• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3차원 메쉬

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Morphable Model to Interpolate Difference between Number of Pixels and Number of Vertices (픽셀 수와 정점들 간의 차이를 보완하는 Morphable 모델)

  • Ko, Bang-Hyun;Moon, Hyeon-Joon;Kim, Yong-Guk;Moon, Seung-Bin;Lee, Jong-Weon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2007
  • The images, which were acquired from various systems such as CCTV and Robot, include many human faces. Because of a rapid increase in visual data, we cannot process these manually; rather we need to do these automatically. Furthermore, companies require automatic security systems to protect their new technology. There are various options available to us, including face recognition, iris recognition and fingerprint recognition. Face recognition is preferable since it does not require direct contact. However, the standard 2-Dimensional method is limited, so Morphable Models may be recommended as an alternative. The original morphable model, made by MPI, contains a large quantity of data such as texture and geometry data. This paper presents a Geometrix-based morphable model designed to reduce this data capacity.

A Theoretical Study for the Design of Solar Air Heaters Using Porous Material (다공성 물질을 이용한 공기용 태양열 집열기의 설계를 위한 이론적 연구)

  • Hwang, Yong-Ha;Park, Seung-Ho;Kim, Jong-Eok
    • Solar Energy
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    • v.13 no.2_3
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 1993
  • A theoretical study is conducted for the design of solar air heaters using porous material. Radiative characteristics of glazing and porous absorbing media are found through spectral transmittances measured by the Visible spectrometer and the FT-IR. Using those characteristics the efficiencies of collectors are calculated one-dimensionally with the use of the Two-Flux radiation model. The efficiencies increase, as the air flow rates or albedos in the visible range increase, and as albedos in the IR range decrease. The optimum thickness of the porous medium of 15-mesh stainless steel wire screens is 0.001m, which represents the opacity of one.

  • PDF

Augmented Reality System in Real Space using Mobile Projection (이동 투사를 통한 실제 공간에서의 증강현실 시스템)

  • Kim, Moran;Kim, Jun-Sik
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.622-627
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we introduce an integrated augmented reality system using a small camera and a projector. We extract three-dimensional information of an object with a small portable camera and a projector by using a structured light system. We develop the concept of the virtual camera to generalize the projection method so that the image can be projected at a desired position with only the mesh of the object to be projected without computing the mapping between specific point sets. Therefore, it is possible to project not only simple planes but also complex curved surfaces to desired positions without complicated geometric calculation. Based on a robot with a small camera and a projector, it will largely explain the projector-camera system calibration, the calculation of the position of the recognized object, and the image projection method using the virtual camera concept.

A Practical Method of Acoustic Emission Source Location in Anisotropic Composite Laminates (이방성 적층복합재 구조에서 AE 발생원 위치표정을 위한 실용적인 방법)

  • Kim, Jeong-Kon;Kang, Yong-Kyu;Kwon, Oh-Yang
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.237-245
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    • 2003
  • Since the velocity is dependent on the fiber orientation in anisotropic composites, the application of traditional acoustic emission (AE) source location techniques based on the constant velocity to composite structures has been practically impossible. The anisotropy makes the source location procedure complicated and deteriorates the accuracy of the location. In this study, we have divided the region of interest(ROI) into a set of finite elements, taken each element as a virtual source, and calculated the arrival time differences between sensors by using the velocities at every degree from 0 to 90. The calculated and the experimentally measured values of the arrival time difference aye then compared to minimize the location error. The results from two different materials, namely AA6061-T6 and CFRP(uni-directional; UD, $[0]_{32}4$) laminate confirmed the practical usefulness of the proposed method.

Visualization of Structural Shape Information based on Octree using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (3D레이저스캐닝을 이용한 옥트리기반 구조물 형상정보 가시화)

  • Cha, Gichun;Lee, Donghwan;Park, Seunghee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.8-16
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    • 2016
  • This study presents the visualization of shape information based on Octree using 3D laser scanning. The process of visualization was established to construct the Octree structure from the 3D scan data. The scan data was converted to a 2D surface through the mesh technique and the surface was then converted to a 3D object through the Raster/Vector transformation. The 3D object was transmitted to the Octree Root Node and The shape information was constructed by the recursive partitioning of the Octree Root Node. The test-bed was selected as the steel bridge structure in Sungkyunkwan University. The shape information based on Octree was condensed into 89.3%. In addition, the Octree compressibility was confirmed to compare the shape information of the office building, a computer science campus in Germany and a New College in USA. The basis is created by the visualization of shape information for double-deck tunnel and it will be expected to improve the efficiency of structural health monitoring and maintenance.

