• Title/Summary/Keyword: 17-estradiol

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The Effect of Fibroblast Co-culture on In Vitro Maturation of Mouse Preantral Follicles

  • Kim, Chung-Hoon;Cheon, Yong-Pil;Lee, You-Jeong;Lee, Kyung-Hee;Kim, Sung-Hoon;Chae, Hee-Dong;Kang, Byung-Moon
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 2013
  • This study was performed to evaluate the effects of fibroblast co-culture on in vitro maturation (IVM) of prepubertal mouse preantral follicles. The intact preantral follicles were obtained from the ovaries of 12-14 day old mice and these were cultured individually in ${\alpha}$-minimal essential medium (${\alpha}$-MEM) supplemented with 5% fetal bovine serum (FBS), $100mIU/m{\ell}$ recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (rFSH), 1% insulin-transferrin-selenium, $100{\mu}g/ml$ penicillin and $50{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ streptomycin as base medium for 12 days. A total of 200 follicles were cultured in base medium co-cultured with mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) (MEF group) (n=100) or only base medium as control group (n=100). Survival rate of follicles on day 12 of culture were significantly higher in the MEF group of 90.0%, compared with 77.0% of the control group (p=0.021). Follicle diameters on day 6 and 8 of the culture period were significantly larger in the MEF group than those in the control group (p=0.021, p=0.007, respectively). Estradiol levels in culture media on day 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 of the culture period were significantly higher in the MEF group (p=0.043, p=0.021, p=0.006, p<0.001 and p=0.008, retrospectively). Our data suggest that MEF cell co-culture on IVM of mouse preantral follicle increases survival rate and promotes follicular growth and steroid production.

The Effects of Consecutive Superovulation in Hanwoo and Holstein Cattle (한우와 젖소에서 연속적인 다배란 처리의 효과)

  • Park, S.J.;Ryu, I.S.;Son, D.S.;Choi, S.H.;Baek, K.S.;Park, S.B.;Jeon, B.S.;Ahn, B.S.;Kim, H.S.;Kim, I.H.
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.101-105
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    • 2007
  • 본 연구는 한우와 홀스타인 젖소에서 연속적인 다배란 처리 시 효율성 및 부작용에 대한 문제점을 연구하고자 다른 종간 다배란 처리효과를 비교, 조사하였다. 연속적인 다배란 처리를 위하여 estradiol benzoate(EB)와 CIDR plus, FSH 호르몬을 이용하여 한우에서는 17두, 젖소에서는 9두를 2회 이상 반복 이용하였다. 다난포 발생을 위해서는 FSH 호르몬을 이용하고 호르몬 처리 동기화를 위해서는 CER plus 기구를 질 내 삽입하였으며, 주요 조사 항목으로는 번식기관의 문제점, 배란 효율, 회수된 수정란 수, 우수 수정란 수 등을 분류하고, 종합적으로 종간 연속적인 다배란 효과를 비교, 조사하였다. 한우에서는 17두 중 4두(23.5%)에서 자궁경관의 협착이 발생하였고, 자궁 내에 손상이 발생하여 채란이 되지 않는 경우도 4두(23.5%)의 발생이 조사되었으나, 상대적으로 젖소에서는 9두 중 4두에서 일시적으로 배란이 전혀 일어나지 않는 경우가 있었다. 연속 처리 후 채란된 수정란의 수를 종합해 보면, 젖소에서는 평균 $4.3{\pm}3.4$개, 한우에서는 $2.7{\pm}2.5$개였으며, 종간 호르몬 효율과 연관된 배란율 조사에서는 한우에서는 89.7%, 젖소에서는 80.4%의 성적을 보였다. 또한, 3회까지 연속 다배란 처리를 한 결과, 한우나 젖소에서 채란된 수정란의 수는 비슷한 수준으로 채란되었다. 이와 같은 성적을 종합해 볼 때 EB제나 CIDR plus, FSH를 이용하여 1개월 주기로 연속적인 수정란 채란을 위한 다배란 처리가 소의 종에 무관하게 가능하다고 사료되지만 일시적으로 배란이 일어나지 않는 소에 대한 문제나 번식기관의 손상, 채란되는 수정란의 수가 적다는 것에 더 많은 연구가 필요하다고 사료된다.

