• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D Spatial information

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Program Development and Field Application for the use of the Integration Map of Underground Spatial Information (지하공간통합지도 활용을 위한 프로그램 개발 및 현장 적용)

  • Kim, Sung Gil;Song, Seok Jin;Cho, Hae Yong;Heo, Hyun Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.483-490
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    • 2021
  • Due to the recent increase in various problems from underground development in urbanized areas, accurate underground facility information management is highly needed. Therefore, in this study, in order to utilize the Integration Map of Underground Goespatial Information in real time on-site, the function of comparing the mutual location of the GPR (Ground Penetration Radar) sensing data and the Integration Map of Underground Goespatial Information, and function of analyze underground facilities, and function of converting surveying data into a shape file through position correction & attribute editing in a 3D space, and the function of submitting the shape file to the Integration Map of Underground Goespatial Information mobile center was defined and developed as a program. In addition, for the on-site application test of the development program, scenarios used at the underground facility real-time survey site and GPR exploration site were derived, and four sites in Seoul were tested to confirm that the use scenario worked properly. Through this, the on-site utilization of the program developed in this study could be confirmed, and it would contribute to the confirmation of the quality of Shape-file and the "update automation" of "Integration Map of Underground Goespatial Information". In addition, it is expected that the development program will be further applied to the Underground Facility Map's Accuracy Improvement Diffusion Project' promoted by the MOLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport).

Structural Performance Evaluation of Anchors for Power Equipment Electrical Cabinets Considering On-Site Installation Conditions (현장 설치 조건을 고려한 발전설비 전기 캐비닛 정착부 앵커의 구조성능 평가)

  • Lee, Sang-Moon;Jung, Woo-Young
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.709-719
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    • 2023
  • In general, most of the electrical equipment responsible for control within power plants is housed in self-standing cabinets. These cabinets are typically fixed to a slab using post-installed anchors. Although the fixation method of using post-installed anchors provides stability, there is a risk of conductor failure due to external forces, including moments. However, the performance assessment of current anchors is only evaluated through uniaxial material tests. Therefore, the primary purpose of this study is to compare the static performance of post-installed anchors, considering on-site installation conditions, with their performance in material tests and to analyze the behavioral characteristics of the anchors. While conducting experiments using actual cabinets would be ideal, practical and spatial constraints make this approach difficult. As an alternative, experiments were conducted using a test specimen consisting of a steel column and a support. As a result, the pull-out performance of anchors reflecting on-site installation conditions was measured to be about 10% higher than that observed in material tests. The trends in load reduction and the point of maximum performance for the anchors also differed. To verify the reliability of the experimental study, a 3D FEM analysis was performed, which will provide predictive information on the loads transferred to the post-installed anchors for structural performance evaluations of electrical cabinets using shaking table test in the future.

A Hybrid Shadow Testing Scheme During Ray Tracing (광선추적 수행중 혼합 음영검사에 관한 연구)

  • Eo, Kil-Su;Kyung, Chong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 1989
  • This paper presents a new shadow testing acceleration scheme for ray tracing called Hybrid Shadow Testing (HST) based on a conditional switching between the conventinal shadow testing method and Crow's shadow volume method, where the shadow polygons as well as the object polygons are registered onto the corresponding cells under the 3-D space subdivision environment. Despite the preprocessing time for the generation and registration of the shadow polygons, the total shadow testing time of the proposed algorithm, HST was approximately 50% of that of the conventional shadow testing method for several examples while the total ray tracing time was typically reduced by 30% from the conventional approach. This due to the selective use of the shadow volume method with a compromise between the maximal utilisation of shadow's spatial coherency and minimising the computational overhead for checking ray intersections with the shadow polygons. A parameter, $N_{th}$ denoting the critical number of shadow polygons between successive reflection points was used as a guideline for switching the shadow testing scheme between the conventional method and shadow volume method. A method for calculating $N_{th}$ from such statistical data as the number of object polygons, average polygon size average peripheral length of the polygons was proposed, resulting in good agreement with the experimental results.

