• Title/Summary/Keyword: AMOS program

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A Study on Clinical Feasibility and Practical Strategies for Dental Hygiene Process (ADPIE) (치위생과정(ADPIE)의 임상적용 가능성과 실천방안 모색)

  • Lee, Joo-Young;Han, Gyeong-Soon
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.433-441
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    • 2014
  • This study was aimed to analyze factors affecting intention on clinical application by task autonomy of dental hygienists, expected effect and obstructive factor on clinical application of assessment, dental hygiene diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation (ADPIE). Meanwhile, it proved mediating effects of "attitude toward ADPIE" when it came to "intention on clinical application". The data was collected from 237 dental personnel in capital region from March 28, 2014 to May 2, 2014. To analyze the suitability of a theoretical model and hypothesis testing, SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 18.0 program were used. The theoretical model was accepted as it resulted in ${\chi}^2=421.67$ while showing goodness of fit index=0.858, comparative fit index=0.915, Tucker-Lewis index=0.896, root mean square residual=0.039, and root mean square error of approximation=0.099. The result showed "task autonomy of dental hygienists (${\beta}=0.398$, p<0.05)" and "expected effect on ADPIE (${\beta}=0.363$, p<0.01)" had a positive effect on "attitude toward ADPIE". Also, "attitude toward ADPIE" had a positive effect on "intention on clinical application". In addition, "task autonomy of dental hygienists" and "expected effect on ADPIE" had an indirect influence on "intention on clinical application" via such intermediary as "attitude toward ADPIE". According to the above results, the task autonomy of dental hygienists, expected effect on ADPIE, and attitude toward ADPIE were confirmed to be significant factors when it came to the intention on its clinical application. Therefore in order to settle ADPIE in the clinical practice, improvement of task autonomy for dental hygienists as well as their expectation and attitude on ADPIE must be promoted.

The Influence of Deluxe Hotel Culinary Staff's Psychological Contract Breach on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention: Focus on the Moderating Effects of Staff Careers (특 1급 호텔 조리종사원이 인지하는 심리적 계약위반이 직무만족도 및 이직의도에 미치는 영향: 경력의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Hong, Yun-Ju;Kim, Young-Joong
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.187-202
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to better understand the influence of psychological contract breach in deluxe hotel culinary staff memeberss on job satisfaction and turnover intention. Based on a total of 280 samples obtained for empirical research, this study reviewed the reliability and fitness of the research model and verified a total of 4 hypotheses using the AMOS program. The hypothesized relationships in the model were simultaneously tested by using a structural equation model(SEM). The proposed model provided an adequate fit to the data, ${\chi}^2=334.152$ (p<.001), df=162, CMIN/DF=2.063, GFI=.893, AGFI=.861, NFI=.919, CFI=.956, RMSEA=.062. The model's fit, as indicated by these indexes, was deemed satisfactory, thus providing a good basis for testing the hypothesized paths. The SEM showed that relational contract breach (${\beta}=-.236$) had a negative significant influence on job satisfaction. In addition, job satisfaction (${\beta}=-.236$) had a negative significant influence on turnover intention. The moderating effects on career the formulated model was verified. Limitations and future research directions are also discussed.

The Effects of Consumption Value Perceived by Resort Customers on Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention : Focusing on Moderating Effects by Gender and Marital Status (리조트 고객의 소비가치와 고객만족 및 행동의도와의 인과관계 연구: 성별과 결혼유무에 따른 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Young-Joong;Kwon, Young-Guk;Yoon, Hye-Hyun
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.72-89
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to understand the influence of consumption value perceived by resort customers upon customer satisfaction and behavioral intention. Based on total 324 customers obtained from the empirical research, this study reviewed reliability and fitness of the research model and verified total 4 hypotheses with AMOS program. The hypothesized relationships in the model were tested simultaneously by using a structural equation model(SEM). The proposed model provided an adequate fit to the data, ${\chi}^2$=467.489(p<.001), df=326, CMIN/DF=1.434, GFI=.911, AGFI=.889, NFI=.881, CFI=.960, RMSEA=.037. The model's fit, as indicated by these indexes, was deemed satisfactory, thus it provided a good basic for testing the hypothesized paths. The result showed that the functional value(${\beta}$ .233, p<.01), social value(${\beta}$ .125, p<.05), emotion value(${\beta}$ .310, p<.001), epistemic value(${\beta}$ .144, p<.05) had a positive significant influence on customer satisfaction. Also, customer satisfaction(${\beta}$ .225, p<.01) had a positive significant influence on behavioral intention. The moderating effects by gender and marital status were found not to exist. Limitations and future research directions are also discussed.

