• Title/Summary/Keyword: A형간염바이러스

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간염 virus(1)

  • 서진혜;박병채
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.163-173
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    • 1992
  • 간염바이러스들은 이들의 virology 및 임상적 특징들에 따라 A형, B형, C형, D형 및 E형으로 분류되며, A형 및 E형은 미개발국가들의 약년층에서 흔히 발생하는 급성간염의 원인으로 알려져 왔으나 만성간염 또는 간세포 암의 원인은 되지 않음으로 B형 및 C형에 비해 임상적인 의의는 적다. B형 바이러스는 급성간염 및 간세포 암의 가장 중요한 원인이며 전세계 인구 중에서 3억가량이 HBV에 감염되어 있고 이들의 75%가 아시아인인 것으로 밝혀져 있다. C형 바이러스는 최근에 비A형, 비B형 간염바이러스에 의한 간염의 중요한 원인으로 밝혀졌으며 구미 및 일본에서는 만성간염 및 간세포암의 가장 중요한 원인으로도 간주되고 있다. D형 간염바이러스는 지중해 연안국가, 북아프리카 및 중동국가들에서 HBV에 의해 이미 감염되어 있는 환자들을 침범함으로써 HBV에 의한 급성 및 만성간염을 악화시키나 HDV 단독으로는 간염의 원인이 될 수는 없다고 알려져 있다. 본지에서는 한국인에게서 임상적인 의의를 갖는 HBV에 대해 구체적으로 기술한다.

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An epidemiologic study on the seropositive rate of hepatitis A virus among a selected group of children and adults in Busan (부산지역 소아 및 성인의 A형 간염 바이러스 항체 양성률에 대한 역학적 조사)

  • Kwon, Young Ok;Choi, Im Jeong;Jung, Jin Wha;Park, Ji Hyun
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.262-267
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : The prevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV) in a certain community reflects that community's living standards and hygienic conditions. And the pattern of HAV infection differs over time and geography. Recently, a shift in prevalence has been observed in cases from chilhood to adulthood. We studied the HAV antibody prevalence in the general population in Busan. Methods : From October 2004 to March 2005, total 472 subjects were tested for HAV antibodies. All samples were collected from patients in Maryknol Hospital. Results : The overall seropositive rate was 22.8% (108/472). The seropositive rates were 1.7% in subjects aged 2-5 years, 1.7% in 6-10 years, 0% in 11-20 years, 40.5% in 21-30 years, 82.1% in 31-40 years, 94.7% in 41-50 years, and 100% in subjects aged over 50 years. There was no significant gap between gender groups. Conclusion : As the socioeconomic conditions in Korea have improved, the HAV seropositive rate in school-aged children has dramatically decreased in the last 20 years. But, the seropositive rate of HAV didn't differ according to gender. The seropositive rate of HAV in the pediatric group was very low, which suggests the increasing possibility of clinical HAV infection in adults in the near future. Therefore, we should actively prevent the spread of hepatits A virus. In order to do that, we need to reorganize our lifestyle and personel hygiene and carry out active and passive immunization to high risk groups.

A Seroepidemiologic Study of Hepatitis A Virus in the Healthy Children and Adolescent in Kyonggi-do Province (경기도 지역의 건강한 소아와 청소년에서 A형 간염 바이러스의 항체 보유율에 대한 역학 조사)

