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Science Technology and Manpower Policy (과학기술 정책 방향과 인력정책)

  • 문해주
    • Journal of the Korean Professional Engineers Association
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.34-36
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    • 2004
  • 우리나라의 과학기술은 지난 40여년간 국가 산업발전에 발맞춰 고도성장을 효과적으로 뒷받침, '60-'70년대 모방$.$학습단계 '80년도 내재화단계를 거쳐 '90년대이후 신기술 개발경쟁에 뛰어드는 혁신단계로 진입, 장기간의 과감한 투자로 과학기술역량이 급신장, 연구개발비 '67년 48억\$\longrightarrow$'02년 17조 3,251억원(세계 6위), 연구원수 '68년 5,024명 \$\longrightarrow$'02년 18만 9,888명(세계 9위), 미국내 특허출원 10년간 평균증가율 32%(OECD 국가중 1위) SCI 논문게재수 5년간 평균증가율 15%(세계4위), 그러나 선진국과 비교할 때 양적$.$질적으로 미흡, '02년을 기준으로, 연구개발투자는 미국의 1/20, 일본의 1/10, 독일의 1/3수준에 불과, '01년 기준 상위 20개 기업의 연구개발비 총액은 50억불 정도로, Ford(74억불), GM(62억불)보다 적음, 인구 천명당 연구원 수 (2,98명)도 주요국에 비해 부족 일본 7.07명, 러시아 6.98명, 독일 5.90명, 대만 4.77('01년, IMD), 특히 신성장산업의 창출과 산업의 고도화에 직결되는 핵심원천기술이 취약, SCI 게재논문수는 세계 14위이나, 논문의 질적 수준을 나타내는 피인용도는 세계 31위('02년), 10대 성장동력 10대 산업과 관련되는 핵심기술의 평균 기술수준은 최고 대비 69.8%, 기술격차는 4.2년 - 디지털 TV/방송산업 74.9%/기술격차 3.1년, - 바이오 신약/장기 산업 61.2% 수준, 과학기술 및 과학기술자에 대한 사회적 인식이 낮음, 이공계 출신의 사회 각 분야 지도층 진출비율이 매우 낮음(16대 국회의원 8%, 3급이상 국가공무원중 기술직 비율 17.1% 등), - 민간의 경우, 10대 기업 임원의 53%가 이공계 출신, 100대 기업 CEO의 38.4%가 이공계 출신, 대입수능시험에서 자연계 지원비율이 감소 -40.1%('99)\$\longrightarrow$34.7%('00)\$\longrightarrow$29.4%('01)\$\longrightarrow$26.9%('02)\$\longrightarrow$30.3%('03)\$\longrightarrow$31.5%\$\longrightarrow$'04)

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Accommodative response measurement using both eyes open-view autorefractometer (양안 개방형 자동굴절검사기를 이용한 조절반응량 검사)

  • Shim, Hyun-Seog;Lee, Seong-Wook;Shim, Moon-Sik;Choi, Sun-Mi;Jang, Seong-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.323-328
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this research was to measurement real Accommodative response amount using both eyes open-view autorefractometer. Compared each Accommodative response amount to distinction of sex, age, kind of ametropia, amount of astigmatism and kind of astigmatism. The subjects were 153 healthy men and women between the age of 20~80 years. Age comparison, 20 years 1.15D, 30 years 1.23D and above 40 years 0.60D. It was no difference between 20 to 30 years old. But, is decrescent remarkably above 40 years old. Ametropia examined by hypermetropia 1.78D, emmetropia 1.51D, low myopia 1.08D, middle myopia 0.72D, high myopia 0.643D. Myopia increased, Accommodative response amount was expose that decrease. Astigmatism examined by non astigmatism 1.13D, low astigmatism 1.12D, middle astigmatism 0.85D, high astigmatism 0.83D. Astigmatism increased, Accommodative response amount was expose that decrease. The sex and astigmatism type difference appeared with the fact that the result is not a difference.

