• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3차원 지형모델

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Numerical Model Study for Structure and Distribution of the Keum River Plume (금강 풀룸의 구조와 분포에 대한 수치모델 연구)

  • 신은주;이상호;최현용
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.157-170
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    • 2002
  • To examine the structure and distribution of the Keum River plume produced by continuous river discharge we carried out three-dimensional numerical model experiments with or without Coriolis force and tide. When Coriolis force is included but tide is not the model plume forms the clockwise circulation north of southern channel in the developing stage. As the plume expansion progresses the center of circulation moves to the southwest, with fuming the discharging axis of low-salinity water to the southwest from the mouth of southern channel. These results are explained mainly in terms of barotropic geostrophy by surface slope maintained with accumulated low-salinity(buoyant) water in front of the estuary mouth due to of offshore strong salinity front. When the M$_2$ tide is included the model plume extends farther to the northwest, forming large tongue-like salinity distribution. The tidally averaged surface flows of the offshore plume are mainly in geostrophic balance. These changes in plume distribution are explained in terms of low-salinity water advection by tidal excursion and active tidal mixing; the former supplies low salinity water to the north off the estuary mouth and the later increases mean sea level along the plume and surface salinity in northern shallow coastal area. The main features of observed Keum River plume(Lee et al., 1999; Choi et al., 1999), which showed the northwestward deflection of the plume axis and northward deepening of the plume thickness from the estuary mouth region, are well reproduced by the model in which tide is included.

A Novel Performance Evaluation Methodology for Small Cell Networks (소형셀 네트워크 성능 분석을 위한 새로운 평가 방법)

  • Lim, Yeon-Geun;Chae, Chan-Byoung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38A no.12
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    • pp.1110-1116
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    • 2013
  • A 3D-ray tracing tool is a software considering reflection, penetration, and diffraction of the signals to provide accuracy. To provide communication resources effectively, communication standards adopt Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) that includes small cells. A 3D performance evaluation methodology becomes more and more important since the coverage of the small cell networks is narrower than that of the macro cell networks. It is difficult to directly apply conventional 2D mathematical models due to the complexity of small cell network; since they have many considerations such as topography, placement of buildings and 3D beamforming techniques. In this paper, we introduce an effective performance evaluation methodology for small cell networks using 3D-ray tracing tool. From simulation results, we conclude that new performance evaluation methodologies by using 3D-ray tracing tool is more suitable than conventional methodology for small cell networks.

Urban flood digital twin platform 2D/3D visualization technology (도시홍수 디지털 트윈 플랫폼 2D/3D 가시화 기술(I))

  • Gyeoung-Hyeon Kim;Bon-Hyun Koo;Tae-Young Ham;Kyu-Cheoul Shim
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.455-455
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구에서는 도시홍수 피해 저감 및 회복을 위한 도시홍수 연관 데이터 가시화 및 GIS 기반 LoD 1 수준 가시화 기술 개발을 진행하였다. 도시홍수는 불투수지역의 증가로 인한 첨두 홍수의 증가 및 도달 시간의 단축, 도시 내수배제의 불량으로 인한 주택지 및 상가 공장지 등의 침수에 의한 피해가 발생하는 현상이며, 도시홍수 예측 모델을 수행하기 위하여 수집한 기상, 하천 및 수자원, 토양 등의 데이터를 2차원 가시화하고 도심 지역의 지형 DEM(Digital Elevation Model) 데이터 및 건축물 DSM(Digital Surface Model) 데이터를 기반으로 3D 가시화를 진행하였다. 기상, 하천 및 수자원 관측 등의 데이터를 실시간으로 수집하며 관련 데이터를 도시홍수 디지털 트윈 플랫폼의 수문기상정보를 통하여 가시화 제공하며 토양 및 지리정보는 WMS 레이어를 기반으로 2D 가시화한다. 건축물 데이터의 경우 GIS 정보를 기반으로 하는 3D 객체 배치를 위하여 WGS84 타원체를 활용하여 EPSG:4326 좌표계를 적용하여 가시화하였다. 건축물 가시화는 PostgreSQL로 구축된 데이터를 Geoserver를 활용하여 자동으로 층 정보를 통한 건축물의 높이를 계산하도록 하였으며, CesiumJS를 적용하여 웹 기반 도시홍수 디지털 트윈 플랫폼을 개발하였고 추후 LoD 3 수준으로의 확대 적용 기반을 마련하였다.

