• Title/Summary/Keyword: A-frame method

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A Kinematic Analysis of Uchi-mata(inner thigh reaping throw) by Kumi-kata types in Judo (유도 맞잡기 타입에 따른 허벅다리걸기의 Kinematic 분석[I])

  • Kim, Eui-Hwan;Cho, Dong-Hee;Kwon, Moon-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.63-87
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematic variables when Uchi-mata(inner thigh reaping throw) performing by Kumi-kata(engagement position, basic hold) types A, B(A: grasping part-behind neck lapel, B: chest lapel) in Judo with three dimensional analysis technique DLT method by videography. The subjects were four male judokas who have been training in Yong-In University(YIU), on Korean Representative level and Uchi-mata is their tokui-nage(favorite technique), the throwing form was filmed on two S-VHS 16mm video camera( 30frame/sec. Panasonic). Kinematic variables were temporal, posture, and COG. The data collection was performing by Uchi-mata. Six good trials were collected for each condition (type A, B) among over 10 trials. The mean values and the standard deviation for each variable were obtained and used as basic factors for examining characteristics of Uchi-mata by Kumi-kata types. The results of this analysis were as follows : 1) Temporal variables The total time elapsed(TE) by Uchi-mata of types A, B were 1.45, 1.56 sec. respectively. Types A shorter than B. 2) Posture variables In performing of Uchi-mata, the range of flexion in type A, left elbow was $45^{\circ}$ and B was $89^{\circ}$ from Event 2(E2) to Event 6(E6). Type A and B were quite different in right elbow angle in Event1(E1). Left shoulder angle of type A was extended and type B was flexed in E4. Both types right shoulder angles were showed similar pattern. Also both hip angles(right/left) were showed similar pattern. When type A performed Uchi-mata the knee-angle of supporting foot showed $142^{\circ}$in the 1st stage of kake phase[KP], and extended to $147^{\circ}$in the 2nd stage of KP. And the foot-ankle angle of supporting foot showed $83^{\circ}$in the 1st stage of KP, and extended to $86^{\circ}$in the 2nd stage of KP. moreover, The knee angle of attacking foot showed $126^{\circ}$in the 1st stage of KP, and extended to $132^{\circ}$in the 2nd stage of KP, and the foot-ankle angle of attacking foot showed $106^{\circ}$in the 1st stage of KP, and extended to $121^{\circ}$in the 2nd stage of KP. When type B performed Uchi-mata the knee-angle of supporting foot showed $144^{\circ}$in the 1st stage of KP, and extended to $154^{\circ}$in the 2nd stage of KP. And the foot-ankle angle of supporting foot showed $83^{\circ}$in the 1st stage of KP, and extended to $92^{\circ}$in the 2nd stage of KP. moreover, The knee angle of attacking foot showed $132^{\circ}$in the 1st stage of KP, and extended to $140^{\circ}$in the 2nd stage of KP, and the foot-ankle angle of attacking foot showed $103^{\circ}$in the 1st stage of KP, and extended to $115^{\circ}$in the 2nd stage of KP. During Uchi-mata performing, type A showed pulling pattern and type B showed lift-pulling pattern. As Kumi-kata types, it were different to upper body(elbow, shoulder angle), but mostly similar to lower body(hip, knee, ankle angle) on both types. 3) C. O. G. variables When the subjects performed Uchi-mata, COG of type A, B up and down in vertical aspect was 71cm, 73.8cm in height from the foot in the 2nd stage of KP. As Kumi-kata types, it were different on medial-lateral direction aspect but weren't different in Kuzushi phase on vertical direction aspect.

Multiplification of the Reality in Contemporary Sculpture (현대조각에 있어서 실재의 다중화)

