• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D Graphical data

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Firework plot as a graphical exploratory data analysis tool for evaluating the impact of outliers in skewness and kurtosis of univariate data (일변량 자료의 왜도와 첨도에서 특이점의 영향을 평가하기 위한 탐색적 자료분석 그림도구로서의 불꽃그림)

  • Moon, Sungho
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.355-368
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    • 2016
  • Outliers and influential data points distort many data analysis measures. Jang and Anderson-Cook (2014) proposed a graphical method called a rework plot for exploratory analysis purpose so that there could be a possible visualization of the trace of the impact of the possible outlying and/or influential data points on the univariate/bivariate data analysis and regression. They developed 3-D plot as well as pairwise plot for the appropriate measures of interest. This paper further extends their approach to identify its strength. We can use rework plots as a graphical exploratory data analysis tool to evaluate the impact of outliers in skewness and kurtosis of univariate data.

2-D Graphical Representation for Characteristic Sequences of DNA and its Application

  • Li, Chun;Hu, Ji
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.292-296
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    • 2006
  • DNA sequencing has resulted in an abundance of data on DNA sequences for various species. Hence, the characterization and comparison of sequences become more important but still difficult tasks. In this paper, we first give a 2-D ladderlike graphical representation for the characteristic sequences of a DNA sequence, and then construct a 3-component vector, in which the normalized ALE-indices extracted from such three 2-D graphs via D/D matrices are individual components, to characterize the DNA sequence. The examination of similarities/dissimilarities among sequences of the $\beta$-globin genes of different species illustrates the utility of the approach.

A Dynamic Graphical Method for Transformations and Curvature Specifications in Regression

  • Seo, Han-Son;Yoon, Min
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.189-195
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    • 2009
  • A dynamic graphical procedure is suggested to estimate optimal response transformation parameter and a curvature function of covariates in the regression model. Augmented partial residual plot is chosen for specifying a curvature. The proposed method is compared with a different approach (Soo, 2007) and is investigated efficiency by applying it to the real and the artificial data. The method is also extended to the 3D graphical situations.

Real-Time Hand Pose Tracking and Finger Action Recognition Based on 3D Hand Modeling (3차원 손 모델링 기반의 실시간 손 포즈 추적 및 손가락 동작 인식)

  • Suk, Heung-Il;Lee, Ji-Hong;Lee, Seong-Whan
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.35 no.12
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    • pp.780-788
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    • 2008
  • Modeling hand poses and tracking its movement are one of the challenging problems in computer vision. There are two typical approaches for the reconstruction of hand poses in 3D, depending on the number of cameras from which images are captured. One is to capture images from multiple cameras or a stereo camera. The other is to capture images from a single camera. The former approach is relatively limited, because of the environmental constraints for setting up multiple cameras. In this paper we propose a method of reconstructing 3D hand poses from a 2D input image sequence captured from a single camera by means of Belief Propagation in a graphical model and recognizing a finger clicking motion using a hidden Markov model. We define a graphical model with hidden nodes representing joints of a hand, and observable nodes with the features extracted from a 2D input image sequence. To track hand poses in 3D, we use a Belief Propagation algorithm, which provides a robust and unified framework for inference in a graphical model. From the estimated 3D hand pose we extract the information for each finger's motion, which is then fed into a hidden Markov model. To recognize natural finger actions, we consider the movements of all the fingers to recognize a single finger's action. We applied the proposed method to a virtual keypad system and the result showed a high recognition rate of 94.66% with 300 test data.

Firework plot for evaluating the impact of outliers in statistical inference (통계적 추론에서 특이점의 영향을 평가하기 위한 탐색적 자료분석 그림도구로서의 불꽃그림)

  • Moon, Sungho
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.155-165
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    • 2018
  • Outliers and influential observations often distort many numerical measures for data analysis. Jang and Anderson-Cook (Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 30, 1409-1425, 2014) proposed a graphical firework plot method for exploratory analysis purpose to provide a possible visualization of the trace of the impact of the possible outlying and influential observations on the univariate/bivariate data analysis and regression. They developed 3-D plot as well as pairwise plot for the appropriate measures of interest. We use firework plots as a graphical exploratory data analysis tool to detect outliers and evaluate the impact of outliers in statistical inference.

