• Title/Summary/Keyword: 6-keto-prostaglandin $F_1{\alpha}$

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Effects of n-6/n-3 and P/S Ratio of Dietary Lipid on Thromboxane B2 and 6-Keto prostaglandin F1$\alpha$ Production in Rat (P/S 비율과 n-6/n-3 비율을 달리한 식이지방이 흰쥐의 Thromboxane B2 와 6-Keto prostaglandin F1$\alpha$ 합성에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • 김우경
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.574-582
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    • 1994
  • The effects of age and dietary fatty acid composition on prostagladin production was investigated in Sprague-Dawley strain male rats. Animals weighing 88.6$\pm$2.2g were fed 10% dietary fat(W/W, 20% of total energy). The P/S ratios of dietary lipid were three levels(0.5, 1, 2) and there were three different levels of n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio(2, 4, 8) in each P/S ratio. The experimental period were 1 month and 12 months, respectively. The results of this study were as follows. As the age of rats increased, the plasma thromboxane B2 production increased, but aorta 6-keto prostaglandin F1$\alpha$ decreased. When a higher amount of n-3 fatty acid was fed in each P/S ratio, the relative percentage of linolenic acid and EPA in platelet increased.

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THE EFFECT OF INDOMETHACIN ON PROSTAGLANDINS IN 4-NITROQUINOLINE-N-OXIDE (4-NQO) INDUCED PALATAL CARCINOMA OF ALBINO RATS (Indomethacin이 4-Nitroquinoline-N-Oxide(4-NQO) 유도 백서 구개암 발암과정에서 prostaglandins에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Soo
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.187-202
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    • 1989
  • This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of indomethacin on prostaglandins in 4-Nitroquinoline-N-Oxide (4-NQO) induced palatal carcinoma of albino rats. 128 Sprague-Dawley strain albino rats-about 100g in body weight-were used in this study, divided into as belows; 1. Normal group (16-albino rats) with no treatment, 2. Control group (16-albino rats) treated with prophylene application onto palatal mucosa 3 times a week. 3. Experimental group I (48-albino rats) treated with 0.5% 4-NQO in prophylene application onto palatal mucosa 3 times a week. 4. Experimental group II (48-albino rats) treated with 0.5% 4-NQO in prophylene application with administered $20{\mu}g/ml$ of indomethacin in drinking water ad. lib. Four animals were sacrificed 7th, 13th, 19th, and 25th week respectively in normal and control group, and 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th and 29th week respectively in experimental group I and II at each time. The palatal and lingual tissues were excised and kept frozen at $-70^{\circ}C$. Densitometer scan and Beta-counting counter were used for the thin layer chromatography of the arachidonic acid metabolites. The obtained results were as belows; 1. In normal and control group, there was little change of the arachidonic acid metabolites during experiment period, and the tissue homogenates included prostaglandin $D_2$, 6-keto-prostaglandin $F_{1{\alpha}}$, prostaglandin $E_2$, thromboxane $B_2$, prostaglandin $F_{2{\alpha}}$ in that order of relative abundances. 2. In experimental group I, prostaglandin $D_2$, and prostaglandin $E_2$ were increased, while 6-keto-prostaglandin $F_{1{\alpha}}$ and thromboxane $B_2$ were decreased in relative abundances of arachidonic acid metabolites. And there was little change in prostaglandin $F_{1{\alpha}}$ 3. In experimental group II, prostaglandin $D_2$, and prostaglandin $E_2$ were increased, while 6-keto-prostaglandin $F_{1{\alpha}}$ and thromboxane $B_2$ were decreased in relative abundances of arachidonic acid metabolites. And there was little change in prostaglandin $F_{2{\alpha}}$ also. 4. In the range of increase in prostaglandin $D_2$, and prostaglandin $E_2$, and that of decrease in 6-keto-prostaglandin $F_{1{\alpha}}$ and thromboxane $B_2$, in relative abundances, there was wider in experimental group I than in group II. 5. In the range of increase in prostaglandin $D_2$, and prostaglandin $E_2$, and that of decrease in 6-keto-prostaglandin $F_{1{\alpha}}$ and thromboxane $B_2$, in relative abundances, there was wider in palatal mucosa than in lingual mucosa in experimental group I and II.

