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Pharmaco-mechanical Thrombectomy and Stent Placement in Patients with May-Thurner Syndrome and Lower Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis (May-Thurner 증후군과 동반된 하지 심부정맥혈전환자에서 혈전제거술과 스텐트삽입술)

  • Jeon, Yonh-Sun;Kim, Yong-Sam;Cho, Jung-Soo;Yoon, Yong-Han;Baek, Wan-Ki;Kim, Kwang-Ho;Kim, Joung-Taek
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.757-762
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    • 2009
  • Background: Compression of the left common iliac vein by the overriding common iliac artery is frequently combined with acute deep vein thrombosis in patients with May-Thurner Syndrome. We evaluate the results of treatment with thrombolysis and thrombectomy followed by stenting in 34 patients with May-Thurner Syndrome combined with lower extremity deep venous thrombosis. Material and Method: The authors retrospectively reviewed the records of 34 patients (mean age: 65±14 year old) who had undergone stent insertion for acute deep vein thrombosis that was caused by May-Thurner syndrome. After thrombectomy and thrombolysis, insertion of a wall stent and balloon angioplasty were performed to relieve the compression of the left common iliac vein. Urokinase at a rate of 80,000 to 120,000 U/hour was infused into the thrombosed vein via a multi-side hole thrombolysis catheter. A retrieval inferior vena cava (IVC) filter was placed to protect against pulmonary embolism in 30 patients (88%). Oral anticoagulation with warfarin was maintained for 3 months, and follow-up Multi Detector Computerized Tomography (MDCT) angiography was done at the date of the patients' hospital discharge and at the 6 months follow-up. Result: The symptoms of deep venous thrombosis disappeared in two patients (4%), and there was clinical improvement within 48 hours in twenty eight patients (82%), but there was no improvement in four patients (8%). The MDCT angiography at discharge showed no thrombus in 9 patients (26%) and partial thrombus in 21 (62%), whereas the follow-up MDCT at 6.4±5.5 months (32 patients) revealed no thrombus in 23 patients (72%), and partial thrombus in 9 patients (26%). Two patients (6%) had recurrence of DVT, so they underwent retreatment. Conclusion: Stent insertion with catheter-directed thrombolysis and thrombectomy is an effective treatment for May-Thurner syndrome combined with acute deep vein thrombosis in the lower extremity.

Development of Analytic Hierarchy Process or Solving Dependence Relation between Multicriteria (다기준 평가항목간 중복도를 반영한 AHP 기법 개발)

  • 송기한;홍상연;정성봉;전경수
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2002
  • Transportation project appraisal should be precise in order to increase the social welfare and efficiency, and it has been evaluated by only a single criterion analysis such as benefit/cost analysis. However, this method cannot assess some qualitative items, and cannot get a proper solution for the clash of interests among various groups. Therefore, the multi-criteria analysis, which can control these problems, is needed, and then Saaty has developed one of these methods, AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. In AHP, the project is evaluated through weighted score of the criteria and the alternatives, which is surveyed by a questionnaire of specialists. It is based on some strict suppositions such as reciprocal comparison, homogeneity, expectation, independence relationship between multi-criteria, but supposing that each criterion has independence relation with others is too difficult in two reasons. First, in real situation, there cannot be perfect independence relationship between standards. Second, individuals, even though they are specialists of that area, do not feel the degree of independence relation as same as others. This paper develops a modified AHP method for solving this dependence relationship between multi-criteria. First of all. in this method, the degree of dependence relationship between multi-criteria that the specialist feels is surveyed and included to the weighted score of multi-criteria This study supposes three methods to implement this idea. The first model products the degree of dependence relationship in the first step for calculating the weighted score, and the others adjust the result of weighted score from the basic AHP method to the dependence relationship. One of the second methods distributes the cross weighted score to each standard by constant ratio, and the other splits them using Fuzzy measure such as Bel and Pl. Finally, in order to validate these methods, this paper applies them to evaluate the alternatives which can control public resentments against Korean rail path in a city area.

