• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D human scan data

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Synthesis of Human Body Shape for Given Body Sizes using 3D Body Scan Data (3차원 스캔 데이터를 이용하여 임의의 신체 치수에 대응하는 인체 형상 모델 생성 방법)

  • Jang, Tae-Ho;Baek, Seung-Yeob;Lee, Kun-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.364-373
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we suggest the method for constructing parameterized human body model which has any required body sizes from 3D scan data. Because of well developed 3D scan technology, we can get more detailed human body model data which allow to generate precise human model. In this field, there are a lot of research is performed with 3D scan data. But previous researches have some limitations to make human body model. They need too much time to perform hole-filling process or calculate parameterization of model. Even more they missed out verification process. To solve these problems, we used several methods. We first choose proper 125 3D scan data from 5th Korean body size survey of Size Korea according to age, height and weight. We also did post process, feature point setting, RBF interpolation and align, to parameterize human model. Then principal component analysis is adapted to the result of post processed data to obtain dominant shape parameters. These steps allow to reduce process time without loss of accuracy. Finally, we compare these results and statistical data of Size Korea to verify our parameterized human model.

2D Pattern Development of Body Surface from 3D Human Scan Data Using Standing and Cycling Postures (3D 스캔을 이용한 사이클 동작 전후 체표 변화 고찰 및 2D 전개 패턴의 비교)

  • Jeong, Yeonhee;Lee, Yejin
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.975-988
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    • 2012
  • Although the pattern development for tight-fitting clothing has been carried out using 3D data on humans, the pattern development using 3D scan data obtained for various postures still remains an interesting subject. In this study, we have developed the 2D pattern using the 3D human body reflecting standing and cycling postures. The 3D scan data of a subject was obtained using Cyberware. 2C-AN program(Triangle simplification and the Runge-Kutta method) was used in the system to reduce the 3D scan data points and to make segmented triangular patches in a plane from 3D data. As results, surface distance and area of each body part of standing and cycling postures were also provided for the future application of the functional clothing construction. The area of center piece on the front (c.front) decreased by $106.45cm^2$(-13.08%) and that of lateral piece(s.back) on the back increased by $144.96cm^2$(18.69%) in the patterns of cycling posture. The girth of neck and waist for the cycling posture increased by 0.88cm (3.92%) and 1.56cm(4.40%) respectively, and the that of thigh decreased by 1.01cm(-2.24%). The differences between the area in the 2D pattern obtained from the 3D scan data and that in the 3D scan surface data for standing and cycling postures were very small($-10.34cm^2$(-0.32%) and $-44.33cm^2$(-1.32%)).

Studies on Representative Body Sizes and 3D Body Scan Data of Korean Adolescents (한국 청소년의 대표 인체치수 및 3D 인체형상자료에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Seung-il
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.227-232
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    • 2016
  • 3D body scan data are used widely in various fields to make products and living spaces for superior human body fitness. Based on the 3D measurements of human bodies for teens in Size Korea 2013, this research provides a way of finding the representative body sizes and 3D body scan data. First, a multi-dimensional vector space consisting of many measurement items was projected onto a 2D vector space with circumference and length components via factor analysis. The representative body sizes and 3D scan data close to these values were obtained via the Mahalanobis distance in 2D space. Considering the adolescent growth pattern shown on this 2D space, males were divided into 4 age groups and females were divided into 3 age groups. Using the eigenbodies corresponding to the column vectors of the component score coefficient matrix, the representative body sizes of 13 measurement items (male) and 14 measurement items (female) for each age group were calculated. The representative body sizes and 3D scan data are very useful for modeling representative 3D human figures.

Usability verification of virtual clothing system for the production of a 3D avatar reproduced from 3D human body scan shape data - Focusing on the CLO 3D program - (3차원 인체스캔형상을 재현한 3D 아바타 제작을 위한 가상착의 시스템의 활용성 검증 -CLO 3D 프로그램을 중심으로-)

  • Hong, Eun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to create a 3D avatar from 3D human body shape data using the CLO 3D virtual clothing program and to verify the feasibility of avatar production using the virtual clothing system for verifying size and shape. The research method was to select one virtual representative model that is the closest to the mean size of each body item for each age group. Using the 3D human body scan shape of a 40-69 years old male was applied to the CLO 3D virtual wearing system. Using the CLO 3D Avatar conversion menu, we verified the feasibility of creating a 3D avatar that reproduces the human body scan shape. In the dimension comparison between the 3D avatar and the fictitious representative model, the dimension difference was noticeable in height, circumference, and length. However, as a result, the converted 3D avatar showed less than a 5% difference in most human dimensions. In addition, since the body shape and posture were reproduced similarly, the utilization of the avatar was verified.

Landmark Extraction for 3D Human Body Scan Data Using Markerless Matching (마커 없는 매칭을 활용한 3 차원 인체 스캔 데이터의 기준점 추출)

  • Yoon, Dong-Wook;Heo, Nam-Bin;Ko, Hyeong-Seok
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.163-167
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    • 2009
  • 3D human body scan technique is known to be practically useful in industrial field as the technique becomes more precise and cheaper. Landmark extraction is essential for full utilization of the scan data. In this paper, we suggest an algorithm for automatic landmark extraction. For this purpose, we perform markerless matching to the target data using PCA analysis and quasi-Newton optimization. Landmarks are extracted from the topology of resulting body.

