• Title/Summary/Keyword: A/S ratio

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Polygenic Association of ACE and ACTN3 Polymorphisms with Korean Power Performance (ACE와 ACTN3의 다중유전형질과 근력운동 경기력간의 관계)

  • Kim, Chul-Hyun
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.398-406
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed to examine whether the polygenic profile of ACE ID and ACTN3 R577X polymorphisms is associated with muscle power performance in Korean athletes. For this study, 106 top-class power athletes (top-class group), 158 elite power athletes (elite-class group), and 676 healthy adults (control) aged 18-39 yrs were recruited and their genotypes were analyzed. The top-class group showed higher frequencies of the II genotype and I allele in ACE, as well as higher frequencies of the RR genotype and R allele in ACTN3 (top-class vs. control: 41.4% vs. 32.1% for II genotype, 67.1% vs. 57.7% for I allele, p<0.05; 42.3% vs. 29.0% for RR genotype, 65.3% vs. 54.8% for I allele, p<0.05). In the polygenic profile, the top-class group had significantly higher frequencies of combined-II/ID+RR/RX genotype than the control group (top-class vs. control: 82.9% vs. 66.7% for II/ID+RR/RX, p<0.05), and there was even a sharp increase in total genotype score (TGS) in this group compared to the elite-class and control groups ($66{\pm}0.9$ vs. $58{\pm}1.9$ vs. $56{\pm}2.3$, p<0.05). The combined-II/ID+RR/RX genotype showed the possibility of succussion in the top-class muscle power performance with an odds ratio of 2.3 (CI:1.4-4.1, p<0.05). These results suggested that ACE and ACTN3 need to interact with each other to affect muscle-power performance in an additive form. Furthermore, the polygenic profile of ACE and ACTN3 can predict muscle performance with high success in a homogeneous dominant combined genotype (II/ID+RR/RX). A further study could identify and combine other genes into ACE and ACTN3 for muscle strength.

Retrospective study on three-dimensional characteristics of mesiodens using CBCT in pediatric dentistry (치과용 Cone-beam CT를 이용한 상악 정중과잉치의 3차원적 특성에 관한 후향적 연구)

  • Ryu, GiYoun;Song, Ji-Soo;Shin, Teo Jeon;Hyun, Hong-Keun;Kim, Jung-Wook;Jang, Ki-Taeg;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Young-Jae
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.77-94
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the three-dimensional characteristics of mesiodens using Cone-beam Computed Tomography(CBCT) and analyze the factors affecting complications and anesthetic methods of extraction. This study evaluated 602 mesiodens of 452 patients who underwent extraction of mesiodens at the department of Pediatric Dentistry in Seoul National University Dental Hospital between 2017 and 2019. The ratio of mesiodens patients over total patient per year was gradually increased over the past 20 years. Mesiodens with labio-palatally horizontal direction while root directing labial were the most common among the mesiodens with horizontal direction. Mesiodens were the most common at the cervical side of the adjacent teeth(37.0%) and mesiodens located in the near-palatal side were observed about 3.83 times higher than the far-palatal side. Most of the mesiodens(82.1%) were in contact with adjacent permanent teeth on all three sides of the CBCT and 46.2% of mesiodens had curved roots. The patient's age, vertical position, presence of complications, and proximity showed a significant difference in the selection of general anesthesia among anesthetic methods. The direction and vertical position of mesiodens had a significant effect on complications. These results provide a better understanding of mesiodens for establishing an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

The Survey on Actual Condition Depending on Type of Degraded area and Suggestion for Restoration Species Based on Vegetation Information in the Mt. Jirisan Section of Baekdudaegan (식생정보에 기초한 백두대간 지리산권역 내 훼손지 유형별 실태조사)