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Declines in the Components of Episodic Memory by Normal Aging Focusing on Object, Spatial Location, Temporal Order Memory (정상노화 과정에 따른 일화기억 하위요소의 변화양상에 관한 연구 : 사물, 공간위치, 시간순서 기억을 중심으로)

  • Heo, Seo-Yoon;Park, Jin-Hyuck
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2019
  • Objective : The purpose of this technical research is to determine decline of episodic memory by normal aging focucing on object, spatial location, and temporal order memory. Methods : We allocated seventy-seven of healthy adults from twenty to eighty years old, and performed computer-based cognitive tasks which were consisted of the object, spatial location, and temporal order memory. We used OpenSesame(OpenSesame Inc, OR), put ten pictures people normally see in their daily life, and evaluated those aspects through asking the objects types, object spatial locations, and picture temporal orders from 10 sheets of the picture. Results : Object and spatial location memory were not affected by normal aging whereas, temporal order memory significantly decreased with normal aging. Specifically, temporal order memory for in their age of forty was significantly decreased compared with their age of twenty and object memory at their age of eighty was relatively high compared to spatial location and temporal order memory. We found out that temporal order memory worse fastest and object memory lasted longest. Conclusion : In this study, we confirmed characteristics of declines of episodic memory consisting of object, spatial location, and temporal order memory. Notably, we could specifically identify declines of spatial location and temporal order memory with normal aging previous studies investigated on a limited basis using conventional neuropsychological assessments. These findings would be helpful to screen impairment in episodic memory by normal aging and provide an evidence that cognitive intervention for healthy older adults needs to include spatial and temporal aspect of memory.

Electrical Explorations in and around the Nanjido Waste Landfill (난지도 폐기물 매립장과 그 주변 지역에서의 전기탐사)

  • Lee, Kiehwa;Yoon, Jong-Ryeol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.64-71
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    • 1995
  • Electrical soundings were conducted in and around the Nanjido waste landfill in August, 1994 and February, 1995. Schlumberger array was adopted and 37 and 22 soundings were performed around and in the Nanjido landfill, respectively. Besides, self potentials were measured at 50 points, in front of the right Nanjido landfill. Interpretations of the sounding data show low resistivity zones of about 10 Ω-m at depth ranging from 10 to 80 m from the surface in front of the landfill and of about 6 Ω-m at depth ranging from 37 m to 130 m in the landfill. It appears that these low resistivity zones are contaminated by or saturated with leachate, and their depths are deeper than those of boring data by 20∼30 m. These results indicate the possibility of contamination of weathered zone and the upper part of the bed rock in these areas. But sounding data obtained at the back of the landfill reveal more resistive and thinner low resistivity zones than those in and in front of the landfill. Thus it is concluded that the degree of contamination by leachate in and in front of the landfill is greater than that at the back of the landfill.

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Environment of Fluvial Sedimentary Deposits and Palynological Occurrence in the Geochang Area (거창 지역 하성퇴적층 형성환경과 화분산상 연구)

  • Kim, Ju-Yong;Yang, Dong-Yoon;Bong, Pil-Yun;Kim, Jin-Kwan;Oh, Keun-Chang;Choi, Don-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.20 no.1 s.26
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2006
  • Jeonjangri site of Geochang area is located in the Geochang Basin, and lies on the river terrace of upstream part of Hwang River. Fluvial deposits are well distributed at the northern and southern walls of trench 2(district 2) in the Jeonjangri archeological site. This study aims to interpret the occurrences of fluvial sedimentary deposits on the basis of grain size analysis and palynological analysis in the representative sections of Jeongjangri site. The sedimentary profile shows that the upper units are typified by paleosols with soil wedge formed at about $25,000{\sim}30,000yr$ B.P, and the lower units are characterized by reddish brown muddy sands, organic muds and sand/gravel downwards in the profile. Particularly palynological study on the organic muds of southern wall section showed a result that lower unit is dominant with grass vegetation, and upper unit with Alnus-Quercus-Pinus vegetation. The former is interpreted to be formed at $60,000{\sim}50,000yr$ B.P (stadial), while the latter at $80,000{\sim}70,000yr$ B.P. In general broad-leaved/coniferous mixed forests are mostly dominant in Jeongjangri site and the climate was presumed to be cool temperate at that time.

