• Title/Summary/Keyword: 80% acetone

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Improvements of GC and HPLC Analyses in Solvent (Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol) Fermentation by Clostridium saccharobutylicum Using a Mixture of Starch and Glycerol as Carbon Source

  • Tsuey, Liew Shiau;Ariff, Arbakariya Bin;Mohamad, Rosfarizan;Rahim, Raha Abdul
    • Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering:BBE
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.293-298
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    • 2006
  • A study on the feasibility of using improved computer-controlled HPLC and GC systems was carried out to shorten the time needed for measuring levels of the substrates (glucose, maltose, and glycerol) and products (acetone, butanol ethanol, acetic acid, and butyric acid) produced by Clostridium saccharobutylicum DSM 13864 during direct fermentation of sago starch to solvent. The use of HPLC system with a single injection to analyse the composition of culture broth (substrates and products) during solvent fermentation was achieved by raising the column temperature to $80^{\circ}C$. Although good separation of the components in the mixture was achieved, a slight overlap was observed in the peaks for butyric acid and acetone. The shape of the peak obtained and the analysis time of 26.66 min were satisfactory at a fixed flow rate of 0.8mL/min. An improved GC system was developed, that was able to measure the products of solvent fermentation (acetone, butanol, ethanol, acetic acid, and butyric acid) within 19.28 min. Excellent resolution for each peak was achieved by adjusting the oven temperature to $65^{\circ}C$.

Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidative Activities of Rapeseed Meal (유채박의 이화학적 특성 및 항산화 효과)

  • Kim, SunMi;Na, MyungSoon
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.92-98
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    • 2013
  • This research was to investigate physicochemical properties and antioxidative activities of rapeseed meal for the development of functional cosmetic material. Seventeen kinds of amino acid at rapeseed meal were found and glutamic acid concentration was significantly the highest (28.4 mg/g), followed by glycine, proline, arginine, isoleucine, and aspartic acid. Among various vitamins, cloline content was the highest (459.1 mg/kg), followed by niacin, tocopherol, and pantothenic acid. Among various fatty acids of rapeseed meal, oleic acid was the highest (36.7%), followed by linoleic acid and linolenic acid. DPPH radical scavenging activities of methanol and acetone extract of rapeseed meal at 2.0 mg/mL were 80.4 and 78.9%, respectively. The methanol and acetone extracts of rapeseed meal were a stable at the range of pH 3-9 on DPPH radical scavenging activity. The maximum reducing powers of methanol and acetone extract of rapeseed meal at 4.0 mg/mL were 0.7 and 0.68 OD 700 nm, respectively. The maximum superoxide inhibition activities of hot water, acetone, and methanol extract of rapeseed meal were 70.2, 75.2, and 81.4%, respectively. These results showed that the methanol and acetone extract of rapeseed meal can be used as a new source of functional cosmetic material.

Quality Evaluation of Raw Tomato Fruits - With special reference to color and puffiness - (토마토의 품질평가에 관한 연구 - 색 및 공동(空胴) 현상을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Mie-Soon;Kim, Gun-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.335-338
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    • 1986
  • A simple spectrophotometric technique using sequential extraction of pigments was attempted to perform color evaluation of raw 'Taimuri' tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruits. The difference between summed absorbance of 80% acetone and chloroform extract at 480 nm and 660 nm reflected the maturity of rawtomato fruits. The measurement system presented was regarded as a simple and reliable method for objective color evaluation of tomato fruits. It seems possible to predict the degree of puffiness by weight per volume w/v ratio of tomato fruits during various stages of maturity.

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Studies on screening test for carbamate insecticides by thin layer chromatography (Thin Layer Chromatography에 의한 유기 카바메이트계 농약의 스크리닝 테스트에 관한 연구(1))

  • 박성우
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.23-26
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    • 1979
  • 한국에서 사용하고 있는 carbamate계 살충제의 사용율(%)은 1968년경에는 2.1%인데 비해서 현재는 급증되고 있는 실정에 있다. 따라서 이로 인한 자타살 사건, 환경오염, 살포시 급만성 중독 등의 사고가 빈번히 발생하고 있는 동시에 법화학적 분석에도 많은 문제점이 되두되고 있으므로 1차적으로 시판되고 있는 carbamate계 살충제를 thin layer chromatography에 의해서 성분의 분리 확인 시험을 실시한 결과 1) Silica Gel G-60 및 Silica Gel F-254에서 적합하였고 2) 전개용매는 chloroform: benzeneP: carbontetra chloride (60:30:25), cyclohexane: acetone (80:20), cyclohexane:acetone(70:30), ether:hexane(80:20)에서 9종의 살충제가 잘 분리되었으며 3) UV light (2537 ${\AA}$) 및 2.6-dibromoquinone-4-chlorimide는 전개는 Rf치를 육안으로 구분하는데 가장 양호하였고 4) Carbamate계 살충제 중 Bux-2와 Sevin은 Silica Gel G-60에서 UV light (2537 ${\AA}$)에서 특이한 청보라 및 청색형광을 관찰할 수 있었다. 5) 이상의 결과를 보아 법화학적 시료중에 함유된 카바메이트계 농약의 분석은 가능할 것이며 또한 이 방법의 적용이 현재의 실정으로서는 적합한 것으로 사료되는 바이다.