  • You, Jae-Heung
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.12
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    • pp.65-96
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    • 2007
  • Today, the modern art is extremely diverse. It is denying its own boundary through chaos, extreme, abjection. In fact the diversity of the modern art can be best described as questioning and challenging to the essence of the reality, rather than the artistic pursuit of the beauties. The pursuit of the reality has been a long lasting discourse since the ancient. Through the history, the reality (referent) and representation (image) has been complementing and disposing each other in a relationship of a meaningful construction until the modern times. The limit of modernistic self-reference and the emergence of the figure leads to the emergence of Post-modernism in a trend of experimenting new visual arts. The return to the figure is clearly distinguished from existing representation's system and it brought new meanings to approaches and interpretations of the reality. In the case of Pop arts of 1960's and the following the modern sculptures, which is covered by this thesis, I put an emphasis on the diversification of those via changed strategies on the reality. In a situation where the reality is dictated by signified, the modern arts can no longer stay on a classic concept of representation, rather it pursuits new system and diverse strategies. I provide three types of strategic characters of the reality and the diversification of reality: the transition of the reality. These three types can be used as a frame work, which is supporting new aspects of the modern arts in reflecting on existing system. Therefore, the reason of categorizing is to distinguish modernistic arts and post modernistic arts, and to propose new post-modernistic discourses. Adapting J.F, Lyotard's view, absence is used to trace down the diversification of the reality thorough the sublime on the deconstruction of the mega discourses and the relationship of representation. Based on H. Faster's theory of the appropriation, the appropriation is used to exemplify the strategies of visual arts are in variations and being delayed. Lastly, in the transition, J. Baudrilliard's simulacre is used in terms of the concept of post modernistic representation. Based on the core of his theories, the deconstruction of existing concepts and simulation as the post modernistic representation, and the world of hyperreality based on simulacre are explained. These allows us to deny that representation is the expression of reality through mimesis. My aim is to work on the definition of the arts and representation in the modern era, and go further from there in order to clarify meaning and extension of the modern sculptures. Now two artists are reviewed based on their own art works: George Seagal; Jeff Koons. They are selected among numerous artists from the Post Modern era. Epic contents and emphasis on daily life of Seagal's works show good examples to artists from Pop Arts and following time period and may have served as a start point for Postmodernism. Indeed, he tried to show a newly defined relationship between art works and daily life experience. On the other hand, J.Koons used the strategies of fabrication and appropriation, which shows characteristics of the postmodernism. Through his four individual exhibitions, he shows the diversification of the reality based on art works as fetishistic merchandises, and newly defined concept of Ready-made since M Duchamp. Lastly, the diversification of the reality is analyzed again in context of my art works. I focused on the return to the figure among a variety of trends of late 20 th century modern sculpture. It showed the post modernistic point of view on the reality. Post modernistic diversified strategies are adopted as a method of distinguishing each art works via the diversification of the reality. This is the result of contemporary social and cultural situations.

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The Liability for Damage and Dispute Settlement Mechanism under the Space Law (우주법상 손해배상책임과 분쟁해결제도)

  • Lee, Kang-Bin
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.173-198
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to research on the liability for the space damage and the settlement of the dispute with reference to the space activity under the international space treaty and national space law of Korea. The United Nations has adopted five treaties relating to the space activity as follows: The Outer Space Treaty of 1967, the Rescue and Return Agreement of 1968, the Liability Convention of 1972, the Registration Convention of 1974, and the Moon Treaty of 1979. All five treaties have come into force. Korea has ratified above four treaties except the Moon Treaty. Korea has enacted three national legislations relating to space development as follows: Aerospace Industry Development Promotion Act of 1987, Outer Space Development Promotion Act of 2005, Outer Space Damage Compensation Act of 2008. The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 regulates the international responsibility for national activities in outer space, the national tort liability for damage by space launching object, the national measures for dispute prevention and international consultation in the exploration and use of outer space, the joint resolution of practical questions by international inter-governmental organizations in the exploration and use of outer space. The Liability Convention of 1972 regulates the absolute liability by a launching state, the faulty liability by a launching state, the joint and several liability by a launching state, the person claiming for compensation, the claim method for compensation, the claim period of compensation, the claim for compensation and local remedy, the compensation amount for damage by a launching state, the establishment of the Claims Commission. The Outer Space Damage Compensation Act of 2008 in Korea regulates the definition of space damage, the relation of the Outer Space Damage Compensation Act and the international treaty, the non-faulty liability for damage by a launching person, the concentration of liability and recourse by a launching person, the exclusion of application of the Product Liability Act, the limit amount of the liability for damage by a launching person, the cover of the liability insurance by a launching person, the measures and assistance by the government in case of occurring the space damage, the exercise period of the claim right of compensation for damage. The Liability Convention of 1972 should be improved as follows: the problem in respect of the claimer of compensation for damage, the problem in respect of the efficiency of decision by the Claims Commission. The Outer Space Damage Compensation Act of 2008 in Korea should be improved as follows: the inclusion of indirect damage into the definition of space damage, the change of currency unit of the limit amount of liability for damage, the establishment of joint and several liability and recourse right for damage by space joint launching person, the establishment of the Space Damage Compensation Review Commission. The 1998 Final Draft Convention on the Settlement of Disputes Related to Space Activities of 1998 by ILA regulates the binding procedure and non-binding settlement procedure for the disputes in respect of space activity. The non-binding procedure regulates the negotiation or the peaceful means and compromise for dispute settlement. The binding procedure regulates the choice of a means among the following means: International Space Law Court if it will be established, International Court of Justice, and Arbitration Court. The above final Draft Convention by ILA will be a model for the innovative development in respect of the peaceful settlement of disputes with reference to space activity and will be useful for establishing the frame of practicable dispute settlement. Korea has built the space center at Oinarodo, Goheung Province in June 2009. Korea has launched the first small launch vehicle KSLV-1 at the Naro Space Center in August 2009 and June 2010. In Korea, it will be the possibility to be occurred the problems relating to the international responsibility and dispute settlement, and the liability for space damage in the course of space activity. Accordingly the Korean government and launching organization should make the legal and systematic policy to cope with such problems.