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Interactive 3D Visualization of Ceilometer Data (운고계 관측자료의 대화형 3차원 시각화)

  • Lee, Junhyeok;Ha, Wan Soo;Kim, Yong-Hyuk;Lee, Kang Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2018
  • We present interactive methods for visualizing the cloud height data and the backscatter data collected from ceilometers in the three-dimensional virtual space. Because ceilometer data is high-dimensional, large-size data associated with both spatial and temporal information, it is highly improbable to exhibit the whole aspects of ceilometer data simply with static, two-dimensional images. Based on the three-dimensional rendering technology, our visualization methods allow the user to observe both the global variations and the local features of the three-dimensional representations of ceilometer data from various angles by interactively manipulating the timing and the view as desired. The cloud height data, coupled with the terrain data, is visualized as a realistic cloud animation in which many clouds are formed and dissipated over the terrain. The backscatter data is visualized as a three-dimensional terrain which effectively represents how the amount of backscatter changes according to the time and the altitude. Our system facilitates the multivariate analysis of ceilometer data by enabling the user to select the date to be examined, the level-of-detail of the terrain, and the additional data such as the planetary boundary layer height. We demonstrate the usefulness of our methods through various experiments with real ceilometer data collected from 93 sites scattered over the country.

Development of Cadastral Record Model for Introduction of 3D-Cadastre (입체지적 도입을 위한 지적공부모형 개발)

  • An, Byeong-Gu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2010
  • The existing cadastral record cannot meet various and changing demands on land information, improve user convenience, and raise administrative efficiency. In addition, three-dimensional parcels, or spatial objects about three-dimensional space cannot be registered in the conventional cadastral record. The limitation of cadastral information based on two dimensions is quite stressing the necessity of three-dimensional cadastral record. The purpose of this study is to develop new limns of cadastral record model in order. In register three-dimensional positions and right relations of land and buildings. This study examined land cases where space was being three-dimensionally used. As the result, cadastral record models both separated by steps and integrated were developed, which can contain matters of land, buildings, and right registration about three-dimensional land parcels. Also, this study suggested a method where a building can be separately registered according to it's the superficies division.

Implementation of Ubiquitous Robot in a Networked Environment (네트워크 환경에서 유비쿼터스 로봇의 구현)

  • Kim Jong-Hwan;Lee Ju-Jang;Yang Hyun-Seng;Oh Yung-Hwan;Yoo Chang-Dong;Lee Jang-Myung;Lee Min-Cheol;Kim Myung-Seok;Lee Kang-Hee
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.1051-1061
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes a ubiquitous robot, Ubibot, as an integration of three forms of robots: Software robot (Sobot), Embedded robot (Embot) and Mobile robot (Mobot). A Sobot is a virtual robot, which has the ability to move to any place or connect to any device through a network in order to overcome spatial limitations. It has the capacity to interpret the context and thus interact with the user. An Embot is embedded within the environment or within physical robots. It can recognize the locations of and authenticate the user or robot, and synthesize sensing information. Also it has the ability to deliver essential information to the user or other components of Ubibot by using various types of output devices. A Mobot provides integrated mobile service. In addition, Middleware intervenes different protocols between Sobot, Embot, and Mobot in order to incorporate them reliably. The services provided by Ubibot will be seamless, calm and context-aware based on the combination of these components. This paper presents the basic concepts and structure of Ubibot. A Sobot, called Rity, is introduced in order to investigate the usability of the proposed concepts. Rity is a 3D synthetic character which exists in the virtual world, has a unique IP address and interacts with human beings through Vision Embot, Sound Embot, Position Embot and Voice Embot. Rity is capable of moving into a Mobot and controlling its mobility. In doing so, Rity can express its behavior in the virtual world, for example, wondering or moving about in the real world. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of implementing a Ubibot in a networked environment.