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An Analysis of Housing Demand in Shrinking Cities (수정 M-W모형을 이용한 축소도시(Shrinking City)의 주택수요분석)

  • Lim, Mi Hwa;Lee, Chang Moo
    • Korea Real Estate Review
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2014
  • Recently increasing the supply of housing policy has not been able to reflect social phenomena as like decreasing birth rate, aging of the population and increasing 1 or 2 person households. This study analyze the housing demand in the city with the point of population growth rate and economic character changes. Growing cities have positive population growth rate and economic character, but shrinking cities have the opposite. By comparing housing demand of growing cities and shrinking cities, we want to find out housing policy implications. In this study, results suggest that the peak age of housing demand of shrinking cities is the late 60's. But the growing cities's age peak is the mid-80's. But further analysis of the economic variables and 1 or 2 person old and young household dummies, the result is that the peak age of housing demand is reduced. These results suggest that housing demand should be differentiated the cities's population structure and economic characteristics of the household. In short, housing demand will vary depending on the condition of individual cities.

Comparison of Methods using Radial and Femoral Arteries in Coronary Angiography (심장동맥 조영술 시 노동맥과 넙다리동맥을 이용한 방법 비교)

  • Ahn, Jun-Ho;Lee, Jun-Haeng
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2022
  • In this study, 61 patients who underwent coronary angiography from March 2018 to August 2019 were divided into Group I (Radial, n=34 patients) and Group II (Femoral, n=27 patients), and compared and analyzed methods using radial and femoral arteries when coronary angiography was performed. As a result of comparative analysis, Catheter usage was reduced in the examination using radial artery, and in the abnormal shape of blood vessels, Loops arterial abnormalities were more in the radial artery (20.6% vs, 0%, p<0.05), and it was found that the abnormal shape of the radial vessels increased with age. 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s or older (0%, 18.2%, 25.0%, 100%)

Study on Consumption Patterns and Degree of Checking Food-Nutrition Labeling of Convenience Foods at Convenience Stores by Young Adult Workers in Busan (부산 거주 20대·30대 직장인의 편의점 편의식 이용 및 식품영양표시 확인 정도)

  • Han, Min-Hye;Choi, Ki-Bo;Lyu, Eun-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.309-317
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate convenience foods at convenience stores, by examining consumption patterns, as well as the degree of checking food-nutrition labeling. In this study, 208 workers in Busan in their 20s or 30s were surveyed using 1:1 interview questionnaires. The weekly usage frequencies of cup-ramyeon, gimbap, ramyeon, and sandwiches were 41.0%, 39.4%, 32.7%, and 19.0% respectively. The usage frequency of convenience foods was 12.0% for 'over 5 times/week', 23.0% for '3~4 times/week', 31.7% for '1~2 times/week', 29.8% for '1~2 times/month', and 3.4% for zero usage. Workers in their 20s showed a significantly (P<0.05) higher rate in the '3~4 times/week' as well as '1~2 times/week' intervals than workers in their 30s. Single people showed a significantly (P<0.01) higher rate than married people. Workers in their 20s showed a significantly higher score for the '3~4 times/week' as well as '1~2 times/week' intervals (P<0.05). The mean score of checking food labeling was 4.02/5.00 for the manufacturer's date, or expiration date, 3.23/5.00 for weight or volume, 2.99/5.00 for cooking method, and 2.85/5.00 for storage method. Females showed significantly (P<0.01) higher rates for checking the manufacturer's date or expiration date, as well as source of the raw material. Single workers showed significantly (P<0.01) higher rates for checking the manufacture's or expiration date as well as storage method. The mean score for checking nutrition labeling was 3.06/5.00 for calories, 2.84/5.00 for trans fat, 2.80/5.00 for sodium, and 2.76/5.00 for cholesterol. Females showed a significantly (P<0.01) higher rate for six of 10 items. Workers in their 20s showed a significantly (P<0.05) higher rate for four of 10 items. Expert officials showed significantly higher rate for six of 10 items (P<0.05) and two of 10 items (P<0.01), respectively.

