• Title/Summary/Keyword: A-frame method

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Seismic Tests of Steel Beam-to-column Moment Connections with Inclined End-plate Beam Splice (경사단부강판 보 이음을 갖는 강재 보-기둥 모멘트접합부의 내진실험)

  • Lim, Jong Jin;Kim, Dong Gwan;Lee, Sang Hyun;Park, Choul Soo;Lee, Chang Nam;Eom, Tae Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.181-192
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    • 2017
  • A beam splice method using inclined end-plates and high-strength tension bolts was developed. The end-plates welded to a bracket and a spliced beam are connected each other by using the tension bolts. In the present study, six exterior beam-to-column moment connections were tested under cyclic loading. Test parameters were the end-plate details and bolt arrangements. All specimens were designed so that moment resistances of the end-plates and bolts were greater than the required moment at the beam splice, in accordance with the design methods of AISC Design Guide 4. Test results showed that in the beam splices with the extended end-plates, the beam moment successfully transferred to the bracket, without any defeats such as excessive prying action of the end plates and brittle failure at the end plate-to-beam flange weld joints. However, the deformation capacities of the overall beam-to-column connections were limited due to the brittle failure of the beam-to-column flange weld joints. From the test results, recommendations for seismic design and detailing of the beam-to-column moment connection with inclined end-plate beam splice were given.

A Study on the Effective VTS Communications Analysis by the Method of VCDF in Busan Port (VCDF 방식을 통한 효율적인 VTS 통신 데이터 분석에 관한 연구 - 부산항을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Bong-Hyun;Park, Young-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 2016
  • The VTS concept was located as a principal methods of maritime safety administration in world's major harbors and expected to become the pivotal role for the future of the maritime and harbor society with e-Navigation epoch. If recent limelight concept of big-data has been included in aspect of information gathering and analysis with various studies, it's required advanced studies to improve the information analysis capability and application range of the data that can be mining by the VTS. In this study, contrast to other studies that aimed quantitative analysis as communication number, it can be mining the time information and each of the communication VTS for the target vessel, including qualitative analysis, such as the purpose or the type of communication. This comparison across multiple items of the collected information, and presenting the VTS data mining model (VCDF) that can be analyzed for the purpose of analyzing way, type and number of communication by ship's type, also number of violations through VTS communication. First, In Busan port case, it shows frequently information service and shows frequently communicating with particular types of vessels. Second, Passive VTS carried out notwithstanding many kinds of traffic violations due to communication congestion. This arranged information can be used as data for the analysis, as possible the level of traffic for VTSO situational awareness, which pointed to the 'workloads' in 'IALA Guideline' and could be used as a database for future research of e-Navigation.

Performance evaluation of high-performance lattice girder using numerical analysis (수치해석을 통한 고성능 격자지보재의 성능 평가)

  • Kim, Dong-Gyou;Ahn, Sungyoull
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.897-908
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this study is to evaluate the field support performance of highperformance lattice girder (BK-Lattice Girder) by using numerical analysis. Three types (50, 70, 95-type) of existing and high performance lattice girders were applied to the cross section of highway 2, 3, and 4 lane tunnels to compare the supporting performance. The numerical analysis was the finite element method and the lattice girder was modeled in three dimensions with an elasto-plastic frame. The ground was modeled as a spring receiving only compression. The load was applied as a concentrated load on the central ceiling of the tunnel section. The yield strengths of the lattice girders were determined from the numerical results to compare the supporting performance of lattice girder. In case of 50-type, the yield strengths of high-performance lattice girders were increased by 6.7~10.0% compared with those of the existing lattice girders. In the case of 70-type, the high-performance lattice girders increased yield strengths by 12.1~14.9% than the existing lattice girder. In the case of 95-type, the high-performance lattice girders increased yield strengths by 13.3~20.0% than the existing lattice girder. As a result of numerical analysis, it was considered that the high-performance lattice girder supported better than the existing lattice girder when only the lattice girders were constructed.