  • Lee, Hye-Jeong;Kim, Ju-Young;Nam, Kyeong-Bae;An, Ji-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.558-572
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to classify the types of degraded areas of Mt. Jirisan section in Baekdudaegan and survey the actual condition of each damage type to use it as basic data for the direction of the restoration of damaged areas according to damage type based on the vegetation information of reference ecosystem. The analysis of the Mt. Jirisan section's actual degraded conditions showed that the total number of patches of degraded areas was 57, and the number of patches and size of degraded areas was higher at the low average altitude and gentle slope. Grasslands (deserted lands) and cultivated areas accounted for a high portion of the damage types, indicating that agricultural land use was a major damage factor. The survey on the conditions of 14 degraded areas showed that the types of damage were classified into the grassland, cultivated area, restoration area, logged-off land, and bare ground. The analysis of the degree of disturbance (the ratio of annual and biennial herb, urbanized index, and disturbance index) by each type showed that the simple single-layer vegetation structure mostly composed of the herbaceous and the degree of disturbance were high in the grassland and cultivated land. The double-layer vegetation structure appeared in the restoration area where the pine seedlings were planted, and the inflow of naturalized plants was especially high compared to other degraded areas due to disturbances caused by the restoration project and the nearby hiking trails. Although the inflow of naturalized plants was low because of high altitude in bare ground, the proportion of annual and biennial herb was high, indicating that all surveyed degraded areas were in early succession stages. The stand ordination by type of damage showed the restoration area on the I-axis, cultivated area, grassland, logged-off land, and bare ground in that order, indicating the arrangement by the damage type. Moreover, the stand ordination of the degraded areas and reference ecosystem based on floristic variation showed a clear difference in species composition. This study diagnosed the status of each damage type based on the reference ecosystem information according to the ecological restoration procedure and confirmed the difference in species composition between the diagnosis result and the reference ecosystem. These findings can be useful basic data for establishing the restoration goal and direction in the future.

Performance of a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell With Direct Internal Reforming of Methanol (메탄올 내부개질형 용융탄산염 연료전지의 성능)

  • Ha, Myeong Ju;Yoon, Sung Pil;Han, Jonghee;Lim, Tae-Hoon;Kim, Woo Sik;Nam, Suk Woo
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.329-335
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    • 2020
  • Methanol synthesized from renewable hydrogen and captured CO2 has recently attracted great interest as a sustainable energy carrier for large-scale renewable energy storage. In this study, molten carbonate fuel cell's performance was investigated with the direct conversion of methanol into syngas inside the anode chamber of the cell. The internal reforming of methanol may significantly improve system efficiency since the heat generated from the electrochemical reaction can be used directly for the endothermic reforming reaction. The porous Ni-10 wt%Cr anode was sufficient for the methanol steam reforming reaction under the fuel cell operating condition. The direct supply of methanol into the anode chamber resulted in somewhat lower cell performance, especially at high current density. Recycling of the product gas into the anode gas inlet significantly improved the cell performance. The analysis based on material balance revealed that, with increasing current density and gas recycling ratio, the methanol steam reforming reaction rate likewise increased. A methanol conversion more significant than 90% was achieved with gas recycling. The results showed the feasibility of electricity and syngas co-production using the molten carbonate fuel cell. Further research is needed to optimize the fuel cell operating conditions for simultaneous production of electricity and syngas, considering both material and energy balances in the fuel cell.

Reliability Analysis on Stability of Armor Units for Foundation Mound of Composite Breakwaters (혼성제 기초 마운드의 피복재 안정성에 대한 신뢰성 해석)

  • Cheol-Eung Lee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2023
  • Probabilistic and deterministic analyses are implemented for the armor units of rubble foundation mound of composite breakwaters which is needed to protect the upright section against the scour of foundation mounds. By a little modification and incorporation of the previous empirical formulas that has commonly been applied to design the armor units of foundation mound, a new type formula of stability number has been suggested which is capable of taking into account slopes of foundation mounds, damage ratios of armor units, and incident wave numbers. The new proposed formula becomes mathematically identical with the previous empirical formula under the same conditions used in the developing process. Deterministic design have first been carried out to evaluate the minimum weights of armor units for several conditions associated with a typical section of composite breakwater. When the slopes of foundation mound become steepening and the incident wave numbers are increasing, the bigger armor units more than those from the previous empirical formula should be required. The opposite trends however are shown if the damage ratios is much more allowed. Meanwhile, the reliability analysis, which is one of probabilistic models, has been performed in order to quantitatively verify how the armor unit resulted from the deterministic design is stable. It has been confirmed that 1.2% of annual encounter probability of failure has been evaluated under the condition of 1% damage ratio of armor units for the design wave of 50 years return period. By additionally calculating the influence factors of the related random variables on the failure probability due to those uncertainties, it has been found that Hudson's stability coefficient, significant wave height, and water depth above foundation mound have sequentially been given the impacts on failure regardless of the incident wave angles. Finally, sensitivity analysis has been interpreted with respect to the variations of random variables which are implicitly involved in the formula of stability number for armor units of foundation mound. Then, the probability of failure have been rapidly decreased as the water depth above foundation mound are deepening. However, it has been shown that the probability of failure have been increased according as the berm width of foundation mound are widening and wave periods become shortening.