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The Influence of Coffee Shop Employee Non-verbal Communication on the Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction (커피전문점 종사원의 비언어적 커뮤니케이션이 브랜드 이미지, 고객만족도에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Joong;Jeon, Yu-Jung
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.11-26
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to understand the influence of non-verbal communication of coffee shop employees on brand image and customer satisfaction. Based on a total of 317 samples obtained for empirical research, this study reviewed the reliability and fitness of the research model and verified a total of 3 hypotheses using the AMOS program. The hypothesized relationships in the model were simultaneously tested through the use of a structural equation model(SEM). The proposed model provided an adequate data fit, ${\chi}^2=434.380$ (p<0.001), df=178, CMIN/DF=2.440, GFI=0.886, AGFI=0.852, NFI=0.900, CFI=0.938, RMSEA=0.068. The model's fit, as indicated by these indexes, was deemed satisfactory, thus providing a good basis for testing the hypothesized paths. The SEM showed that kinesics(${\beta}=.311$), paralanguage(${\beta}=.242$), physical appearance(${\beta}=.382$) and proxemics(${\beta}=.481$) had a significant positive influence on brand image. In addition, brand image(${\beta}=.217$) had a significant positive influence on customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the effect of coffee shop employee non-verbal communication on customer satisfaction was found to be partially mediated by the brand image.

A Study on the Effect of Young Entrepreneurs' Growth Factors on Entrepreneurial Capability and Entrepreneurial Intentions : -Focused on the College Students Majoring in Culinary and Foodservice - (청년사업가를 위한 성장요인이 창업역량과 창업의도에 미치는 영향 연구 : 조리.외식전공 대학생 중심으로)

  • Lee, In-Suk;Kim, Oe-Sun;Rha, Young-Ah
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.25-39
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to understand interrelationships among young entrepreneurs' growth factors, entrepreneurial capability and entrepreneurial intentions, targeting the students who major in culinary and foodservice. Based on total 327 samples obtained from the empirical research, this study reviewed reliability and fitness of the research model and verified total 2 hypotheses with the Amos program. The proposed model provided an adequate fit for the data, $x^2$=495.217 (p<.001), df=231, CMIN/DF 2.144, GFI .902, AGFI .878, NFI .911, CFI .954, RMSEA .067. The SEM results showed that the young entrepreneurs' growth factors such as policy support(${\beta}$=.457, p<.001), skills & knowledge(${\beta}$=.244, p<.01), role model(${\beta}$= .242, p<.05) in order had significantly positive effects on entrepreneurial capability, and entrepreneurial capability(${\beta}$= .787, p<.001) had positive(+) effects on entrepreneurial intentions, verifying organic causal relationships among the growth factors, entrepreneurial capability, and entrepreneurial capability. These study results showed that there should be more systematic supports to encourage young entrepreneurs. Limitations and further research directions are also discussed.

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Effects of Granting Wish to Children with Life-threatening Conditions on Adjustment to Disease with a Focus on the Mediating Effects of Resilience and Stress Caused by Diseases (소원성취 프로그램이 소아암 및 난치병 환아들의 질병 적응에 미치는 영향: 레질리언스와 질병 스트레스의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Kwang Jae;Choi, Kyung Il
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.148-155
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how wish granting influences children with life-threatening medical conditions when it comes to their adaptation to disease with a focus on the mediating effect of resilience and stress caused by disease. Methods: From January 2, 2015 through January 12, 2015, a survey was conducted on 292 children with life-threatening diseases whose wishes were granted through Make-A-Wish Korea. The data were collected using the impact of a wish scale, the Children's Adjustment to Cancer Inventory, the Childhood Cancer Stressor Inventory, and the resilience scale in children with chronic illness. The data were analyzed using SPSS/WIN 20.0 and Amos 21.0. Results: Satisfaction with the wish granting program enhances resilience, and resilience affects stress caused by medical conditions as well as adaptation to disease. Also, stress caused by medical conditions influences adaptation to disease. Conclusion: Wish granting is effective in both facilitating chronically ill children to adjust to disease and reduce their stress from disease. Thus, children with life-threatening medical conditions could be assisted or motivated to adjust to disease by improving satisfaction achieved by wish granting.

