• Title/Summary/Keyword: AI 모델

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Iris Region Masking based on Blurring Technique (블러링기법 기반의 홍채영역 마스킹 방법)

  • Lee, Gi Seong;Kim, Soo Hyung
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2022
  • With the recent development of device performance such as smartphones, cameras, and video cameras, it has become possible to obtain human biometric information from images and photos. A German hacker group obtained human iris information from high-definition photos and revealed hacking into iris scanners on smartphones. As high-quality images and photos can be obtained with such advanced devices, the need for a suitable security system is also emerging. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a method of automatically masking human iris information in images and photos using Haar Cascades and Blur models from openCV. It is a technology that automatically masks iris information by recognizing a person's eye in a photo or video and provides the result. If this technology is used in devices and applications such as smartphones and zoom, it is expected to provide better security services to users.

Synthesis Of Asymmetric One-Dimensional 5-Neighbor Linear MLCA (비대칭 1차원 5-이웃 선형 MLCA의 합성)

  • Choi, Un-Sook
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.333-342
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    • 2022
  • Cellular Automata (CA) is a discrete and abstract computational model that is being applied in various fields. Applicable as an excellent pseudo-random sequence generator, CA has recently developed into a basic element of cryptographic systems. Several studies on CA-based stream ciphers have been conducted and it has been observed that the encryption strength increases when the radius of a CA's neighbor is increased when appropriate CA rules are used. In this paper, among CAs that can be applied as a one-dimensional pseudo-random number sequence generator (PRNG), one-dimensional 5-neighbor CAs are classified according to the connection state of their neighbors, and the ignition relationship of the characteristic polynomial is obtained. Also this paper propose a synthesis algorithm for an asymmetric 1-D linear 5-neighbor MLCA in which the radius of the neighbor is increased by 2 using the one-dimensional 3-neighbor 90/150 CA state transition matrix.

A Study on Blockchain Adoption in Retail Supply Chain Management (소매 공급망 관리에서 블록체인 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Shipra Pathak;Charu Saxena;Kyung-Sil Kim
    • Advanced Industrial SCIence
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2023
  • The goal of the study is to describe blockchain technology as it relates to enhancing supply chains in the retail sector in order to achieve sustainability. This study offers a critical analysis of the possible applications of blockchain technology and smart contracts to supply chain management. This paper explains how Blockchain technology may be used by customers and merchants in a variety of retail business operations to great advantage. By adopting a modified version of the UTUAT model, this study validates the possibility of using blockchain for supply chain management in the retail industry. The study found a significant and positive correlation between behavioral intention and acceptance toward employing block networks in supply chain management in the retail business. The behavior intention (BI) to adopt blockchain technology is significantly influenced by performance expectations, effect expectations, subjective standards, and enabling variables. The performance and effort expectations have a considerable impact on the BI to adopt blockchain in supply chain management.

Machine Learning Model for Recommending Products and Estimating Sales Prices of Reverse Direct Purchase (역직구 상품 추천 및 판매가 추정을 위한 머신러닝 모델)

  • Kyu Ik Kim;Berdibayev Yergali;Soo Hyung Kim;Jin Suk Kim
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.176-182
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    • 2023
  • With about 80% of the global economy expected to shift to the global market by 2030, exports of reverse direct purchase products, in which foreign consumers purchase products from online shopping malls in Korea, are growing 55% annually. As of 2021, sales of reverse direct purchases in South Korea increased 50.6% from the previous year, surpassing 40 million. In order for domestic SMEs(Small and medium sized enterprises) to enter overseas markets, it is important to come up with export strategies based on various market analysis information, but for domestic small and medium-sized sellers, entry barriers are high, such as lack of information on overseas markets and difficulty in selecting local preferred products and determining competitive sales prices. This study develops an AI-based product recommendation and sales price estimation model to collect and analyze global shopping malls and product trends to provide marketing information that presents promising and appropriate product sales prices to small and medium-sized sellers who have difficulty collecting global market information. The product recommendation model is based on the LTR (Learning To Rank) methodology. As a result of comparing performance with nDCG, the Pair-wise-based XGBoost-LambdaMART Model was measured to be excellent. The sales price estimation model uses a regression algorithm. According to the R-Squared value, the Light Gradient Boosting Machine performs best in this model.

Analysis of Energy Preference in the 4th Industrial Revolution Based on Decision Making Methodology (의사결정 방법론 기반 4차 산업혁명 시대 에너지 선호도 분석)

  • Nam, Soo-Tai;Shin, Seong-Yoon;Jin, Chan-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.05a
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    • pp.328-329
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    • 2021
  • Newly, the fourth industrial revolution is a way of describing the blurring of boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds. It's a fusion of advances in AI (artificial intelligence), robotics, the IoT (Internet of Things), 3d printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing, and other technologies. At the world economic forum in Davos, switzerland, in january 2016, chairman professor klaus schwab proposed the fourth industrial revolution for the first time. In order to apply the AHP (analytic hierarchy process) analysis method, the first stage factors were designed as Natural, Water, Earth and Atom energy. In addition, the second stage factors were organized into 9 detailed energies presented in the conceptual model. Thus, we present the theoretical and practical implications of these results.

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Technology Trend Analysis of the 4th Industrial Revolution Using AHP (AHP 기법을 이용한 4차 산업혁명 기술 트렌드 분석)

  • Nam, Soo-Tai;Shin, Seong-Yoon;Jin, Chan-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.05a
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    • pp.330-331
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    • 2021
  • Newly, the fourth industrial revolution is a way of describing the blurring of boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds. It's a fusion of advances in AI (artificial intelligence), robotics, the IoT (internet of things), 3d printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing, and other technologies. At the world economic forum in Davos, switzerland, in january 2016, chairman professor (klaus schwab) proposed the fourth industrial revolution for the first time. In order to apply the AHP (analytic hierarchy process) analysis method, the first stage factors were designed as Digital Technology, Physics Technology and Biological Technology. In addition, the second stage factors were organized into 8 detailed services presented in the conceptual model. Thus, we present the theoretical and practical implications of these results.