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THE CONCENTRATIONS OF PROSTAGLANDIN E2, 6-KETO-PROSTAGLANDIN F1α, AND LEUKOTRIENE B4 IN PULPAL AND PERIAPICAL LESIONS (치수 및 치근단병소에서 Prostaglandin E2, 6-keto-Prostaglandin F1α, Leukotriene B4의 분포에 관한 연구)

  • Shon, Won-Jun;Baek, Seung-Ho;Lim, Sung-Sam
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.193-201
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    • 2000
  • Prostaglandins (PGs) and Leukotrienes (LTs) have been implicated in the genesis of pulpal and periapical inflammation. In this study, the relationships among $PGE_2$, 6-keto-PG $F_1{\alpha}$ (a stable metabolite of $PGI_2$) and $LTB_4$ concentrations in inflamed pulp and periapical lesions were discussed. Pulp tissue were obtained in routine endodontic treatment and periapical lesions in periapical surgery after clinical diagnoses were made. These specimens were divided into four groups as normal pulp group (Control group), acute pulpitis group, chronic pulpitis group, and periapical lesion group. Pulp tissue and periapical lesions were stored in liquid nitrogen. The concentration of $PGE_2$, $PGI_2$ and $LTB_4$ were measured with ELISA. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. Significantly higher levels of $PGE_2$, 6-keto-PG $F_1{\alpha}$ a and $LTB_4$ were found in acute pulpitis group than chronic pulpitis group and periapical lesion group(p<0.05). Periapical lesion group showed significantly higher mean concentrations of $PGE_2$ and $LTB_4$ than chronic pulpitis group. In control and chronic pulpitis group, significant higher levels of $PGI_2$ than $PGE_2$ and $LTB_4$ were found. These results suggested that the high levels of $PGE_2$ and $LTB_4$ in periapical lesions may be due to rich endothelium., fibroblast and lymphocyte known as the main producers of $PGE_2$ and $LTB_4$. $PGI_2$ may be thought to one of the most abundant PGs in normal pulp tissue.

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Effect of Ginseng Saponins on the Biosynthesis of Prostaglandins (인삼 사포닌 성분이 프로스타글란딘류 생성에 미치는 영향)

  • 이선희;박찬웅
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.202-210
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    • 1989
  • The effects of Ginseng saponins on the in vitro biosynthesis of prostaglandins were examined in order to identify the role of some Ginseng components on the regulation of arachidonic arid metabolism. The productions of prostaglandin $E_2$ (PG$E_2$), $F_2$ (PGF2), thromboxane $B_2$(TX$B_2$) and 6-ketoprostaglandin Fl (6-Keto-PGF1) from [3Hl-arachidonic acid were evaluatpf by radiochromatographic analysis with rabbit kidney microtome, human platelet homogenate and bovine aortic microsome. The amounts of the total prostaglandins produced by cyclooxygenase activity and malondialdehyde from arachidonic acid didn't show significant changes in the presence of Ginseng saponins. Both of panaxadiol and panaxatriol didn't affect the production of PG$E_2$ while the formations of PG$F_2$( and TX$B_2$( were nearkedly reduced and the production of prostacyclin was increased. The formation of TXBE was reduced by ginsenoside $Rb_2$, Rc, and Re, however the production of 6-Keto-PGF1 was increased dose dependently up to 1 mg/ml. Moreover, platelet aggregations induced by arachidonic acid and U46619 (9.11-methanepoxy PG$H_2$), TX$A_2$ mimetics, were also inhibited by three ginsenosides. The effect of G-Re on prostacyclin synthetase was inhibited by tranylcypromine, prostacyclin synthetase inhibitor. These results suggest that Ginseng saponins may not directly act on cyclooxygenase but affect on the divergent pathway from endoperoxide.

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Rapid Induction of mRNA for Prostaglandin H Synthase in Ovine Meningeal Fibroblasts