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Studies on Ion-exchange Chromatography of Elements in Special Nonferrous Alloys (비철특수합금에서 금속원소의 이온교환 크로마토그라프에 관한 연구)

  • Kyung Woong Lee;Young Jin Yoo
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.178-182
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    • 1985
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a separation method of Zn(II), Cu(II) and Mg(II), by ion exchange chromatography using cation exchange resion (Dowex 50w${\times}$8, 80-100 mesh) and anion exchange (Amberlite IRA-400). Ion exchange resions were packed into 25 ${\times}$ 2cm ID column and flow rate was controlled to 0.30 ml/min. Good eluents for separation of nonferrous metal ions such as Zn(II), Cu(II), Mg(II) were as follow: 0.5M $NaNO_3$ (pH 3.1), 0.2~0.5M HCl + 50~60% Acetone, and 1M HAc + 0.1M NaAcf(pH 3.7) aqueous solution. The mixed solution of 0.1M NaAc(pH 3.7), 0.5M HCl + 50% Acetone were found to be the best eluent for step elution. Analysis of metals were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. In addition, separated Zn(II) fraction was obtained by eluted with 0.12N HCl and 1.5N $NH_4OH$ aqueous solution. This solution was titrated by the E. D. T. A.

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Antimicrobial Activity of the Aerial Part of Artemisia capillaris Extracts on the Food-Borne Pathogens (인진호 추출물의 식중독 세균들에 대한 생육억제 효과)

  • 이종기;서진종
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.8
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    • pp.1227-1232
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    • 2003
  • The solvent extracts of the aerial part of Artemisia capillaris extracted by using several solvents with different polarities were prepared and their antimicrobial activities were examined. The antimicrobial activities and cell growth inhibitions were investigated to each strain with the different concentrations of the aerial part of Artemisia capillaris Acetone extract showed the highest antimicrobial activity. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) for each strain were appeared to 20 mg/mL at Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis, 40 mg/mL at Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and 80 mg/mL at Salmonella tyhimurium. The cell growth inhibitions were shown on Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Salmonella typhimurium for 48 hours. The acetone extract was further fractionated sequentially with hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and butanol for purifying crude acetone extract. The solvent fraction of hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and butanol showed the different antimicrobial activity, respectively.

Purification of ACE Inhibitor from Soybean Paste (된장으로부터 Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 활성 저해물질의 정제)

  • Suh, Hyung-Joo;Suh, Dae-Bang;Chung, Soo-Hyun;Whang, Jong-Hyun;Sung, Ha-Jin;Yang, Han-Chul
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.441-446
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    • 1994
  • Seven commercial soybean paste were tested for ACE inhibition effect. In purification of ACE inhibitor from No. 2 soybean paste, acetone fraction $(50{\sim}80%)$ had 57% protein yield with 92.8% ACE inhibition effect. Inhibitor was purified from acetone fraction of soybean paste by Sephadex G-25, Sephadex LH-20 and ODS column chromatography and HPLC. $IC_{50}$ value of the purified inhibitor was 0.6 mg/ml. The inhibitor showed the competitive inhibition patterns on ACE. Amino acid analysis showed that the peptides consist of Ala, Phe, Leu, Glu, Gly, Ser, and Asp.

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Studies on the Cellulase. (V) -Fractionation of Cellulolytic Complex produced by Trichoderma $viride(O_2-1)$ (섬유소(纖維素) 분해효소(分解酵素)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (제5보(第5報)) -Trichoderma $(O_2-1)$가 생성(生成)하는 Cellulolytic Complex의 분별(分別)에 대(對)하여-)

