• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2상 유체 유동

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Geochemical Variation of Hwangsan Volcanic Complex by Large Hydrothermal Alteration (대규모 열수변질작용에 따른 황산 화산암복합체의 지구화학적 변화특성)

  • Kim, Eui-Jun;Hong, Young-Kook;Chi, Se-Jung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.95-107
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    • 2011
  • The Hwangsan volcanic rocks, hosting the Moisan epithermal Au-Ag deposit arc widely distributed throughout the Seongsan district, and associated with large hydrothermal alteration. They were analyzed as the Moisan and around voleanic rocks, and most of them show dacitic to rhyolitic compositions. Hydrothermal alteration related to epithermal system causes the host rocks to show the geochemical variation due to high mobility of alkali elements. These features can be applied for quantitative estimates of alteration intensity. Alteration intensity of volcanic rocks from the Moisan ranges from subtle to intense, based on AI vs. $Na_2O$ diagram. The pattern that ($CaO+Na_2O$) content decrease with increasing $K_2O$ content results from sericitic alteration, in which hydrothermal fluids continually provide $K^+$ into country rocks but remove $Ca^{2+}$ and $Na^{2+}$ of feldspars within country rocks. The decrease of ($CaO+Na_2O$) with decreasing $K_2O$ in some samples from the Moisan may be caused by advanced argillic alteration that all alkali elements are entirely removed from country rocks by acid hydrothermal fluids. Two alteration trends, based on Al and CCPI alteration indices suggest both sericitic alterations of feldsaprs to illite and sericite+chlorite$^{\circ}{\ae}$pyritc alteration of high Mg and Fe activities. Trace and Rare Earth Elements patterns show the similar geochemical variation related to hydrothermal alteration. Of LIL elements, strong depletion of $Sr^{2+}$, substituting for $Ca^{2+}$ in feldspars, appears to be resulted from removal of $Ca^{2+}$, during replacement of feldspars to alumino-silicates or phyllo silicates minerals by hydrothermal fluids. Relatively low total REEs contents (Moisan: 119-182 ppm; Seongsan: 111-209 ppm) and gently negative slopes suggest that significant mobility of LREEs appear to occur during hydrothermal alteration.

분무진공동결건조기 개발

  • Ryu, Gyeong-Ha;Ban, Byeong-Min;Kim, Jae-Hyeong;Son, Sang-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2013.02a
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    • pp.258-258
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    • 2013
  • 최근 건조 제품의 양질화, 고급화 및 편의화가 요구되어 이를 충족시키기 위한 새로운 건조방법이 계속 개발 되어 왔다. 이러한 방법들 중에서 저온과 진공하에서 건조가 이루어지는 진공 동결 건조는 가장 완벽한 건조 방법으로 최근 실용화 되고 있다. 진공동결건조란 건조의 한 종류로 수분을 함유한 시료를 동결시킨 후 진공펌프를 이용하여 수증기압을 3중점 이하로 낮추어 얼음을 직접 증기로 만드는 승화의 원리에 의해서 얻어진다. 분무진공동결건조의 특징은 (1) 물리적구조의 보존성, (2) 화학적인 안정성, (3) 생물학적인 활동의 보존성, (4) 제품의 높은 복원성 및 재생성이다. 따라서 분무진공동결건조 기술은 크게 진공, 분무, 동결, 건조, 멸균 등과 같은 요소기술의 복합기술이라 할 수 있다. 분말을 제조하기 위해서 진공동결건조 후 분쇄하는 방법을 사용하나 본 방법에서는 정밀화학품 제조를 위해서 분무진공동결건조 방식을 사용한다. 이를 통하여 적당한 크기인 5~10 um의 입경 제조가 가능하고, 공기동력학적인 입경이 기존 방식에 비해 작아서 허파까지의 운반효율이 1.5~2배 우수하다. 화학, 의학 분야에서의 분무동결 건조는 주로 민감한 제품, 즉 생물학적 고유성의 손상 없이 물을 제거하는데 사용되어 영구적으로 저장 가능한 상태로 보관할 수 있으며 물의 첨가로 원상태로 복구할 수 있어서 매우 각광을 받고 있다. 의약용 냉동건조 제품은 항생물질, 박테리아, 혈청, 백신, 검사 약물, 단백질을 포함하는 생물공학 제품들, 세포, 섬유, 화학제품 등이 있으며 주로 vial 또는 ampule 상태로 건조가 이루어진다.본 연구에서는 원료를 $-194^{\circ}C$의 액체질소에 분무시켜 동결된 미립자를 형성한 후 진공 및 저온상태에서얼음의 승화(sublimation)에 기반한 1차 건조와 수증기 탈착(desorption)에 기초한 2차 건조 과정으로 구성된 분무진공동결건조기를 개발하였다. 분무동결 과정의 해석을 통해 2유체식 노즐을 통해 분무된 미세 입경의 액적이 액체 질소 표면까지 도달하는 회수률, 분무 노즐의 위치, 운전 조건 및 용기의 설계의 최적화를 수행하였다. 초기 액적속도, 분무노즐의 높이, 흡입구 추가에 따른 액적 유동 및 회수의 특성을 제시하였으며 이를 통한 분사시스템 고도화 가능성을 제시하였다. 구형의 미세 입자가 적층된 제품의 동결건조 공정의 해석은 흡착승화 모델(sorption sublimation model)을 기반으로 다음과 같은 열전달, 물질전달, 상변화 모델을 고려하여 유도되었다. 분무노즐 및 냉동/진공 배기계 시작품을 개발하여, 표면의 고다공도를 갖춘 입경 3~20 m 정도의 시료를 얻을 수 있으며, 동역학적 입경 5 m 충족함을 확인하였다.