Numerical Analyses for Evaluating Factors which Influence the Behavioral Characteristics of Side of Rock Socketed Drilled Shafts (암반에 근입된 현장타설말뚝의 주면부 거동에 영향을 미치는 변수분석을 위한 수치해석)

  • Lee, Hyuk-Jin;Kim, Hong-Taek
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.6C
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    • pp.395-406
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    • 2006
  • Drilled shafts are a common foundation solution for large concentrated loads. Such piles are generally constructed by drilling through softer soils into rock and the section of the shaft which is drilled through rock contributes most of the load bearing capacity. Drilled shafts derive their bearing capacity from both shaft and base resistance components. The length and diameter of the rock socket must be sufficient to carry the loads imposed on the pile safely without excessive settlements. The base resistance component can contribute significantly to the ultimate capacity of the pile. However, the shaft resistance is typically mobilized at considerably smaller pile movements than that of the base. In addition, the base response can be adversely affected by any debris that is left in the bottom of the socket. The reliability of base response therefore depends on the use of a construction and inspection technique which leaves the socket free of debris. This may be difficult and costly to achieve, particularly in deep sockets, which are often drilled under water or drilling slurry. As a consequence of these factors, shaft resistance generally dominates pile performance at working loads. The efforts to improve the prediction of drilled shaft performance are therefore primarily concerned with the complex mechanisms of shaft resistance development. The shaft resistance only is concerned in this study. The nature of the interface between the concrete pile shaft and the surrounding rock is critically important to the performance of the pile, and is heavily influenced by the construction practices. In this study, the influences of asperity characteristics such as the heights and angles, the strength characteristics and elastic constants of surrounding rock masses and the depth and length of rock socket, et. al. on the shaft resistance of drilled shafts are investigated from elasto-plastic analyses( FLAC). Through the parametric studies, among the parameters, the vertical stress on the top layer of socket, the height of asperity and cohesion and poison's ratio of rock masses are major influence factors on the unit peak shaft resistance.

First-Pass Recanalization with EmboTrap II in Acute Ischemic Stroke (FREE-AIS): A Multicenter Prospective Study

  • Jang-Hyun Baek;Byung Moon Kim;Sang Hyun Suh;Hong-Jun Jeon;Eun Hyun Ihm;Hyungjong Park;Chang-Hyun Kim;Sang-Hoon Cha;Chi-Hoon Choi;Kyung Sik Yi;Jun-Hwee Kim;Sangil Suh;Byungjun Kim;Yoonkyung Chang;So Yeon Kim;Jae Sang Oh;Ji Hoe Heo;Dong Joon Kim;Hyo Suk Nam;Young Dae Kim
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.145-154
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    • 2023
  • Objective: We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of EmboTrap II in terms of first-pass recanalization and to determine whether it could yield favorable outcomes. Materials and Methods: In this multicenter, prospective study, we consecutively enrolled patients who underwent mechanical thrombectomy using EmboTrap II as a front-line device. The primary outcome was the first pass effect (FPE) rate defined by modified Thrombolysis In Cerebral Infarction (mTICI) grade 2c or 3 by the first pass of EmboTrap II. In addition, modified FPE (mFPE; mTICI grade 2b-3 by the first pass of EmboTrap II), successful recanalization (final mTICI grade 2b-3), and clinical outcomes were assessed. We also analyzed the effect of FPE on a modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score of 0-2 at 3 months. Results: Two hundred-ten patients (mean age ± standard deviation, 73.3 ± 11.4 years; male, 55.7%) were included. Ninety-nine patients (47.1%) had FPE, and mFPE was achieved in 150 (71.4%) patients. Successful recanalization was achieved in 191 (91.0%) patients. Among them, 164 (85.9%) patients underwent successful recanalization by exclusively using EmboTrap II. The time from groin puncture to FPE was 25.0 minutes (interquartile range, 17.0-35.0 minutes). Procedure-related complications were observed in seven (3.3%) patients. Symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage developed in 14 (6.7%) patients. One hundred twenty-three (58.9% of 209 completely followed) patients had an mRS score of 0-2. Sixteen (7.7% of 209) patients died during the follow-up period. Patients who had successful recanalization with FPE were four times more likely to have an mRS score of 0-2 than those who had successful recanalization without FPE (adjusted odds ratio, 4.13; 95% confidence interval, 1.59-10.8; p = 0.004). Conclusion: Mechanical thrombectomy using the front-line EmboTrap II is effective and safe. In particular, FPE rates were high. Achieving FPE was important for an mRS score of 0-2, even in patients with successful recanalization.