Firework Plot as a Graphical Exploratory Data Analysis Tool to Evaluate the Impact of Outliers in a Mixture Experiment (혼합물 실험에서 특이값의 영향을 평가하기 위한 그래픽 탐색적 자료분석 도구로서의 불꽃그림)

  • Jang, Dae-Heung;Ahn, SoJin;Kim, Youngil
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.629-643
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    • 2014
  • It is common to check the validity of an assumed model with the heavy use of diagnostics tools when conducting data analysis with regression techniques; however, outliers and influential data points often distort the regression output in undesired manner. Jang and Anderson-Cook (2013) proposed a graphical method called a firework plot for exploratory analysis that could visualize the trace of the impact of possible outlying and/or influential data points on individual regression coefficients and the overall residual sum of squares(SSE) measure. They developed 3-D plot as well as pair-wise plot for the appropriate measures of interest. In this paper, the approach was extended further to tell the strength of their approach; in addition, a more meaningful interpretation was possible by adding a measure not mentioned in their paper. This approach was applied to the mixture experiment because we felt that a detailed analysis of statistical measure sensitivity is required in a small experiment.

Conference System for CAD Based on Product Data Standard (제품 데이터 표준에 기반한 원격회의 지원 시스템)

  • Choi, Young;Yang, Sang-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.200-209
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    • 1999
  • This paper presents a 3D-conferencing system as a prototype implementation of concurrent and distributed engineering environment using CORBA-Java and SDAI-Java. The system consists of some client and server objects that communicate with each other via ORB. The server objects use lightweight version of current working draft of SDAI-Java to access STEP product data models, and the client objects provide user-friendly graphical interface. The proposed system can be used for communicating with 3D CAD data between remote designers, manufactures and customers regardless of he H/W or S/W platforms they use.

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Attribute Data Management for Developing the Database of a 3D Earthwork BIM System (3D 토공 BIM 시스템 데이터베이스 구축을 위한 속성 데이터 관리)

  • Moon, Sungwoo;Seo, Jongwon
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2016
  • A Building Information Model (BIM) is an attempt to simulate the process of building structures in a three-dimensional (3D) digital space. While the technology is usually applied to structured buildings, bridges, and underground facilities, it is rarely applied to an unstructured environment of earthwork operations. If a BIM is used for earthworks, the 3D simulation can be used for construction equipment guidance and earthwork management. This paper presents a real-time, 3D earthwork BIM that provides a 3D graphical simulation of excavators in conjunction with geographic modeling. Developing a real-time, 3D earthwork BIM requires handling a variety of factors, such as geographical information and vehicular movement. This paper mainly focuses on the management of these attributes and provides a database design for storing and retrieving data. In an example application, a prototype of the 3D earthwork BIM is presented to understand what it would provide when used during earthwork operations at a construction site.

Synthetic Data Generation with Unity 3D and Unreal Engine for Construction Hazard Scenarios: A Comparative Analysis