Stereo Image-based 3D Modelling Algorithm through Efficient Extraction of Depth Feature (효율적인 깊이 특징 추출을 이용한 스테레오 영상 기반의 3차원 모델링 기법)

  • Ha, Young-Su;Lee, Heng-Suk;Han, Kyu-Phil
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.32 no.10
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    • pp.520-529
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    • 2005
  • A feature-based 3D modeling algorithm is presented in this paper. Since conventional methods use depth-based techniques, they need much time for the image matching to extract depth information. Even feature-based methods have less computation load than that of depth-based ones, the calculation of modeling error about whole pixels within a triangle is needed in feature-based algorithms. It also increase the computation time. Therefore, the proposed algorithm consists of three phases, which are an initial 3D model generation, model evaluation, and model refinement phases, in order to acquire an efficient 3D model. Intensity gradients and incremental Delaunay triangulation are used in the Initial model generation. In this phase, a morphological edge operator is adopted for a fast edge filtering, and the incremental Delaunay triangulation is modified to decrease the computation time by avoiding the calculation errors of whole pixels and selecting a vertex at the near of the centroid within the previous triangle. After the model generation, sparse vertices are matched, then the faces are evaluated with the size, approximation error, and disparity fluctuation of the face in evaluation stage. Thereafter, the faces which have a large error are selectively refined into smaller faces. Experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm could acquire an adaptive model with less modeling errors for both smooth and abrupt areas and could remarkably reduce the model acquisition time.

A Study on the Reproducibility of 3D Shape Model of Garden Cultural Heritage using Photogrammetry with SNS Photographs - Focused on Soswaewon Garden, Damyang(Scenic Site No.40) - (SNS 사진과 사진측량을 이용한 정원유산의 3차원 형상 재현 가능성 연구 - 명승 제40호 담양 소쇄원(潭陽 瀟灑園)을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Choong-Sik;Lee, Sang-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.94-104
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    • 2018
  • This study examined photogrammetric reconstruction techniques that can measure the original form of a cultural property utilizing photographs taken in the past. During the research process, photographs taken in the past as well as photograph on the internet of Soswaewon Garden in Damyang(scenic site 40) were collected and utilized. The landscaping structures of Maedae, Aiyangdan, Ogokmun Wall, and Yakjak and natural scenery Gwangseok, of which photographs can be taken from any 360 degree direction from a close distance or a far distance without any barriers in the way, were selected and tested for the possibility of reproducing three-dimensional shapes. The photography method of 151 landscape photographs (58.6%) from internet portal sites for the aforementioned five landscape subjects containing information on the date the photograph was taken, focal length, and exposure were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that the majority of the photographs tend to focus on important parts of each subject. In addition, we discovered that there are two or three photography methods that internet users preferred in regards to each landscape subject. For the purposes of the experiment, photographs in which a single scene consistently appears for each landscape subject and it was determined that there was a high level of preference related to the photography method were analyzed, and three-dimensional mesh shape model was produced with a photoscan program to analyze the reproducibility of three-dimensional shapes. Based on the results of the reproduction, it was relatively possible to reproduce three-dimensional shapes for artifacts such as Ogukmun wall, Maedae, and Aeyangdan, but it was impossible to reproduce three-dimensional images for natural scenery or an object that has similar texture such as Yakjak and Gwangseok. As a result of experimentation related to the reconstruction of three-dimensional shapes with the photographs taken on site using a photography method similar to that of the photographs selected as previously mentioned, there was success related to reproducing the three-dimensional shapes of Yakjak and Gwangseok, of which it was not possible to do so through the photographs that had been collected previously. In addition, through comparison of past and present images, it was possible to measure the exact sizes as well as discover any changes that have taken place. If past photographs taken by tourists or landscape architects of cultural properties can be obtained, the three-dimensional shapes from a particular period of time can be reproduced. If this technology becomes widespread, it will increase the level of accuracy and reliability in regards to measuring the past shapes of cultural landscape properties and examining any changes to the properties.

Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Soil-pile Interaction for Dry Condition Observed in Centrifuge Test (원심모형실험에서 관측된 건조 지반-말뚝 동적 상호작용의 수치 모델링)

  • Kown, Sun-Yong;Kim, Seok-Jung;Yoo, Min-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2016
  • Numerical simulation of dynamic soil-pile-structure interaction embedded in a dry sand was carried out. 3D model of the dynamic centrifuge model tests was formulated in a time domain to consider nonlinear behavior of soil using the finite difference method program, FLAC3D. As a modeling methodology, Mohr-Coulomb criteria was adopted as soil constitutive model. Soil nonlinearity was considered by adopting the hysteretic damping model, and an interface model which can simulate separation and slip between soil and pile was adopted. Simplified continuum modeling (Kim et al., 2012) was used as boundary condition to reduce analysis time. Calibration process for numerical modeling results and test results was performed through the parametric study. Verification process was then performed by comparing numerical modeling results with another test results. Based on the calibration and validation procedure, it is identified that proposed modeling method can properly simulate dynamic behavior of soil-pile system in dry condition.

Methodology of Shape Design for Component Using Optimal Design System (최적설계 시스템을 이용한 부품에 대한 형상설계 방법론)

  • Lee, Joon-Seong;Cho, Seong-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.672-679
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    • 2018
  • This paper describes a methodology for shape design using an optimal design system, whereas generally a three dimensional analysis is required for such designs. An automatic finite element mesh generation technique, which is based on fuzzy knowledge processing and computational geometry techniques, is incorporated into the system, together with a commercial FE analysis code and a commercial solid modeler. Also, with the aid of multilayer neural networks, the present system allows us to automatically obtain a design window, in which a number of satisfactory design solutions exist in a multi-dimensional design parameter space. The developed optimal design system is successfully applied to evaluate the structures that are used. This study used a stress gauge to measure the maximum stress affecting the parts of the side housing bracket which are most vulnerable to cracking. Thereafter, we used a tool to interpret the maximum stress value, while maintaining the same stress as that exerted on the spot. Furthermore, a stress analysis was performed with the typical shape maintained intact, SM490 used for the material and the minimizing weight safety coefficient set to 3, while keeping the maximum stress the same as or smaller than the allowable stress. In this paper, a side housing bracket with a comparably simple structure for 36 tons was optimized, however if the method developed in this study were applied to side housing brackets of different classes (tons), their quality would be greatly improved.

A Study on 3D Scan Technology for Find Archetype of Youngbeokji in Seongnagwon Garden (성락원 영벽지의 원형 파악을 위한 3D 스캔기술 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Ho;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Ung;Park, Dong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2013
  • This study on circular identifying purposes was performed of Youngbeokji space located in Seongnagwon(Scenic Sites No.35). Through the data acquisition of 3D high precision, such as the surrounding terrain of the Youngbeokji. The results of this study is summarized like the following. First, the purpose of the stone structures and structure within the Youngbeokji search is an important clue to find that earlier era will be a prototype. 3D scan method of enforcement is searching the whole structure, including the surrounding terrain and having the easy way. Second, the measurement results are as follows. Department of bedrock surveyed from South to North was measured by 7,665mm. From East to West was measured at 7,326mm. The size of the stone structures, $1,665mm{\times}1,721mm$ in the form of a square. Its interior has a diameter of 1, 664mm of hemispherical form. In the lower portion of the rock masses in the South to the North, has fallen out of the $1,006mm{\times}328mm$ scale traces were discovered. Third, the Youngbeokji recorded in the internal terrain Multiresolution approach. After working with the scanner and scan using the scan data, broadband, to merge. Polygon Data conversion to process was conducted and mash as fine scan data are converted to process data. High resolution photos obtained through the creation of 3D terrain data overlap and the final result. Fourthly, as a result of this action, stone structure West of the waterway back outgoing times oil was confirmed. Bangjiwondo is estimated to be seokji of structure hydroponic facility confirmed will artificially carved in the bedrock. As a result of this and the previous situation of the 1960s could compare data was created. This study provides 3D precision ordnance through the acquisition of the data. Excavations at the circle was able to preserve in perpetuity as digital data. In the future, this data is welcome to take a wide variety of professionals. This is the purpose of this is to establish foundations and conservation management measures will be used. In addition, The new ease of how future research and 3D scan unveiled in the garden has been used in the study expect.