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Conceptual Design of the Three Unit Fixed Partial Denture with Glass Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Composites (Glass fiber 강화 복합레진을 사용한 3본 고정성 국소의치의 개념 설계 연구)

  • Na, Kyoung-Hee;Lee, Kyu-Bok;Jo, Kwang-Hun
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.145-155
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    • 2002
  • The results of the present feasibility study are summarized as follows, 1. The three unit bridge of knitted material and UD fibre reinforcement has both the rigidity and the strength against a vertical occlusal load of 75N. 2. Stress concentration at the junctional area between the bridge and the abutments, i.e. between the pontic and the knitted caps was observed. In the case of the bridge with reinforcement straps, it was partly shown that the concentration problem could be improved by simply increasing the fillet size at the area. Further refining in the surface of the junctional area will be needed to ensure a further improvement in the stress distribution. This will require some trade off in the level of the stress and the available space. A parametric study will help to decide the appropriate size of the fillet. 3. Design refinement is a must to improve the stress distribution and realize the most favourable shape in terms of fabrication. The current straight bar with a constant cross section area can be redesigned to a tapered shape. The curve from the dental arch should also be placed on the pontic design. In accordance with design refinement, the resistance of the bridge frame to other load cases should be evaluated. 4. Although not included in the present feasibility study, it is estimated that bridges of the anterior teeth can be made strong enough with the knitted material without further reinforcement using unidirectional materials. In this regard, a feasibility study on design concepts and stress analysis for 3, 4, 5 unit bridge is suggested. 5. Two types of bridge were analysed in terms of fatigue. The safe life design concept, i.e. fatigue design concept, looks reasonable for the bridge where if cracks should form and propagate there is virtually nothing a dentist to do. The bridge must be designed so that no crack will be initiated during the life span. In the case of crowns, however, if constructed with composite resin with knitted materials, it might be possible to repair them, which in general is impossible for crowns of PFM or of metal. Therefore for composite resin crowns, a damage tolerance design concept can be applied and reasonably higher operational stresses can be allowed. In this case, of course, a periodic inspection program should be established in parallel. 6. Parts of future works in terms of structural viewpoint which need to be addressed are summarized as the following: 1) To develop processing technology to accommodate design concepts; 2) More realistic modelling of the bridge and analysis-geometry and loading condition. Thickness variation in the knitted material, taper in the pontic, design for anterior tooth bridge, the effect of combined loads, etc, will need to be included; 3) To develop appropriate design concepts and design goals for the fibre composite FPD aiming at taking the best advantage of knitted materials, including the damage tolerance design concept; 4) To develop testing method and perform test such as static ultimate load test, fatigue test, repair test, etc, as necessary.