The Development of Coin Circulation Institutes and their Regional Impact during the Reign of King Hyojong(孝宗) (효종조(孝宗朝) 행전사목(行錢事目)과 행전책(行錢策), 성과와 한계)

  • JUNG, Suhwan
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.73
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    • pp.153-184
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this thesis was to examine the circumstances that led up to successful coin use across the entire nation in 1678 (the 4th year of King Sukjong's reign), during the Joseon Dynasty. To this end, this thesis analysed the Sa-Mouk(事目, Provisions) that contained the institutional protocol for coin circulation, implemented by King Hyojong and the statesman Kim Youk(金堉) who had practical experience in these matters over the ten years of King Hyojong's reign(1649-1659). To regulate the problematic wide circulation of coarse cotton cloth as currency in the market of 1650 (the 1st year of King Hyojong's reign), prohibition measures were implemented. Besides the superficial justification given for these measures(i.e., that the market price was disturbed by the use of coarse cotton cloth), there was another purpose to prohibiting the circulation of cotton cloth as money, following the standard ruled by the government: the state aimed to ensure momentum for the upcoming coin circulation policy, by strengthening its control of the current economy. In 1651 (the 2nd year of King Hyojong's reign), the government fully cracked down on the use of coarse cotton cloth as currency, and simultaneously implemented its coin circulation policy in the Pyeongan(平安) region. The pretext for this policy was to raise finances to support people who were starving as a result of poor harvests and famine. People who received coins from government officials could purchase food in the market, and the coin circulation policy was judged to be successful. Subsequently, to extend coin circulation further throughout the region, the Sa-Mouk for Seoul was established. The Sa-Mouk included stipulations regarding the use of coin in transactions and for government expenditure; it aimed thereby to enhance the national policy's market credit. The hasty implementation of the policy for the expansion of coin circulation caused some problems that required its modification. In 1652 (the 3rd year of King Hyojong's reign), coin circulation was increased to encompass the Gyeonggi(京畿) region, and some of the tax that had been paid in rice was now paid in coin. However, coins were in short supply, since there was insufficient copper, the main material used in coin production, and the policy faced a significant limitation. Therefore, in 1655(the 6th year of King Hyojong's reign), a new Sa-Mouk for coin circulation was established. This Sa-Mouk included specifications regarding the determination of coin values based on rice and silver, and mandated the wide spread installation of stores for exchanging spot goods for coins throughout the region in which coins were circulating. This policy's objective was to secure stability for the national economy by further regulating coin circulation. The sustained implementation of the coin circulation policy for ten years by King Hyojong and the statesman Kim Youk offered the government an opportunity to accumulate experience in coin circulation in the market, and also to learn from institutional trial and error. This may have been one of the contributing factors to the nation-wide coin circulation that was established in 1678. The objective of the policy implemented during King Hyojong's reign was not to meet the market's requirements, but rather to ensure the preservation of the national economy, and this misjudgement constituted the policy's key limitation. At this time, the government urgently needed to secure finances to cope with the war against China's Qing Dynasty.

Application of unmanned helicopter on pest management in rice cultivation (무인 항공기 이용 벼 병해충 방제기술 연구)

  • Park, K.H.;Kim, J.K.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.43-58
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    • 2008
  • This research was conducted to determine the alternative tool of chemical spray for rice cultivation using the unmanned helicopter(Yamaha, R-Max Type 2G-remote controlled system) at farmer's field in Korea. The unmanned helicopter tested was introduced form Japan. In Korea the application of chemicals by machine sprayer for pest management in rice cultivation has been ordinarily used at the farmer's level. However, it involved a relatively high cost and laborious for the small scale of cultivation per farm household. Farm population has been highly decreased to 7.5% in 2002 and the population is expected to rapidly reduce by 3.5% in 2012. In Japan, pest control depending on unmanned helicopter has been increased by leaps and bounds. This was due in part to the materialization of the low-cost production technology under agricultural policy and demand environmentally friendly farm products. The practicability of the unmanned helicopter in terms of super efficiency and effectiveness has been proven, and the farmers have understood that the unmanned helicopter is indispensable in the future farming system that they visualized. Also, the unmanned helicopter has been applied to rice, wheat, soybean, vegetables, fruit trees, pine trees for spraying chemicals and/or fertilizers in Japan Effect of disease control by unmanned helicopter was partially approved against rice blast and sheath blight. However, the result was not satisfactory due to the weather conditions and cultural practices. The spray density was also determined in this experiment at 0, 15, 30, and 60cm height from the paddy soil surface and there was 968 spots at 0cm, 1,560 spots at 15cm, 1,923 spots at 30cm, and 2,999 spots at 60cm height. However, no significant difference was found among the treatments. At the same time, there was no phytotoxicity observed under the chemical stray using this unmanned helicopter, nor the rice plant itself was damaged by the wind during the operation.