The Analysis Method of Landscape Fragmentation using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (식생지수에 의한 경관파편화의 해석기법)

  • Jeong, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 1999
  • The various spatial structure of biological habitat has tighten relationship with biodiversity. Due to increasing of population, development of agriculture and urban structure, various change of landscape has became these days. These change of landscape has raised the decrease of habitat and landscape fragmentation. This paper summarizes research to analysis vegetation index according to P/A ratio, Shape Index, and Fractal dimension using Landsat Thematic Mapper(TM). The analysis of landscape fragmentation using NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) 0.5~1 has the most profitable for detection of vegetation fragmentation. The analysis of vegetation index of Seoul and Kyunggi province has also showed that Fractal dimension has the most fragmentation index. In near future, time series analysis is needed for fragmentation of vegetation on the same area, and for various landuse of fragmentation analysis. These researches were carried out for preservation strategy of vegetation and biodiversity.

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Evaluation of Airborne LiDAR Data using Field Surveyed Ground Control Points (현지 측량기준점을 이용한 LiDAR 데이터의 정확도 검증)

  • Wie, Gwang-Jae;Yang, In-Tae;Suh, Young-Woon;Sim, Jung-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.14 no.4 s.38
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, airborne LiDAR data were evaluated in horizontal and vertical accuracy. By using zigzag scanning type of LiDAR, GCPs are not tested directly. So points around GCPs were used in this evaluation. Building corner points were made from LiDAR's building planar and compared with ground surveyed GCPs, in horizontal accuracy test. Its accuracy shows 19cm average and 21cm RMSE and 15 points were within 20cm among 16 points. In vertical accuracy test, 41 GCPs were used and it shows 11cm average and 14cm RMSE and 75% of GCPs were within 15cm. This could be a criterion in topographic map modification and basic geographic DB and 3D data construction using airborne LiDAR data.

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A Wavefront Array Processor Utilizing a Recursion Equation for ME/MC in the frequency Domain (주파수 영역에서의 움직임 예측 및 보상을 위한 재귀 방정식을 이용한 웨이브프런트 어레이 프로세서)

  • Lee, Joo-Heung;Ryu, Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.31 no.10C
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    • pp.1000-1010
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    • 2006
  • This paper proposes a new architecture for DCT-based motion estimation and compensation. Previous methods do riot take sufficient advantage of the sparseness of 2-D DCT coefficients to reduce execution time. We first derive a recursion equation to perform DCT domain motion estimation more efficiently; we then use it to develop a wavefront array processor (WAP) consisting of processing elements. In addition, we show that the recursion equation enables motion predicted images with different frequency bands, for example, from the images with low frequency components to the images with low and high frequency components. The wavefront way Processor can reconfigure to different motion estimation algorithms, such as logarithmic search and three step search, without architectural modifications. These properties can be effectively used to reduce the energy required for video encoding and decoding. The proposed WAP architecture achieves a significant reduction in computational complexity and processing time. It is also shown that the motion estimation algorithm in the transform domain using SAD (Sum of Absolute Differences) matching criterion maximizes PSNR and the compression ratio for the practical video coding applications when compared to tile motion estimation algorithm in the spatial domain using either SAD or SSD.

A Seamless Positioning System using GPS/INS/Barometer/Compass (GPS/INS/기압계/방위계를 이용한 연속 측위시스템)

  • Kwon, Jay-Hyoun;Grejner-Brzezinska, D.A.;Jwa, Yoon-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.14 no.3 s.37
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2006
  • In this contribution, an integration of seamless navigation system for the pedestrian is introduced. To overcome the GPS outages in various situations, multi-sensor of GPS, INS, electronic barometer and compass are considered in one Extented Kalman filter. Especially, the integrated system is designed for low-cost for the practical applications. Therefore, a MEMS IMU is considered, and the low quality of the heading is compensated by the electronic compass. In addition, only the pseudoranges from GPS measurements are considered for possible real-time application so that the degraded height is also controlled by a barometer. The mathematical models for each sensor with systematic errors such as biases, scale factors are described in detail and the results are presented in terms of a covariance analysis as well as the position and attitude errors compared to the high-grade GPS/INS combined solutions. The real application scenario of GPS outage is also investigated to assess the feasible accuracy with respect to the outage period. The description on the current status of the development and future research directions are also stated.

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