  • Roh, Hye Ok;Sohn, Young Mo;Park, Min Soo;Choi, Boyoul;Bang, Keum Nie;Ki, Moran;Kim, Ji Hee
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.232-239
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    • 1997
  • Purpose: The incidence of hepatitis A virus(HAV) infection has markedly decreased in the last 20 years due to industrialization and improvements in the standard of living and hygiene in Korea. The reduction in seroprevalence rates indicates infection potential for young adult population, and a need for vaccinations in high-risk adults and children groups has been suggested. In this study we evaluated the seroprevalence rates and natural infection rates of hepatitis A in children and adolescent to obtain the basic data for vaccination of hepatitis A. Methods: A total of 334 children and adolescent subjects below 20 years old in Kyonggi-do province were examined for HAV antibody and seroprevalence rates in each age group was investigated. In 584 elementary school students residing in Kyonggi-do province, serum samples collected in 1993 and 1996 from the same subjects for investigation of natural seroconversion rates. Method of testing antibody was enzyme immunoassay. Results: 1) The seropositive rate of HAV in 334 subjects aged below 20 years old was 5.4%. According to age, the seropositive rates were 27.3% in infant group, 0.0% in 1~4 year-old group, 0.0% in 5~9 year-old group, 2.9% in 10~14 year-old group and 15.0% in 15~19 year-old group. 2) In the study of 584 elementary school children, only one subject showed seropositive in 1993, and in 1996 three different subjects showed seropositive results(0.5%); the natural seroconversion rate during 3 years was 0.5%. 3) The seroprevalence rates of below 20 year-old subjects reported in previous studies were 63.8% in 1979 and 47.3% in 1989 while the present study showed the rate at 5.4%. Conclusion: Since natural antibody formation is rarely occurring, there is a high risk for apparent hepatitis A infection in adults. Therefore vaccination in high risk groups is essential at present, and in order to reduce the chance for hepatitis A infection in adults, vaccination in children may be needed.

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Genetic Diversity of Hepatitis C Virus in Korea (한국내 C형 간염바이러스의 유전적 다양성)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sung;Choe, Joon-Ho;Lee, Hyo-Suk
    • The Journal of Korean Society of Virology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.31-45
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    • 1996
  • C형 간염바이러스 (HCV)는 각 개체간에 뉴클레오티드 서열상의 다양성을 나타내고, 이러한 유전적 다양성이 임상병리적 증상과 밀접한 연관이 있을 것으로 고려되어 왔다. 본 연구에서는 HCV E1과 NS5B 부위의 염기서열 분석을 통해 한국의 C형 간염바이러스의 분포와 다양성에 관해 분석하고, 발생계통도를 그려 HCV간의 진화적 거리를 확인하였다. 염기서열분석은 서울대학교 병원과 충남대학교 병원으로부터 얻은 56개의 HCV-양성 혈청을 대상으로 RT-PCR과 PCR 과정을 통해 얻은 유전자 산물을 클로닝하여 수행되었다. 56개의 혈청중 53개의 샘플에서 HCV RNA가 검출되었다. 이들 53개 샘플에 대한 분석 곁과, 유전형 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 7a가 각각 5.7, 45.3, 45.3, 1.9, 1.9%로 분포하고 있고, 1b형과 2a형이 한국에서의 주요한 HCV 유전형으로 밝혀졌다. 본 연구는 염기서열 분석을 통해 한국에서 1b형과 마찬가지로 2a형도 높은 빈도로 분포하고 있고, 비록 분포 빈도는 낮지만 1a 형과 7a 형도 존재하고 있음을 밝힌 최초의 보고이다.

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Outbreak of Hepatitis A caused by Groundwater Contamination in a Long-term Psychiatric Hospital in Korea (장기 요양 정신병원에서 지하수 오염에 의하여 발생한 A형간염 집단발병)

  • Keun-Sang Kwon;Myung Ok Lee;Hee Ju Bae;Jung Im Park;Cheon-Hyeon Kim;Ju-Hyung Lee
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2023
  • 목적: 2017년 지하수를 식수로 사용하고 있는 한 장기요양 정신병원(H병원)에서 A형간염 환자가 집단 발병하여 이에 대한 역학조사를 실시하고 조치 결과를 기술하고자 하였다. 방법: 노출기간 동안 H병원의 근로자 및 재원 환자 234명을 대상으로 사례군 조사 디자인으로 역학조사를 실시하였고, IgM, IgG 혈청검사 및 A형간염 바이러스(HAV)에 대한 PCR검사를 시행하였다. 또한 오염원으로 의심되는 지하수, 병원에서 제공되는 식품 및 인근 저수지의 물에서 HAV 검사를 실시하였고, 검출된 HAV는 유전형 검사를 진행하였다. 결과: H병원 환자 및 직원 234명 중 IgG 양성인 168명을 제외한 66명 중 19명이 최종적으로HAV 감염자로 확인되어 감수성자 중 발병률은 28.8%로 나타났다. 환자, 지하수, 식품(석박지) 및 저수지에서 동일 유전형의 HAV가 검출되어 지하수 오염에 의한 집단발병으로 결론 내렸으나, 최초 오염원은 확인하지 못하였다. 유행 종결 선언 이후 지하수에 대한 관리로 염소소독과 UV 조사를 하였음에도 불구하고 6개월 동안 지속적으로 HAV가 검출되어 새로운 관정을 개발하여 상황을 종결하였다. 결론: 본 연구에서 지하수를 식수로 사용하는 장기요양 정신병원에서 지하수 오염에 의한 19명의 HAV 집단발병을 조사하였다. HAV 항체가 없는 대상자 중에서 HAV의 높은 발병률을 확인하였다. 지하수 수질검사에서 바이러스 검사는 포함되어 있지 않기 때문에 지하수가 HAV에 오염시 HAV 집단발병 가능성이 높고 상당기간 지속적으로 검출되기 때문에 지하수에 대한 관리지침에 바이러스 검출을 위한 방안을 추가하고 관련 법을 정비할 필요가 있다.