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Development of 2D Tight-fitting Pattern from 3D Scan Data (3D 스캔 데이터를 활용한 밀착 패턴원형 개발)

  • Jeong, Yeon-Hee;Hong, Kyung-Hi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.1 s.149
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2006
  • The human body, which is composed of concave and convex curvatures, makes it difficult to transfer into 2D patterns directly from 3D data. In previous studies. Jeong, et al.(2004) suggested the block method was fester and easier when dealing with the triangular patches of male's upper dress form. Although the block method is useful to make a pattern, the information(area, length, etc.) from a 2D pattern would be different depending on the direction of the block method. As a result horizontal and diagonal block methods were suggested as optimal methods for 2D tight-fitting patterns. These block methods were closer to the original area of the 3D scan data than the vertical block method. The total area of the 2D pattern obtained by the horizontal and diagonal block methods showed little differences. In case of the horizontal and diagonal block methods, the total error of the 2D pattern area ranged from $0.01\%\~0.25\%$. In comparing the length of the 2D pattern with that of the 3D scan data, the obtained 2D pattern was $0.1\~0.2cm$ shorter than the 3D scan data, which was within the acceptable range of errors in making clothes. 3D space distribution images between the body surface and the experimental clothing were also measured and $3\%$ enlargement of the original pattern was verified as the adequate adjustment.

Application Two-Dimensional Pattern Development of Cycling Tights based on the Three-Dimensional Body Scan Data of High School Male Cyclist

  • Park, Hyunjeong;Do, Wolhee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.595-606
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    • 2020
  • This study develops an optimal two-dimensional (2D) pattern from three-dimensional human scan data by considering the cycling posture and dermatome of high school male cyclists. By analyzing the body surface change in the cycling posture and considering the dermatome of the lower limbs, the optimal cutting line setting and the development of cycling tights for individual cyclists were presented to provide data that could be used in the clothing industry. We designed three cycling tights to solve the size unsuitability. 3D design 1 is a non-extension design based on the analysis of the 3D human body scan data, in which parts were connected diagonally from the front of the knee to the back of the knee. 3D design 2 removed both the front and back to reduce air resistance during cycling. 3D design 3 did not have a cutting line on the front panel because of the air resistance during cycling in the front area. We analyzed the garment pressure for 8 points of lower body and performed a subjective evaluation of the 3D designed tights and the current cycling tights. The 3D design 1 in this study was well received in the omphalion, thigh, and hip area, while 3D design 3 was well received in the omphalion, thigh, hip, and bottom bands. Therefore, the LoNE of 3D design 1 was applied to the front, and the hip cutting line of 3D design 3 was applied to the back.

A Study on the Automatic Pattern Development of Adult Male Basic Pattern Using 3D Body Scan Data

  • Jeong, Mi-E;Nam, Yun-Ja
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2007
  • This study examined how to create 2D basic pattern of individuals by means of 3-D body figure, which is to develop a flat of individual basic pattern directly from the 3-D body scan data of each subject using that of the upper body of a male adult. In terms of methodology, this study adopted 3D body scan data on system and body to make examinations in the following steps: 1. Standard point and line were set on human body, along with 3-D definition points(feature points). 2. PB was created by modifying horizontal and longitudinal section of scan data. 3. Ways to set reserve were established in the findings of PB planar development. Respective developed flat patterns were compared with pattern findings in previous studies by means of sensory evaluation. As a result, it was found that both system and body model are basic pattern and belong to appropriate pattern as semi-tight-fit basic pattern with overall appropriate tolerances. Thus, this study came to a conclusion that it is feasible and valid to develop theories for flat development as considered herein.

A Study on Foot Shape by 3D Data of Female High School Students (3차원 데이터에 의한 여고생의 발 형태에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Eun;Do, Wol-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.572-583
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    • 2014
  • This study analyzes the foot shape of female high school students using 3D foot scan data based on a comparison with adult women (20s'-30s'). Data were collected from the foot anthropometry of 199 female high school students in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do. The right foot was measured indirectly by 3D laser scanner. There are 16 items in the foot anthropometric measurements. The $6^{th}$ Size Korea (measured by 3D scan data) is used for women's foot data. The results of the 3D measurements data investigation show that the foot length and foot width became longer and wider as the age increased. It is classified by three types after analyzing foot shape. Type 1 (28.1%) represented the shortest foot length, the narrowest foot width as well as the thick foot and long ankle shape. Type 2 (4.3%) represented the wide foot width such as the wide lateral ball width and semi-thickness shape. Type 3 (67.7%) referred to the widest foot width, flat foot and short ankle shape.

Improvement of Cross Sectional Distance Measurement Method of 3D Human Body (3차원 인체 형상의 공극거리 측정 방법 효율성 향상을 위한 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Kyoung;Nam, Yun-Ja;Han, Hyun-Sook;Choi, Young-Lim
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.966-971
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    • 2011
  • This study is designed to develop programs that analyze the distance of clothes from human skin and cross-sectional body figures based on 3D human body scan data, and to verify accuracy and efficiency of the program so that it can be used for clothing fit evaluation and 3D human body research. The auto cross-sectional imaging program was developed by using Visual C++ and OpenGL, and the 3D human body scan data were adopted to measure the space between skin and clothing. The space measurements were obtained by two widely used programs, RapidForm and AutoCAD, and a program devised by the researchers of this study. Measuring time and space measurements from different programs were compared in order to verify accuracy and efficiency of the newly-devised program. As a result, no significant difference was found in the measurements. However, the required time to measure one cross section was different within the significance level of 0.05, and the differences become more remarkable as the number of measuring and the angle of space between skin and clothing increase. Therefore, the program developed by this study is expected to be useful for research on body shapes and fit evaluation based on 3D human body scan data in the fashion field.