• Title/Summary/Keyword: A. cordata

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Evaluation of Houttuynia cordata and Taraxacum officinale on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Characteristics, and Fecal Microbial Shedding in Diet for Weaning Pigs

  • Yan, L.;Zhang, Z.F.;Park, J.C.;Kim, I.H.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.1439-1444
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    • 2012
  • A total of 144 pigs ((Landrace${\times}$Yorkshire)${\times}$Duroc)] with an average initial BW of $8.45{\pm}0.57$ kg were used in a 5-wk growth trial. Pigs were randomly allocated to 4 treatments with 9 replications per pen in a randomized complex block design. Dietary treatments included: i) CON (basal diet), ii) ANT (CON+tylosin 1 g/kg), iii) H1 (CON+H. cordata 1 g/kg) and iv) T1 (CON+T. officinale 1 g/kg). In this study, pigs fed the ANT and T1 treatment had a higher (p<0.05) average daily gain (ADG) and gain:feed (G:F) ratio than those fed CON and H1 treatment. Dietary ANT and T1 treatment led to a higher energy digestibility than the CON group. No difference (p>0.05) was observed on the growth performance and apparent total tract digestibility with H1 supplementation compared with the CON treatment. The inclusion of ANT treatment led to a higher (p<0.05) lymphocyte concentration compared with the CON treatment. Dietary supplementation of herbs did not affect (p>0.05) the blood characteristics (white blood cell (WBC), red blood cell (RBC), IgG, lymphocyte). No difference was observed on (p<0.05) fecal microbial shedding (E. coli and lactobacillus) between ANT and CON groups. Treatments H1 and T1 reduced the fecal E. coli concentration compared with the CON treatment, whereas the fecal lactobacillus concentration was not affected by the herb supplementation (p>0.05). In conclusion, the inclusion of T. officinale (1 g/kg) increased growth performance, feed efficiency, energy digestibility similarly to the antibiotic treatment. Dietary supplementation of T. officinale and H. cordata (1 g/kg) reduced the fecal E. coli concentration in weaning pigs.

Identification of Volatile Essential Oil, and Flavor Characterization and Antibacterial Effect of Fractions from Houttuynia cordata Thunb -II. Flavor Characterization and Antibacterial Effect of Fraction from Houttuynia cordata Thunb by Prep-HPLC- (어성초 휘발성 정유성분의 동정과 분획물의 향특성 및 항균활성 -II. Prep-HPLC에 의한 분획물의 향특성과 향균활성-)

  • Kang, Jung-Mi;Cha, In-Ho;Lee, Young-Kuen;Ryu, Hong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.214-221
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    • 1997
  • The volatile essential oil isolated from Houttuynia cordata were separated to 11 fractions by Prep-HPLC, of these, a fraction(Fr. 6) which carried the characteristic Houttuynia cordata flavor(fishy) contained 2-undecanone, ${\beta}-myrcene$, ${\beta}-ocimene$, 1-decanol and decanoyl acetaldehyde, as identified by GC-MS. From this observation, it may be inferred that 2-undecanone and decanoyl acetaldehyde could be the compounds which play a crucial role in flavoring of Houttuynia cordata. In test of antibacterial activity of eleven fractions of volatile essential oil from H.C., the growths of nine Gram negative bacteria were inhibited obviously when treated with and Fr. 6 including 2-undecanone, ${\beta}-myrcene$, ${\beta}-ocimene$, 1-decanol and decanoyl acetaldehyde, and Fr. 5 including decanal, endobornylacetate, fenchene and decanoic acid, respectively.

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Antimicrobial Activity of Fractional Extracts from Houttuynia cordata Root (어성초(Houttuynia cordata) 뿌리에서 추출한 순차분획물의 항균활성)

  • 송종호;김민주;권혁동;박인호
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.1053-1058
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    • 2003
  • The solvent extracts of Houttuynia cordata root, which were extracted by using several solvents with different polarities, were prepared for utility as a natural preservatives. The antimicrobial activity was investigated by disc diffusion method against 22 microorganisms consisting of food borne pathogens, food poisioning microorganisms and food-related bacteria. The extraction yields were 15.7%, 3.7%, 0.13%, 0.5% and 5.9% in ethanol, chloroform ethylacetate, butanol and aqueous fractions, respectively. Antimicrobial activities were shown in ethanol, ethylacetate and butanol fraction of Houttuynia cordata root. However chloroform and aqueous fractions showed weak antimicrobial activity against the tested bacteria. Among the four fractions, ethylacetate fraction showed the strongest antimicrobial activities against microorganisms tested, such as B. megaterium, E. coli, K. pneumoniae and S. typhimurium. The polyphenolic compounds widely occuring in the traditional medicine plants have been reported to possess high antimicrobial activity. The polyphenolic compound in ethylacetate and butanol fraction were 35.9% and 16.0%, ethanol, chloroform and aqueous fraction were 5.0%, 2.3% and 1.7%, respectively. There are some relationship between antimicrobial activity and polyphenol content in natural plants. The ethylacetate fraction could be suitable for the development of a food preservative.