Cloning and Characterization of a 5-Enolpyruvyl Shikimate 3-Phosphate Synthase (EPSPS) Gene from Korean Lawn Grass (Zoysia japonica) (들잔디 5-Enolpyruvyl Shikimate 3-Phosphate Synthase(EPSPS) 유전자 클로닝 및 특성)

  • Lee, Hye-Jung;Lee, Geung-Joo;Kim, Dong-Sub;Kim, Jin-Beak;Ku, Ja-Hyeong;Kang, Si-Yong
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.648-655
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    • 2010
  • This study is the first comprehensive report on the molecular cloning, structural characterization, sequence comparison between wild and mutant types, copy number in the genome, expression features and activities of a gene encoding 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) in Korean lawn grass ($Zoysia$ $japonica$). The full length cDNA of the EPSPS from Korean lawn grass ($zj$EPSPS) obtained from a 3' and 5' RACE method was 1540 bp, containing a 1176 bp ORF, a 144 bp leader sequence (5' UTR) and a 220 bp 3' UTR, which was eventually decoded 391 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 41.74 kDa. The Southern blot detection of the $zj$EPSPS showed that the gene exists as a single copy in the Korean lawn grass genome. Sequence comparison of the $zj$EPSPS gene demonstrated that the glyphosate-tolerant mutant (GT) having a Pro-53 to Ser substitution in the gene seems to have a preferred binding activity of the enzyme to phosphoenol pyruvate(PEP) over glyphosate, which allows the continuous synthesis of aromatic amino acids in the shikimate pathway. From the Northern blotting analysis, the $zj$EPSPS was found to be highly expressed, with continuous increase until 36 hours after 0.5% glyphosate treatment in both wild and mutant samples, but 1.5-fold higher EPSP synthase activity was observed in the tolerant mutant when exposed to the glyphosate treatment. The molecular information of the $zj$EPSPS gene obtained from this study needs to be further dissected to be more effectively applied to the development of gene-specific DNA markers and zoysiagrass cultivars; nevertheless, the glyphosate-tolerant mutant having the featured $zj$EPSPS gene can be provided to turfgrass managers for weed problems with timely adoptable management options.

An Examination of Knowledge Sourcing Strategies Effects on Corporate Performance in Small Enterprises (소규모 기업에 있어서 지식소싱 전략이 기업성과에 미치는 영향 고찰)