A study on establishing the aerodynamic database though the external flow method of a rotating vehicle (회전 운동하는 비행체의 외부 유동장 해석을 통한 공력데이터베이스 구축 연구)

  • Kang, Tae-Woo;Ahn, Jong-Moo;Lee, Hee-Rang;Choi, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2017
  • With the introduction of new technologies, ground weapons have led to the development of artificial intelligence and the attention of major developed countries. In this study, CFD was performed through the BLU-103 model to obtain aerodynamic data for aircraft that are subjected to rotational motion. To simulate the steady-state of a rotating body, the body was fixed and the principle of rotating the body by rotating the surrounding air was used. In order to examine the aerodynamic feasibility of the rotating aircraft, the analysis was carried out at intervals of $30^{\circ}$ angle from $0^{\circ}$ to $90^{\circ}$ for the simple shape and the side slip angle. It was confirmed that the drag coefficient for the simple model satisfies the quantitative results of 1.0 ~ 1.2 through CD presented in "Drag Book". The aerodynamic data was constructed by applying the valid input verified through the simple type analysis conditions to the actual shape, and the tendency was analyzed. The analysis confirmed that CX, CZ and CY increase not only in the simple model but also in the rotation of the actual model. Especially, the influence of CZ was judged to have contributed to the flight.

Analysis on Oh, hein-kuhn's Portrait Photograph (오형근 초상사진 분석)

  • Kim, Ji-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2014
  • Oh, hein-kuhn is a representative portrait photographer in Korea. His works, , , , which treated portraits of women are a bit different from those of the past that described the appearance of characters. The artist expressed the figure of inner side that conflicts and feels uneasy between 'family and society' and 'child and woman' along with the look of character. That is, he included specific aura which the whole of aunts and girls' group radiates by showing similar photos repeatedly, that we can be aware of 'aunt' and 'girl' by seeing them. The important technique of Oh, hein-kuhn's Portrait Photograph is 'repetition' of image. The artist delivers the meaning of the photo by looking at the character upright in the front and showing photos with similar frame repeatedly. Such form and content of the work as this might feel a bit boring, since it's very simple just like identification picture. However, the photos in the frames which do not move in the fixed position can deliver the meaning of work more clearly rather than the image which expresses flowing time and moving space, we can grasp the message that the artist intends to deliver rather quickly. In the environment of photograph production mainly with image transformation, Oh, hein-kuhn's works of authentic original work method definitely stand forth. Through the portraits of aunts and girls, the artist tells an aspect of our society and we reconfirm the reality through the portraits made by him.

Quantitative Analysis of Dynamic PET images in Cardiac patients using Patlak tool on GE PET workstation

  • Son, Hye-Kyung;Mijin Yun;Kim, Dong-Hyeon;Haijo Jung;Lee, Jong-Doo;Yoo, Hyung-Sik;Kim, Hee-Joung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.314-317
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical application of Patlak tool on GE PET workstation for quantitative analysis of dynamic PET images in cardiac patients. Three patients including coronary artery disease (CAD), myocardial infarction (MI), and angina were studied. All subjects underwent dynamic cardiac PET scan using a GE Advance scanner. After 10 min transmission scan for attenuation correction using two rotating $\^$68/Ge rod sources, three patients with cardiac disease were performed dynamic cardiac PET scan after the administration of approximately 370 MBq of FDG. The dynamic scan consisted of 36 frames with variable frame length (12${\times}$10s, 6${\times}$20s, 6${\times}$60s, 12${\times}$300s) for a total time of 70 min. Blood samples were obtained to determine the plasma substrate concentration. Region of interest of circular and rectangular shape to acquire input functions and tissue data were placed on left ventricle and myocardium. A value of 0.67 was used for lumped constant. Mean plasma substrate concentrations for three patients were 100 mg/dl (CAD), 100 mg/dl (MI), 132 mg/dl (angina), respectively. Regional MMRGlc values (mean${\pm}$SD) at lateral myocardium area for CAD, MI, and angina were 8.43${\pm}$0.24, 4.08${\pm}$0.16, and 6.15${\pm}$0.23 mg/min/100ml, respectively. Patlak tool on GE PET workstation appeared to be useful for quantitative analysis of dynamic PET images in cardiac patients, although further studies may be required for absolute quantitation.