Sex Steroids Regulate Expression of Genes Containing Long Interspersed Elements-1s in Breast Cancer Cells

  • Chaiwongwatanakul, Saichon;Yanatatsaneejit, Pattamawadee;Tongsima, Sissades;Mutirangura, Apiwat;Boonyaratanakornkit, Viroj
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.4003-4007
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    • 2016
  • Long interspersed elements-1s (LINE-1s) are dispersed all over the human genome. There is evidence that hypomethylation of LINE-1s and levels of sex steroids regulate gene expression leading to cancer development. Here, we compared mRNA levels of genes containing an intragenic LINE-1 in breast cancer cells treated with various sex steroids from Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), with the gene expression database using chi-square analysis (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo). We evaluated whether sex steroids influence expression of genes containing an intragenic LINE-1. Three sex steroids at various concentrations, 1 and 10 nM estradiol (E2), 10 nM progesterone (PG) and 10 nM androgen (AN), were assessed. In breast cancer cells treated with 1 or 10 nM E2, a significant percentage of genes containing an intragenic LINE-1 were down-regulated. A highly significant percentage of E2-regulated genes containing an intragenic LINE-1 was down-regulated in cells treated with 1 nM E2 for 3 hours (p<3.70E-25; OR=1.91; 95% CI=2.16-1.69). Similarly, high percentages of PG or AN-regulated genes containing an intragenic LINE-1 wwere also down-regulated in cells treated with 10 nM PG or 10 nM AN for 16 hr (p=9.53E-06; OR=1.65; 95% CI=2.06-1.32 and p=3.81E-14; OR=2.01; 95% CI=2.42-1.67). Interestingly, a significant percentage of AN-regulated genes containing an intragenic LINE-1 was up-regulated in cells treated with 10 nM AN for 16 hr (p=4.03E-02; OR=1.40; 95% CI=1.95-1.01). These findings suggest that intragenic LINE-1s may play roles in sex steroid mediated gene expression in breast cancer cells, which could have significant implications for the development and progression of sex steroid-dependent cancers.

Comparison of Superovulation Outcomes between Short and Long Protocols Using Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonist in Patients with High Basal Serum Follicle Stimulating Hormone Levels (기초 혈중 Follicle Stimulating Hormone 농도가 높은 체외수정시술 환자의 과배란유도시 Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonist의 단기투여법과 장기투여법의 비교)

  • Kim, Seok-Hyun;Song, Eun-Seop;Song, Yong-Sang;Lee, Kyung-Hee;Kim, Jung-Gu;Moon, Shin-Yong;Lee, Jin-Yong;Chang, Yoon-Seok
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 1991
  • Recently the application of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist to superovulation in previous poor responders has resulted in the improved outcomes after in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcome. However, poor responders with poor estradiol $(E_2)$ rise or single dominant follicle are a particularly challenging group. Recent reports have also shown that patients with higher basal serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) level, result in poorer ovarian response and lower pregnancy rate. Analysis of the differences of superovulation outcomes according to the different protocols of GnRH agonist, long (L, n = 18) and short (S, n = 16) protocols, in patients with high basal FSH levels (>20mIU/ml) were undertaken at Seoul National University Hospital from June to October 1990. The administration of GnRH agonist was begun on day 21 of the cycle in long protocol, and on day 2 in short protocol. Ages of patients and husbands, basal FSH and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels and FSH/LH ratio did not differ significantly. Types and causes of infertility were evenly distributed. Whereas the duration of stimulation and the amounts of gonadotropins administered were significantly reduced in short protocol, the numbers of oocytes retrieved and cleaved, the cleavage rate and the number of embryos transferred were higher in long protocol without statistical signifieance. The pregnancy rate per ET was 16.7% (2/12) in short protocol, and 17.6% (3/17) in long protocol. These data suggest that both protocols result in the similar superovulation outcomes in patients with higher basal serum FSH levels.