  • Choi, Byoung-Gu
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.57-81
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    • 2008
  • Knowledge is an essential strategic weapon for sustaining competitive advantage and is the key determinant for organizational growth. When knowledge is shared and disseminated throughout the organization, it increases an organization's value by providing the ability to respond to new and unusual situations. The growing importance of knowledge as a critical resource has forced executives to pay attention to their organizational knowledge. Organizations are increasingly undertaking knowledge management initiatives and making significant investments. Knowledge sourcing is considered as the first important step in effective knowledge management. Most firms continue to make an effort to realize the benefits of knowledge management by using various knowledge sources effectively. Appropriate knowledge sourcing strategies enable organizations to create, acquire, and access knowledge in a timely manner by reducing search and transfer costs, which result in better firm performance. In response, the knowledge management literature has devoted substantial attention to the analysis of knowledge sourcing strategies. Many studies have categorized knowledge sourcing strategies into intemal- and external-oriented. Internal-oriented sourcing strategy attempts to increase firm performance by integrating knowledge within the boundary of the firm. On the contrary, external-oriented strategy attempts to bring knowledge in from outside sources via either acquisition or imitation, and then to transfer that knowledge across to the organization. However, the extant literature on knowledge sourcing strategies focuses primarily on large organizations. Although many studies have clearly highlighted major differences between large and small firms and the need to adopt different strategies for different firm sizes, scant attention has been given to analyzing how knowledge sourcing strategies affect firm performance in small firms and what are the differences between small and large firms in the patterns of knowledge sourcing strategies adoption. This study attempts to advance the current literature by examining the impact of knowledge sourcing strategies on small firm performance from a holistic perspective. By drawing on knowledge based theory from organization science and complementarity theory from the economics literature, this paper is motivated by the following questions: (1) what are the adoption patterns of different knowledge sourcing strategies in small firms (i,e., what sourcing strategies should be adopted and which sourcing strategies work well together in small firms)?; and (2) what are the performance implications of these adoption patterns? In order to answer the questions, this study developed three hypotheses. First hypothesis based on knowledge based theory is that internal-oriented knowledge sourcing is positively associated with small firm performance. Second hypothesis developed on the basis of knowledge based theory is that external-oriented knowledge sourcing is positively associated with small firm performance. The third one based on complementarity theory is that pursuing both internal- and external-oriented knowledge sourcing simultaneously is negatively or less positively associated with small firm performance. As a sampling frame, 700 firms were identified from the Annual Corporation Report in Korea. Survey questionnaires were mailed to owners or executives who were most erudite about the firm s knowledge sourcing strategies and performance. A total of 188 companies replied, yielding a response rate of 26.8%. Due to incomplete data, 12 responses were eliminated, leaving 176 responses for the final analysis. Since all independent variables were measured using continuous variables, supermodularity function was used to test the hypotheses based on the cross partial derivative of payoff function. The results indicated no significant impact of internal-oriented sourcing strategies while positive impact of external-oriented sourcing strategy on small firm performance. This intriguing result could be explained on the basis of various resource and capital constraints of small firms. Small firms typically have restricted financial and human resources. They do not have enough assets to always develop knowledge internally. Another possible explanation is competency traps or core rigidities. Building up a knowledge base based on internal knowledge creates core competences, but at the same time, excessive internal focused knowledge exploration leads to behaviors blind to other knowledge. Interestingly, this study found that Internal- and external-oriented knowledge sourcing strategies had a substitutive relationship, which was inconsistent with previous studies that suggested complementary relationship between them. This result might be explained using organizational identification theory. Internal organizational members may perceive external knowledge as a threat, and tend to ignore knowledge from external sources because they prefer to maintain their own knowledge, legitimacy, and homogeneous attitudes. Therefore, integrating knowledge from internal and external sources might not be effective, resulting in failure of improvements of firm performance. Another possible explanation is small firms resource and capital constraints and lack of management expertise and absorptive capacity. Although the integration of different knowledge sources is critical, high levels of knowledge sourcing in many areas are quite expensive and so are often unrealistic for small enterprises. This study provides several implications for research as well as practice. First this study extends the existing knowledge by examining the substitutability (and complementarity) of knowledge sourcing strategies. Most prior studies have tended to investigate the independent effects of these strategies on performance without considering their combined impacts. Furthermore, this study tests complementarity based on the productivity approach that has been considered as a definitive test method for complementarity. Second, this study sheds new light on knowledge management research by identifying the relationship between knowledge sourcing strategies and small firm performance. Most current literature has insisted complementary relationship between knowledge sourcing strategies on the basis of data from large firms. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, this study identifies substitutive relationship between knowledge sourcing strategies using data from small firms. Third, implications for practice highlight that managers of small firms should focus on knowledge sourcing from external-oriented strategies. Moreover, adoption of both sourcing strategies simultaneousiy impedes small firm performance.

A Study on the Excavated Sab(a funeral fan) from Lime-filled Tomb and Lime-layered Tomb during the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 회격·회곽묘 출토 삽(翣)에 대한 고찰)