A Seroepidemiologic Study on Hepatitis A in Phohang, Korea (포항 지역 소아 및 성인의 A형 간염의 혈청학적 역학조사)

  • Bae, Soon Ho;Kwon, Young Dae;Kang, Ho Seok;Oh, Sei Ho;Lee, Sun Ju;Hong, Ji Yeon
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : Since hepatitis A virus almost is transmitted by fecal-to-oral route, individual and public sanitation affects the prevalence and ages of hepatitis A infection. We researched the positivity rate of hepatitis A antibody at Pohang to make the basic data for subclinical infection and vaccination schedule. Methods : From January 2004 to February 2005, a total of 603 patients who were admitted at Hangdong University Sunlin Hospital, Dongguk University Hospital, and Christianity Hospital without any hepatic disease and vaccination of hepatitis A were enrolled. IgG antibody to hepatitis A virus were measured by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay(ECLIA). Results : Among 603 patients, 523 patients were less than 15 year of age and 80 patients were in above 15 years. The prevalence rate was 19.3%(101/523) in pediatric group and 70.0%(56/80) in above 15 years. In detail, the prevalence rate was 73.2%(52/71) in 0~5 months, 14.9%(11/74) in 6~11 month, 8.9%(7/79) in 12~17 month, 7.3%(6/82) in 18~23 month, 5.5%(4/72) in 2~3 years, 12.1%(9/74) in 4~8 years, 16.9%(12/71) in 9~14 years, 52.5%(19/40) in 15~29 years, and 92.5%(37/40) in group aged over 30 years. The prevalence rates in male and female showed no significant differences. Conclusion : The prevalence rate of hepatitis A in the group of 4~8 years and 9~14 years at Pohang was lower comparing with previous reports of other cities in Korea. We can postulate that the sanitation of children living at Pohang is at least not bad than other cities. And for the prevalence rate of hepatitis A is increased after 3 years, we should recommend that the vaccination of hepatitis A may be finished until 3 years.

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Characterization of Acute Hepatitis Virus A Genotype in Korea (국내 급성 A형 간염 바이러스의 유전자형 특징)

  • Kim, Mi Hyun;Choi, Hayana;Pak, Kun Sik;Seong, Chi Nam;Cho, Hyun Wook
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.175-181
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    • 2013
  • In Korea, most hepatitis A virus is the IA genotype, but reports of other genotypes have increased recently. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to conduct a genotypic analysis of acute hepatitis A virus. From April 2010 to April 2011, clinical specimens from 20 patients hospitalized with acute hepatitis A and 36 sera positive for anti-HAV IgM were obtained, and the genotype of the VP1/P2A region was analyzed. RNA sequences of the VP1/P2A junction region were amplified using RT-PCR, and the sequences were compared. From 50 sequences amplified, 4 sequences (8%) belonged to genotype IA. The remaining 46 (92%) belonged to genotype IIIA. The results indicate that the genotype of the hepatitis A virus has changed from IA to IIIA in Korea.