Antiproliferative effect of Houttuynia cordata Thunb was Associated with the Inhibiton of Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression in Human Breast Carcinoma Cells (인체유방암세포에서 Cyclooxygenase-2 활성 및 Prostaglandin E2 생성에 미치는 어성초 추출물의 영향)

  • Jung, Il-Hong;Jo, In-Joo;Park, Cheol;Choi, Yung-Hyun;Park, Dong-Il
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.690-696
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    • 2006
  • Houttuynia cordata Thunb, well known as 'E-Sung-Cho' in Korea, is a traditional medicinal plant generally used in Oriental medicine therapy. In the present study, we investigated the effect of water extract of H. cordafa (WEHC) on the growth of human breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells. Exposure of MCF-7 cells to WEHC resulted in growth inhibition and apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner as measured by MTT assay and fluorescent microscope. The anti-proliferative effect of WEHC was associated with a dose-dependent up-regulation of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 in a p53-independent fashion. We found WEHC decreased the levels of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 and inducible nitric oxide synthease (iNOS) expression without significant changes in the expression of COX-1 , which was correlated with a decrease in prostaglandin $E_2{\;}(PGE_2)$ synthesis. Taken together, these findings provide important new insights into the possible molecular mechanisms of the anti-cancer activity of H. cordata.

Houttuynia cordata Improves Cognitive Deficits in Cholinergic Dysfunction Alzheimer's Disease-Like Models

  • Huh, Eugene;Kim, Hyo Geun;Park, Hanbyeol;Kang, Min Seo;Lee, Bongyong;Oh, Myung Sook
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.176-183
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    • 2014
  • Cognitive impairment is a result of dementia of diverse causes, such as cholinergic dysfunction and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Houttuynia cordata Thunb. (Saururaceae) has long been used as a traditional herbal medicine. It has biological activities including protective effects against amyloid beta ($A{\beta}$) toxicity, via regulation of calcium homeostasis, in rat hippocampal cells. To extend previous reports, we investigated the effects of water extracts of H. cordata herb (HCW) on tauopathies, also involving calcium influx. We then confirmed the effects of HCW in improving memory impairment and neuronal damage in mice with Ab-induced neurotoxicity. We also investigated the effects of HCW against scopolamine-induced cholinergic dysfunction in mice. In primary neuronal cells, HCW inhibited the phosphorylation of tau by regulating p25/p35 expression in $A{\beta}$-induced neurotoxicity. In mice with $A{\beta}$-induced neurotoxicity, HCW improved cognitive impairment, as assessed with behavioral tasks, such as novel object recognition, Y-maze, and passive avoidance tasks. HCW also inhibited the degeneration of neurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus in Ab-induced neurotoxicity. Moreover, HCW, which had an $IC_{50}$ value of $79.7{\mu}g/ml$ for acetylcholinesterase inhibition, ameliorated scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment significantly in Y-maze and passive avoidance tasks. These results indicate that HCW improved cognitive impairment, due to cholinergic dysfunction, with inhibitory effects against tauopathies and cholinergic antagonists, suggesting that HCW may be an interesting candidate to investigate for the treatment of AD.

Quality Characteristics of Kimchi with Added Houttuynia cordata (어성초를 첨가한 김치의 품질 특성)

  • Kwak, Hee-Jung;Jang, Jae-Seon;Kim, Soon-Mi
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.332-337
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    • 2009
  • This study was performed to investigate the physiochemical and sensory characteristics of Kimchi with added Houttuynia cordata Thunb(HC). According to measurements for physicochemical characteristics, the three groups of tested Kimchi(HC juice, HC powder, control) did not show any significant differences in pH and hardness. However, the acidity of the Kimchi with added HC juice was found to be significantly higher. Regarding lightness, L values were not different among the three groups, while a and b values showed significant decreases. In descriptive analysis, Kimchi redness was lowest in the HC juice group, and difference in redness was identified between the HC juice and powder groups. One survey indicated that the Kimchi with added HC juice had a unique odor, but no difference was found between the HC powder group and the control group. Also, a survey on preference characteristics indicated there were no differences between the three groups. For the saltiness and acidity of the Kimchi with added HC, there was a significant negative correlation(p<0.05), in which stronger saltiness lower acidity. On the other hand, acidity and HC odor showed a significantly positive correlation(p<0.05). Furthermore, the L value showed a significantly negative correlation(p<0.05) with HC odor.

