• Title/Summary/Keyword: 4D BIM

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Development of Performance Indicators for Construction IT Tool based on BSC (건설 정보화 시스템의 BSC기반 성과지표 개발)

  • Kang, Leen-Seok;Kim, Hyeon-Seung;Moon, Hyoun-Seok;Kim, Chang-Hak;Lee, Dong-Wook
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.3220-3225
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    • 2011
  • Current IT Tools for construction project have been developing to satisfy the requirements of improving productivity and quality. Especially, the critical technology of the construction IT tools is the BIM (Building Information Modeling) which integrates and controls the construction information by modeling the structures in the virtual environment. Many domestic studies have been performed for developing various BIM tools and these have been demonstrated through a successful case study. However, because of the most studies focused on architecture and major construction firms, small construction firms are very difficult to utilize a BIM tool without a verification of it. To resolve these problems, this study suggests performance indicators to quantitatively assess the utilization of 4D CAD which is one of the representative BIM tools by BSC (Balanced Score Card). This performance indicator will be used as a measurement for applying IT tools in Construction Project.

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Automated Construction Progress Management Using Computer Vision-based CNN Model and BIM (이미지 기반 기계 학습과 BIM을 활용한 자동화된 시공 진도 관리 - 합성곱 신경망 모델(CNN)과 실내측위기술, 4D BIM을 기반으로 -)

  • Rho, Juhee;Park, Moonseo;Lee, Hyun-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2020
  • A daily progress monitoring and further schedule management of a construction project have a significant impact on the construction manager's decision making in schedule change and controlling field operation. However, a current site monitoring method highly relies on the manually recorded daily-log book by the person in charge of the work. For this reason, it is difficult to take a detached view and sometimes human error such as omission of contents may occur. In order to resolve these problems, previous researches have developed automated site monitoring method with the object recognition-based visualization or BIM data creation. Despite of the research results along with the related technology development, there are limitations in application targeting the practical construction projects due to the constraints in the experimental methods that assume the fixed equipment at a specific location. To overcome these limitations, some smart devices carried by the field workers can be employed as a medium for data creation. Specifically, the extracted information from the site picture by object recognition technology of CNN model, and positional information by GIPS are applied to update 4D BIM data. A standard CNN model is developed and BIM data modification experiments are conducted with the collected data to validate the research suggestion. Based on the experimental results, it is confirmed that the methods and performance are applicable to the construction site management and further it is expected to contribute speedy and precise data creation with the application of automated progress monitoring methods.

Development of 4D System Linking AR and 3D Printing Objects for Construction Porject (AR과 3D 프린팅 객체를 연계한 건설공사 4D 시스템 구성 연구)

  • Park, Sang Mi;Kim, Hyeon Seung;Moon, Hyoun Seok;Kang, Leen Seok
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.181-189
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    • 2021
  • In order to increase the practical usability of the virtual reality(VR)-based BIM object in the construction site, the difference between the virtual image and the real image should be resolved, and when it is applied to the construction schedule management function, it is necessary to reduce the image gap between the virtual completion and the actual completion. In this study, in order to solve this problem, a prototype of 4D model is developed in which augmented reality (AR) and 3D printing technologies are linked, and the practical usability of a 4D model linked with two technologies is verified. When a schedule simulation is implemented by combining a three-dimensional output and an AR object, it is possible to provide more intuitive information as a tangible image-based schedule information when compared to a simple VR-based 4D model. In this study, a methodology and system development of an AR implementation system in which subsequent activities are simulated in 4D model using markers on 3D printing outputs are attempted.