  • Yi, Seung Hae;An, Bo Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.43-59
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    • 2008
  • Sap(?, a funeral fan) is a funeral ceremonial object used in association with a Confucian ceremonial custom, which was crafted by making a wooden frame, attaching a white cloth or a thick paper onto it, drawing pictures on it, and making a holder for a handle. According to Liji(Records of Rites), Sap was used since the Zhou Dynasty, and these Chinese Sap examples are no big different than the Korean Sap examples, which were described in Joseon Wangjo Sillok(Annals of the Joseon Dynasty), Gukjo Oryeui(the Five Rites of the State), and Sarye Pyeollam(Handbook on Four Rituals). This study explored Sap excavated in lime-filled tombs and lime-layered tombs of aristocrats dating back to Joseon, as well as their historical records to examine Sap's characteristics according to their examples, manufacturing methods, and use time. The number and designs of Sap varied according to the deceased' social status aristocrats used mainly one pair of 亞-shaped Bulsap, and a pair of Hwasap with a cloud design depicted on it. A Sap was wrapped twice with Chojuji paper or Jeojuji paper, and for the third time with Yeonchangji paper. Then, it was covered with a white ramie, a hemp, a cotton, a silk satin, etc. Bobul(an axe shape and 亞-shape design) was drawn on both sides of Sap, and a rising current of cloud was drawn at the peripheral area mainly with red or scarlet pigments. Sap, which were excavated from aristocrats'lime-filled and lime-layered tombs, are the type of Sap which were separated from its handle. These excavated Sap are those whose long handles were burnt during the death carriage procession, leaving Sap, which later were erected on both sides of the coffin. The manufacturing process of excavated relics can be inferred by examining them. The excavated relics are classified into those with three points and those with two points according to the number of point. Of the three-point type(Type I), there is the kind of relic that was woven into something like a basket by using a whole wood plate or cutting bamboo into flat shapes. The three-point Sap was concentrated comparatively in the early half of Joseon, and was manufactured with various methods compared with its rather unified overall shape. In the meantime, the two-point Sap was manufactured with a relatively formatted method; its body was manufactured in the form of a rectangle or a reverse trapezoid, and then its upper parts with two points hanging from them were connected, and the top surface was made into a curve(Type II) or a straight line(Type III) differentiating it from the three-point type. This manufacturing method, compared with that of the three-point type, is simple, but is not greatly different from the three-point type manufacturing method. In particular, the method of crafting the top surface into a straight line has been used until today. Of the examined 30 Sap examples, those whose production years were made known from the buried persons'death years inscribed on the tomb stones, were reexamined, indicating that type I was concentrated in the first half of the $16^{th}$ century. Type II spanned from the second half of the $16^{th}$ century to the second half of the $17^{th}$ century, and type III spanned from the first half of the $17^{th}$ century to the first half of the $18^{th}$ century. The shape of Sap is deemed to have changed from type I to type II and again from type II to type III In the $17^{th}$ century, which was a time of change, types II and III coexisted. Of the three types of Sap, types II and III re similar because they have two points; thus a noteworthy transit time is thought to have been the middle of the $16^{th}$ century. Type I compared with types II and III is thought to have required more efforts and skills in the production process, and as time passed, the shape and manufacturing methods of Sap are presumed to have been further simplified according to the principle of economy. The simplification of funeral ceremonies is presumed to have been furthered after Imjinwaeran(Japanese invasion of Joseon, 1592~1598), given that as shown in the Annals of King Seonjo, state funerals were suspended several times. In the case of Sap, simplification began from the second half of the $16^{th}$ century, and even in the $18^{th}$ century, rather than separately crafting Sap, Sap was directly drawn on the coffin cover and the coffin. However, in this simplification of form, regulations on the use of Sap specified in Liji were observed, and thus the ceremony was rationally simplified.

A Study on the Construal Level and Intention of Autonomous Driving Taxi According to Message Framing (해석수준과 메시지 프레이밍에 따른 자율주행택시의 사용의도에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Seong Jeong;Kim, Min Yong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.135-155
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the difference of interpretation level and intention to use message framing when autonomous vehicle, which is emerging as the product of 4th industrial revolution, is used as taxi, Interpretation level refers to the interpretation of a product or service, assuming that it will happen in the near future or in the distant future. Message framing refers to the formation of positive or negative expressions or messages at the extremes of benefits and losses. In other words, previous studies interpret the value of a product or service differently according to these two concepts. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there are differences in intention to use when two concepts are applied when an autonomous vehicle is launched as a taxi. The results are summarized as follows: First, the message format explaining the gain and why should be used when using the autonomous taxi in the message framing configuration, and the loss and how when the autonomous taxi is not used. Messages were constructed and compared. The two message framing differed (t = 3.063), and the message type describing the benefits and reasons showed a higher intention to use. In addition, the results according to interpretation level are summarized as follows. There was a difference in intentions to use when assuming that it would occur in the near future and in the near future with respect to the gain and loss, Respectively. In summary, in order to increase the intention of using autonomous taxis, it is concluded that messages should be given to people assuming positive messages (Gain) and what can happen in the distant future. In addition, this study will be able to utilize the research method in studying intention to use new technology. However, this study has the following limitations. First, it assumes message framing and time without user experience of autonomous taxi. This will be different from the actual experience of using an autonomous taxi in the future. Second, self-driving cars should technical progress is continuing, but laws and institutions must be established in order to commercialize it and build the infrastructure to operate the autonomous car. Considering this fact, the results of this study can not reflect a more realistic aspect. However, there is a practical limit to search for users with sufficient experience in new technologies such as autonomous vehicles. In fact, although the autonomous car to take advantage of the public transportation by taxi is now ready for the road infrastructure, and technical and legal public may not be willing to choose to not have enough knowledge to use the Autonomous cab. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is that by assuming that autonomous cars will be commercialized by taxi you can do to take advantage of the autonomous car, it is necessary to frame the message, why can most effectively be used to find how to deliver. In addition, the research methodology should be improved and future research should be done as follows. First, most students responded in this study. It is also true that it is difficult to generalize the hypotheses to be tested in this study. Therefore, in future studies, it would be reasonable to investigate the population of various distribution considering the age, area, occupation, education level, etc. Where autonomous taxi can be used rather than those who can drive. Second, it is desirable to construct various message framing of the questionnaire, but it is necessary to learn various message framing in advance and to prevent errors in response to the next message framing. Therefore, it is desirable to measure the message framing with a certain amount of time when the questionnaire is designed.

