• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D slope analysis

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Cause of Rockfall at Natural Monument Pohang Daljeon-ri Columnar Joint (천연기념물 포항 달전리 주상절리의 낙석 발생원인)

  • Kim, Jae Hwan;Kong, Dal-Yong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.497-510
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    • 2022
  • Monthly monitoring, 3D scan survey, and electrical resistivity survey were conducted from January 2018 to August 2022 to identify the cause of rockfall occurring in Daljeon-ri Columnar Joint (Natural Monument No. 415), Pohang. A total of 3,231 rocks fell from the columnar joint over the past 5 years, and 1,521 (47%) of the falling rocks were below 20 cm in length, 978 (30.3%) of 20-30 cm, and 732 (22.7%) of rocks over 30 cm. While the number of rockfalls by year has decreased since 2018, the frequency of rockfalls bigger than 30 cm tends to increase. Large-scale rockfalls occurred mainly during the thawing season (March-April) and the rainy season (June-July), and the analysis of the relationship between cumulative rainfall and rockfall occurrence showed that cumulative rainfall for 3 to 4 days is also closely related to the occurrence of rockfall. Smectite and illite, which are expansible clay minerals, were observed in XRD analysis of the slope material (filling minerals) in the columnar joint, and the presence of a fault fracture zone was confirmed in the electrical resistivity survey. In addition, the confirmed fault fracture zone and the maximum erosion point analyzed through 3D precision measurement coincided with the main rockfall occurrence point observed by the BTC-6PXD camera. Therefore, the main cause of rockfall at Daljeon-ri columnar joint in Pohang is a combination of internal factors (development of fault fracture zones and joints, weathering of rocks, presence of expansive clay minerals) and external factors (precipitation, rapid thawing phenomenon), resulting in large-scale rockfall. Meanwhile, it was also confirmed that the Pohang-Gyeongju earthquake, which was continuously raised, was not the main cause.

Experimental Investigation on the Change of Stability Coefficient of Tetrapod According to Difference in Density (비중 차이에 따른 테트라포드 안정계수 변화에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Dal Soo;Oh, Sang-Ho;Cho, Bong Suk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.124-131
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    • 2016
  • In this study, a physical experiment was performed to investigate the change in the stability coefficient, defined by Hudson equation, for the tetrapod of different specific densities. The experiment was carried out once (with no repetition) for a rubble mound breakwater with 1:1.5 slope. In this experiment, the stability coefficient for the high-density tetrapod was greater than that for the normal-density tetrapod. This indicates variability of the stability coefficient according to change in the density of tetrapod. Further experiments and detailed analysis are required to investigate the effect of the density on the stability coefficient of tetrapod.

Estimation of Contact Fatigue Initiation Lifetime of an Urban Railway Wheel (도시철도 차륜의 접촉피로 초기수명 평가)

  • Ahn, Jong-Gon;You, In-Dong;Kwon, Seok-Jin;Kim, Ho-Kyung
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2012
  • Rolling contact fatigue of an urban railway wheel was analysed during its rolling. A FEM analysis was performed using a 3D modelling of rail and wheel, considering the slope of the rail and nonlinear isotropic and kinematic hardening behavior of the rail and the wheel. The maximum von-Mises stress and contact pressure between the rail and wheel were 656.9 MPa and 1111.4 MPa, respectively, under axial load of 85 kN with friction coefficient of 0. The fatigue initiation life prediction relationships by strain-lifetime (${\varepsilon}$-N) and Smith-Watson-Topper method were drawn for the wheel steel as follows: $N_i=7.35{\times}10^6{\times}SWT^{-3.56}$ and $N_i=5.41{\times}10^{-9}{\times}(\frac{{\Delta}{\varepsilon}}{2})^{-5.77}$. The fatigue lifetimes of the wheel due to rolling contact were determined to be infinite by ${\varepsilon}$-N and SWT methods.

Computer Simulation of Sideways Overturning of Side-Loaded Mini-Forwarder (측면 적재형 소형 임내 작업 차량의 횡전도 시뮬레이션)

  • Shim, S.B.;Park, Y.J.;Kim, K.U.;Kim, J.W.;Park, M.S.;Song, T.Y.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.32 no.2 s.121
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the sideways overturning stability of side loaded mini-forwarder. The model of a prototype was developed using a 3D CAD modeler and the performance was experimentally validated. The prototype model was run on the multibody dynamic analysis program, RecurDyn 6.0, to simulate motions when the model traversed over a circular bump on a inclined ground surface. The simulation was performed at a constant forward speed of 1.85 km/h under the loaded and unloaded conditions. The forward direction was also controlled to vary from 0 to 360 degrees with an increment of 10 degrees. Results of the simulation showed safe regions in which the mini forwarder could travel safely in terms of direction and slope of the ground. Even when the mini-forwarder was loaded by 20 logs of 3.6 m long and 12 cm diameter, it traveled safely within the ground slopes of 1 to 45 degrees by directions.