  • PDF

An Efficient Dead Pixel Detection Algorithm Implementation for CMOS Image Sensor (CMOS 이미지 센서에서의 효율적인 불량화소 검출을 위한 알고리듬 및 하드웨어 설계)

  • An, Jee-Hoon;Shin, Seung-Gi;Lee, Won-Jae;Kim, Jae-Seok
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2007
  • This paper proposes a defective pixel detection algorithm and its hardware structure for CCD/CMOS image sensor. In previous algorithms, the characteristics of image have not been considered. Also, some algorithms need quite a time to detect defective pixels. In order to make up for those disadvantages, the proposed defective pixel detection method detects defective pixels efficiently by considering the edges in the image and verifies them using several frames while checking scene-changes. Whenever scene-change is occurred, potentially defective pixels are checked and confirmed whether it is defective or not. Test results showed that the correct detection rate in a frame was increased 6% and the defective pixel verification time was decreased 60%. The proposed algorithm was implemented with verilog HDL. The edge indicator in color interpolation block was reused. Total logic gate count was 5.4k using 0.25um CMOS standard cell library.

Deinterlacing Method for improving Motion Estimator based on multi arithmetic Architecture (다중연산구조기반의 고밀도 성능향상을 위한 움직임추정의 디인터레이싱 방법)

  • Lee, Kang-Whan
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2007
  • To improved the multi-resolution fast hierarchical motion estimation by using de-interlacing algorithm that is effective in term of both performance and VLSI implementation, is proposed so as to cover large search area field-based as well as frame based image processing in SoC design. In this paper, we have simulated a various picture mode M=2 or M=3. As a results, the proposed algorithm achieved the motion estimation performance PSNR compare with the full search block matching algorithm, the average performance degradation reached to -0.7dB, which did not affect on the subjective quality of reconstructed images at all. And acquiring the more desirable to adopt design SoC for the fast hierarchical motion estimation, we exploit foreground and background search algorithm (FBSA) base on the dual arithmetic processor element(DAPE). It is possible to estimate the large search area motion displacement using a half of number PE in general operation methods. And the proposed architecture of MHME improve the VLSI design hardware through the proposed FBSA structure with DAPE to remove the local memory. The proposed FBSA which use bit array processing in search area can improve structure as like multiple processor array unit(MPAU).

An Experimental Study on the Slamming impact around Wedged type structure in accordance with the Weight and Height of the change (중량 및 높이변화에 따른 쐐기형 구조물 주위의 슬래밍 충격에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Oh, Seung-Jin;Jo, Dae-Hawn
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2015
  • Slamming means that the hull hits the waves and receives impact pressure. This slamming effect may cause harm to people and when you put the hull at risk. so it is very harmful for cargo safety. Therefor slamming impact pressure should be fully considered in ship designing. In this study the model of wedged type structure are produced aimed to simulate a free fall that the experiments were carried out on different weight and free fall height. The flow field has been obtained by 2-frame grey level cross correlation PIV(Particle Image Velocimetry) method and experiment was divided into water entry and water exit. The impact pressure of free fall structure by a pressure acquisition system apply to dewetron system. The angles between a model and the water surface are adapted $15^{\circ}$ respectively. The weight change of models was given as 1.5, 1.8 and 2.0kg. To study slamming phenomenon for free fall height the experiments were carried out by the free fall height of 100, 200 and 300mm. The experimental value of the impact pressure according to the changes in weight was increase impact pressure in proportion to the increase in weight and higher free falling height has also influenced the increase in impact pressures.

Early Termination Algorithm of Merge Mode Search for Fast High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Encoder (HEVC 인코더 고속화를 위한 병합 검색 조기 종료 결정 알고리즘)

  • Park, Chan Seob;Kim, Byung Gyu;Jun, Dong San;Jung, Soon Heung;Kim, Youn Hee;Seok, Jin Wook;Choi, Jin Soo
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.691-701
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, an early termination algorithm for merge process is proposed to reduce the computational complexity in High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) encoder. In the HEVC, the same candidate modes from merge candidate list (MCL) are shared to predict a merge or merge SKIP mode. This search process is performed by the number of the obtained candidates for the both of the merge and SKIP modes. This may cause some redundant search operations. To reduce this redundant search operation, we employ the neighboring blocks which have been encoded in prior, to check on the contextual information. In this study, the spatial, temporal and depth neighboring blocks have been considered to compute a correlation information. With this correlation information, an early termination algorithm for merge process is suggested. When all modes of neighboring blocks are SKIP modes, then the merge process performs only SKIP mode. Otherwise, usual merge process of HEVC is performed Through experimental results, the proposed method achieves a time-saving factor of about 21.25% on average with small loss of BD-rate, when comparing to the original HM 10.0 encoder.