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A study on the heat transfer characteristics during outward melting process of ice in a vertical cylinder (수직원통형 빙축열조내 외향용융과정시 열전달특성에 관한 연구 -작동유체의 유동방향 및 축열조 형상비에 따른 열성능 비교-)

  • Kim, D.H.;Kim, D.C.;Kim, I.G.;Kim, Y.K.;Yim, C.S.
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 1997
  • During the day time in summer, peak of air conditing load, and electric power management system lies under overloaded condition. The reason is the enlarged peak load value of electric power caused by increased air-cooling load in summer. To prevent load concentration during day time and overloaded condition of power management system, some energy storage methods are suggested. One of these methods is ice storage system. Water has some good properties as P.C.M.(Phase Chang Material) : Its melting point is the range of required operation temperature. It has large specific latent heat and is chemically stable compared to other organic or inorganic substances. It is cheap and easy to treat. This study represents experimental results of heat transfer characteristics of P.C.M. under the outward melting process in a vertical cylinder. We experimented with twelve combinations of conditions, i.e., three different inlet temperatures($7^{\circ}C,\;4^{\circ}C\;and\;1^{\circ}C$), two working fluid directions(upward and downward), and two aspect ratios, H/R(4 and 2). At the inlet temperature of $7^{\circ}C$ and $4^{\circ}C$, there was temperature stagnation region where the temperature of P.C.M. remains constant at $4^{\circ}C$ regardless of aspect ratio and direction of working fluid. This temperature stagnation occurs as the water, at its maximum density, flows down to the lower region. The phase change interface formed bell-shaped curve as the melting process continued. With a new set of conditions(4H/R, inlet temperature $4^{\circ}C$ and $1^{\circ}C$, downward/upwerd inlet direction), the movement of phase change interface was faster when the working flued inlet direction was downward. With the same set of conditions, melting rate and total melting energy were larger when the working fluid inlet direction was downward. The results were reversed when the other sets of conditions were applied.