SANET-CC : Zone IP Allocation Protocol for Offshore Networks (SANET-CC : 해상 네트워크를 위한 구역 IP 할당 프로토콜)

  • Bae, Kyoung Yul;Cho, Moon Ki
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.87-109
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    • 2020
  • Currently, thanks to the major stride made in developing wired and wireless communication technology, a variety of IT services are available on land. This trend is leading to an increasing demand for IT services to vessels on the water as well. And it is expected that the request for various IT services such as two-way digital data transmission, Web, APP, etc. is on the rise to the extent that they are available on land. However, while a high-speed information communication network is easily accessible on land because it is based upon a fixed infrastructure like an AP and a base station, it is not the case on the water. As a result, a radio communication network-based voice communication service is usually used at sea. To solve this problem, an additional frequency for digital data exchange was allocated, and a ship ad-hoc network (SANET) was proposed that can be utilized by using this frequency. Instead of satellite communication that costs a lot in installation and usage, SANET was developed to provide various IT services to ships based on IP in the sea. Connectivity between land base stations and ships is important in the SANET. To have this connection, a ship must be a member of the network with its IP address assigned. This paper proposes a SANET-CC protocol that allows ships to be assigned their own IP address. SANET-CC propagates several non-overlapping IP addresses through the entire network from land base stations to ships in the form of the tree. Ships allocate their own IP addresses through the exchange of simple requests and response messages with land base stations or M-ships that can allocate IP addresses. Therefore, SANET-CC can eliminate the IP collision prevention (Duplicate Address Detection) process and the process of network separation or integration caused by the movement of the ship. Various simulations were performed to verify the applicability of this protocol to SANET. The outcome of such simulations shows us the following. First, using SANET-CC, about 91% of the ships in the network were able to receive IP addresses under any circumstances. It is 6% higher than the existing studies. And it suggests that if variables are adjusted to each port's environment, it may show further improved results. Second, this work shows us that it takes all vessels an average of 10 seconds to receive IP addresses regardless of conditions. It represents a 50% decrease in time compared to the average of 20 seconds in the previous study. Also Besides, taking it into account that when existing studies were on 50 to 200 vessels, this study on 100 to 400 vessels, the efficiency can be much higher. Third, existing studies have not been able to derive optimal values according to variables. This is because it does not have a consistent pattern depending on the variable. This means that optimal variables values cannot be set for each port under diverse environments. This paper, however, shows us that the result values from the variables exhibit a consistent pattern. This is significant in that it can be applied to each port by adjusting the variable values. It was also confirmed that regardless of the number of ships, the IP allocation ratio was the most efficient at about 96 percent if the waiting time after the IP request was 75ms, and that the tree structure could maintain a stable network configuration when the number of IPs was over 30000. Fourth, this study can be used to design a network for supporting intelligent maritime control systems and services offshore, instead of satellite communication. And if LTE-M is set up, it is possible to use it for various intelligent services.

