• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2009 개정 과학과 교육과정

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An Analysis of STEAM Elements included in the Elementary School Mathematics Textbooks Revised on 2009 - Focusing on the 3rd and 4th Grade Group - (2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 초등수학교과서의 STEAM 요소 분석: 3~4학년군을 중심으로)

  • Ryu, Sung Rim
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.235-247
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzed what STEAM elements, except mathematical content, are contained in 2009 revised elementary school 3rd and 4th grade group mathematics textbooks. STEAM elements in the textbooks were examined by grade and by content area in the elementary school mathematics curriculum. According to the results, the difference between 3rd and 4th grade in the number of STEAM elements is almost not visible. Distribution of specific content areas could be seen that the distribution STEAM element is similar to the percentage distribution of the content area. However, the number of STEAM elements are different depending on the type of STEAM. The number of arts element is 448(67.6%) and this elements are seen the most. The number of representative art and cultural art is 344(51.9%) and 104(15.7%), respectively. The number of technology-engineering and science is 160(24.1%) and 55(8.3%), respectively. We need to developed to promote use of science element in next mathematics curriculum.

Analysis of Integrated Oceanic Current Maps in Science and Earth Science Textbooks of Secondary School Based on 2015 Revised Curriculum (2015 개정 교육과정 기반 중등학교 과학 및 지구과학 교과서의 통합 해류도 분석)

  • Park, Kyung-Ae;Lee, Jae Yon;Park, Jae-Jin;Lee, Eunil;Byun, Do-Seong;Kang, Boon-Soon;Jeong, Kwang-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.248-260
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    • 2020
  • Oceanic current maps introduced in science and earth science textbooks can offer a valuable opportunity for students to learn about rapid climate change and the role of currents associated with the global energy balance problem. Previously developed oceanic current maps in middle and high school textbooks under the 2007 and 2009-revised national curriculum contained various errors in terms of scientific accuracy. To resolve these problems, marine experts have constructed a unified oceanographic map of the oceans surrounding the Korean Peninsula. Since 2010, this process has involved a continuous, long-term consultation procedure. By extensively gathering opinions and through verification process, a representative and scientific oceanic current map was eventually constructed. Based on this, the educational oceanic current maps, targeting the comprehension of middle and high school students, were developed. These maps were incorporated into middle and high school textbooks in accordance with the revised 2015 curriculum. In this study, we analyzed the oceanic current maps of five middle school science textbooks and six earth science textbooks that were published in high school in 2019. Although all the oceanic current maps in the textbooks were unified based on the proposed scientific oceanic current maps, there were problems such as the omission of certain oceanic currents or the use of a combination of dotted and solid lines. Moreover, several textbooks were found to be using incorrect names for oceanic currents. This study suggests that oceanic current maps, produced by integrating scientific knowledge, should be visually accurate and utilized appropriately to avoid students' misconception.

Kindergarten Teachers' Perception of Content Areas of Mathematics for Young Children - According to the 2007 national kindergarten curriculum - (유치원 교사가 지각한 유아 수학교육의 내용 - 2007년 개정 유치원 교육과정에 따른 -)

  • Lee, Jung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.597-607
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception of kindergarten teachers about which content should be included in early childhood mathematics education. Then the researcher looked into the findings according to the 2007(7th) national kindergarten curriculum. The results showed that kindergarten teachers perceived the important of balanced content areas of early childhood mathematics education. But the results also showed that kindergarten teachers perceived classification as the most important content areas of early childhood mathematics education. This implicates that the kindergarten teachers revealed somewhat conflicting beliefs about mathematics education. The results also showed that kindergarten teachers did not perceive space and data analysis as the most important content areas of early childhood mathematics education according to the 2007 national kindergarten curriculum The kindergarten teachers also suggested basic and restricted mathematics concepts. The results of this study were discussed related with the problems in early childhood mathematics education, especially the problems in teacher education.