Effectiveness of golf skills to average score using records of PGA, LPGA, KPGA, KLPGA : Multi-group path analysis (프로골프 경기기록을 활용한 다중집단분석 : 경로분석 적용)

  • Kim, Sae Hyung;Cho, Jung Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.543-555
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    • 2013
  • This study is to analyze effectiveness of golf skills (driving distance, rating of fairway, green in regulation, sand save ratio, recovery ratio, putting average) to average score using records of PGA, LPGA, KPGA, KLPGA. Independent variables were driving distance, rating of fairway, green in regulation, sand save ratio or recovery ratio, putting average. Dependent variable was the scoring average in this study. To analyze these variables, multi-group (PGA vs LPGA, KPGA vs KLPGA, PGA vs KPGA, LPGA vs KLPGA) path analysis was used through AMOS 18.0 program and significance level was set at 0.05. As the result, the variables that show significant differences of path coefficient between PGA model and LPGA model were driving distance and green in regulation to average score. The variables that show significant differences of path coefficient between KPGA model and KLPGA model were driving distance, recovery ratio, and putting average to average score. The variables that show significant differences of path coefficient between PGA model and KPGA model were driving distance, recovery ratio, and putting average to average score. There was not significant difference of path coefficient between LPGA model and KLPGA model.

Influence of Franchisors' Supporting Strategy on Franchisee Attitude and Performance: Moderating Effect of Competitive Intensity (가맹본부의 지원제도가 본부에 대한 태도 및 가맹점의 재무성과에 미치는 영향 : 지역상권 경쟁강도의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Yi, Ho-Taek;Kim, Moon-Seop;Jung, Yeon-Sung
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - This article aims to present and test a model regarding franchisors' supporting activities that may positively influence franchisees' attitude toward the franchising headquarter and their own business performance. Moreover, the authors examine the moderating effect of competitive intensity between franchisee attitude and business performance. Most previous research focused on behavioral performance measurements such as satisfaction, trust, and commitment. There are few empirical studies that focus on financial performance data because it is difficult to determine a relational mechanism between behavioral and financial performance. Moreover, financial data is confidential and difficult to collect in many cases. However, this study measures financial performance (e.g., sales revenue per square meter) differently than most previous research, which is mostly focused on the behavioral performance measurements. Research design, data, and methodology - To test our hypotheses, we selected 137 franchisee managers who are running chains of one of the foremost bakery franchise brands in South Korea. This study carefully investigated the reliability, content validity, convergent validity, and discriminant validity of the proposed instrument by analyzing the data obtained from the samples. The data was analyzed using the AMOS structural equation modeling program. Results - The results indicated that: non-financial support activities (e.g., information exchange and communication) had a positive impact on the franchisee attitude toward the franchising headquarter. The franchisee attitude in turn had a positive effect on the headquarters' business performance. Furthermore, competitive intensity could enhance the relationship between franchisee attitude toward franchising headquarter and business performance in a local franchise market. However, financial support activities (e.g., rewards and promotional support) and training had no relationship with either franchisee attitude or business performance. Conclusions - This study provides some practical implications to franchisors in terms of franchise operation and store opening strategies. With respect to the franchise operation strategy, franchisors need to focus on non-financial rather than financial support. Most franchisees consider the necessity of financial support activities and not their sufficiency because these activities are specified in their franchise contract. In addition, it is important for franchisees to maintain a positive attitude for the franchise headquarters. The franchisees with a positive attitude for the franchisor can show a high degree of solidarity for various support activities, and it consequently determines franchisees' sales performance. In terms of franchise store opening strategy, this study suggests an additional criterion that can be considered in determining the location of direct and non-direct management stores (e.g., franchisees' stores). In this research, franchise stores located within high level of competitive intensity are shown to have a high relationship between franchisee attitudes of franchisor support activities and business performance compared to the franchisees located within low competitive intensity level. This result shows that opening non-direct franchise stores is more effective than direct stores in higher competitive market situations. Research contribution, implications, and further research directions are discussed at the end of the paper.