Molecular Breeding of Tobacco Plants Resistant to TMV and PVY (분자생물학적 TMV 및 PVY 저항성 연초 육종)

  • E.K. Pank;Kim, Y.H.;Kim, S.S.;Park, S.W.;Lee, C.H.;K.H.Paik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.134-152
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    • 1997
  • Plant viruses of tobacco including tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and potato virus Y (PVY) cause severe economic losses in leaf-tobacco production. Cultural practices do not provide sufficient control against the viruses. Use of valuable resistant cultivars is most recommendable for the control of the viruses. However, conventional breeding programs are not always proper for the development of virus-resistant plants mostly owing to the frequent lack of genetic sources and introduction of their unwanted properties. Therefore, we tried to develop virus-resistant tobacco plants by transforming commercial tobacco cultivars, NC 82 and Burley 21, with coat protein (CP) or replicase (Nlb) genes of TMV and PVY necrosis strain (PVY-VN) with or without untranslated region (UTR) and with or without mutation. Each cDNA was cloned and inserted in plant expression vectors with 1 or 2 CaMV 35S promotors, and introduced into tobacco leaf tissues by Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA 4404. Plants were regenerated in kanamycin-containing MS media. Regenerated plants were tested for resistance to TMV and PVY In these studies, we could obtain a TMV-resistant transgenic line transformed with TMV CP and 6 genetic lines with PVY-VN cDNAs out of 8 CP and replicase genes. In this presentation, resistance rates, verification of gene introduction in resistant plants, stability of resistance through generations, characteristics of viral multiplication and translocation in resistant plants, and resistance responses relative to inoculum potential and to various PVY strains will be shown. Yield and quality of leaf tobacco of a promising resistant tobacco line will be presented.

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Effects of polygalacin D extracted from Platycodon grandiflorum on myoblast differentiation and muscle atrophy (길경에서 추출한 polygalacin D가 근원세포 분화 및 근위축에 미치는 영향)

  • Eun-Ju Song;Ji-Won Heo;Jee Hee Jang;Eonmi Kim;Yun Hee Jeong;Min Jung Kim;Sung-Eun Kim
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.602-614
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The balance between synthesis and degradation of proteins plays a critical role in the maintenance of skeletal muscle mass. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been closely associated with skeletal muscle atrophy caused by aging, cancer, and chemotherapy. Polygalacin D is a saponin derivative isolated from Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. DC. This study aimed to investigate the effects of polygalacin D on myoblast differentiation and muscle atrophy in association with mitochondrial function in in vitro and in zebrafish models in vivo. Methods: C2C12 myoblasts were cultured in differentiation media containing different concentrations of polygalacin D, followed by the immunostaining of the myotubes with myosin heavy chain (MHC). The mRNA expression of markers related to myogenesis, muscle atrophy, and mitochondrial function was determined by real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Wild type AB* zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos were treated with 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and irinotecan (FOLFIRI) with or without polygalacin D, and immunostained to detect slow and fast types of muscle fibers. The Tg(Xla.Eef1a1:mitoEGFP) zebrafish expressing mitochondria-targeted green fluorescent protein was used to monitor mitochondrial morphology. Results: The exposure of C2C12 myotubes to 0.1 ng/mL of polygalacin D increased the formation of MHC-positive multinucleated myotubes (≥ 8 nuclei) compared with the control. Polygalacin D significantly increased the expression of MHC isoforms (Myh1, Myh2, Myh4, and Myh7) involved in myoblast differentiation while it decreased the expression of atrophic markers including muscle RING-finger protein-1 (MuRF1), mothers against decapentaplegic homolog (Smad)2, and Smad3. In addition, polygalacin D promoted peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator (Pgc1α) expression and reduced the level of mitochondrial fission regulators such as dynamin-1-like protein (Drp1) and mitochondrial fission 1 (Fis1). In a zebrafish model of FOLFIRI-induced muscle atrophy, polygalacin D improved not only mitochondrial dysfunction but also slow and fast muscle fiber atrophy. Conclusion: These results demonstrated that polygalacin D promotes myogenesis and alleviates chemotherapy-induced muscle atrophy by improving mitochondrial function. Thus, polygalacin D could be useful as nutrition support to prevent and ameliorate muscle wasting and weakness.