Effect of drinking Houttuynia cordata Thunb extract supplement on growth performance and colony count outcomes in ICR mice

  • Jae Woo, An;Sung Bo, Cho;Ji Hwan, Lee;Han Jin, Oh;Yong Ju, Kim;Se Yeon, Chang;Young Bin, Go;Dong Cheol, Song;Hyun Ah, Cho;Jin Ho, Cho
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.389-396
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the safety of Houttuynia cordata Thunb extract (HCE) in Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) mice, to determine the effects of the extract on the growth performance and colony count, and to establish the optimal concentration of HCE. In total, 60 five-week-old male ICR mice with an average initial body weight (BW) of 27.24 ± 0.44 g were used in a four-week experiment. Mice were randomly allotted to four treatment groups (five replications per group, three mice per cage): 1) a control (CON) group fed with normal distilled water; 2) treatment group 1 (T1) fed with normal distilled water containing 0.05% HCE; 3) treatment group 3 (T3) fed with normal distilled water containing 0.1% HCE; and 4) treatment group 3 (T3) fed with normal distilled water containing 0.2% HCE. BW, feed intake (FI), and water intake were measured on the first, fourteenth, and eighteenth days. T2 showed a significant improvement (p < 0.05) in the feed conversion ratio (FCR) over the experimental period. However, water intake levels did not show significant differences among the groups. In the large intestine and feces, E. coli and Lactobacillus levels were significantly improved (p < 0.05) in the HCE treated group compared to the CON group. Supplying HCE via the drinking water improved the growth performance and colony count in ICR mice. Based on results of this study, utilizing HCE in livestock species is expected to be safe and feasible.

Oral Administration Effects of Herbal Extracts on Atopic Dermatitis in Balb/c Mice Sensitized by Ovalbumin (Ovalbumin으로 유발된 아토피피부염 모델 마우스에 대한 복합한약추출물 경구투여의 효과)

  • Kim, Kyung-Jin;Kim, Gyung-Jun
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.72-83
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    • 2014
  • Objective: This study was to evaluate whether herbal mixture (HM-A : Houttuynia cordata Thunberg, Rubus coreanus, Rehmannia glutinosa, Prunus yedoensis, HM-B : Houttuynia cordata Thunberg, Rubus coreanus, Rehmannia glutinosa, Angelica gigas nakai) supresses the development of atopic dermatitis in Balb/c mice sensitized by ovalbumin. Methods: Mice were sensitized by intraperitoneal injection of ovalbumin plus aluminum hydroxide hydrate, followed by epicutaneous sensitization for 6 weeks. After induced atopic dermatitis, HM-A and HM-B were orally administrated for two weeks(once a two days) as a 50 mg/kg concentration. After all mice were sacrificed at the end of the experiment, skin and blood were harvested. Results: Oral administration group was reduced the infiltration of eosinophils, mast cells and total T cells on the skin areas as well as blood analysis. Also, cutaneous expression of IL-4,13,17 decreased. Blood IgE level was decreased. Conclusion: These drugs could be potential candidates for the atopic dermatitis.

Flavonols from Houttuynia cordata with Protein Glycation and Aldose Reductase Inhibitory Activity

  • Jang, Dae-Sik;Kim, Jong-Min;Lee, Yun-Mi;Yoo, Jeong-Lim;Kim, Young-Sook;Kim, Joo-Hwan;Kim, Jin-Sook
    • Natural Product Sciences
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.210-213
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    • 2006
  • A 4,5-dioxoaporphine type alkaloid, cepharadione B (1), a phenolic acid, protocatechuic acid (2), and flavonols, quercetin (3), afzelin (4), and quercitrin (5), were isolated from the EtOAc-soluble extract of the whole plants of Houttuynia cordata. All the isolates (1-5) were subjected to in vitro bioassays to evaluate advanced glycation end products (AGEs) formation and rat lens aldose reductase (RLAR) inhibitory activity. The three flavonols 3-5 exhibited a significant inhibitory activity on AGEs formation with $IC_{50}$ values of 66.9, 58.9, and $32.3{\mu}M$, respectively. While the two flavonol rhamnosides 4 and 5 showed a remarkable inhibitory activity against RLAR with $IC_{50}$ values of 0.81 and $0.16{\mu}M$, respectively.

Cytotoxic and COX-2 Inhibitory Constituents from the Aerial Parts of Aralia cordata

  • Lee, Ik-Soo;Jin, Wen-Yi;Zhang, Xin-Feng;Hung, Tran-Manh;Song, Kyung-Sik;Seong, Yeon-Hee;Bae, Ki-Hwan
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.548-555
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    • 2006
  • Three diterpenes (1, 8, and 9), three triterpenes (3, 4, and 7), one saponin (11), four sterols (2, 5, 6, and 12), and one cerebroside (10) were isolated from the EtOH extract of the aerial parts of Aralia cordata by repeated silica gel column chromatography. Their chemical structures were identified by comparing their physicochemical and spectral data with those published in literatures. All isolated compounds were evaluated for their cytotoxicity against L1210, K562, and LLC tumor cell lines using MTT assay. Of which, $3{\beta},5{\alpha}-dihydroxy-6{\beta}-methoxyergosta-7,22-diene$ (6) showed a potent cytotoxicity against all cell lines with $IC_{50}$ values of 11.7, 11.9, and $15.1\;{\mu}M$, respectively, while compounds 1, 5, and 11 showed a moderate or weak cytotoxicity. These isolates were also examined for their inhibitory activity against COX-1 and COX-2. Although most compounds, except for 2, 10, and 12, showed a strong inhibitory activity against COX-1, they exhibited a moderate or weak inhibitory activity against COX-2.