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Development of a Water Information Data Platform for Integrated Water Resources Management in Seoul (서울시 통합물관리를 위한 물정보 데이터 플랫폼 구축방안)

  • Yoon, Sun Kwon;Choi, Hyeonseok;Cho, Jaepil;Jang, Suk Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.76-76
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    • 2020
  • 국가 물관리일원화 이후, 지방하천 관리에 대한 지자체 역할과 권한이 커지고 있으며, 중앙정부의 물관리 수준에 부합하는 데이터관리 체계구축 및 지속적인 품질관리(Quality Control, QC)와 표준화(Standardization) 기술개발이 요구되고 있다. 지자체의 경우 기존의 행정구역별로 분산 관리해오던 물관리 시스템을 유역단위로 전환할 필요가 있으며, 국가하천 구간과 연계한 종합적인 관리가 필요한 실정이다. 서울시의 물관리 시스템은 자치구별로 산재해 있으며, 관리 주체 및 해당 변수에 따라 제공되는 정보가 다르고 하천유역 단위로 분류되어 있지 않다. 따라서, 서울시와 자치구, 중앙정부 및 관련 기관과의 연계성 있는 정보제공을 위한 데이터 플랫폼 구축 기술개발이 필요한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는, 빅데이터, AI 기술을 활용한 물정보의 품질관리 자동화 기술개발과 지속적인 유지관리 및 표준화 정보제공 시스템 구축 기능을 포함하는 서울시 통합물관리 데이터 플랫폼 구축 목표 모델을 제시하였으며, 서울시 물관리 체계와 관련하여 SWAT 분석을 통한 단계별 사업추진 로드맵을 도출하였다. 분석결과, 서울시 통합물관리 플랫폼 구축을 위해서는 유역별 수량-수질 통합 모니터링 및 모델링 기술개발, 빅데이터 기반 물 정보화 플랫폼 구축 기술개발, 지방하천 유역 거버넌스 구축 및 법제도 정비 방안 마련이 요구되며, 관련하여 주요 이슈(3대 핵심전략, 10개 단위과제)를 도출하여 관련 연구과제를 제안하였다. 마지막으로, 서울시 통합물관리 정책 실현을 위해서는 법제도 마련이 시급하며, 서울시 '통합물관리 기본조례' 제정을 통한 기반을 조성할 필요가 있음을 시사하였다. 또한, 다양한 분야 이해관계자 협의체인 '서울시 통합물관리위원회(가칭)'의 거버넌스를 구성하여 운영하는 것이 현실적이며, 한강유역관리 및 지방하천 관리와 관련한 중추적인 역할 수행과 쟁점 논의 등 합리적 합의가 가능할 것으로 기대한다.

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Building-up and Feasibility Study of Image Dataset of Field Construction Equipments for AI Training (인공지능 학습용 토공 건설장비 영상 데이터셋 구축 및 타당성 검토)

  • Na, Jong Ho;Shin, Hyu Soun;Lee, Jae Kang;Yun, Il Dong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2023
  • Recently, the rate of death and safety accidents at construction sites is the highest among all kinds of industries. In order to apply artificial intelligence technology to construction sites, it is essential to secure a dataset which can be used as a basic training data. In this paper, a number of image data were collected through actual construction site, for which major construction equipment objects mainly operated in civil engineering sites were defined. The optimal training dataset construction was completed by annotation process of about 90,000 image dataset. Reliability of the dataset was verified with the mAP of over 90 % in use of YOLO, a representative model in the field of object detection. The construction equipment training dataset built in this study has been released which is currently available on the public data portal of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security. This dataset is expected to be freely used for any application of object detection technology on construction sites especially in the field of construction safety in the future.

Few-shot learning using the median prototype of the support set (Support set의 중앙값 prototype을 활용한 few-shot 학습)

  • Eu Tteum Baek
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2023
  • Meta-learning is metacognition that instantly distinguishes between knowing and unknown. It is a learning method that adapts and solves new problems by self-learning with a small amount of data.A few-shot learning method is a type of meta-learning method that accurately predicts query data even with a very small support set. In this study, we propose a method to solve the limitations of the prototype created with the mean-point vector of each class. For this purpose, we use the few-shot learning method that created the prototype used in the few-shot learning method as the median prototype. For quantitative evaluation, a handwriting recognition dataset and mini-Imagenet dataset were used and compared with the existing method. Through the experimental results, it was confirmed that the performance was improved compared to the existing method.

Development of an impact Identification Program in Mathematical Education Research Using Machine Learning and Network (기계학습과 네트워크를 이용한 수학교육 연구의 영향력 판별 프로그램 개발)

  • Oh, Se Jun;Kwon, Oh Nam
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.21-45
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    • 2023
  • This study presents a machine learning program designed to identify impactful papers in the field of mathematics education. To achieve this objective, we examined the impact of papers from a scientific econometrics perspective, developed a mathematics education research network, and defined the impact of mathematics education research using PageRank, a network centrality index. We developed a machine learning model to determine the impact of mathematics education research and identified the journals with the highest percentage of impactful articles to be the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (25.66%), Educational Studies in Mathematics (22.12%), Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik (8.46%), Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (5.8%), and Journal of Mathematical Behaviour (5.51%). The results of the machine learning program were similar to the findings of previous studies that were read and evaluated qualitatively by experts in mathematics education. Significantly, the AI-assisted impact evaluation of mathematics education research, which typically requires significant human resources and time, was carried out efficiently in this study.