Influence on Impulse Buying by Shopping Style according to Sales Promotion : Focusing on Consumers of Low-Cost Cosmetic Goods (소비자의 쇼핑성향이 충동구매행동에 미치는 영향 : 저가화장품의 판매촉진 전략의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Bok, Yun-gyoung;Kim, Jun-sung
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.109-124
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    • 2021
  • This study intends to find out the influence of a consumer's shopping style on impulse buying mediated by sales promotion, based on low-cost cosmetic goods. For the study, pleasure, economical, and convenience shopping styles were set as the independent variables, and impulse buying was set as the dependent variable, and as the mediating variable between the two, sales promotions such as price discount event, free giveaway event, and visit-inducing activity were reviewed. Accordingly, the influence relation of shopping style, sales promotion, and impulse buying were reviewed with hierarchical regression analysis to examine the mutual influence relation. The data for this study employed a structured questionnaire, and 230 copies were collected against men and women in their 20s-30s, who are the main consumers of low-cost cosmetic goods, and 197 faithful responses were analyzed, and the major findings from the analysis results are as follows. First, pleasure-style consumers were found to have influenced impulse buying, while economical-style consumers were found to have a negative influence, and convenience-style was found to have no significant relation. Second, as for the examination of the mediating effect of sales promotion, price discount event, free giveaway event, and visit-inducing activity were found to have a partial mediating effect on the influence of pleasure shopping style on impulse buying, and did not fulfill the economical shopping style mediating effect condition. Also, as convenience shopping style was found to be insignificant towards impulse buying, it was excluded from the mediating effect. Such result is thought to be a useful elementary material for establishing a sales promotion strategy according to shopping styles through the analysis of styles of major consumers in order to increase the sales of businesses. The theoretical and pragmatic implications of such study results were discussed and the future study directions were suggested.

Effect of Dietary Inclusion of Various Sources of Green Tea on Immune System and Challenging Test of Juvenile Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus (사료내 녹차 첨가가 넙치 유어기의 면역성 및 세균 공격성에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho Sung-Hwoan;Lee Sang-Mok;Park Byum-Hee;Ji Sung-Choon;Kwon Mun-Gyeong;Kim Yi-Cheong;Lee Jong-Ha;Park Sagn-Eun;Han Hyoung-Kyun
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.84-89
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    • 2006
  • Effect of dietary inclusion of various sources of green tea on growth, immune system and challenging test of juvenile olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus was investigated. Five experimental diets with triplicates were prepared: control, raw leaves, dry leaves, by-product and extract. Twenty five (an initial body weight of 52.5 g) were randomly distributed into 15 of 180 L flow-through tanks. Nutrient requirements of the experimental diets satisfied growth of juvenile olive flounder. The feeding trial lasted for 7 weeks. After 7-week feeding trial, blood were sampled from three randomly chosen fish for serum analysis of Iysozyme and bactericidal activity, and ten fish were infected with Edwardsiella tarda for challenging test from each tank. Weight gain (g/fish) of fish fed the diet containing extract and control diet was significantly higher than that of fish fed the other diets. Feed efficiency ratio for fish fed the diet containing extract and control diet was significantly higher than that for fish fed the diets containing raw leaves and by-product, but not significantly different from that for fish fed the diet containing dry leaves. Serum Iysozyme activity (units/ml) of fish fed the diets containing dry leaves and extract was significantly higher than that of fish fed the diets containing raw leaves and by-product, but not significantly different from that of fish fed the control diet. Serum bactericidal activity (×106 bacteria/ml) of fish fed the diet containing dry leaves and extract was significantly lower than that of fish fed the diets containing raw leaves, by-product and control diet in 3 hour. However, serum bactericidal activity of fish fed the diet containing extract was significantly lower than that of fish fed the other diets in 6 hour. And serum bacterial activity was low in fish fed the diets containing dry and raw leaves, by-product, and control in 6 hour in order. Accumulative mortality (%) of fish fed the control diet was low compared to that of fish fed the diets containing raw leaves and by-product, but high compared to that of fish fed the diets containing dry leaves and extract although no significant difference was found among treatments. In considering above results, dietary inclusion of extract and dry leaves of green tea seemed to be highly effective to improve immune system and endurance against E. tarda infection of juvenile olive flounder.