Length-Weight Relations and Condition Factor (K) of Zacco platypus Along Trophic Gradients in Reservoir Ecosystems (인공호의 부영양화에 따른 피라미(Zacco platypus) 개체군의 전장-체중 관계 및 비만도 지수)

  • Ko, Dae-Geun;Han, Jeong-Ho;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.174-189
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study was to determine the weight-length relations and condition factor (K) of Zacco platypus, along the trophic gradients from oligotrophic to eutrophic state in six reservoir ecosystems ($B_aR$, $Y_yR$, $J_yR$, $G_pR$, $Y_dR$, and $M_sR$), during 2008~2010. The species was selected as a sentinel species for the study, due to its wide distribution and wide trophic gradient. The analysis of trophic state index (TSI), based on total phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), indicated that reservoirs of $Y_yR$ and $B_aR$ were classified as to be in an oligotrophic state (30~40), the $J_yR$ and $G_pR$ as mesotrophic (40~50), and the $Y_dR$ and $M_sR$ as eutrophic state (50~70). Total 47 species and 26,226 individuals were sampled from 6 reservoirs and sensitive species dominated in the oligotrophic reservoirs ($Y_yR$ and $B_aR$). In the mean time, the tolerant speciesdominated the community in the mesotrophic ($J_yR$ and $G_pR$) and eutrophic ($Y_dR$ and $M_sR$) reservoirs. Regression analysis of body weight, against the total length, indicated that the regression coefficient (b value) was lower in the oligotrophic reservoir (2.77~2.79) than the mesotrophic (3.07~3.17) and eutrophic reservoirs (3.15~ 3.21). This result suggests that the population growth rate Zacco platypus reflected the trophic gradients of the reservoirs. The analysis of condition factor (K) against the total length showed positive slopes (b>3.0) in mesotrophic and eutrophic reservoirs, and a negative slope (b<3.0) in oligotrophic reservoir. The variation of the regression slope of "b" in Z. platypus was accounted for 79.7% [$b=0.012{\times}TSI(TP)+2.395$, p=0.017] by the variation of TSI (TP) and 82.2% [$b=0.013{\times}TSI(Chl-a)+2.36$, p=0.013] by the variation of TSI (Chl-a). The proportion of DELT abnormality increased as the trophic state increases in the reservoirs. The overall data suggest that the growth of the fish populations, based on the length-weight relations and condition factor, reflected the trophic state of nutrient and phytoplankton biomass of the reservoir waters. Thus, in spite of the tolerant characteristics of Z. platypus, hypertrophic states might negatively affect the health of the population.

Construction of 3D Geospatial Information for Development and Safety Management of Open-pit Mine (노천광산 개발 및 안전관리를 위한 3차원 지형정보 구축 및 정확도 분석)

  • Park, Joon Kyu;Jung, Kap Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2020
  • Open pit mines for limestone mining require rapid development of technologies and efforts to prevent safety accidents due to rapid deterioration of the slope due to deforestation and rapid changes in the topography. Accurate three-dimensional spatial information on the terrain should be the basis for reducing environmental degradation and safe development of open pit mines. Therefore, this study constructed spatial information about open pit mine using UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and analyzed its utility. images and 3D laser scan data were acquired using UAV, and digital surface model, digital elevation model and ortho image were generated through data processing. DSM(Digital Surface Model) and ortho image were constructed using image obtained from UAV. Trees were removed using 3D laser scan data and numerical elevation models were produced. As a result of the accuracy analysis compared with the check points, the accuracy of the digital surface model and the digital elevation model was about 11cm and 8cm, respectively. The use of three-dimensional geospatial information in the mineral resource development field will greatly contribute to effective mine management and prevention of safety accidents.

Training Performance Analysis of Semantic Segmentation Deep Learning Model by Progressive Combining Multi-modal Spatial Information Datasets (다중 공간정보 데이터의 점진적 조합에 의한 의미적 분류 딥러닝 모델 학습 성능 분석)

  • Lee, Dae-Geon;Shin, Young-Ha;Lee, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.91-108
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    • 2022
  • In most cases, optical images have been used as training data of DL (Deep Learning) models for object detection, recognition, identification, classification, semantic segmentation, and instance segmentation. However, properties of 3D objects in the real-world could not be fully explored with 2D images. One of the major sources of the 3D geospatial information is DSM (Digital Surface Model). In this matter, characteristic information derived from DSM would be effective to analyze 3D terrain features. Especially, man-made objects such as buildings having geometrically unique shape could be described by geometric elements that are obtained from 3D geospatial data. The background and motivation of this paper were drawn from concept of the intrinsic image that is involved in high-level visual information processing. This paper aims to extract buildings after classifying terrain features by training DL model with DSM-derived information including slope, aspect, and SRI (Shaded Relief Image). The experiments were carried out using DSM and label dataset provided by ISPRS (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) for CNN-based SegNet model. In particular, experiments focus on combining multi-source information to improve training performance and synergistic effect of the DL model. The results demonstrate that buildings were effectively classified and extracted by the proposed approach.