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Recent Progress in Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research : A Review of Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in 2013 (설비공학 분야의 최근 연구 동향 : 2013년 학회지 논문에 대한 종합적 고찰)

  • Lee, Dae-Young;Kim, Sa Ryang;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Dong-Seon;Park, Jun-Seok;Ihm, Pyeong Chan
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.26 no.12
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    • pp.605-619
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    • 2014
  • This article reviews the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering during 2013. It is intended to understand the status of current research in the areas of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, and indoor environments of buildings and plant facilities. Conclusions are as follows. (1) The research works on the thermal and fluid engineering have been reviewed as groups of fluid machinery, pipes and relative parts including orifices, dampers and ducts, fuel cells and power plants, cooling and air-conditioning, heat and mass transfer, two phase flow, and the flow around buildings and structures. Research issues dealing with home appliances, flows around buildings, nuclear power plant, and manufacturing processes are newly added in thermal and fluid engineering research area. (2) Research works on heat transfer area have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics, pool boiling and condensing heat transfer and industrial heat exchangers. Researches on heat transfer characteristics included the results for general analytical model for desiccant wheels, the effects of water absorption on the thermal conductivity of insulation materials, thermal properties of Octadecane/xGnP shape-stabilized phase change materials and $CO_2$ and $CO_2$-Hydrate mixture, effect of ground source heat pump system, the heat flux meter location for the performance test of a refrigerator vacuum insulation panel, a parallel flow evaporator for a heat pump dryer, the condensation risk assessment of vacuum multi-layer glass and triple glass, optimization of a forced convection type PCM refrigeration module, surface temperature sensor using fluorescent nanoporous thin film. In the area of pool boiling and condensing heat transfer, researches on ammonia inside horizontal smooth small tube, R1234yf on various enhanced surfaces, HFC32/HFC152a on a plain surface, spray cooling up to critical heat flux on a low-fin enhanced surface were actively carried out. In the area of industrial heat exchangers, researches on a fin tube type adsorber, the mass-transfer kinetics of a fin-tube-type adsorption bed, fin-and-tube heat exchangers having sine wave fins and oval tubes, louvered fin heat exchanger were performed. (3) In the field of refrigeration, studies are categorized into three groups namely refrigeration cycle, refrigerant and modeling and control. In the category of refrigeration cycle, studies were focused on the enhancement or optimization of experimental or commercial systems including a R410a VRF(Various Refrigerant Flow) heat pump, a R134a 2-stage screw heat pump and a R134a double-heat source automotive air-conditioner system. In the category of refrigerant, studies were carried out for the application of alternative refrigerants or refrigeration technologies including $CO_2$ water heaters, a R1234yf automotive air-conditioner, a R436b water cooler and a thermoelectric refrigerator. In the category of modeling and control, theoretical and experimental studies were carried out to predict the performance of various thermal and control systems including the long-term energy analysis of a geo-thermal heat pump system coupled to cast-in-place energy piles, the dynamic simulation of a water heater-coupled hybrid heat pump and the numerical simulation of an integral optimum regulating controller for a system heat pump. (4) In building mechanical system research fields, twenty one studies were conducted to achieve effective design of the mechanical systems, and also to maximize the energy efficiency of buildings. The topics of the studies included heating and cooling, HVAC system, ventilation, and renewable energies in the buildings. Proposed designs, performance tests using numerical methods and experiments provide useful information and key data which can improve the energy efficiency of the buildings. (5) The field of architectural environment is mostly focused on indoor environment and building energy. The main researches of indoor environment are related to infiltration, ventilation, leak flow and airtightness performance in residential building. The subjects of building energy are worked on energy saving, operation method and optimum operation of building energy systems. The remained studies are related to the special facility such as cleanroom, internet data center and biosafety laboratory. water supply and drain system, defining standard input variables of BIM (Building Information Modeling) for facility management system, estimating capability and providing operation guidelines of subway station as shelter for refuge and evaluation of pollutant emissions from furniture-like products.

Recent Progress in Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research : A Review of Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in 2010 (설비공학 분야의 최근 연구 동향 : 2010년 학회지 논문에 대한 종합적 고찰)