Analysis of the Characteristics of Middle School Students' Science Academic Achievement Based on the Results of NAEA in the 2009 Revised Curriculum (학업성취도 평가 결과에 기초한 2009 개정 교육과정 시기의 중학생의 과학 학업성취 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Jaebong;Ku, Jaok
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.429-436
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we examined students' science academic achievement through an analysis of the national assessment of educational achievement(NAEA) from 2015 to 2018 when the 2009 revised curriculum was applied. This study analyzed achievement average scores by gender and region and also analyzed the trend of the rate of achievement level in order to understand the characteristics of students' academic achievement. In addition, we analyzed the characteristics of the affective aspect using a survey of students' attitudes (confidence, interest, value, and willingness to learn) toward science. The main findings are as follows; First, the average science score shows a tendency to decrease year by year at the middle school level. Second, when analyzed by achievement level, the decline in the advanced group was large, and the rate of the below basic group increased. Third, comparisons of the average achievement scores by gender, female students' scores were generally high and the difference in achievement scores between male and female students tended to increase. Fourth, a characteristic gap was found between regional scales that increased in the advanced group. The results of a questionnaire on students' attitudes show that the four constructs of the students' attitudes had a significant correlation with the average achievement scores. In addition, the mean and positive response rates on the confidence, interest, and value of science in the above proficiency group increased but decreased in the below basic group. These results can be used as basic data for revising the curriculum, improving teaching and learning, and establishing educational policies.

Analysis of Features of Korean Eighth Grades' TIMSS 2015 Achievement in Chemistry (우리나라 중학생들의 TIMSS 2015 화학 영역 성취 특성 분석)

  • Kwak, Youngsun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.625-633
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    • 2018
  • The goal of this study is to investigate the features of Korean eighth graders' achievement and its trend in Chemistry in TIMSS 2011 and TIMSS 2015, and to explore its implications for Korean science curriculum and in teaching science. With three science educators and six science teachers, we analyzed the characteristics of Korean eighth graders' achievement in Chemistry by test-curriculum matching analysis. According to the trend analysis of science topics with released items for Chemistry in TIMSS 2015, Korean students' percentage for correct answers has dropped in topics such as regularities in chemical reactions, oxidation-reduction, etc. since these topics are covered after the ninth grade in the 2009 revised curriculum. For science cognitive domains, Korean students showed weaknesses in 'applying' domain in TIMSS 2015. Based on the results, we suggested implications for improvement in middle school chemistry curriculum and how to improve science teaching and learning for students' better science competencies and real-world application of science knowledge.

Analysis of the Reading Materials in Elementary School Science Textbooks developed under the 2009 Revised National Science Curriculum (2009 개정 과학교육과정에 따른 초등학교 과학 교과서의 읽기자료 분석)

  • Koh, Hanjoong;Seok, Jongim;Kang, Sukjin
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.129-142
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    • 2017
  • In this study, the characteristics of the reading materials in elementary school science textbooks developed under the 2009 revised National Science Curriculum were investigated. The criteria for classifying the reading materials were the types of topic, purpose, students' activity, and presentation. The visual images in the reading materials were also analyzed from the viewpoint of type, role, caption type, and proximity type. The results indicated that the number of the reading materials in the 2009 revised science textbooks decreased compared to that of the 2007 revised science textbooks. It was also found that the frequencies of the reading materials expanding concepts of the text and/or requiring corresponding students' inquiry increased. More visual images were used in the reading materials of the 2009 revised science textbooks. However, several limitations were still found to exist; most visual images were illustration and/or picture; many visual images were presented without a caption; there was a problem in the proximity of visual image to text.

Analysis of teaching and learning contents of matrix in German high school mathematics (독일 고등학교 수학에서 행렬 교수·학습 내용 분석)

  • Ahn, Eunkyung;Ko, Ho Kyoung
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.269-287
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    • 2023
  • Matrix theory is widely used not only in mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering, but also in social sciences and artificial intelligence. In the 2009 revised mathematics curriculum, matrices were removed from high school math education to reduce the burden on students, but in anticipation of the age of artificial intelligence, they will be reintegrated into the 2022 revised education curriculum. Therefore, there is a need to analyze the matrix content covered in other countries to suggest a meaningful direction for matrix education and to derive implications for textbook composition. In this study, we analyzed the German mathematics curriculum and standard education curriculum, as well as the matrix units in the German Hesse state mathematics curriculum and textbook, and identified the characteristics of their content elements and development methods. As a result of our analysis, it was found that the German textbooks cover matrices in three categories: matrices for solving linear equations, matrices for explaining linear transformations, and matrices for explaining transition processes. It was also found that the emphasis was on mathematical reasoning and modeling when learning matrices. Based on these findings, we suggest that if matrices are to be reintegrated into school mathematics, the curriculum should focus on deep conceptual understanding, mathematical reasoning, and mathematical modeling in textbook composition.