  • Aqsa Sabir;Rahat Hussain;Akeem Pedro;Mehrtash Soltani;Dongmin Lee;Chansik Park;Jae- Ho Pyeon
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1286-1288
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    • 2024
  • The construction industry, known for its inherent risks and multiple hazards, necessitates effective solutions for hazard identification and mitigation [1]. To address this need, the implementation of machine learning models specializing in object detection has become increasingly important because this technological approach plays a crucial role in augmenting worker safety by proactively recognizing potential dangers on construction sites [2], [3]. However, the challenge in training these models lies in obtaining accurately labeled datasets, as conventional methods require labor-intensive labeling or costly measurements [4]. To circumvent these challenges, synthetic data generation (SDG) has emerged as a key method for creating realistic and diverse training scenarios [5], [6]. The paper reviews the evolution of synthetic data generation tools, highlighting the shift from earlier solutions like Synthpop and Data Synthesizer to advanced game engines[7]. Among the various gaming platforms, Unity 3D and Unreal Engine stand out due to their advanced capabilities in replicating realistic construction hazard environments [8], [9]. Comparing Unity 3D and Unreal Engine is crucial for evaluating their effectiveness in SDG, aiding developers in selecting the appropriate platform for their needs. For this purpose, this paper conducts a comparative analysis of both engines assessing their ability to create high-fidelity interactive environments. To thoroughly evaluate the suitability of these engines for generating synthetic data in construction site simulations, the focus relies on graphical realism, developer-friendliness, and user interaction capabilities. This evaluation considers these key aspects as they are essential for replicating realistic construction sites, ensuring both high visual fidelity and ease of use for developers. Firstly, graphical realism is crucial for training ML models to recognize the nuanced nature of construction environments. In this aspect, Unreal Engine stands out with its superior graphics quality compared to Unity 3D which typically considered to have less graphical prowess [10]. Secondly, developer-friendliness is vital for those generating synthetic data. Research indicates that Unity 3D is praised for its user-friendly interface and the use of C# scripting, which is widely used in educational settings, making it a popular choice for those new to game development or synthetic data generation. Whereas Unreal Engine, while offering powerful capabilities in terms of realistic graphics, is often viewed as more complex due to its use of C++ scripting and the blueprint system. While the blueprint system is a visual scripting tool that does not require traditional coding, it can be intricate and may present a steeper learning curve, especially for those without prior experience in game development [11]. Lastly, regarding user interaction capabilities, Unity 3D is known for its intuitive interface and versatility, particularly in VR/AR development for various skill levels. In contrast, Unreal Engine, with its advanced graphics and blueprint scripting, is better suited for creating high-end, immersive experiences [12]. Based on current insights, this comparative analysis underscores the user-friendly interface and adaptability of Unity 3D, featuring a built-in perception package that facilitates automatic labeling for SDG [13]. This functionality enhances accessibility and simplifies the SDG process for users. Conversely, Unreal Engine is distinguished by its advanced graphics and realistic rendering capabilities. It offers plugins like EasySynth (which does not provide automatic labeling) and NDDS for SDG [14], [15]. The development complexity associated with Unreal Engine presents challenges for novice users, whereas the more approachable platform of Unity 3D is advantageous for beginners. This research provides an in-depth review of the latest advancements in SDG, shedding light on potential future research and development directions. The study concludes that the integration of such game engines in ML model training markedly enhances hazard recognition and decision-making skills among construction professionals, thereby significantly advancing data acquisition for machine learning in construction safety monitoring.

Traveler Guidance System based on 3D Street Modeling

  • Kim, Seung-Jun;Eom, Seong-Eun;Byun, Sung-Cheal;Yang, See-Moon;Ahn, Byung-Ha
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.1187-1190
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents a traveler guidance system that offers 3D street information such as road types, signal light systems, street trees, buildings, etc. We consider 5x4 road system of Gangnam(in Seoul, Korea) as a test area and reflect the traveler's car-driving situation. A web server is constructed to serve traveler's driving path by switching 3D animation scenes automatically. To do batch processing of geometric data for the 3D graphical streets construction, we have extracted major street information from present GIS database and created new GIS file formats (SMF files), which contain data sessions for links, nodes, and facilities. With these files, we can render 3D navigation scenes. A number of vector calculations were performed for the geometrical consistence and texture-mapping method was used for the realistic scene generation. Finally, we have verified the effectiveness of the service by operating a test scenario. We have checked whether traveler's 2D path and 3D navigation are exactly reported after setting specific departure and destination. This system offers us well awareness of streets and takes useful role of traveler guidance.

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