A Study on the Turnover Intention of Salespeople in Insurance Distribution Channels (보험유통채널에서 영업사원의 이직의도에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Gayeon;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Cha, Jae-Bin
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - In the insurance distribution channel, the salespeople plays a role of representing the company, and recognizes the needs of the customers and plays a role in responding to them. Therefore, their turnover can have a great influence on the company performance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the structural relationship between salespeople's personal - environmental fit and organizational commitment and turnover intention. Research design, data, and methodology - Data collection was conducted a self-filling questionnaire for salespeople for about one month from July 24, 2017 to August 30, 2017. The subjects of the questionnaire were the insurance salespeople who work in the sales line such as K life, S fire. A total of 450 copies were distributed and 432 copies of the questionnaire were used for final analysis. The analysis program used SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 22.0 programs. Analysis method was Frequency Analysis, Reliability & Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Correlation Analysis and Structural Equation Model(SEM). Results - As a result of Hypothesis 1, Person-Supervisor Fit had significant influence only on Continuance Commitment. Person-Job Fit did not have a significant effect on Organizational Commitment. Person-Coworker Fit had a significant effect on Continuance Commitment and Affective Commitment. Person-Organization Fit had a significant impact on Affective Commitment. Therefore, only , , , , were adopted. As a result of Hypothesis 2, Continuance Commitment had a significant effect on turnover intention. Therefore, only was adopted. Conclusions - This study suggests that it is necessary to manage the human resources in the sales field through studies related to salespeople's extension of the research scope and salespeople's turnover intention. Based on the results of this study, the conclusion suggests some implications for the efficient human resources management of insurance companies in sales channels. It is expected that it will be helpful for the salespeople to find out what kind of Person-Environment Fit affects the organizational commitment and how to manage the organizational commitment among the three dimensions of organizational commitment to reduce turnover intention.

The Effects of Customer Participation in CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) Process on Customers' Response (기업의 사회적 책임 활동 과정에서의 고객참여가 고객 반응에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Jung-Min;Lee, Eun-Young
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - There have been numerous studies investigating the effects of corporate social responsibility initiatives on corporate associations or corporate images. In line of this research stream, current research examined the potential impact of customer participation in the process of corporate social responsibility initiatives on attitude toward the company. This research differentiates from previous studies that it is the first to connect corporate social responsibility and customer participation. Specifically, we suggest a structural model on corporate associations which was classified into corporate ability associations and corporate social responsibility associations that the more the customers participate in initiating corporate social responsibility, corporate associations were formed more positively. And this leads to the increase of revisit intentions through customer satisfaction. Research design, data, and methodology - To test our research model, we collected data of real consumers of a large discount store in Korea. At the large discount store, customers were given an opportunity to participate the discount store's CSR activity program. We performed field survey and collected data of 146 respondents. We analyzed the data using PASW statistics 21.0 and AMOS 16.0 in order to test our structural model. Results - The results showed that consumers who participated more in initiating corporate social responsibility revealed higher score for corporate ability associations and corporate social responsibility associations. These corporate associations had a positive effect on customer satisfaction, which leads to higher attitude toward revisit intentions. Specifically, hypothesis 1.1 "As Customer participation in CSR process increases, the evaluation of CA associations will be positive,"was supported. Hypothesis 1.2 "As Customer participation in CSR process increases, the evaluation of CSR associations will be positive," was supported. Hypothesis 2.1 "As the evaluation of CA associations is positive, satisfaction with the firm will increase," was supported. Hypothesis 2.1 "As the evaluation of CSR associations is positive, satisfaction with the firm will increase," was supported. Hypothesis 3 "As satisfaction with the firm increases, revisit intentions with the firm will increase," was supported. Conclusions - This research is the first to study the relationship between customer participation in CSR process, CSR, and consumer reactions. This research also contributes to customer participation and corporate social responsibility literature by suggesting customer participation as an antecedent and empirically demonstrating the positive relationships between the constructs. The findings of this research may offer managerial implications for marketing practitioners. When performing corporate social initiatives, it is better to let the customer participate in the process which leads to higher corporate ability associations and corporate social responsibility associations, also higher satisfaction and revisit intentions. Our results provide useful information to practioners that spontaneous participation of consumers makes CSR initiatives effective and successful. Limitations and ideas for further research remain in this research. For example, our focus on the logic was cognitive evaluations(e.g. corporate associations) but affective dimensions might be considered since recent researches are investigating the relationship between customer participation and affective reaction as a response. Despite the limitations, this research have unique and applicable implications for academics and practitioners.