What is the rationale for computer education in elementary schools? (초등학교에서의 컴퓨터교육은 어떻게 발전해야 하는가?)

  • Baek, Young-Kyun
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.08a
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2009
  • 7차 개정 교육과정은 컴퓨터교육에 있어서 기존의 컴퓨터 활용 중심의 교육을 넘어서 컴퓨터과학과 더불어 정보통신윤리교육을 강화하고 초등교육과정의 틀 내에서 컴퓨터교육에 대한 기반을 마련하는 또 다른 계기를 제공하였다는 점에서 그 의미를 찾아 볼 수 있다. 그러나 초등학교에서의 컴퓨터교육에 대한 정체성에 대해서는 아직 풀어야 할 문제들이 산재해 있다. 컴퓨터교육에 관한 정체성의 혼란은 초등학교 컴퓨터교육에 대한 다양한 논쟁을 일으키고 있다. 기존의 연구들도 컴퓨터교육의 목적과 내용 그리고 교육과정 편제와 운영 등에 대한 문제점들을 지적하고 있다. 이에 본 원고에서는 초등학교 컴퓨터교육의 정체성 확립을 위하여 선행연구를 분석하고 내적.외적인 측면에서의 문제점을 고찰함으로써 보다 종합적인 관점에서 컴퓨터교육이 지향하여야 할 점에 대하여 탐색하고 나아가 컴퓨터교육이 초등학교에서 어떻게 정착되어가야 하는지에 대한 방향을 정립하고자 한다.

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The Influences of Integrated Science Developed Under the 2009 Revised National Curriculum on Students' Views on Nature of Science and Science-Technology-Society Relationship, Interest in Science, and Science Aspiration (2009 개정 교육과정에 의한 융합형 과학이 학생들의 과학의 본성과 STS에 대한 견해, 과학에 대한 흥미 및 포부에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Chanho;Kim, Minhwan;Noh, Taehee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.549-555
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we investigated the influences of Integrated Science on the views of 10th graders with regards to the nature of science (NOS), STS, interest in science, and science aspiration, in order to explore the effects of Integrated Science developed under the 2009 Revised National Curriculum. Participants in this study were 214 10th graders in Seoul. The survey was administered at the beginning and at the end of the Integrated Science course. The analyses of the results revealed that there was no statistically significant difference in the scores of the pre-test and post-test on the NOS survey. However, the post-test scores of the tentativeness of scientific knowledge and the use of imagination, which are the sub-constructs of the NOS, were found to be significantly lower than the pre-test scores. There were no statistically significant differences in the frequencies of the responses to each item of the STS survey. The pre-test and post-test scores of the interest in science and the science aspiration were also not significantly different. The results indicated that Integrated Science did not have any impact on students' views on NOS, STS, interest in science, and science aspiration. Educational implications of these findings are discussed.

Elementary School Teachers' Recognition for the Implementation of 2009 Revised National Science Curriculum (2009 개정 과학과 교육과정의 실행에 대한 초등학교 교사의 인식)

  • Ahn, Ju-Song;Park, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze elementary school teachers' implementation for the emphasis on the revision, major contents, teaching and learning method, and evaluation in the 2009 revised national science curriculum. To fulfill the purpose of this study we carried out a survey with 222 elementary school teachers. Main findings of this research were as follows: First, they highly agreed to the increase in class hours and the application of subject classroom, but they had a lower recognition for setting the subject groups. Second, the degree of necessity in discussion and STS was relatively high, but the degree of implementation in science writing, discussion and STEAM was low. Third, in teaching and learning method, they showed a high performance for mutual cooperation, student-led activities and communication, but, a low implementation for open inquiry and instruction considering individual differences. Fourth, in the evaluation of science learning, they showed a high implementation for evaluation based on achievement standards and one based on the understanding and application of basic concepts, but, a low implementation for the development of common evaluation tools. Fifth, it seemed that their recognition for amount, level and interest of science contents and inquiry activities was appropriate and positive.