가족과 함께하는 창의성 경진대회 평가연구

  • 송규운;황동주;윤정진
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.127-150
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    • 2001
  • The upcoming century is a knowledge based society which did not exist before which requires creative ability to solve problems. Therefore, it is necessary to Provide a creative program of problem solution in order to match this global trend The creativity of problem solution means the ability to solve a problem using previous ideas in an advanced way or develop new ideas. Creative education is especially important for infants. Because the young mind is where fresh ideas preside and can frame-work the early stage of life like a blank sheet of paper. The Infant-Early Child Creative Development Institute. as an adhesive institute at Yeungjin College, develops various programs that integrate methods which match current trend in this era and also start the Creative Promotion Test with 2,000 Families for the expansion of creative education from the baseline as an alternative method. The infants tested in the creative test will find ways of problem solution through animation beam projects for their given situation and also discuss the problems with their family members. Through these processes the infant and family members will complete the creative structures to solve the problems using limited materials given by the institute, and the final product will be evaluated as objective results. The final evaluation of the test will also be considered the teamwork of family cooperation and the attitudes of participants as well as the product of problem solution. The criterion of the evaluation is to be considered both a creative way of thinking and creative attitudes. Because the score counts were conducted manually it delayed the selection of awarded students who took the test. Also, we found that some parents have difficulty in accessing information to find the score through homepage from the computer. this Problem might be corrected in the future plan. Like Freud's saying, if human character and exploring attitudes during the early stage of a child, a person's creativity is composed their infant period as their basic foundation. Therefore, the family wh first environment the infant encounters will be treated as a prima when making basic structure. From this viewpoint, this creative test work as a festival of creativity fare with 2,000 families.

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A Kinematics Analysis of Uchi-mata(inner thigh reaping throw) by Kumi-kata types and Two different Opponent's Height in Judo[II] (유도 맞잡기 타입과 받기의 신장에 따른 허벅다리걸기의 Kinematic 분석[2])

  • Kwon, Moon-Seok;Kim, Eui-Hwan;Cho, Dong-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.143-157
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    • 2002
  • This study was to analyze the kinematic variables when the subjects performing Uchi-mata(inner thigh reaping throw) by Kumi-kata types((How to grasp A or B?) and two different opponent's height in Judo. Kinematic variables were temporal, posture. Data analysis was collective comparison of two-way ANOVA, t-test by type A&B and two different opponent's height. There were significant difference of Kumi-kata types(p<.05) in the time elapsed on Kake phase(KP : throwing phase) and hip, knee, ankle-angle of the attacking foot in the 1st stage of KP and knee, ankle-angle of the attacking foot and hip, knee ankle-angle of the supporting foot in the 2nd stage of KP. There were significant difference of two opponent's(p<.05) in the time elapsed on KP and hip-angle of the supporting foot in 1st stage of KP. Therefore, the interaction effect(p<.05) were in the time elapsed on KP and hip-angle of the supporting foot in the 2nd stage of KP. So, It could be suggested that Judoka hold on the part-behind neck lapel(type A) at the sleeve with the other of Judogi jacked when opponent's height was short. Because the time elapsed on KP of type B was not so fast as type A(p<.05) during performed Uchi-mata, and also the bigger hip-angle of the supporting foot in the 2nd stage of KP grew, the faster the time elapsed on KP became.