• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D Tracking

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Real-time camera tracking using co-planar feature points (동일 평면상에 존재하는 특징점 검출을 이용한 실시간 카메라 추적 기법)

  • Seok-Han Lee
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.358-366
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    • 2024
  • This paper proposes a method for the real-time camera tracking which detects and employs feature points located on a planar object in 3D space. The proposed approach operates in two stages. First, multiple feature points are detected in the 3D space, and then only those that exist on the planar object are selected. The camera's extrinsic parameters are then estimated using the projective geometry relationship between the feature points of the plane and the camera's image plane. The experiments are conducted in a typical indoor environment with regular lighting, without any special illumination setups. In contrast to conventional approaches, the proposed method can detect new feature points on the planar object in real-time and employ them for the camera tracking. This allows for continuous tracking even when the reference features for the camera pose initialization are not available. The experimental results show an average re-projection error of about 5 to 7 pixels, which is relatively small given the image resolution, and demonstrating that camera tracking is possible even in the absence of reference features within the image.

Measurement of 3D Flow inside Micro-tube Using Digital Holographic PTV Technique (디지털 Holographic PTV기법을 이용한 미세튜브 내부 3차원 유동장 측정)

  • Kim, Seok;Kim, Ju-Hee;Lee, Sang-Joon
    • 유체기계공업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.08a
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    • pp.177-178
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    • 2006
  • Digital holographic particle tracking velocimetry (HPTV) is developed by single high-speed camera and single continuous laser with long coherent length. This system can directly capture 4000 hologram fringe images for 1 second through a camera computer memory. The 3D particle location is made of the reconstruction by using a computer hologram algorithm. This system can successfully be applied to instantaneous 3D velocity measurement in the water flow inside a micro-tube. The average of 100 instantaneous velocity vectors is obtained by reconstruction and tracking with the time of evolution of recorded fringes images. In the near future, we will apply this technique to measure 3D flow information inside various micro structures.

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Wearable Robot System Enabling Gaze Tracking and 3D Position Acquisition for Assisting a Disabled Person with Disabled Limbs (시선위치 추적기법 및 3차원 위치정보 획득이 가능한 사지장애인 보조용 웨어러블 로봇 시스템)

  • Seo, Hyoung Kyu;Kim, Jun Cheol;Jung, Jin Hyung;Kim, Dong Hwan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.37 no.10
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    • pp.1219-1227
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    • 2013
  • A new type of wearable robot is developed for a disabled person with disabled limbs, that is, a person who cannot intentionally move his/her legs and arms. This robot can enable the disabled person to grip an object using eye movements. A gaze tracking algorithm is employed to detect pupil movements by which the person observes the object to be gripped. By using this gaze tracking 2D information, the object is identified and the distance to the object is measured using a Kinect device installed on the robot shoulder. By using several coordinate transformations and a matching scheme, the final 3D information about the object from the base frame can be clearly identified, and the final position data is transmitted to the DSP-controlled robot controller, which enables the target object to be gripped successfully.

Object Modeling for 3D Digital Image Compositing (3D 영상 합성을 위한 물체 모델링)

  • 박범식;김윤호;류광렬
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.808-812
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    • 2003
  • The technology and concept of multimedia expands with the rapid growth of Digital technology. Digital broadcasting has already begun and movie industry is also switching the way of visualization from analog to digital. Image compositing is the core of the computer graphics related multimedia technology. Currently, various computer graphic technologies are being developed. Nevertheless, image compositing are being done manually because of not only the expensiveness image compositing equipments, but also the lack of experts in this area. This paper present a new image compositing technique for 3-Dimensional graphics and digital sources. A 2-Dimensional subject which will be used as a background was expanded into a 3-Dimensional by using the tracking technique. Thereafter, Effective image compositing has been obtained by precisely cooperating digital source images and 3-Dimensional model using 3-Dimensional graphics editing tool.

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Performance Evaluation of the Modified IMMPDA Filter Using 3-D Maneuvering Targets In Clutter (클러터 환경하에서 3 차원 기동표적을 사용한 수정된 IMMPDA 필터의 성능 분석)

  • 김기철;홍금식;최성린
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.211-211
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    • 2000
  • The multiple targets tracking problem has been one of main issues in the radar applications area in the last decade. Besides the standard Kalman filtering, various methods including the variable dimension filter, input estimation filter, interacting multiple model (IMM) filter, federated variable dimension filter with input estimation, probable data association (PDA) filter etc. have been proposed to address the tracking and sensor fusion issues. In this paper, two existing tracking algorithms, i.e. the IMMPDA filter and the variable dimension filter with input estimation (VDIE), are combined for the purpose of improving the tracking performance of maneuvering targets in clutter. To evaluate the tracking performance of the proposed algorithm, three typical maneuvering patterns i.e. Waver, Pop-Up, and High-Diver motions, are defined and are applied to the modified IMMPDA filter considered as well as the standard IMM filter. The smaller RMS tracking errors, in position and velocity, of the modified IMMPDA filter than the standard IMM filter are demonstrated through computer simulations.