A Clinico-Statistical Analysis of Patient with Hoarseness in E.N.T. field (사성을 주소한 이비인후과 질환에 대한 임상적 관찰)

  • Lee, Sook-Ja;Kang, Young;Yoo, Bang-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1977.06a
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    • pp.6.2-7
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    • 1977
  • Hoarseness, caused by any condition that interfers with normal phonatory function of larynx, is the most important symtom of the laryngeal disease. The air pollution is the serious social problom today due to irritation of the respiratory mucosa and secondary respiratory disease. It is significant to study whether, in resent years, the patients with complant of hoarseness has being increased or decreased, compare to past years. The authors report a statistical analysis on 400 cases with chief complain of horseness at the Department of Otolaryngology, Hanil Hospital during past 7 years from Jan. I, 1970 to Dec. 31, 1976. The results were as follows; 1) Among total out patients of 14, 731 who visited to the department of otolaryngology, the patients with hoarseness numbered to 400(2.7%). 2) Among total of 400 cases, male were 211 and female were 189. The incidence was slightly higher in male than female with ratio 1.1 to 1 in sex distribution. 3) The uderlying diseases causing hoarseness in order of frequency were Acute Laryngitis (158 cases, 39.5%), Chronic Laryngitis (103 cases, 27.3 %), Vccal Nodule (37 cases, 9.3%), Vocal cord paralysis (34 cases, 8.5%), Laryngeal Polyp (32 cases, 8%), Laryngeal Ca. (13 cases, 3.5%), and Laryngeal Tbc. (9 cases, 2.3%). Particulary, Laryngeal Ca., Laryngeal polyp and Laryngeal Papilloma were extremely high in male but the remainings were equally distributed in sex group distribution. 4) The highest incidence occurred in 3rd decade (113 cases, 28.5%), the next 4th and 2nd decade in the age group distribution. Acute and Chronic Laryngitis were widely distributed in age group distribution but the highest incidence was noted between 3rd and 4th decade (145 cases, 55.5%). The highest incidence was 3rd decade in Laryngeal polyp, 3rd and 4th decade in Vocal Nodule, 4th and 5th decade in Laryngeal Tbc. and Vocal cord paralysis and 5th decade in Laryngeal Ca. 5) The underlying disease causing hoarsness were evenly occurred in monthly distribution but relatively high incidence was observed between April and June (35.5%) compared to winter. 6) In durational distribution, the highest incidence was within 10 days (26%) from onset to consultation. 317 cases (80%) were visited to the clinic within 1 year.

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성인병 뉴스 제308호

  • The Korea Association of Chronic Disease
    • The Korean Chronic Disease News
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    • no.308
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2006
  • 경남 양산시 보건소 조현둘 소장/“만성질환 종합적 관리대책 강구”/‘의료보장미래전략위’본격 가동/국립대에‘한의학전문대학원’설립 추진/서울대 등‘최우수 응급센터’평가/응급의료기관, 토요 비상진료 의무 추진/중국 등 해외환자 유치 전망 밝다/노인에 위험 약물‘사용량 늘어’/의.치의학전문 복합학위 7년 과정 개설/의약품, 제조업 GDP의 4.80% 점유/국내 의약품 특허출원 외국기업이 주도/제약협-약사회, 의약품 소포장 문제 합의/맞춤운동프로그램 개설 운동사업 중점/환경친화적 모기유충구제 사업/“알코올 중독 문제 정부가 나섰다”/“아까운 혈액이 폐기되고 있다”/“소득적은 사람이 암발생율 높다”/통계청 2005년 사망원인통계결과 분석/

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