In this study the tidal area in Seo han bay, North Korea was detected and extracted by using various satellite images (ASTER, KOMPSAT EOC, Landsat TM/ETM+) and GIS spatial analysis. Especially, the micro-landform was classified through the spectral characteristic of each satellite image and the change of tidal flat size was detected on passing year. For this, the spectral characteristics of eight tidal flat area in Korea, which are called as Seo han bay, Gwang ryang bay, Hae iu bay, Gang hwa bay, A san bay, Garorim bay, Jul po bay and Soon chun bay, were analyzed by using multi band of multi spectral satellite images such as Landsat TM/ETM+. Moreover, the micro-landform tidal flat in Seo han bay, North Korea was extracted by using ISODATA clustering based on the result of spectral characteristic. In addition, in order to detect the change of tidal flat size on passing years, the ancient topography map (1918-1920) was constructed as GIS DB. Also, the tidal flat distribution map based on the temporal satellite images were constructed to detect the tidal flat size for recent years. Through this, the efficient band to classify the micro-landform and detect its boundary was clarified and one possibility of KOMPSAT EOC application could be also introduced by extracting the spatial information of tidal flat efficiently.

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Identification of Advanced Argillic-altered Rocks of the Haenam Area, Using by ASTER Spectral Analysis (ASTER 분광분석을 통한 해남지역 강고령토변질 암석의 식별)

  • Lee, Hong-Jin;Kim, Eui-Jun;Moon, Dong-Hyeok
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.463-474
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    • 2011
  • The Haenam epithermal mineralized zone is located in the southwestern part of South Korea, and hosts low sulfidation epithermal Au-Ag deposit (Eunsan-Moisan) and clay quarries (Okmaesan, Seongsan, and Chunsan). Epithermal deposits and accompanying hydrothermal alteration related to Cretaceous volcanism caused large zoned assemblages of hydrothermal alteration minerals. Advanced argillic-altered rocks with mineral assemblages of alunite-quartz, alunite-dickite-quartz, and dickite-kaolinite-quartz exposed on the Okmaesan, Seongsan, and Chunsan area. Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), with three visible and near infrared bands, six shortwave infrared bands, and five thermal infrared bands, was used to identify advanced argillic-altered rocks within the Haenam epithermal mineralized zone. The distinct spectral features of hydrothermal minerals allow discrimination of advanced argillic-altered rocks from non-altered rocks within the study area. Because alunite, dickite, and kaolinite, consisting of advanced argillic-altered rocks within the study area are characterized by Al-O-H-bearing minerals, these acid hydrothermal minerals have a strong absorption feature at $2.20{\mu}m$. The band combination and band ratio transformation cause increasing differences of DN values between advanced argillic-altered rock and non-altered rock. The alunite and dickite-kaolinite of advanced argillic-altered rocks from the Okmaesan, Seongsan, and Chunsan have average DN values of 1.523 and 1.737, respectively. These values are much higher than those (1.211 and 1.308, respectively) of non-altered area. ASTER images can remotely provide the distribution of hydrothermal minerals on the surface. In this way good relation between ASTER spectra analysis and field data suggests that ASTER spectral analysis can be useful tool in the initial steps of mineral exploration.

Improvement of Air Temperature Analysis by Precise Spatial Data on a Local-scale - A Case Study of Eunpyeong New Town in Seoul - (상세 공간정보를 활용한 국지기온 분석 개선 - 서울 은평구 뉴타운을 사례로 -)

  • Yi, Chae-Yeon;An, Seung-Man;Kim, Kyu-Rang;Choi, Young-Jean;Scherer, Dieter
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.144-158
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    • 2012
  • A higher spatial resolution is preferable to support the accuracy of detailed climate analysis in urban areas. Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) and satellite (KOMPSAT-2, Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-2) images at 1 to 4 m resolution were utilized to produce digital elevation and building surface models as well as land cover maps at very high(5m) resolution. The Climate Analysis Seoul(CAS) was used to calculate the fractional coverage of land cover classes in built-up areas and thermal capacity of the buildings from their areal volumes. It then produced analyzed maps of local-scale temperature based on the old and new input data. For the verification of the accuracy improvement by the precise input data, the analyzed maps were compared to the surface temperature derived from the ASTER satellite image and to the ground observation at our detailed study region. After the enhancement, the ASTER temperature was highly correlated with the analyzed temperature at building (BS) areas (R=0.76) whereas there observed no correlation with the old input data. The difference of the air temperature deviation was reduced from 1.27 to 0.70K by the enhancement. The enhanced precision of the input data yielded reasonable and more accurate local-scale temperature analysis based on realistic surface models in built-up areas. The improved analysis tools can help urban planners evaluating their design scenarios to be prepared for the urban climate.

