• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D map

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Precision shape modeling by z-map model

  • Park, Jung-Whan;Chung, Yun-Chan;Choi, Byoung-Kyn
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2002
  • The Z-map is a special farm of discrete non-parametric representation in which the height values at grid points on the xy-plane are stored as a 2D array z[ij]. While the z-map is the simplest farm of representing sculptured surfaces and is the most versatile scheme for modeling non-parametric objects, its practical application in industry (eg, tool-path generation) has aroused much controversy over its weaknesses, namely its inaccuracy, singularity (eg, vertical wall), and some excessive storage needs. Much research or the application of the z-map can be found in various articles, however, research on the systematic analysis of sculptured surface shape representation via the z-map model is rather rare. Presented in this paper are the following: shape modeling power of the simple z-map model, exact (within tolerance) z-map representation of sculptured surfaces which have some feature-shapes such as vertical-walls and real sharp-edges by adopting some complementary z-map models, and some application examples.

Implementation of a 3D Recognition applying Depth map and HMM (깊이 맵과 HMM을 이용한 인식 시스템 구현)

  • Han, Chang-Ho;Oh, Choon-Suk
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2012
  • Recently, we used to recognize for human motions with some recognition algorithms. examples, HMM, DTW, PCA etc. In many human motions, we concentrated our research on recognizing fighting motions. In previous work, to obtain the fighting motion data, we used motion capture system which is developed with some active markers and infrared rays cameras and 3 dimension information converting algorithms by the stereo matching method. In this paper, we describe that the different method to acquiring 3 dimension fighting motion data and a HMM algorithm to recognize the data. One of the obtaining 3d data we used is depth map algorithm which is calculated by a stereo method. We test the 3d acquiring and the motion recognition system, and show the results of accuracy and performance results.

Analysis of 3D Data Structuring and Processing Techniques for 3D GIS (3D GIS를 위한 3차원 구조화 및 처리기술 분석)

  • 구흥대;정동기;유환희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.375-382
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    • 2004
  • Lately, 3D GIS begins to be widely used in many application fields. In this research, we proposed a survey and analysis result of research trends for 3D GIS technologies-acquisition of 3D spatial data, 3D features structuring, 3D visualization, data query, and transmission etc. The result is expected to give the helpful information for constructing research road-map on development of 3D GIS technologies.

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Revision of 1/1,000 digital Map for Application of 3Dimensional Geospatial Data (1/1,000 수치지도의 수정을 위한 3차원 공간정보의 활용 방안)

  • Lee, Hyunjik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2014
  • As raster-based high quality and resolution spatial information has appeared, 1/1,000 digital map lost either its recognition or uses because of insufficient new modified and updated information. Therefore, this study analyzed the linkage between three-dimensional spatial information and 1/1,000 digital map, and also suggested a modification plan of 1/1,000 digital map, made by three-dimensional spatial information. In fact, some area of Incheon and Busan were presented with the modification plan of 1/1,000 digital map as three-dimensional trial models. These trials reflected possibilities of modification by qualitative and quantitative analysis of 1/1,000 digital map, using three-dimensional object model.

3D LIDAR Based Vehicle Localization Using Synthetic Reflectivity Map for Road and Wall in Tunnel