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A Three-Dimensional Galerkin-FEM Model with Density Variation (밀도 변화를 포함하는 3차원 연직함수 전개모형)

  • 이호진;정경태;소재귀;강관수;정종율
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.123-136
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    • 1996
  • A three-dimensional Galerkin-FEM model which can handle the temporal and spatial variation of density is presented. The hydrostatic approximation is used and density effects are included by means of conservation equation of heat and the equation of state. The finite difference grids are used in the horizontal plane and a set of linear-shape functions is used for the vertical expansion. The similarity transform is introduced to solve resultant matrix equations. The proposed model was first applied to the density-driven circulation in an idealized basin in the presence of the heat exchange between the air and the sea. The advection terms in the momentum equation were ignored, while the convection terms were retained in the heat equation. Coefficients of the vertical eddy viscosity and diffusivity were fixed to be constant. Calculation in a non-rotating idealized basin shows that the difference in heat capacity with depth gives rise to the horizontal gradient of temperature. Consequently, there is a steady new in the upper layer in the direction of increasing depth with compensatory counter flow .in the lower layer. With Coriolis force, geostrophic flow was predominant due to the balance between the pressure gradient and the Coriolis force. As a test in region of irregular topography, the model is applied to the Yellow Sea. Although the resultant flow was very complex, the character of the flow Showed to be geostrophic on the whole.

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Erosion and Sedimentation Monitoring of Coastal Region using Time Series UAV Image (시계열 UAV 영상을 활용한 연안지역 침식·퇴적 변화 모니터링)

  • CHO, Gi-Sung;HYUN, Jae-Hyeok;LEE, Geun-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2020
  • In order to promote efficient coastal management, it is important to continuously monitor the characteristics of the terrain, which are changed by various factors. In this study, time series UAV images were taken of Gyeokpo beach. And the standard deviation of ±11cm(X), ±10cm(Y), and ±15cm(Z) was obtained as a result of comparing with the VRS measurement performance for UAV position accuracy evaluation. Therefore, it was confirmed that the tolerance of the digital map work rule was satisfied. In addition, as a result of monitoring the erosion and sedimentation changes using the DSM(digital surface model) constructed through UAV images, an average of 0.01 m deposition occurred between June 2018 and December 2018, and in December 2018 and June 2019. It was analyzed that 0.03m of erosion occurred. Therefore, 0.02m of erosion occurred between June 2018 and June 2019. From the topographical change analysis results, the area of erosion and sediment height was analyzed, and the area of erosion and sedimentation was widely distributed in the ±0.5m section. If we continuously monitor the topographical changes in the coastal regions by using the 3D terrain modeling results using the time series UAV images presented in this study, we can support the coastal management tasks such as supplement or dredging of sand.

Assessing the Applicability of Sea Cliff Monitoring Using Multi-Camera and SfM Method (멀티 카메라와 SfM 기법을 활용한 해식애 모니터링 적용가능성 평가)

  • Yu, Jae Jin;Park, Hyun-Su;Kim, Dong Woo;Yoon, Jeong-Ho;Son, Seung-Woo
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2018
  • This study used aerial and terrestrial images to build a three-dimensional model of cliffs located in Pado beach using SfM (Structure from Motion) techniques. Using both images, the study purposed to reduce the shadow areas that were found when using only aerial images. Accuracy of the two campaigns was assessed by root mean square error, and monitored by M3C2 (Multiscale Model to Model Cloud Comparison) method. The result of the M3C2 in closed areas such as sea cave and notch did not express the landforms partly. However, eroded debris on sea cliffs were detected as eroded area by M3C2, as well as in captured pictures by multi-camera. The result of this study showed the applicability of multi-camera and SfM in monitoring changes of sea cliffs.