  • Han, Hwa-Taik;Lee, Dae-Young;Kim, Seo-Young;Choi, Jong-Min;Kim, Su-Min;Kwon, Young-Chul;Baik, Yong-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.449-469
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    • 2011
  • This article reviews the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineering during 2010. It is intended to understand the status of current research in the areas of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, and indoor environments of buildings and plant facilities. Conclusions are as follows. (1) Research trends of thermal and fluid engineering have been surveyed as groups of general thermal and fluid flow, fluid machinery, and new and renewable energy. Various topics were presented in the field of general thermal and fluid flow. Research issues mainly focused on the thermal reliability of axial fan and compressor in the field of fluid machinery. Studies on the design of ground source heat pump systems and solar chemical reactors were executed in the field of new and renewable energy. (2) Research works on heat transfer area have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics and industrial heat exchangers. Researches on heat transfer characteristics included heat transfer in thermoelectric cooling/power generation systems, combined heat and power systems, carbon nano fluid with PVP, channel filled with metal foam and smoke ventilation in a rescue station of a railroad tunnel. Also the studies on flow boiling of R123/oil mixture in a plain tube bundle and R410A charge amount in an air cooled mini-channel condenser were reported. In the area of industrial heat exchangers, researches on plate heat exchanger, shell and tube heat exchanger, enthalpy exchanger, micro channel PCHE were performed. (2) Research works on heat transfer area have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics and industrial heat exchangers. Researches on heat transfer characteristics included heat transfer in thermoelectric cooling/power generation systems, combined heat and power systems, carbon nano fluid with PVP, channel filled with metal foam and smoke ventilation in a rescue station of a railroad tunnel. Also the studies on flow boiling of R123/oil mixture in a plain tube bundle and R410A charge amount in an air cooled mini-channel condenser were reported. In the area of industrial heat exchangers, researches on plate heat exchanger, shell and tube heat exchanger, enthalpy exchanger, micro channel PCHE were performed. (3) Refrigeration systems with alternative refrigerants such as hydrocarbons, mixed refrigerants, and CO2 were studied. Performance improvement of refrigeration systems are tried applying various ideas of refrigerant subcooling, dual evaporator with hot gas bypass control and feedforward control. The hybrid solar systems combining the solar collection devices with absorption chillers or compression heat pumps are simulated and studied experimentally as well to improve the understanding and the feasibility for actual applications. (4) Research trend in the field of mechanical building facilities has been found to be mainly focused on field applications rather than performance improvements. Various studies on heating and cooling systems, HVAC facilities, indoor air environments and energy resources were carried to improve the maintenance and management of building service equipments. In the field of heating and cooling systems, papers on a transformer cooling system, a combined heat and power, a slab thermal storage and a heat pump were reported. In the field of HVAC facilities, papers on a cooling load, an ondol and a drying were presented. Also, studies on HVAC systems using unutilized indoor air environments and energy resources such as air curtains, bioviolence, cleanrooms, ventilation, district heating, landfill gas were studied. (5) In the field of architectural environment and energy, studies of various purposes were conducted such as indoor environment, building energy, renewable energy and green building. In particular, renewable energy and building energy-related researches have mainly been studied reflecting the global interest. In addition, many researches which related the domestic green building certification of school building were performed to improve the indoor environment of school.

Recent Progress in Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research : A Review of Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in 2009 (설비공학 분야의 최근 연구 동향 : 2009년 학회지 논문에 대한 종합적 고찰)