Accuracy Evaluation of Terrain Correction of High Resolution SAR Imagery with the Quality of DEM (DEM 품질에 따른 고해상도 SAR 영상의 지형 보정 정확도 평가)

  • Lee, Kyung Yup;Byun, Young Gi;Kim, Youn Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.6_1
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    • pp.519-528
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    • 2012
  • It was pointed out that the terrain distortion of SAR image is even worse than that of optical image although SAR imagery has the advantages of being independent of solar illumination and weather conditions. It is thus necessary to correct terrain distortion in SAR image for various application areas to integrate SAR and optical image information. There has to be a clear evaluation of terrain correction of high resolution SAR image according to the quality of DEM because the DEM of study site is generally used in the process of terrain correction. To achieve this issue, this paper compared the effects of quality of Digital Elevation Model(DEM) in the process of terrain correction of high resolution SAR images, using the DEM produced from 1:5000 topographic contour maps, LiDAR DEM, ASTER GDEM, SRTM DEM. We used TerraSAR-X and Cosmo-SkyMed, as the test data set, which are constructed on the same X-band SAR system as KOMPSAT-5. In order to evaluate quantitatively the correction results, we conducted comparative evaluation with the KOMPSAT-2 ortho image of the same region. The evaluation results showed that the DEM produced from 1:5000 topographic contour maps achieved successful results in the terrain correction of SAR image compared with the other DEM data, and the widely used SRTM DEM data in various applications was not suitable for the terrain correction of high resolution SAR images.

Assessment of Rocks and Alteration Information Extraction using ASTER data for Övörkhangaii Province, Mongolia (ASTER 영상자료를 활용한 몽골 오보르항가이(Övörkhangai) 일대 암상 빛 변질 정보추출의 활용가능성 평가)

  • Jeong, Yongsik;Yu, Jaehyung;Koh, Sang-Mo;Heo, Chul-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.325-335
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    • 2015
  • This study examined the possibility to extract potential alteration zones and lithologic information based on ASTER band ratio techniques for mineralized area located in ${\ddot{O}}v{\ddot{o}}rkhangai$ province, Mongolia, and the effectiveness of remote sensing as a preliminary exploration tool for mineral exploration was tested. The results of ABRLO, PBRLO, and PrBRLO models indicated that the detection of argillic zone requires the verification of the samples to verify hydrothermal alteration minerals as clay minerals can formed by weathering process, whereas phyllic-propylitic zones were considerably related to the spatial distribution of the intrusive bodies, geological structures, and ore distribution. QI and MI results showed that QI is more useful for sedimentary rocks such as conglomerate and sandstone than meta-sedimentary like quartzite, and MI faced relatively uncertain in detection of felsic or mafic silicate rocks. QI and MI may require additional geologic information such as the characteristics of samples and geological survey data to improve extraction of lithologic information, and, if so, it is expected that remote sensing technique would contribute significantly as a preliminary geological survey method.

Retrieval of Relative Surface Temperature from Single-channel Middle-infrared (MIR) Images (단일밴드 중적외선 영상으로부터 표면온도 추정을 위한 상대온도추정알고리즘의 연구)

  • Wook, Park;Won, Joong-Sun;Jung, Hyung-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2013
  • In this study, a novel method is proposed for retrieving relative surface temperature from single-channel middle infra-red (MIR, 3-5 ${\mu}m$) remotely sensed data. In order to retrieve absolute temperature from MIR data, it is necessary to accommodate at least atmospheric effects, surface emissivity and reflected solar radiance. Instead of retrieving kinematic temperature of each target, we propose an alternative to retrieve the relative temperature between two targets. The core idea is to minimize atmospheric effects by assuming that the differential at-sensor radiance between two targets experiences the same atmospheric effects. To reduce effective simplify atmospheric parameters, each atmospheric parameter was examined by MODTRAN and MIR emissivity derived from ASTER spectral libraries. Simulation results provided a required accuracy of 2 K for materials with a temperature of 300 K within 0.1 emissivity errors. The algorithm was tested using MODIS band 23 MIR day time images for validation. The accuracy of retrieved relative temperature was $0.485{\pm}1.552$ K. The results demonstrated that the proposed algorithm was able to produce relative temperature with a required accuracy from only single-channel radiance data. However, this method has limitations when applied to materials having very low temperatures using day time MIR images.

Friction-dependent Slip Behavior of Imgok Fault under the Present-day Stress Field (현생 응력하에서 단층 마찰계수에 따른 임곡단층의 거동 가능성 해석)

  • Na, Hyun-Woo;Chang, Chandong;Chang, Chun-Joong
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.217-225
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    • 2013
  • We carried out geometrical, kinematic, and geomechanical analyses on a lineament (the Imgok fault) near Gangneung, observed in ASTER images and aerial photographs, and field surveys. Earthquake focal mechanism solutions, used to estimate the present-day stress state, revealed that the direction of maximum compression is approximately N$70^{\circ}$E and that the stress condition is in favor of either strike-slip or reverse movement on the fault. The strike of the fault is not ideal for slip under the present-day stress field and thus the fault has a low slip tendency. However, the fault may be able to slip if the frictional coefficient (${\mu}$), representing the resistance of the fault to slip, is sufficiently low (e.g., ${\mu}$ < 0.25).