A Study on the Funeral director's working Circumstances and Personal Protective Equipment on Funeral home (안치실 및 염습실 종사자의 주요 감염질병 조사 및 근무기간에 따른 개인위생용품 착용실태에 대한 연구)

  • Hwang, Kyu-Sung;Kim, Jeong-Lae
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2017
  • We are investigated about the state of the working circumstances and infection blocking facility within Metropolitan, Chungcheong and Gyeongsang regions in Korea. The result is as follows. The HAV vaccination rate is 35% and the HBV vaccination rate is 50% among the funeral directors. We expected that the infection risk of funeral directors was very high. Significantly, tuberculosis prevalence rate of funeral director was four times as high as the public. The wear rate of gown, mask, gloves showed relatively high than the others. The wear rate of individual protective equipments has decreased with work experience. The funeral directors have shown that there is difficult to get safe protection from infection. The personal hygiene of funeral directors and the infection blocking equipment should be strengthened institutionally. We are thought to recommend institutional support about infection management, individual protective equipment, vaccination of funeral director and guideline to avoid reversion to previous habitual behavior.

A Study on Hepatitis Infection Risk of Funeral director related to wearing PPE(Personal Protect Equipment) (한국 장례종사자의 개인보호물품 착용에 따른 A형 간염, B형 간염 위험도 및 로지스틱 분석)

  • Hwang, Kyu-Sung;Kim, Jeong-Lae
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2017
  • We are investigated about the Hepatitis infection risk of the funeral director related to wearing PPE(Personal Protect Equipment) within Metropolitan, Chungcheong and Gyeongsang regions in Korea. We are classified that the vaccinated group was classified as low risk group and the non-vaccinated group was classified as high risk group. And we are analyzed the risk rate of infection based on whether or not to wear PPE(personal protective equipment) among high-risk groups. The result is as follows. The mask wearing rate of high-risk group about HAV(hepatitis A virus) is three times lower than that of low-risk group. The surgical glove wearing rate of high-risk group about HBV(hepatitis B virus) is twice lower than that of low-risk group. The surgical glove and mask not wearing rate among the high-risk group observe that potential infection risk was high 4.23 times and 3.5 times, respectively. We are concluded that increasing the risk of potential infection risks from the funeral director could result in increased risk of infection to national public health, including the bereaved family. We are suggested that the funeral director must be bound to vaccinate against hepatitis and make PPE mandatory. It is deemed necessary for the government to develop policies to promote personal health and national health care.

Immunogenicity and Reactogenicity of Inactivated HM175 Strain Hepatitis A Vaccine in Healthy Korean Children (건강한 한국 소아에서 HM175주 A형 간염 불활화 백신의 면역원성 및 이상반응에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chang Hwi;Pyun, Bok Yang;Hong, Young Jin;Kang, Jin Han
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.120-128
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : Active immunization against hepatitis A with an inactivated vaccine reveals excellent immunogenicity, tolerability and protective efficacy. Inactivated hepatitis A vaccines have been selectively used since 1996 in Korea to prevent hepatitis A. This study was performed to assess the immunogenicity and reactogenicity after two doses of HM175 strain hepatitis A vaccine in healthy Korean children. Methods : 128 healthy children(M/F; 65/63) aged 1 to 15 years, who were seronegative for hepaitatis A, participated in this study. A alum-adsorbed vaccine containing 720 EL.U of antigen form HM175 hepatitis A strain per 0.5 mL dose was injected intramuscularly on the deltoid area. The second dose was given 6 months later, Anti-HAV antibodies were measured by ELISA before and 1 month after each vaccination to assess the immunogenicity. Any local and general adverse events were reported by patients parents with the prepared questionnaire after each vaccination. Results : 120 volunteers(M/F; 60/60) completed the whole series of the study. Seroconversion occurred in all cases after primary and booster vaccination. The mean anti-HAV antibody titer after primary vaccination was 389.2mIU/mL, and 3,609mIU/mL after booster vaccination. And levels of anti-HAV antibodies after booster immunization were significantly higher in female children. The most common local adverse event was soreness on the injection site, but it was mild and resolves within 3 days. Fever was not reported after booster vaccination. Conclusion : Based on these data, we conclude that the inactivated HM175 strain hepatitis A vaccine is highly immunogenic and tolerable in healthy Korean children.

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