  • Han, Hwa-Taik;Lee, Dae-Young;Kim, Seo Young;Choi, Jong-Min;Baik, Yong-Kyu;Kwon, Young-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.492-507
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    • 2010
  • This article reviews the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering during 2009. It is intended to understand the status of current research in the areas of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, and indoor environments of buildings and plant facilities. Conclusions are as follows. (1) Research trends of thermal and fluid engineering have been surveyed as groups of general thermal and fluid flow, fluid machinery and piping, and new and renewable energy. Various topics were covered in the field of general thermal and fluid flow such as an expander, a capillary tube, the flow of micro-channel water blocks, the friction and anti-wear characteristics of nano oils with mixtures of refrigerant oils, etc. Research issues mainly focused on the design of micro-pumps and fans, the heat resistance reliability of axial smoke exhaust fans, and hood systems in the field of fluid machinery and piping. Studies on ground water sources were executed concerning two well type geothermal heat pumps and multi-heat pumps in the field of new and renewable energy. (2) Research works on heat transfer area have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics and industrial heat exchangers. Researches on heat transfer characteristics included the heat transfer in thermoelectric cooling systems, refrigerants, evaporators, dryers, desiccant rotors. In the area of industrial heat exchangers, researches on high temperature ceramic heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers, frosting on fins of heat exchangers were performed. (3) In the field of refrigeration, papers were presented on alternative refrigerants, system improvements, and the utilization of various energy sources. Refrigeration systems with alternative refrigerants such as hydrocarbons, mixed refrigerants, and $CO_2$ were studied. Efforts to improve the performance of refrigeration systems were made applying various ideas of suction line heat exchangers, subcooling bypass lines and gas injection systems. Studies on heat pump systems using unutilized energy sources such as river water, underground water, and waste heat were also reported. (4) Research trend in the field of mechanical building facilities has been found to be mainly focused on field applications rather than performance improvements. In the area of cogeneration systems, papers on energy and economic analysis, LCC analysis and cost estimating were reported. Studies on ventilation and heat recovery systems introduced the effect on fire and smoke control, and energy reduction. Papers on district cooling and heating systems dealt with design capacity evaluation, application plan and field application. Also, the maintenance and management of building service equipments were presented for HVAC systems. (5) In the field of architectural environment, various studies were carried to improve indoor air quality and to analyze the heat load characteristics of buildings by energy simulation. These studies helped to understand the physics related to building load characteristics and to improve the quality of architectural environment where human beings reside in.

Recent Progress in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Research : A Review of Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in 2007 (설비공학 분야의 최근 연구 동향 : 2007년 학회지 논문에 대한 종합적 고찰)

  • Han, Hwa-Taik;Shin, Dong-Sin;Choi, Chang-Ho;Lee, Dae-Young;Kim, Seo-Young;Kwon, Yong-Il
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.844-861
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    • 2008
  • The papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering during the year of 2007 have been reviewed. Focus has been put on current status of research in the aspect of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation and building environments. The conclusions are as follows. (1) The research trends of fluid engineering have been surveyed as groups of general fluid flow, fluid machinery and piping, etc. New research topics include micro nano fluid, micropump and fuel cell. Traditional CFD was still popular and widely used in research and development. Studies about fans and pumps were performed in the field of fluid machinery. Characteristics of flow and fin shape optimization are studied in the field of piping system. (2) The research works on heat transfer have been reviewed in the field of heat transfer characteristics, heat exchangers, and desiccant cooling systems. The research on heat transfer characteristics includes thermal transport in pulse tubes, high temperature superconductors, ground heat exchangers, fuel cell stacks and ice slurry systems. For the heat 'exchangers, the research on pin-tube heat exchanger, plate heat exchanger, condensers and gas coolers has been cordially implemented. The research works on heat transfer augmenting tubes have been also reported. For the desiccant cooling systems, the studies on the design and operating conditions for desiccant rotors as well as performance index are noticeable. (3) In the field of refrigeration, many papers were presented on the air conditioning system using CO2 as a refrigerant. The issues on the two-stage compression, the oil selection, and the appropriate oil charge were treated. The subjects of alternative refrigerants were also studied steadily. Hydrocarbons, DME and their mixtures were considered and various heat transfer correlations were proposed. (4) Research papers have been reviewed in the field of building facilities by grouping into the researches on heat and cold sources, air conditioning and air cleaning, ventilation and fire research including tunnel ventilation, flow control of piping system, and sound research with drain system. Main focuses have been addressed to the promotion of efficient or effective use of energy, which helps to save energy and results in reduced environmental pollution and operating cost. (5) Studies were mostly focused on analyzing the indoor environment in various spaces like cars, old tombs, machine rooms, and etc. in an architectural environmental field. Moreover, subjects of various fields such as the evaluation of noise, thermal environment, indoor air quality and development of energy analysis program were researched by various methods of survey, simulation, and field experiment.