Accuracy Analysis for Slope Movement Characterization by comparing the Data from Real-time Measurement Device and 3D Model Value with Drone based Photogrammetry (도로비탈면 상시계측 실측치와 드론 사진측량에 의한 3D 모델값의 정확도 비교분석)

  • CHO, Han-Kwang;CHANG, Ki-Tae;HONG, Seong-Jin;HONG, Goo-Pyo;KIM, Sang-Hwan;KWON, Se-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.234-252
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    • 2020
  • This paper is to verify the effectiveness of 'Hybrid Disaster Management Strategy' that integrates 'RTM(Real-time Monitoring) based On-line' and 'UAV based Off-line' system. For landslide prone area where sensors were installed, the conventional way of risk management so far has entirely relied on RTM data collected from the field through the instrumentation devices. But it's not enough due to the limitation of'Pin-point sensor'which tend to provide with only the localized information where sensors have stayed fixed. It lacks, therefore, the whole picture to be grasped. In this paper, utilizing 'Digital Photogrammetry Software Pix4D', the possibility of inference for the deformation of ungauged area has been reviewed. For this purpose, actual measurement data from RTM were compared with the estimated value from 3D point cloud outcome by UAV, and the consequent results has shown very accurate in terms of RMSE.

A Study of Distribution of Jellyfish by Particle Numerical Experiment in Masan Bay (마산만에서 입자수치실험에 의한 해파리 분포연구)

  • Choi, Min-Ho;Ryu, Tai-Gwan;Kim, Dong-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.335-343
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    • 2016
  • The spatio-temporal distribution of jellyfish in Masan Bay was investigated in this study using a numerical model. First, a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model (POM) was constructed,taking into account residual flows, tides, temperature, salinity, and wind effects. A particle tracking model based on residual flow was then used to investigate the jellyfish present in Masan Port, referred to as the Heavy Industry and Gapo New Port in Masan. Jellyfish distribution was concentrated with maximum (2,533 individual) in the North Sea near Machang Bridge. Itcan be concluded that this concentration was due to multi-directional residual flows and topography effects. Residual flow currents are a dominant factor in understanding the aggregation of jellyfish, and this study used a numerical simulation of tide-induced residual currents, wind-driven currents and density currents in distinct cases to thoroughly address the topic. As a result, wind-driven currents (effect of the wind) was found to be superior to other components as an influence on the distribution of jellyfish near Machang Bridge and Modo in Masan Bay.

A Study on 3D Geospatial Information Model based Influence Factor Management Application in Earthwork Plan (3차원 지형공간정보모델기반 토공사 계획 및 관리에 미치는 영향요인 관리 애플리케이션 연구)

  • Park, Jae-woo;Yun, Won Gun;Kim, Suk Su;Song, Jae Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 2019
  • In recent years, the digital transformation age represented by the "Fourth Industrial Revolution", which is a universalization of digitalization across all industries, has become a reality. In the construction sector in 2018, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport established the Smart Construction 2025 vision and established the 'Smart Construction Technology Roadmap' aiming to complete construction automation by 2030. Especially, in the construction stage, field monitoring technology using drones is needed to support construction equipment automation and on-site control, and a 3D geospatial information model can be utilized as a base tool for this. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting earthworks work in order to manage changes in site conditions and improve communication between managers and workers in the earthworks plan, which has a considerable part in terms of construction time and cost as a single type of work. Based on this, field management procedures and applications were developed.

Three-Dimensional Resistivity Modeling by Serendipity Element (Serendipity 요소법에 의한 전기비저항 3차원 모델링)

  • Lee, Keun-Soo;Cho, In-Ky;Kang, Hye-Jin
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2012
  • A resistivity method has been applied to wide range of engineering and environmental problems with the help of automatic and precise data acquisition. Thus, more accurate modeling and inversion of time-lapse monitoring data are required since resistivity monitoring has been introduced to quantitatively find out subsurface changes With respect to time. Here, we used the finite element method (FEM) for 3D resistivity modeling since the method is easy to realize complex topography and arbitrary shaped anomalous bodies. In the FEM, the linear elements, also referred to as first order elements, have certain advantages of simple formulation and narrow bandwidth of system equation. However, the linear elements show the poor accuracy and slow convergence of the solution with respect to the number of elements or nodes. To achieve the higher accuracy of finite element solution, high order elements are generally used. In this study, we developed a 3D resistivity modeling program using high order Serendipity elements. Comparing the Serendipity element solutions for a cube model with the linear element solutions, we assured that the Serendipity element solutions are more accurate than the linear element solutions in the 3D resistivity modeling.