Building Information Modeling of Caves (CaveBIM) in Jeju Island at a Specific Site below a Road at Jaeamcheon Lava Tube and at a Broader Scale for Hallim Town (제주도 한림 재암천굴과 도로 교차구간의 CaveBIM 구축)

  • An, Joon-Sang;Kim, Wooram;Baek, Yong;Kim, Jin-Hwan;Lee, Jong-Hyun
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.449-466
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    • 2022
  • The establishment of a complete geological model that includes information about all the various components at a site (such as underground structures and the compositions of rock and soil underground space) is difficult, and geological modeling is a developing field. This study uses commercial software for the relatively easy composition of geological models. Our digital modeling process integrates a model of Jeju Island's 3D geological information, models of cave shapes, and information on the state of a road at the site's upper surface. Among the numerous natural caves that exist in Jeju Island, we studied the Jaeamcheon lava tube near Hallim town, and the selected site lies below a road. We developed a digital model by applying the principles of building information modeling (BIM) to the cave (CaveBIM). The digital model was compiled through gathering and integrating specific data: relevant processes include modeling the cave's shape using a laser scanner, 3D geological modeling using geological information and geophysical exploration data, and modeling the surrounding area using drones. This study developed a global-scale model of the Hallim region and a local-scale model of the Jaeamcheon cave. Cross-validation was performed when constructing the LSM, and the results were compared and analyzed.

Analysis of overlap ratio for registration accuracy improvement of 3D point cloud data at construction sites (건설현장 3차원 점군 데이터 정합 정확성 향상을 위한 중첩비율 분석)

  • Park, Su-Yeul;Kim, Seok
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2021
  • Comparing to general scanning data, the 3D digital map for large construction sites and complex buildings consists of millions of points. The large construction site needs to be scanned multiple times by drone photogrammetry or terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) survey. The scanned point cloud data are required to be registrated with high resolution and high point density. Unlike the registration of 2D data, the matrix of translation and rotation are used for registration of 3D point cloud data. Archiving high accuracy with 3D point cloud data is not easy due to 3D Cartesian coordinate system. Therefore, in this study, iterative closest point (ICP) registration method for improve accuracy of 3D digital map was employed by different overlap ratio on 3D digital maps. This study conducted the accuracy test using different overlap ratios of two digital maps from 10% to 100%. The results of the accuracy test presented the optimal overlap ratios for an ICP registration method on digital maps.

A proposal of total energy operating system development using spatial information visualization and energy monitoring - Case study on design of total operation system in Sejong city - (건물 에너지 모니터링과 공간정보 시각화를 이용한 에너지 통합 운영시스템 개발 방안 제안 - 세종시 첫마을 공공건물을 대상으로 한 시스템 구축 사례 -)

  • Kwon, KeeJung;Lee, DongHwan;Cha, KiChun;Park, SeungHee
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.8-12
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    • 2014
  • This research and project is going on the Korean government. The objective of project is that developing total energy management solution. So, this paper is going to introduce a proposal that energy total operating system development using spatial information visualization and energy monitoring. It could efficiently operate the building energy wirelessly controling cooling/heating, lighting, air-conditioning and geothermal system. The metering data is collected to total database. The data is linked to BAS gateway, which is connected the device by the standard protocol.

Paneling of Curved NURBS Surface through Marching Geodesic - Application on Compound Surface - (일방향 지오데식을 활용한 곡면 형상의 패널링 - 복합 곡면을 중심으로 -)

  • Hong, Ji-Hak;Sung, Woo-Jae
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.42-52
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    • 2021
  • Paneling building facades is one of the essential procedures in building construction. Traditionally, it has been an easy task of simply projecting paneling patterns drawn in drawing boards onto 3d building facades. However, as many organic or curved building shapes are designed and constructed in modern architectural practices, the traditional one-to-one projection is becoming obsolete for the building types of the kind. That is primarily because of the geometrical discrepancies between 2d drawing boards and 3d curved building surfaces. In addition, curved compound surfaces are often utilized to accommodate the complicated spatial programs, building codes, and zoning regulations or to achieve harmonious geometrical relationships with neighboring buildings in highly developed urban contexts. The use of the compound surface apparently makes the traditional paneling pattern projection more challenging. Various mapping technics have been introduced to deal with the inabilities of the projection methods for curved facades. The mapping methods translate geometries on a 2d surface into a 3d building façade at the same topological locations rather than relying on Euclidean or Affine projection. However, due to the intrinsic differences of the planar 2d and curved 3d surfaces, the mapping often comes with noticeable distortions of the paneling patterns. Thus, this paper proposes a practical method of drawing paneling patterns directly on a curved compound surface utilizing Geodesic, which is faithful to any curved surface, to minimize unnecessary distortions.

