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Elementary School Teachers' Recognition for the Implementation of 2009 Revised National Science Curriculum  

Ahn, Ju-Song (Gunpo Singi Elementary School)
Park, Jae-Keun (Gyeongin National University of Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.36, no.1, 2017 , pp. 61-72 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to analyze elementary school teachers' implementation for the emphasis on the revision, major contents, teaching and learning method, and evaluation in the 2009 revised national science curriculum. To fulfill the purpose of this study we carried out a survey with 222 elementary school teachers. Main findings of this research were as follows: First, they highly agreed to the increase in class hours and the application of subject classroom, but they had a lower recognition for setting the subject groups. Second, the degree of necessity in discussion and STS was relatively high, but the degree of implementation in science writing, discussion and STEAM was low. Third, in teaching and learning method, they showed a high performance for mutual cooperation, student-led activities and communication, but, a low implementation for open inquiry and instruction considering individual differences. Fourth, in the evaluation of science learning, they showed a high implementation for evaluation based on achievement standards and one based on the understanding and application of basic concepts, but, a low implementation for the development of common evaluation tools. Fifth, it seemed that their recognition for amount, level and interest of science contents and inquiry activities was appropriate and positive.
2009 revised national science curriculum; elementary school teacher; implementation;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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