• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D digital image

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Evaluation of Coding Performance and Design of Spatial Multiplexer or 3D Endoscopic Image Processing (3D 내시경 영상처리를 위한 다중화기 설계와 부호화 성능평가)

  • Song, C.G.;Lee, S.M.;Lee, Y.M.;Kim, W.K.;Hwang, J.D.;Kim, J.H.;Lee, M.H.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1997 no.11
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    • pp.137-141
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    • 1997
  • In this study, in order to improve visualization and enhance the ability of the surgeon to perform delicate endoscopic surgery, three dimensional endoscopic system is designed. These 3D systems have our features of stereoendoscopic image processing: real time image capture and retrieve; presentation of left and right image on a single monitor; separable processing of the left and right eye images; coding of the 3D endoscopic video. For 3D endoscopic video coding, three approaches are presented based on interlaced picture structure, side-field format structure, and simulcast technique. Experimental results and performances comparisons are presented and analyzed or these approaches. Digital video coding techniques are presented or 3D endoscopic video sequences by means of an MPEG-2 video coding.

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Extracting 3D Geospatial Information Using SPOT 5 HRG Stereo Imagery (SPOT 5 HRG 스테레오 영상을 이용한 3차원 지형정보 추출)

  • Lee Jin-Duk;Jeong Tae-Sik;Yeon Sang-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.335-339
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    • 2005
  • Digital elevation models(DEM) were generated from SPOT-5 HRG supermode imagery through photogrammetric processing. The reference DEMs were obtained from digital topographic maps of 1/5000 scaleas for analyzing the accuracy of the generated DEMs. The DEMs extracted from HRG stereo image data were compared with digital topograpic map DEMs on several test sections. And digital surface models(DSM) and 3D building model was produced.

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Realistic Building Modeling from Sequences of Digital Images

  • Song, Jeong-Heon;Kim, Min-Suk;Han, Dong-Yeob;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.516-516
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    • 2002
  • With the wide usage of LiDAR data and high-resolution satellite image, 3D modeling of buildings in urban areas has become an important research topic in the photogrammetry and computer vision field for many years. However the previous modeling has its limitations of merely texturing the image to the DSM surface of the study area and does not represent the relief of building surfaces. This study is focused on presenting a system of realistic 3D building modeling from consecutive stereo image sequences using digital camera. Generally when acquiring images through camera, various parameters such as zooming, focus, and attitude are necessary to extract accurate results, which in certain cases, some parameters have to be rectified. It is, however, not always possible or practical to precisely estimate or rectify the information of camera positions or attitudes. In this research, we constructed the collinearity condition of stereo images through extracting the distinctive points from stereo image sequence. In addition, we executed image matching with Graph Cut method, which has a very high accuracy. This system successfully performed the realistic modeling of building with a good visual quality. From the study, we concluded that 3D building modeling of city area could be acquired more realistically.

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Fast Generation Methods for Computer-Generated Hologram Using a Modified Recursive Addition Algorithm

  • Choi, Hyun-Jun
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.282-287
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    • 2013
  • A real-time digital holographic display is the core technology for the next-generation 3DTV. Holographic display requires a considerably large amount of calculation. If generating a large number of digital holograms is intended, the amount of calculation and the time required increase exponentially. This is a significant obstacle in a real-time hologram service. This paper proposes an algorithm that increases the speed of generating a Fresnel hologram by using a recursive addition operation covering the entire coordinate array of a digital hologram. The 3D object designed to calculate the digital hologram uses a depth-map image produced by computer graphics. The proposed algorithm is a technique that performs the computer-generated holography (CGH) operation with only recursive addition of all of the hologram's coordinates by analyzing the regularity between the 3D object and the digital hologram coordinates. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm increases the operation speed by 70% over the technique using the conventional CGH equation and by more than 30% over the previously proposed recursive technique.

Development of Digital Holographic PIV Technique and Its Application (Digital Holographic PIV 기법의 개발과 제트유동에의 응용)

  • Kim, Seok;Lee, Sang-Joon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.29 no.1 s.232
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2005
  • A digital in-line holographic particle image velocimetry (HPIV) which can be applied to measure three-dimensional velocity fields of turbulent flows was developed. There are three different implementation methods of HPIV: traditional film-based HPIV, intermediate HPIV and digital HPIV. The traditional film-based HPIV and intermediate HPIV method is rather troublesome to do experiments and takes long calculation time, compared with the digital HPIV, Configuration of the digital in-line HPIV is simple and the data processing routine is similar to conventional 2D PIV methods. The digital HPIV velocity field measurement consists of four steps: recording, numerical reconstruction, particle extraction and velocity extraction. In the velocity extraction process, we improved PTV algorithm to extract the displacement of particle each placed in 3D space. The developed digital in-line HPIV system was applied to a vertical jet flow. The 3D velocity vectors measured by the digital HPIV method in the near field are in a good agreement with 2D PIV results.