Quantity Estimation Method for High-Performance Insulated Wall Panels with Complex Details Using BIM Family Libraries (BIM의 패밀리 라이브러리를 이용한 복잡한 상세를 갖는 고단열 벽체 판넬의 물량 산출 방법)

  • Mun, Ju-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.447-458
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates the effectiveness of Building Information Modeling(BIM) software, specifically SketchUp and Revit, in reducing errors during quantity take-off(QTO) for complex building elements. While 3D modeling offers advantages, existing software may not fully account for manufacturing discrepancies, such as variations in concrete cover thickness and reinforcing bar radius. To address this limitation, this research proposes a BIM-based QTO method for high-insulation wall panels with intricate details. The method utilizes a BIM family library, focusing on key parameters like concrete cover thickness and inner radius of shear reinforcement. A case study compared the cross-sectional details of a wall panel modeled in Revit with the actual manufactured specimen. The analysis revealed a 12% reduction in modeled concrete cover thickness and a 1.27 times larger modeled inner radius of the shear bar compared to the real-world values. The proposed method incorporates these manufacturing variations into the Revit model of the high-insulation wall panel. Software like Navisworks facilitates the identification and correction of any material interferences arising from these adjustments. Furthermore, the method employs a unit wall concept(1m2) to account for the volume of various materials, including insulation and splice sleeves at joints. This allows for the identification of a similar existing family within the BIM library(e.g., "Double RC wall with embedded insulation") that reflects the actual material quantities used in the wall panel. By incorporating these manufacturing-induced variations, the proposed method offers a more accurate QTO process for complex high-insulation wall panels. The "Double RC wall with embedded insulation" family within the Revit program serves as a valuable tool for material quantity estimation in such scenarios.

Development of Deep Learning-based Automatic Classification of Architectural Objects in Point Clouds for BIM Application in Renovating Aging Buildings (딥러닝 기반 노후 건축물 리모델링 시 BIM 적용을 위한 포인트 클라우드의 건축 객체 자동 분류 기술 개발)

  • Kim, Tae-Hoon;Gu, Hyeong-Mo;Hong, Soon-Min;Choo, Seoung-Yeon
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.96-105
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    • 2023
  • This study focuses on developing a building object recognition technology for efficient use in the remodeling of buildings constructed without drawings. In the era of the 4th industrial revolution, smart technologies are being developed. This research contributes to the architectural field by introducing a deep learning-based method for automatic object classification and recognition, utilizing point cloud data. We use a TD3D network with voxels, optimizing its performance through adjustments in voxel size and number of blocks. This technology enables the classification of building objects such as walls, floors, and roofs from 3D scanning data, labeling them in polygonal forms to minimize boundary ambiguities. However, challenges in object boundary classifications were observed. The model facilitates the automatic classification of non-building objects, thereby reducing manual effort in data matching processes. It also distinguishes between elements to be demolished or retained during remodeling. The study minimized data set loss space by labeling using the extremities of the x, y, and z coordinates. The research aims to enhance the efficiency of building object classification and improve the quality of architectural plans by reducing manpower and time during remodeling. The study aligns with its goal of developing an efficient classification technology. Future work can extend to creating classified objects using parametric tools with polygon-labeled datasets, offering meaningful numerical analysis for remodeling processes. Continued research in this direction is anticipated to significantly advance the efficiency of building remodeling techniques.