  • Nam, Myeong-Jin;Thore, Clara;Busija, David
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.435-441
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    • 1998
  • We examined effects of interleukin $1{\alpha}$ ($IL1{\alpha}$) and phorbol 12, 13 dibutyrate (PDB), an activator of protein kinase C, on mRNA for Prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS) and prostanoid production in cultured ovine meningeal fibroblasts. Immuno- and morphologically-identified fibroblasts were derived from cerebral cortex and white matter from fetal lambs (approximately 120 days gestation) and grown to confluence on glass coverslips in 12 well plates. Levels of prostaglandin $F_{2{\alpha}}$ and the stable hydrolysis product of prostacyclin (i.e., $6-keto-PGF_{1{\alpha}}$) were determined using enzyme immunoassay. Relative amounts of mRNA were determined by in situ hybridization using ovine cDNA for PGHS1. $IL1{\alpha}$ (10 ng/ml) increased mRNA levels over baseline by $62{\pm}19%$ (p<0.05) at 60 min., $37{\pm}12%$ (NS) at 120 min., and $36{\pm}18%$ (NS) at 240 min (n=12). Levels of $6-keto-PGF_{1{\alpha}}$ were $148{\pm}18%$ pg/ml during baseline, $246{\pm}41%$ pg/ml at 60 min., $248{\pm}40%$ pg/ml at 120 min., and $259{\pm}62%$ pg/ml at 240 min (all p<0.05) (n=12). $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ was increased although it wasn't statistically significant. However, $IL1{\alpha}$ decreased $PGE_2$ level significantly (all p<0.05). PDB $(10^{-6}M)$ increased mRNA levels over baseline by $25{\pm}6%$ after 30 min., $40{\pm}6%$ after 60 min., and $20{\pm}8%$ after 90 min. (n=9) (all p<0.05). Levels of $6-keto-PGF_{1{\alpha}}$ were $200{\pm}43%$ pg/ml during baseline, $202{\pm}43%$ pg/ml after 30 min. (NS), $268{\pm}58%$ pg/ml after 60 min. (p<0.05), and $296{\pm}60%$ pg/ml after 90 min. (p<0.05) (n=9). Levels of $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ were $178{\pm}26%$ pg/ml during baseline, $300{\pm}30%$ pg/ml after 30 min., $299{\pm}35%$ pg/ml after 60 min., and $355{\pm}32%$ pg/ml after 90 min (all p<0.05) (n=6). Actinomycin-D (1 mg/ml) prevented increases in mRNA, $6-keto-PGF_{1{\alpha}}$, and $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ at 60 min. for both $IL1{\alpha}$ and PDB. We conclude that cerebral fibroblasts are avid producers of prostanoids, and that enhanced production of PGHS is responsible for augmented $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ and prostacyclin production in the presence of an activator of protein kinase C and for decreased $PGE_2$ and increased prostacyclin production in the presence of $IL1{\alpha}$.

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The Effect of Ginseng Saponins on the Biosynthesis of Prostaglandins (인삼 Saponin이 Prostaglandin 대사에 미치는 영향)

  • Park C.W.;Lee S.H.
    • Proceedings of the Ginseng society Conference
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    • 1988.08a
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    • pp.77-80
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    • 1988
  • The effects of ginseng saponins and some phenolic acids on the in vitro biosynthesis of prostaglandins was examined in order to identify the role of some ginseng components on the regulaion of arachidonic acid metabolism. The productions of prostaglandin $E_2(PGE_2).$ prostaglandin $F_2{\alpha}(PGF_2{\alpha}).$ thromboxane $B_2(TxB_2)$ and 6-keto-prostaglandin $F_1{\alpha}(6-keto-PGF_1{\alpha})$ from $[^3H]-arachidonic$ acid were evaluated with rabbit kidney microsome. human platelet homogenate and bovine aortic microsome. The amounts of the total cyclooxy-genase products from arachidonic acid did't show significant changes in the presence of ginseng saponins. Panaxadiol. panaxatriol and all of the ginsenosides used in these experiments reduced the formation of $TxB_2.$ while increased the $6-keto-PGF_1{\alpha}$ production dose dependently. Ginseng saponins did't inhibit the ADP($10{\mu}M$) induced platelet aggregation. but sodium arachidonate (0.5 mM) induced platelet aggregation. but sodium arachidonate (0.5 mM) induced platelet aggregation was signiticantly inhibited. These findings suggest that ginseng saponins seem to playa role in the regulation of the arachidonate metabolism. probably by affecting the divergent biosynthetic pathway of prostaglandins from endoperoxide.

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The Effect of Docosahexaenoic Acid Rich-Fish Oil Addition on Antithrombotic effect and Lipid Peroxidation in Rat (고DHA(Docosahexaenoic Acid)어유가 첨가된 식이가 흰쥐의 항혈전 및 지질과산화물대사에 미치는 영향)

  • 이경애
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.28 no.11
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    • pp.1078-1090
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    • 1995
  • This study was undertaken to elucidate the effect of DHA rich fish oil(DHA rich oil) added to different dietary fats on thrombosis and lipid peroxidation. Rats were fed perilla oil, sesame oil and beef tallow with or without DHA rich oil for 12 weeks. Bleeding time was the longest in Perilla oil groups with or without DHA rich oil. The productions of thromboxane B2(TX B2) and 6-keto Prostaglandin F1$\alpha$(6-keto PG F1$\alpha$) were the highest in Esame oil group without DHA rich oil. Bleeding time tended to be extened and group showed the most antithrombotic effect among three oil groups when DHA rich oil added. The antithrombotic effect by DHA rich oil addition seemed to be resulted from the increase of dietary n-3 fatty acid rather than DHA. And there was not the difference in antithrombotic effect between DHA and $\alpha$-linolinic acid. The level of TBARS(thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) in plasma and liver, and the activities of lipid peroxide metabolizing enzymes(catalase, superoxide dismutase and gluthathion peroxidase) in erythrocyte and liver were not affected by the dietry fat type and DHA rich oil addition, except that activity of hepatic catalase was increased by DHA rich oil addition. Therefore it revealed the DHA level added in this study seldom affected lipid peroxidation. However, it dose not conclude that DHA level of this study make low production of lipid peroxide because the peroid of our study was short.