  • Im, Jun-Hyuck;Im, Sung-Hyuck;Song, Jong-Hwa;Jee, Gyu-In
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2017
  • The position of autonomous driving vehicle is basically acquired through the global positioning system (GPS). However, GPS signals cannot be received in tunnels. Due to this limitation, localization of autonomous driving vehicles can be made through sensors mounted on them. In particular, a 3D Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) system is used for longitudinal position error correction. Few feature points and structures that can be used for localization of vehicles are available in tunnels. Since lanes in the road are normally marked by solid line, it cannot be used to recognize a longitudinal position. In addition, only a small number of structures that are separated from the tunnel walls such as sign boards or jet fans are available. Thus, it is necessary to extract usable information from tunnels to recognize a longitudinal position. In this paper, fire hydrants and evacuation guide lights attached at both sides of tunnel walls were used to recognize a longitudinal position. These structures have highly distinctive reflectivity from the surrounding walls, which can be distinguished using LIDAR reflectivity data. Furthermore, reflectivity information of tunnel walls was fused with the road surface reflectivity map to generate a synthetic reflectivity map. When the synthetic reflectivity map was used, localization of vehicles was able through correlation matching with the local maps generated from the current LIDAR data. The experiments were conducted at an expressway including Maseong Tunnel (approximately 1.5 km long). The experiment results showed that the root mean square (RMS) position errors in lateral and longitudinal directions were 0.19 m and 0.35 m, respectively, exhibiting precise localization accuracy.

Development of Framework for Digital Map Time Series Analysis of Earthwork Sites (토공현장 디지털맵 시계열 변화분석 프레임워크 기술개발)

  • Kim, Yong-Gun;Park, Su-Yeul;Kim, Seok
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2023
  • Due to the increased use of digital maps in the construction industry, there is a growing demand for high-quality digital map analysis. With the large amounts of data found in digital maps at earthwork sites, there is a particular need to enhance the accuracy and speed of digital map analysis. To address this issue, our study aims to develop new technology and verify its performance to address non-ground and range mismatch issues that commonly arise. Additionally, our study presents a new digital map analysis framework for earthwork sites that utilizes three newly developed technologies to improve the performance of digital map analysis. Through this, it achieved about 95% improvement in analysis performance compared to the existing framework. This study is expected to contribute to the improvement of the quality of digital map analysis data of earthworks.

A Development of GVP for Hierarchical POI Information Visualization based on GML (GML 기반 계층적 POI 정보 가시화를 위한 GVP 개발)

  • Song, Eun-Ha;Park, Yong-Jin;Jeong, Young-Sik
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.15D no.4
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    • pp.541-548
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    • 2008
  • Today, GIS service requires not only a simple map visualization but also geographical information of each object. However, POI service provides simply geographical naming service only because of lacking in geographical information of objects. In addition, geographical space data representation functioning that is the basis for most GIS has not been standardized yet. In this paper, it is designed that POI DB that is hierarchical and user-oriented and it is constructed that GVP(GML Viewer POI) that is the basis of GML specification to overcome difference and incompatibility of map visualization. GVP adds POI DB in a 3-Layer structure to dBase file managing the information of SHP file attributes. Therefore, POI visualization enables hierarchical search, by providing POI information in directory-type grouping. Consisting of map visualization and POI visualization, GVP regenerates attributes in the form of individual objects and responds to user events immediately.

Analysis of 3D GIS- Based GNSS Visibility at Urban Area (도심에서의 3차원 GIS 기반 위성항법시스템 가시성 분석)

  • Yoo, Kyung-Ho;Kang, Tae-Sam;Sung, Sang-Kyung;Lee, Eun-Sung;Jeong, Seong-Kyun;Sin, Cheon-Sig;Lee, Sang-Uk;Lee, Young-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.35 no.12
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    • pp.1095-1100
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    • 2007
  • Visibility of the satellite navigation is related to a environmental condition of a receiver. Obstacles like buildings and trees in urban areas can block signals and have effects on accuracy and reliability of positioning. This paper presents a method of creating 3D analysis model of urban canyon of Seoul using three-Dimensional digital map. Analysis techniques of visible satellites with Ray-Polygon Collision Detection and validation of algorithm through field tests are discussed. We have compared and analyzed the visibility of GPS and Galileo with respect to separate and simultaneous tracking in view of DOP (Dilution of Precision) using the 3D GIS digital map.