A Color Image Watermarking Method for Embedding Audio Signal

  • Kim Sang Jin;Kim Chung Hwa
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2004.08c
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    • pp.631-635
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    • 2004
  • The rapid development of digital media and communication network urgently brings about the need of data certification technology to protect IPR (Intellectual property right). This paper proposed a new watermarking method for embedding contents owner's audio signal in order to protect color image IPR. Since this method evolves the existing static model and embeds audio signal of big data, it has the advantage of restoring signal transformed due to attacks. Three basic stages of watermarking include: 1) Encode analogue ID owner's audio signal using PCM and create new 3D audio watermark; 2) Interleave 3D audio watermark by linear bit expansion and 3) Transform Y signal of color image into wavelet and embed interleaved audio watermark in the low frequency band on the transform domain. The results demonstrated that the audio signal embedding in color image proposed in this paper enhanced robustness against lossy JPEG compression, standard image compression and image cropping and rotation which remove a part of image.

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Plans for 3D printers Diffusion -Focusing on production figures- (3D프린터 활성화를 위한 방안 -피규어 제작을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Chang-Jo;Sohn, Jong-Nam
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.335-341
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    • 2014
  • Due to the expiration of the 3D printer's patent, the articles covering the market activation and bright prospects for the future industry are being released. What are the requirements for the 3D printer to become popular like a general printer? To get the answer, on-line survey was performed for the activation of 3D printer. As a result, tit is observed that he public prefers creative printer and figure, and prefers to use through pay or free download rather than designing digital blueprint, which is output data. For the activation and popularization of 3D printer, figure is familiar to the public who are frequently exposed to image media contents, and it also has motivation factor to use and purchase 3D printer. For distribution of digital blueprint of figure content, the preparation of related law and regulation and activation of online market would be of help for activation of 3D printer.

Graph Representation by Medial Axis Transform Image for 3D Retrieval (3차원 영상 검색을 위한 중심축 변환에 의한 그래프 표현 기법)

  • Kim, Deok-Hun;Yun, Il-Dong;Lee, Sang-Uk
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2001
  • Recently, the interests in the 3D image, generated from the range data and CAD, have exceedingly increased, accordingly a various 3D image database is being constructed. The efficient and fast scheme to access the desired image data is the important issue in the application area of the Internet and digital library. However, it is difficult to manage the 3D image database because of its huge size. Therefore, a proper descriptor is necessary to manage the data efficiently, including the content-based search. In this paper, the proposed shape descriptor is based on the voxelization of the 3D image. The medial axis transform, stemming from the mathematical morphology, is performed on the voxelized 3D image and the graph, which is composed of node and edge, is generated from skeletons. The generated graph is adequate to the novel shape descriptor due to no loss of geometric information and the similarity of the insight of the human. Therefore the proposed shape descriptor would be useful for the recognition of 3D object, compression, and content-based search.

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Design of Microstereolithography System Based on Dynamic Image Projection for Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Microstructures

  • Cboi, Jae-Won;Ha, Young-Myoung;Lee, Seok-Hee;Choi, Kyung-Hyun
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.2094-2104
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    • 2006
  • As demands for complex microstructures with high aspect ratios have increased, the existing methods, MEMS and LIGA, have had difficulties coping with the number of masks and fabricable heights. A microstereolithography technology can meet these demands because it has no need of masks and is capable of fabricating high aspect ratio microstructures. In this technology, 3D part is fabricated by stacking layers, 2D sections, which are sliced from STL file, and the Dynamic Image Projection process enables the resin surface to be cured by a dynamic image generated with $DMD^{TM}$ (Digital Micromirror Device) and one irradiation. In this paper, we address optical design process for implementing this microstereolithography system that takes the light path based on DMD operation and image-formation on the resin surface using an optical design program into consideration. To verify the performance of this implemented microstereolithography system, complex 3D microstructures with high aspect ratios were fabricated.

Updating of Digital Map using 3D Laser Scanning (3차원 레이저 스캐닝을 이용한 수치지형도 수정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Hee;Moon, Doo-Youl;Kim, Ka-Ya;Park, Dong-Il
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2008
  • The import of cartography is spoke for surveying technique level of the country. Also, it is the implied expression means about international operations amount in the world of people in the country. Nowadays, various digital maps on a reduced scale were drawn in Korea including the topographic series of a nation. Though these digital maps are drawn and revised by using aerial photogrammetry or satellite image, there are some problems that it is difficult to revise or renew the topography and natural feature immediately which changes frequently. As the countermeasures of these problems we use 3D Laser Scanning accumbency method, which provides user with convenience and accumbency accuracy which is required to revise and renew digital maps.

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