  • Sung, Nack-Kie
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.12
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 1969
  • The yield of cellulase derived from Trichoderma $(O_2-1)$ was remarkably varied with various concentration of ethanol and acetone in purification of the enzyme. In the purification with ethanol of ${\beta}-glucosidase$, the best result was obtained in the concentration of 60% and, of CMCase and of filter paper disintegrating enzyme 80%. And in the purification with acetone of ${\beta}-glucosidase$, filter paper disintegrating enzyme, and CMCase, in the concentration of 60%, 80%, and 90% respectively, was shown the best yield. The activities of crude Cellulase preparation could be seperated into few of fractions by column chromatography with Silica gel, Cellulose powder, and gauze. Most of CMCase, avicelase, and ${\beta}-glucosidase$ were eluted, but most of filter paper disintegrating enzyme and the rest of enzymes mentioned the above were absorbed, and were eluted with water. Therefore, it was considered that CMCase is different from filter paper disintegrating enzyme in properties. The relative activity of CMCase was different from that of avicelase in the peak of elusion part. And it was considered that filter paper disintegrating enzyme and cellulose powder saccharifying enzyme was seperated respectively as absorption part and non absorption part. The auther came to the conclusion that at least there were more than three sorts of cellulase in Trichoderma $(O_2-1)$ cellulase preparation.

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The nature of non-specific inhibitor and natural agglutinin for goose erythrocytes in chicken serum (계혈청(鷄血淸)에 들어 있는 뇌염(腦炎)바이러스에 대한 비특이물질 및 거위 혈구(血球)에 대한 응집소의 성상(性狀)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • CHUNG, Y.S.
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.123-136
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    • 1971
  • (1) The non-specific inhibitors (NSI) in normal chicken sera were active against all the tested group A and group B arboviruses, but the group B arbovirus were more sensitive than group A arboviruses. (2) The titres of the NSI were distributed nearly uniformly among chickens from seven different age groups to group A arboviruses. In contrast, the NSI titres to group A arboviruses were found to increase with age. (3) No significant difference could be demonstrated between acetone-ether extraction and kaolin adsorption for removal of the NSI in normal chicken sera. (4) After heating, the NSI titres in chicken sera were increased for both group A and group B arboviruses. (5) After heating the sera at $80^{\circ}C$ and $100^{\circ}C$, kaolin adsorption was less efficient for removing the NSI than it, was in unheated serum. Acetone-ether extraction of the NSI was unimpaired after heating at $80^{\circ}C$ but was less efficient after heating at $100^{\circ}C$. (6) The NSI activity was found mainly in the first peak (IgM) and diffused to a part of second peak (IgG) by fractionation of chicken serum by gel filtration through Sephadex G200. After zonal centrifugation of chicken serum in a linear ten to 40 percent sucrose gradient all of the NSI activities were found on the top of the centrifugal tubes. These properties of large molecular size and low density indicated that the NSI in chicken serum were probably lipoproteins. (7) The natural agglutinins for goose erythrocytes in chicken sera were partially destroyed by acetone-ether extraction but not by kaolin adsorption, and were efficiently adsorbed with ten percent goose erythrocytes. No difference of the NA titre was demonstrated with diluents of different pH. (8) The NA in chicken serum was found to possess the properties of IgM by gel filtration through Sephadex G200 and zonal centrifugation in linear ten to 40 percent sucrose gradient.

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Effect of ascorbic acid, ethanol and acetone on adhesion between the treated fiber posts and composite resin cores

  • Zahra, Khamverdi;Reza, Talebian
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.187-191
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    • 2012
  • PURPOSE. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of ascorbic acid, ethanol and acetone on microtensile bond strength between fiber posts pre-treated with hydrogen peroxide and composite resin cores. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Twenty four fiber posts were pre-treated with 24% hydrogen peroxide and divided into 4 groups as follows: G1: no treatment, as control group; G2: treatment with10% ascorbic acid solution for 5 minutes; G3: treatment with 70% ethanol solution for 5 minutes; and G4: treatment with 70% acetone solution for 5 minutes. Each fiber post was surrounded by a cylinder-shaped polyglass matrix which was subsequently filled with composite resin. Two sections from each sample were selected for microtensile test at a crosshead with speed of 0.5 mm/min. Statistical analyses were performed using one-way ANOVA and a post hoc Tukey HSD test. Fractured surfaces were observed under a stereomicroscope at ${\times}20$ magnification. The fractured surfaces of the specimens were observed and evaluated under a SEM. RESULTS. Means of microtensile bond strength values (MPa) and standard deviations in the groups were as follows: G1: $9.70{\pm}0.81$; G2: $12.62{\pm}1.80$; G3: $16.60{\pm}1.93$; and G4: $21.24{\pm}1.95$. G4 and G1 had the highest and the lowest bond strength values, respectively. A greater bond strength value was seen in G3 compared to G2. There were significant differences between all the groups (P<.001). All the failures were of the adhesive mode. CONCLUSION. Application of antioxidant agents may increase microtensile bond strength between fiber posts treated with hydrogen peroxide and composite cores. Acetone increased bond strength more than ascorbic acid and ethanol.