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Effect Analysis of Virtual-reality Vestibular Rehabilitation based on Eye-tracking

  • Lee, Sungjin;Hong, Min;Kim, Sungyeup;Choi, Seong Jun
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.826-840
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    • 2020
  • Vertigo is one of the most common complaints encountered by physicians and the patients are steadily increasing. These patients are exposed to the risk of secondary accidents such as falls due to vertigo. There are two ways to improve this symptom: medication and rehabilitation. Although temporary symptomatic improvement may be expected in patients treated with medication, vertigo may recur and medication can delay central compensation. In contrast vestibular rehabilitation exploits central mechanisms of neuroplasticity to increase postural stability and enhance visual-vestibular interactions in situations that generate conflicting sensory information. However, vestibular rehabilitation may be compromised by incorrect performance of exercises, and there is a need for active effort and interest from the patient during rehabilitation. To solve these problems, we decided to apply FOVE HMD for eye-tracking and Unity3D to create virtual reality. The proposed eye-tracking based algorithm calculates the concentration of users with eye tracking data and calculates the motion width of the patient with nystagmus, thus the severity of the patient according to the score can be determined. According to our experimental test against healty group and patients group, this result showed the meaningful data to use define the contents result.

Robot Target Tracking Method using a Structured Laser Beam (레이저 구조광을 이용한 로봇 목표 추적 방법)

  • Kim, Jong Hyeong;Koh, Kyung-Chul
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.1067-1071
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    • 2013
  • A 3D visual sensing method using a laser structured beam is presented for robotic tracking applications in a simple and reliable manner. A cylindrical shaped laser structured beam is proposed to measure the pose and position of the target surface. When the proposed laser beam intersects on the surface along the target trajectory, an elliptic pattern is generated. Its ellipse parameters can be induced mathematically by the geometrical relationship of the sensor coordinate and target coordinate. The depth and orientation of the target surface are directly determined by the ellipse parameters. In particular, two discontinuous points on the ellipse pattern, induced by seam trajectory, indicate mathematically the 3D direction for robotic tracking. To investigate the performance of this method, experiments with a 6 axis robot system are conducted on two different types of seam trajectories. The results show that this method is very suitable for robot seam tracking applications due to its excellence in accuracy and efficiency.

3D Target Tracking System using Adaptive Disparity Motion Vector (ADMV를 이용한 3차원 표적 추적 시스템)

  • Ko, Jung-Hwan;Lee, Jung-Suk
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.1203-1204
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, a new stereo object tracking system using the disparity motion vector is proposed. In the proposed method, the time-sequential disparity motion vector can be estimated from the disparity vectors which are extracted from the sequence of the stereo input image pair and then using these disparity motion vectors, the area where the target object is located and its location coordinate are detected from the input stereo image. Basing on this location data of the target object, the pan/tilt embedded in the stereo camera system can be controlled and as a result, 3D tracking of the target object can be possible.

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Development of 3D Laser Welding Technology for Automobile body (자동차 차체 3차원 레이저 용접기술 개발)

  • Jeong, Byeong-Hun;Lee, Mun-Yong;Seo, Jeong;Gang, Hui-Sin
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.103-105
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    • 2005
  • Laser welding technology for automobile body is studied. laser system, robot and seam tracking system are used for 3D laser welding system The laser system is used 4kW Nd:YAG laser(HL4006D) of Trumpf and the robot system is used IRB6400R of ABB. The seam tracking system is SMRT-20LS of ServoRobot. The welding joints of steel plate are butt and lap joint. The 3-D welding for non-linear tailored blank is performed after experiments of bead on plate. Finally, the welding process for non-linear tailored blank is developed.

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The Position Tracking Algorithm of Moving Viewer's Two-Eyes (움직이는 관찰자의 두 눈 위치 검출 알고리즘)

  • Huh, Kyung-Moo;Park, Young-Bin
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.6 no.7
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    • pp.544-550
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    • 2000
  • Among the several types of 3D display methods the autostereoscopic method has an advantage that we can enjoy a 3D image without any additional device but the method has a disadvantage of a narrow viewing zone so that the moving viewer coannot see the 3D image continuously. This disadvantage can be overcome with the detectioni of viewer's positional movement by head tracking. In this paper we suggest a method of detecting the position of the moving viewer's two eyes by using images obtained through a color CCD camera, The suggested method consists of the preprocessing process and the eye-detection process. Through the experiment of applying the suggested method we were able to find the accurate two-eyes position for 78 images among 80 sample input images of 8 different men with the processing speed of 0.39 second/frame using a personal computer.

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