A Study on Ontology and Topic Modeling-based Multi-dimensional Knowledge Map Services (온톨로지와 토픽모델링 기반 다차원 연계 지식맵 서비스 연구)

  • Jeong, Hanjo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2015
  • Knowledge map is widely used to represent knowledge in many domains. This paper presents a method of integrating the national R&D data and assists of users to navigate the integrated data via using a knowledge map service. The knowledge map service is built by using a lightweight ontology and a topic modeling method. The national R&D data is integrated with the research project as its center, i.e., the other R&D data such as research papers, patents, and reports are connected with the research project as its outputs. The lightweight ontology is used to represent the simple relationships between the integrated data such as project-outputs relationships, document-author relationships, and document-topic relationships. Knowledge map enables us to infer further relationships such as co-author and co-topic relationships. To extract the relationships between the integrated data, a Relational Data-to-Triples transformer is implemented. Also, a topic modeling approach is introduced to extract the document-topic relationships. A triple store is used to manage and process the ontology data while preserving the network characteristics of knowledge map service. Knowledge map can be divided into two types: one is a knowledge map used in the area of knowledge management to store, manage and process the organizations' data as knowledge, the other is a knowledge map for analyzing and representing knowledge extracted from the science & technology documents. This research focuses on the latter one. In this research, a knowledge map service is introduced for integrating the national R&D data obtained from National Digital Science Library (NDSL) and National Science & Technology Information Service (NTIS), which are two major repository and service of national R&D data servicing in Korea. A lightweight ontology is used to design and build a knowledge map. Using the lightweight ontology enables us to represent and process knowledge as a simple network and it fits in with the knowledge navigation and visualization characteristics of the knowledge map. The lightweight ontology is used to represent the entities and their relationships in the knowledge maps, and an ontology repository is created to store and process the ontology. In the ontologies, researchers are implicitly connected by the national R&D data as the author relationships and the performer relationships. A knowledge map for displaying researchers' network is created, and the researchers' network is created by the co-authoring relationships of the national R&D documents and the co-participation relationships of the national R&D projects. To sum up, a knowledge map-service system based on topic modeling and ontology is introduced for processing knowledge about the national R&D data such as research projects, papers, patent, project reports, and Global Trends Briefing (GTB) data. The system has goals 1) to integrate the national R&D data obtained from NDSL and NTIS, 2) to provide a semantic & topic based information search on the integrated data, and 3) to provide a knowledge map services based on the semantic analysis and knowledge processing. The S&T information such as research papers, research reports, patents and GTB are daily updated from NDSL, and the R&D projects information including their participants and output information are updated from the NTIS. The S&T information and the national R&D information are obtained and integrated to the integrated database. Knowledge base is constructed by transforming the relational data into triples referencing R&D ontology. In addition, a topic modeling method is employed to extract the relationships between the S&T documents and topic keyword/s representing the documents. The topic modeling approach enables us to extract the relationships and topic keyword/s based on the semantics, not based on the simple keyword/s. Lastly, we show an experiment on the construction of the integrated knowledge base using the lightweight ontology and topic modeling, and the knowledge map services created based on the knowledge base are also introduced.

Up-Sampling Method of Depth Map Using Weighted Joint Bilateral Filter (가중치 결합 양방향 필터를 이용한 깊이 지도의 업샘플링 방법)

  • Oh, Dong-ryul;Oh, Byung Tae;Shin, Jitae
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.1175-1184
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    • 2015
  • A depth map is an image which contains 3D distance information. Generally, it is difficult to acquire a high resolution (HD), noise-removed, good quality depth map directly from the camera. Therefore, many researches have been focused on acquisition of the high resolution and the good quality depth map by up-sampling and pre/post image processing of the low resolution depth map. However, many researches are lack of effective up-sampling for the edge region which has huge impact on image perceptual-quality. In this paper, we propose an up-sampling method, based on joint bilateral filter, which improves up-sampling of the edge region and visual quality of synthetic images by adopting different weights for the edge parts that is sensitive to human perception characteristics. The proposed method has gains in terms of PSNR and subjective video quality compared to previous researches.