• Title/Summary/Keyword: AE energy

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Evaluation of SHCC on Direct Tensile Load using Acoustic Emission Technique (음향방출기법을 이용한 혼입되는 섬유의 종류에 따른 SHCC의 직접인장거동특성 평가)

  • Kim, Yun-Su;Yun, Hyun-Do;Jeon, Esther;Park, Wan-Shin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.177-180
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    • 2008
  • SHCC shows the high energy tolerance capacity due to the interfacial bonding of the fibers to the cement matrix. For effective material design and application of SHCC, it is needed to investigate the damage process and micro-fracture mechanism of cement matrix reinforced with different types of fibers. The objective of this paper is to investigate the direct tensile response of cement composites reinforced with single and hybrid fibers using acoustic emission(AE) technique. In this study, the correlations between AE signal and result of the direct tensile response of SHCC. For these purposes, three kinds of fibers were used: PET1.5%, PET1.0+PE0.5%, PET1.0%+PVA0.5%. The result of the direct tensile response of SHCC, for the same volume fraction of fibers, ultimate strength of PET-PE specimen was 2.7 times higher than specimens with PET fibers. And from AE signal value, AE event numbers and cumulative energy were different according to kind of fiber because of the different material properties of reinforced fiber.

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Analysis on Damage of Porcelain Insulators Using AE Technique (AE기법을 이용한 자기애자의 손상 분석)

  • Choi, In-Hyuk;Shin, Koo-Yong;Lim, Yun-seog;Koo, Ja-Bin;Son, Ju-Am;Lim, Dae-Yeon;Oh, Tae-Keun;Yoon, Young-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.231-238
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    • 2020
  • This paper investigates the soundness of porcelain insulators associated with the acoustic emission (AE) technique. The AE technique is a popular non-destructive method that measures and analyzes the burst energy that occurs mainly when a crack occurs in a high-frequency region. Typical AE methods require continuous monitoring with frequent sensor calibration. However, in this study, the AE technique excites a porcelain insulator using only an impact hammer, and it applies a high-pass filter to the signal frequency range measured only in the AE sensor by comparing the AE and the acceleration sensors. Next, the extracted time-domain signal is analyzed for the damage assessment. In normal signals, the duration is about 2ms, the area of the envelope is about 1,000, and the number of counts is about 20. In the damage signal, the duration exceeds 5ms, the area of the envelope is about 2,000, and the number of counts exceeds 40. In addition, various characteristics in the time and frequency domain for normal and damage cases are analyzed using the short-time Fourier transform (STFT). Based on the results of the STFT analysis, the maximum energy of a normal specimen is less than 0.02, while in the case of the damage specimen, it exceeds 0.02. The extracted high-frequency components can present dynamic behavior of crack regions and eigenmodes of the isolated insulator parts, but the presence, size, and distribution of cracks can be predicted indirectly. In this regard, the characteristics of the surface crack region were derived in this study.

Crack Detection of Composite Cylinders under external pressure using the Acoustic Emission (AE 기법을 이용한 외부수압을 받는 복합재 원통의 균열 검출)

  • Park, Jin-Ha;Choi, Jin-Ho;Kweon, Jin-Hwe
    • Composites Research
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2011
  • The studies on the non-destructive testing methods of the composite materials are very important for improving their reliability and safety. AE(Acoustic Emission) can evaluate the defects by detecting the emitting strain energy when elastic waves are generated by the generation and growth of a crack, plastic deformation, fiber breakage, matrix cleavage or delamination. In this paper, the AE signals of the filament wound composite cylinder and sandwich cylinder during the pressure test were measured and analyzed. The signal characteristics of PVDF sensors were measured, and an AE signal analyzer which had the band-pass filter and L-C resonance filter were designed and fabricated. Also, the crack detection capability of the fabricated AE signal analyzer wes evaluated during the pressure tests of the filament wound composite cylinder and the sandwich cylinder.

Non-destructive evaluation and pattern recognition for SCRC columns using the AE technique

  • Du, Fangzhu;Li, Dongsheng
    • Structural Monitoring and Maintenance
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.173-190
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    • 2019
  • Steel-confined reinforced concrete (SCRC) columns feature highly complex and invisible mechanisms that make damage evaluation and pattern recognition difficult. In the present article, the prevailing acoustic emission (AE) technique was applied to monitor and evaluate the damage process of steel-confined RC columns in a quasi-static test. AE energy-based indicators, such as index of damage and relax ratio, were proposed to trace the damage progress and quantitatively evaluate the damage state. The fuzzy C-means algorithm successfully discriminated the AE data of different patterns, validity analysis guaranteed cluster accuracy, and principal component analysis simplified the datasets. A detailed statistical investigation on typical AE features was conducted to relate the clustered AE signals to micro mechanisms and the observed damage patterns, and differences between steel-confined and unconfined RC columns were compared and illustrated.