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Changes in Hormone Concentrations during Late Pregnancy and Parturition in Korean Native Goats (한국재래산양에 있어서 임신말기 및 분만중 호르몬 농도의 변화)

  • 권춘수;변명대
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 1998
  • Jugular plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone, prolactin, estradiol-17\ulcorner and 13, 14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin-F2봬(PGFM) were meausred prepartum during the last 12 days of pregnancy, at parturition, then 1 day after parturition in 16 goats. Plasma samples were analyzed for luteinizing hormone(LH), estradiol-17\ulcorner(E2), prolactin(PRL) and prostagladin F2봬(PGF2봬) concentrations by radioimmunoassay. 1. The concentrations of plasma luteinizing hormone in Korean native goats remained fairly constant(0.20 0.02\ulcorner0.38 0.04 mlu/ml) from 12 days prepartum to 1 postpartum but the concentrations of plasma prolactin rose slightly from 1 day prepartum. 2. The estradiol-17\ulcorner concentrations increased rapidly after day 1 before partum, reaching a peak at parturition(74.8 77.5 pg/ml), and falling to 63.8 2.8 pg/ml at day 1 postpartum. 3. Starting at 323.2 69.6 twelve days before parturition, the concentrations of plasma prostaglandin F2봬 rose during the 1 day preceeding parturition(650.7봬57.8 pg/ml) and peaked at 1081.4 164.9 on the day of parturition. At day 1 postpartum, the concentrations of PGF2봬 decreased to 425.3 60.4 pg/ml. Finally, these results show that changes in prostaglandin F2봬 concentrations before parturition were closely related to changes in estradiol-17\ulcorner concnetrations, but after parturition they remained elevated whereas estradiol-17\ulcorner concentrations fell abruptly.

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A Study of Mechanism Involved in Cadmium-induced Platelet Aggregation

  • Song Cheul-Soo;Hong Ki-Whan
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.20 no.1 s.34
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 1984
  • Cadmium (Cd) was administered by a series of weekly intraperitoneal injections at dose of 2mg/kg in rabbits and rats. The levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and thromboxane $B^2(TXB_2)$ in platelet-rich plasma from Cd-poisoned animals were significantly higher than those of the control group. Furthermore, the inhibition of 6-keto-prostaglandin $F_{1{\alpha}}$, production in Cd-treated aorta ring was inversely related to the enhancement of platelet aggregation. These results suggest that Cd not only inhibits prostacyclin synthesis in the arterial endothelium, but also stimulates the platelet aggregation by enhancing thromboxane AZ production. These findings are assumed to support the evidence of an effect of Cd toxicity on the vascular wall and platelet function in raising arteriall pressure.

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Effect of Dietary Protein Level on Renal Function : Lipid and Eicosanoids Metabolism in Uninephrectomized Aging Model in Rats (식이 단백질 수준이 한쪽 신장을 절제한 흰쥐에서 혈청 지질 및 Eicosanoid 대사에 미치는 영향)

  • 이현숙
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.29 no.10
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    • pp.1072-1079
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    • 1996
  • This study was performed to elucidate the mechanism of dietary protein level on renal function through lipid and eicosanoids metabolism. Male rats of 337.8$\pm$5.7g body weight were undergone unilateral nephrectomy or sham-operation. The rats were divided into high protein(40% casein), normal protein(15% casein) and low protein(8% casein) diet groups and fed experimental diets ad libitum for 24 weeks. The results are summarized as follows. Serum total lipid, cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol of rats in 15% and 40% casein groups were higher than those of 8% casein group. But serum triglyceride was affected neither by uninephrectomy nor by dietary protein level. Serum thromboxane(TX) B2 and 6-keto prostaglandin F1$\alpha$ increased with increasing dietary protein level. Serum prostaglandin(PG) E2 was not affected by uninephrectomy nor by dietary protein level. Urinary PGE2 and TXB2 excretion tended to be lower in uninephrectomized groups. Renal tissue concentration of TXB2 was lower in uninephrectomized groups and in high protein group. These results suggest the possibility that the effects of dietary protein level on renal function could be due to changes in lipid and eicosanoids metabolism.

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