The Effect of Deep Layer Split Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Growth of Rice Plant (질소비료(窒素肥料)의 심층추비시용(深層追肥施用)이 수도생육(水稻生育)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Maeng, D.W.;Kim, W.C.
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 1977
  • In this experiment, we expected yield increase depending on the control of ineffective tiller, heightening of effective tillering ratio and continuous supply of nitrogen until later growth stage of rice plant by deep layer split application. Treats were applied at Tongil and Jinheung variety, clayey loam and sandy loam soil, and drained and non-drained condition. Nitrogenous fertilizer application wab adopted as liquefied(50%) and lumped (50% and 80%) fertilizer at 12cm depth of soil before 35 days of rice heading time against the standard soil surface application. The results are summarized as follaw. 1. a. Jinheung showed great variant width of tiller numbers per rice plant growth stage, and low effective tillering ratio at soil surface dressing. But in the case of deep layer split application, the number of tiller increased normally, and effective tillering ratio was high. b. At Tonsil, the width of increase and decrease range of effective tiller number between soil surface dressing and deep layer split application was not so high as Jinheung. Deep layer split application of 80% lumped fertilizer showed maximum effective tillering ratio (83). C. In the case of Jinheung, it was supposed that deep layer split application of 80% lumped fertilizer was excessive nitrogen quantity. d. Effective tillering ratio was higher than Tonsil at Jinheung. 2. The number of grains per hill was increased by the deep layer split application, but the ripening ratio was decreased inversely with the increase of total grain number. 3. Length of top leaves was elongated at Jinheung by deep layer split application. It showed significant correlation between top leaves length and grain yield. 4. Deep layer split application inclosed N content of harvested straw. Yield and N content of straw showed possitive correlation. 5. The ratio of unhulled grain yield per straw weight was increased by deep layer splication. This ratio was higher at Jinheung than Tonsil. 6. Grain yield was appeared in order of 80% lumped fertilizer>50% lumped fertilizer>50% liquefied fertilizer>surface dressing by the deep layer split application. The yield increasing factors were the increasing of effective tillering ratio, number of panicles per hill and number of ripening grains per hill. 7. Grain yield was increased at Tongil in sandy loam soil and at Jinheung in clayey loam soil by deep layer split application. 8. The grain yield was increased at drained conditions of clayey loam soil and non-drained conditions of sandy loam soil. But in the case of 80% lumped fertilizer of deep layer split application at the sandy loam soil, the yield was not increased at non-drained conditions. 9. The effect of yield increase by deep layer split application comparing with the surface dressing was higher at Tonsil than ginheung, in spite of low ripening ratio of Tonsil caused by low temperature at heading and harvesting time.

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Assessment of Organic Compound and Bioassay in Soil Using Pharmaceutical Byproduct and Cosmetic Industry Wastewater Sludge as Raw Materials of Compost (제약업종 부산물 및 화장품 제조업 폐수처리오니 처리토양에 대한 유기화합물 및 Bioassay 분석 평가)

  • Lim, Dong-Kyu;Lee, Sang-Beom;Lee, Seung-Hwan;Nam, Jae-Jak;Na, Young-Eun;Kwon, Jang-Sik;Kwon, Soon-Ik;So, Kyu-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.203-210
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to assessment organic compound and bioassay (density of inhabited animal, fluctuation of predominant fungi, and survival ratio of earthworm) for finding damage on red pepper by heavily amount application of sludges in soil, which was treated with 3 pharmaceutical byproducts and a cosmetic industry wastewater sludge as raw materials of compost, and for establishing estimation method. HEM contents in the soil treated with pharmaceutical byproducts sludge2 (PS2) and cosmetic sludge (CS) were 0.51, 1.10 mg/kg respectively. PAHs content of PS2 treatment in the soil was 3406.8 ug/kg on July 8. In abundance of soil faunas, the pharmaceutical byproducts sludge2 treatment was the most highest. The next was decreased in the order of pig manure (PM) and the cosmetic sludge treatment. However the other pharmaceutical sludge treatments were remarkably reduced populations of soil inhabited animals. In upland soil treated with organic sludges, the numbers of bacteria and fungi of the pharmaceutical sludge treatment were 736, 909 cfu/g and those of the cosmetic sludge treatment were 440, 236 cfu/g, respectively. The pharmaceutical sludge treatments and the cosmetic sludge treatment in identification of predominant bacteria were not any tendency to compare with non fertilizer and pig manure treatments, but they had diverse bacteria than NPK treatment. In microcosm tests, the survival of the tiger earthworm in five soil samples was hardly affected against the soil of PSI (20%) after three months treated in the upland But after six months, survival of PS1 was 80%. At present, raw material of compost was authorized by contents of organic matter, heavy metal (8 elements), and product processing according to 'The specified gist on possible materials of using after analysis and investigation among raw materials of compost', however, for preparing to change regulation of raw material of compost and for considering to possibility of application, this study was conducted to investigate toxic organic compound and bioassay methods using inhabited animal, fungi, and earthworm without current regulation.