A Study on the Small Punch Test for Fracture Strength Evaluation of CANDU Pressure Tube Embrittled by Hydrogen (수소취화된 CANDU 압력관 재료의 파괴강도 평가를 위한 SP시험에 관한 연구)

  • Nho, Seung-Hwan;Ong, Jang-Woo;Yu, Hyo-Sun;Chung, Se-Hi
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.549-560
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the usefulness of small punch(SP) test using miniaturized specimens as a method for fracture strength evaluation of CANDU pressure tube embrittled by hydrogen. According to the test results, the fracture strength evaluation as a function of hydrogen concentration at $-196^{\circ}C$ was much better than that at room temperature, as the difference of SP fracture energy(Esp) with hydrogen concentration was more significant at $-196^{\circ}C$ than at room temperature for the hydrogen concentration up to 300ppm-H. It was also observed that the peak of average AE energy, the cumulative average AE energy and the cumulative average AE energy per equivalent fracture, strain increased with the increase of hydrogen concentration. From the results of load-displacement behaviors, Esp behaviors, macro- and micro-SEM fractographs and AE test it has been concluded that the SP test method using miniaturized specimen($10mm{\times}10mm{\times}0.5mm$) will be a useful test method to evaluate the fracture strength for CANDU pressure tube embrittled by hydrogen.

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Acoustic emission characteristics under the influence of different stages of damage in granite specimens

  • Jong-Won Lee;Tae-Min Oh;Hyunwoo Kim;Min-Jun Kim;Ki-Il Song
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.149-166
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    • 2024
  • The acoustic emission (AE) technique is utilized to estimate the rock failure status in underground spaces. Understanding the AE characteristics under loading conditions is essential to ensure the reliability of AE monitoring. The AE characteristics depend on the material properties (p-wave velocity, density, UCS, and Young's modulus) and damage stages (stress ratio) of the target rock mass. In this study, two groups of granite specimens (based on the p-wave velocity regime) were prepared to explore the effect of material properties on AE characteristics. Uniaxial compressive loading tests with an AE measurement system were performed to investigate the effect of the rock properties using AE indices (count index, energy index, and amplitude index). The test results were analyzed according to three damage stages classified by the stress ratio of the specimens. Count index was determined to be the most suitable AE index for evaluating rock mass stability.

Study on the Characteristics of Wavelet Decomposed Details of Low-Velocity Impact Induced AE Signals in Composite Laminaes (저속충격에 의해 발생한 복합적층판 음향방출신호의 웨이블릿 분해 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Bang, Hyung-Joon;Kim, Chun-Gon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.308-315
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    • 2009
  • Because the attenuation of AE signal in composite materials is relatively higher than that of metallic materials, it is required to develop a damage assessment technique less affected by the attenuation property of composite materials in order to use AE sensing as a damage detection method. In the signal processing procedure, it is profitable to use the leading wave that arrives first because the leading wave is less influenced by the boundary conditions. Using wavelet transform, we investigated the frequency characteristics of impact induced AE signals focused on the leading wave in advance and chose the key factors to discriminate the damaged condition quantitatively. In this research, we established a damage assessment technique using the sharing percentage of the wavelet detail components of AE signal, and conducted a low-velocity impact test on composite laminates to confirm the feasibility of the proposed signal processing method.

fiber Orientation Effects on the Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Class fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials (유리섬유강화 복합재의 AR특성에 대한 섬유배향 효과)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Woo, Sung-Choong;Choi, Nak-Sam
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.429-438
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    • 2003
  • The effects of fiber orientation on acoustic emission(AE) characteristics have been studied for the unidirectional and satin-weave, continuous glass-fiber reinforced plastic(UD-GFRP and SW-GFRP) tensile specimens. Reflection and transmission optical microscopy was used for investigation of the damage zone of specimens. AE signals were classified as different types by using short time fourier transform(STFT) : AE signals with high intensity and high frequency band were due to fiber fracture, while weak AE signals with low frequency band were due to matrix and interfacial cracking. The feature in the rate of hit-events having high amplitudes showed a process of fiber breakages, which expressed the characteristic fracture processes of individual fiber-reinforced plastics with different fiber orientations and with different notching directions. As a consequence, the fracture behavior of the continuous GFRP could be monitored as nondestructive evaluation(NDE) through the AE technique.