Effect of Verapamil on Cellular Uptake of Tc-99m MIBI and Tetrofosmin on Several Cancer Cells (수종의 암세포에서 Verapamil이 Tc-99m MIBI와 Tetrofosmin의 섭취에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Dae-Hyun;Yoo, Jung-Ah;Suh, Myung-Rang;Bae, Jin-Ho;Jeong, Shin-Young;Ahn, Byeong-Cheol;Lee, Kyu-Bo;Lee, Jae-Tae
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.85-98
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: Cellular uptake of $^{99}mTc$-sestamibi (MIBI) and $^{99}mTc$-tetrofosmin (TF) is low in cancer cells expressing multidrug resistance(MDR) by p-glycoprotein(Pgp) or multidrug related protein(MRP). Verapamil is known to increase cellular uptake of MIBI in MDR cancer cells, but is recently reported to have different effects on tracer uptake in certain cancer cells. This study was prepared to evaluate effects of verapamil on cellular uptake of MIBI and TF in several cancer cells. Materials and Methods: Celluar uptakes of Tc-99m MIBI and TF were measured in erythroleukermia K562 cell, breast cancer MCF7 cell, and human ovarian cancer SK-OV-3 cells, and data were compared with those of doxorubicin-resistant K562(Ad) cells. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis were used for the detection of mdr1 mRNA and Pgp expression, and to observe changes in isotypes of PKC enzyme. Effects of verapamil on MIBI and TF uptake were evaluated at different concentrations upto $200{\mu}M\;at\;1{\times}10^6\;cells/ml\;at\;37^{\circ}C$. Radioactivity in supernatant and pellet was measured with gamma counter to calculate cellular uptake ratio. Toxicity of verapamil was measured with MTT assay. Results: Cellular uptakes of MIBI and TF were increased by time in four cancer cells studied. Co-incubation with verapamil resulted in an increase in uptake of MIBI and TF in K562(Adr) cell at a concentration of $100{\mu}M$ and the maximal increase at $50{\mu}M$ was 10-times to baseline. In contrast, uptakes of MIBI and TF in K562, MCF7, SK-OV3 cells were decreased with verapamil treatment at a concentration over $1{\mu}M$. With a concentration of $200{\mu}M$ verapamil, MIBI and TF uptakes un K562 cells were decreased to 1.5 % and 2.7% of those without verapamil, respectively. Cellular uptakes of MIBI and TF in MCF7 and SK-OV-3 cells were not changed with $10{\mu}M$, but were also decreased with verapamil higher than $10{\mu}M$, resulting 40% and 5% of baseline at $50{\mu}M$. MTT assay of four cells revealed that K562, MCF7, SK-OV3 were not damaged with verapamil at $200{\mu}M$. Conclusion: Although verapamil increases uptake of MIBI and TF in MDR cancer cells, cellular uptakes were further decreased with verapamil in certain cancer cells, which is not related to cytotoxicity of drug. These results suggest that cellular uptakes of both tracers might differ among different cells, and interpretation of changes in tracer uptake with verapamil in vitro should be different when different cell lines are used.

Asymptomatic Primary Hematuria in Children (소아의 무증상성 일차성 혈뇨에 관한 고찰)

  • Lee, Jung-Mi;Park, Woo-Saeng;Ko, Cheol-Woo;Koo, Ja-Hoon;Kwak, Jung-Sik
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2000
  • Purpose: This retrospective study of 126 children with symptomless primary hematuria was undertaken to determine the distribution of various histologic types by renal biopsy, clinical outcome according to the biopsy findings and also to find out feasibility of performing renal biopsy in these children. Patients and Methods : Study population consisted of 126 children with symptom-less primary hematuria who have been admitted to the pediatric department of Kyung-poot National University Hospital for the past 11 years from 1987 to 1998 and renal biopsy was performed percutaneously. Hematuric children with duration of less than 6 months, evidences of systemic illness such as SLE or Henoch-Schonlein purpura, urinary tract infection, and idiopathic hypercalciuria were excluded from the study. Results : Mean age of presentation was 9.2${\pm}$3.3 years (range ; 1.5-15.3 years) and male preponderance was noted with male to female ratio of 2:1. IgA nephropathy was the most common biopsy finding occuring in 60 children ($47.6\%$), followed by MsPGN in 13 ($10.3\%$), MPGN in 5 ($3.9\%$), TGBM in 6 ($4.7\%$), Alport syndrome in 2 ($1.6\%$), FSGS in 1 ($0.8\%$), and in 39 children ($30.9\%$), 'normal' glomeruli were noted. Recurrent gross hematuria was more common than persistent microscopic hematuria (84 versus 42), and especially in IgA nephropathy, recurrent gross hematuria was the most prevalent pattern of hematuria. In 58 out of 126 cases ($46.0\%$), hematuria was isolated without accompa-nying proteinuria and this was especially true In cases of MsPGN and 'normal' glomer-uli by biopsy finding. Normalization of urinalysis (disappearance of hematuria) in IgA nephropathy, MsPGN and 'normal' glomuli group were similar and it was $14\%,\;27\%\;and\;21\%$ respectively during 1-2 years of follow-up period, and $37.1\%,\;40\%\;and\;35\%$ respectively during 3-4 years of follow-up periods. However, abnormal urinalysis persi-sted in the majority of children with MPGN, TGBM. Alport syndrome and FSGS. Renal function deteriorated progressively in 6 cases (3 with IgA nephropathy, 2 with Alport syndrome and 1 with TGBM). Conclusion : In summary, present study demonstrates that in 126 children with symptomless primary hematuria, IgA nephropathy was the most common biopsy findings followed by MsPGN, MPGN, TGBM, Alport syndrome and FSGS, and 'normal glomeruli' was also seen in 39 cases ($30.9\%$). Renal histology could not be predictable on the clinical findings, so that to establish appropriate long-term planning for these children, we would recommend to obtain precise histologic diagnosis by renal biopsy.

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