Recent Progress in Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research: A Review of Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in 2011 (설비공학 분야의 최근 연구 동향: 2011년 학회지 논문에 대한 종합적 고찰)

  • Han, Hwa-Taik;Lee, Dae-Young;Kim, Seo-Young;Choi, Jong-Min;Paik, Yong-Kyoo;Kim, Su-Min
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.521-537
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    • 2012
  • This article reviews the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering during 2011. It is intended to understand the status of current research in the areas of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, and indoor environments of buildings and plant facilities. Conclusions are as follows. (1) Research trends of thermal and fluid engineering have been surveyed as groups of fluid machinery and fluid flow, thermodynamic cycle, and new and renewable energy. Various topics were presented in the field of fluid machinery and fluid flow. Research issues mainly focused on the rankine cycle in the field of thermodynamic cycle. In the new and renewable energy area, researches were presented on geothermal energy, fuel cell, biogas, reformer, solar water heating system, and metane hydration. (2) Research works on heat transfer area have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics, pool boiling and condensing heat transfer, nanofluids and industrial heat exchangers. Researches on heat transfer characteristics included heat transfer above liquid helium surface in a cryostat, methane hydrate formation, heat and mass transfer in a liquid desiccant dehumidifier, thermoelectric air-cooling system, heat transfer in multiple slot impinging jet, and heat transfer enhancement by protrusion-in-dimples. In the area of pool boiling and condensing heat transfer, researches on pool boiling of water in low-fin and turbo-B surfaces, pool boiling of R245a, convective boiling two-phase flow in trapezoidal microchannels, condensing of FC-72 on pin-finned surfaces, and natural circulation vertical evaporator were actively performed. In the area of nanofluids, thermal characteristics of heat pipes using water-based MWCNT nanofluids and the thermal conductivity and viscosity were measured. In the area of industrial heat exchangers, researches on fin-tube heat exchangers for waste gas heat recovery and Chevron type plate heat exchanger were implemented. (3) Refrigeration systems with alternative refrigerants such as $CO_2$, hydrocarbons, and mixed refrigerants were studied. Heating performance improvement of heat pump systems were tried applying supplementary components such as a refrigerant heater or a solar collector. The effects of frost growth were studied on the operation characteristic of refrigeration systems and the energy performance of various defrost methods were evaluated. The current situation of the domestic cold storage facilities was analyzed and the future demand was predicted. (4) In building mechanical system fields, a variety of studies were conducted to achieve effective consumption of heat and maximize efficiency of heat in buildings. Various researches were performed to maximize performance of mechanical devices and optimize the operation of HVAC systems. (5) In the fields of architectural environment and energy, diverse purposes of studies were conducted such as indoor environment, building energy, and renewable energy. In particular, renewable energy and building energy-related researches have mainly been studied as reflecting the global interests. In addition, various researches have been performed for reducing cooling load in a building using spot exhaust air, natural ventilation and energy efficiency systems.

Recent Progress in Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research : A Review of Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in 2012 (설비공학 분야의 최근 연구 동향 : 2012년 학회지 논문에 대한 종합적 고찰)