Construction of Mine Geospatial Information by Total Station and 3D Laser Scanner (토털스테이션과 3D 레이저 스캐너에 의한 광산공간정보 구축)

  • Park, Joon-Kyu;Lee, Keun-Wang
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.520-525
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    • 2019
  • Mines are an important infrastructure for securing resources, but safety problems can arise in the course of operation. Recently, the mining process is very complicated due to the large scale and mechanization. Therefore, it is necessary to construct accurate geospatial information on mine for systematic and safe mine operation. The geospatial information construction using the existing total station has a disadvantage that a lot of work time is required because the target must be collimated and measured. In this study, the data of the mines were acquired with the total station and the 3D laser scanner, and the mine spatial information was constructed by using the shape based registration method. By using the static scanner data of some area applying the reference point surveying result of the total station, it was possible to construct the accurate result on the wide area acquired by the mobile scanner effectively. Also, the accuracy of the constructed geospatial information was evaluated and the deviation of mean 0.083m was shown. Point cloud products constructed through the research can contribute to the efficiency improvement of mine management by enabling quantitative analysis such as visualization of mine shape, distance, area and slope, and automation of drawing creation for cross section shape.

Roughness Analysis of Paved Road using Drone LiDAR and Images (드론 라이다와 영상에 의한 포장 노면의 평탄성 분석)

  • Jung, Kap Yong;Park, Joon Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2021
  • The roughness of the road is an important factor directly connected to the ride comfort, and is an evaluation item for functional evaluation and pavement quality management of the road. In this study, data on the road surface were acquired using the latest 3D geospatial information construction technology of ground LiDAR, drone photogrammetry, and drone LiDAR, and the accuracy and roughness of each method were analyzed. As a result of the accuracy evaluation, the average accuracy of terrestrial LiDAR were 0.039m, 0.042m, 0.039m RMSE in X, Y, Z direction, and drone photogrammetry and drone LiDAR represent 0.072~0.076m, 0.060~0.068m RMSE, respectively. In addition, for the roughness analysis, the longitudinal and lateral slopes of the target section were extracted from the 3D geospatial information constructed by each method, and the design values were compared. As a result of roughness analysis, the ground LiDAR showed the same slope as the design value, and the drone photogrammetry and drone LiDAR showed a slight difference from the design value. Research is needed to improve the accuracy of drone photogrammetry and drone LiDAR in measurement fields such as road roughness analysis. If the usability through improved accuracy can be presented in the future, the time required for acquisition can be greatly reduced by utilizing drone photogrammetry and drone LiDAR, so it will be possible to improve related work efficiency.

Sedimentary History and Tectonics in the Southeastern Continental Shelf of Korea based on High Resolution Shallow Seismic Data. (고해상탄성파탐사자료에 의한 한국남동대륙붕의 퇴적사 및 조구조운동)

  • Min Geon Hong;Park Yong Ahn
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.5 no.1_2 s.6
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1997
  • Seismic stratigraphic analysis of the high resolution profiles obtained from the southeastern shelf of Korea divided the deposits into 4 sequences; 1) sequence D, 2) sequence C, 3) sequence B and 4) sequence A (Holocene sediments). Sequence D was deposited in shallow-water environment at west of the Yangsan Fault as the basin subsided. On the other hand, the eastern part was formed at the slope front. Landward part of the slope-front fill sediments were eroded and redeposited nearby slope due to the syndepositional tilting of the basin. This tilting probably resulted from the continuous closing of the Ulleung Basin. Sequence C is made of stacked successions of the lowstand fluvial sediments, transgressive sediments and marine highstand sediments derived from the paleo-river in the western part of the Yangsan Fault. Sequence C in the eastern part of the Yanshan Fault was formed at the shelf break. Progradation of the lowstand sediments resulted in broadening of the shelf. Sequence C in the eastern part was also tilted but the tilting was weaker than in Sequence D. During the formation of sequence B the tilting stopped and the point source instead of the line source started in both sides of the Yangsan Fault. Sequence B was composed of the highstand systems tract partially preserved around the Yokji island, lowstand systems tract mainly preserved in the Korea Trough and transgressive systems tract. After the stop of the tilting, the force of compression due to the closing of the Ulleung Basin may be released by the strike-slip faults instead of tilting.

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