  • Han, Hwataik;Lee, Dae-Young;Kim, Sa Ryang;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Choi, Jong Min;Park, Jun-Seok;Kim, Sumin
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.346-361
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    • 2013
  • This article reviews the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering during 2012. It is intended to understand the status of current research in the areas of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, and indoor environments of buildings and plant facilities. The conclusions are as follows : (1) The research works on thermal and fluid engineering have been reviewed as groups of fluid machinery, pipes and valves, fuel cells and power plants, ground-coupled heat pumps, and general heat and mass transfer systems. Research issues are mainly focused on new and renewable energy systems, such as fuel cells, ocean thermal energy conversion power plants, and ground-coupled heat pump systems. (2) Research works on the heat transfer area have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics, pool boiling and condensing heat transfer, and industrial heat exchangers. Researches on heat transfer characteristics included the results for natural convection in a square enclosure with two hot circular cylinders, non-uniform grooved tube considering tube expansion, single-tube annular baffle system, broadcasting LED light with ion wind generator, mechanical property and microstructure of SA213 P92 boiler pipe steel, and flat plate using multiple tripping wires. In the area of pool boiling and condensing heat transfer, researches on the design of a micro-channel heat exchanger for a heat pump, numerical simulation of a heat pump evaporator considering the pressure drop in the distributor and capillary tubes, critical heat flux on a thermoexcel-E enhanced surface, and the performance of a fin-and-tube condenser with non-uniform air distribution and different tube types were actively carried out. In the area of industrial heat exchangers, researches on a plate heat exchanger type dehumidifier, fin-tube heat exchanger, an electric circuit transient analogy model in a vertical closed loop ground heat exchanger, heat transfer characteristics of a double skin window for plant factory, a regenerative heat exchanger depending on its porous structure, and various types of plate heat exchangers were performed. (3) In the field of refrigeration, various studies were executed to improve refrigeration system performance, and to evaluate the applicability of alternative refrigerants and new components. Various topics were presented in the area of refrigeration cycle. Research issues mainly focused on the enhancement of the system performance. In the alternative refrigerant area, studies on CO2, R32/R152a mixture, and R1234yf were performed. Studies on the design and performance analysis of various compressors and evaporator were executed. (4) In building mechanical system research fields, twenty-nine studies were conducted to achieve effective design of mechanical systems, and also to maximize the energy efficiency of buildings. The topics of the studies included heating and cooling, HVAC system, ventilation, renewable energy systems, and lighting systems in buildings. New designs and performance tests using numerical methods and experiments provide useful information and key data, which can improve the energy efficiency of buildings. (5) In the fields of the architectural environment, studies for various purposes, such as indoor environment, building energy, and renewable energy were performed. In particular, building energy-related researches and renewable energy systems have been mainly studied, reflecting interests in global climate change, and efforts to reduce building energy consumption by government and architectural specialists. In addition, many researches have been conducted regarding indoor environments.

Recent Progress in Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research: A Review of Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in 2008 (설비공학 분야의 최근 연구 동향: 2008년 학회지 논문에 대한 종합적 고찰)

  • Han, Hwa-Taik;Choi, Chang-Ho;Lee, Dae-Young;Kim, Seo-Young;Kwon, Yong-Il;Choi, Jong-Min
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.715-732
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    • 2009
  • This article reviews the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering during 2008. It is intended to understand the status of current research in the areas of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, and indoor environments of buildings and plant facilities. Conclusions are as follows. (1) Research trends in thermal and fluid engineering have been surveyed in the categories of general fluid flow, fluid machinery and piping, new and renewable energy, and fire. Well-developed CFD technologies were widely applied in developing facilities and their systems. New research topics include fire, fuel cell, and solar energy. Research was mainly focused on flow distribution and optimization in the fields of fluid machinery and piping. Topics related to the development of fans and compressors had been popular, but were no longer investigated widely. Research papers on micro heat exchangers using nanofluids and micro pumps were also not presented during this period. There were some studies on thermal reliability and performance in the fields of new and renewable energy. Numerical simulations of smoke ventilation and the spread of fire were the main topics in the field of fire. (2) Research works on heat transfer presented in 2008 have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics, industrial heat exchangers, and ground heat exchangers. Research on heat transfer characteristics included thermal transport in cryogenic vessels, dish solar collectors, radiative thermal reflectors, variable conductance heat pipes, and flow condensation and evaporation of refrigerants. In the area of industrial heat exchangers, examined are research on micro-channel plate heat exchangers, liquid cooled cold plates, fin-tube heat exchangers, and frost behavior of heat exchanger fins. Measurements on ground thermal conductivity and on the thermal diffusion characteristics of ground heat exchangers were reported. (3) In the field of refrigeration, many studies were presented on simultaneous heating and cooling heat pump systems. Switching between various operation modes and optimizing the refrigerant charge were considered in this research. Studies of heat pump systems using unutilized energy sources such as sewage water and river water were reported. Evaporative cooling was studied both theoretically and experimentally as a potential alternative to the conventional methods. (4) Research papers on building facilities have been reviewed and divided into studies on heat and cold sources, air conditioning and air cleaning, ventilation, automatic control of heat sources with piping systems, and sound reduction in hydraulic turbine dynamo rooms. In particular, considered were efficient and effective uses of energy resulting in reduced environmental pollution and operating costs. (5) In the field of building environments, many studies focused on health and comfort. Ventilation. system performance was considered to be important in improving indoor air conditions. Due to high oil prices, various tests were planned to examine building energy consumption and to cut life cycle costs.