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Maturation, Embryonic Development, and Subsequent Embryo Survival after Freezing and Thawing Following a Single or Group Culture Condition of Japanese Black Cattle Oocytes using Modified Synthetic Oviduct Medium (mSOF 배양액을 이용한 미성숙 난자의 단독 및 그룹 배양 조건을 적용한 일본 흑우 수정란의 성숙, 배발달 및 동결 융해 후 생존성)

  • Park, S.J.;Takahashi, Y.;Park, S.B.;Baek, K.S.;Ahn, B.S.;Jeon, B.S.;Ryu, I.S.;Kim, H.S.
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2007
  • 본 연구는 mSOF(modified synthetic oviduct fluid medium) 배양액을 이용하여 $100{\mu}1$$10{\mu}1$ 배양 소적에서 일본 흑우의 수정란 생산 효율을 개선하기 위하여 수행하였다. 난구세포가 부착된 미성숙 난자는 각각 단독 배양조건($S;\;10{\mu}1$ 소적) 및 그룹 배양 조건 ($G;\;100{\mu}1$ 소적)에서 실시하였고 배양액은 TCM-199의 기본 배지에 10% FCS, 0.02IU/ml FSH와 $1{\mu}g/ml$ $estradiol-17{\beta}$를 첨가하여 사용하였다. 배반포 단계로 발육한 수정란은 1.5M ethylene glycol로 직접 이식법에 의한 동결 방법으로 동결을 실시하였고, 세포수는 융해 후 생존 수정란에 대해 조사하였다. 체외 배양 시간이 $16{\sim}17$시간 배양 조건에서 난자의 성숙율은 그룹 배양 조건$(27.1{\pm}16.8%)$보다는 단독 배양조건$(57.1{\pm}15.0%)$에서 성숙율이 높았다(p<0.05). 그러나 체외 배양 시간이 $18{\sim}19$ 시간과 $20{\sim}21$시간 배양시는 유사한 성숙율을 보였다. 난자의 체외 배양율은 체외 배양 시간의 증가에 의해 성숙도가 $86.3{\pm}9.9%$로 증가하였다. 접합체(zygote)의 분할율은 단독이나 그룹 배양 조건에서도 유사한 결과를 얻었다. 배반포 발달율은 배양 $7{\sim}8$일째에 조사한 결과 단독 배양 방법보다는 그룹 배양 방법에서 발달율이 높았으나, 분할된 접합체를 기준으로 한 경우 배반포 발달율$(S;\; 21.4{\pm}10.6%,\;G;\;39.0{\pm}13.1%)$에서는 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 단독 배양과 그룹 배양에서 $6.5{\pm}8$일 사이에 배반포로 발달된 수정란의 세포수 조사에서는 유사한 결과를 얻었다. 동결 융해 후 24시간 배양 후 배반포 생존율(5; 24.2%, G; 30.2%), 부화율(S: 20.9%, G: 12.7%) 및 생존 수정란수(S; 45.2%, G: 42.8%)에서도 배양 조건에 따른 유의적인 차는 없었다. 결론적으로 mSOF배양액을 이용하는 경우 미성숙 난자의 체외 성숙 유도 배양 시 단독이나 그룹 배양 시 배반포 발달율에서 그룹간에 유의적인 차가 인정되었다(p<0.01).

Changes in Plasma Levels of Inhibin and Follicle Stimulating Hormone in Buffaloes Superovulated with eCG

  • Singh, Baljit;Dixit, V.D.;Dixit, V.P.;Singh, P.;Georgie, G.C.;Lohan, I.S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.1205-1209
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    • 2000
  • The present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of stimulation of follicular development with eCG on the peripheral levels of inhibin and FSH in Murrah buffaloes. Estrus was synchronized in five normally cycling females by insertion of Crestar (Intervet, Boxmeer, Holland) implants for nine days. Estradiol valerate was administered i.m. on the day of implant insertion. On the 10th day of the induced estrous cycle a single dose of 3000 IU eCG (Folligon, Intervet, Boxmeer, Holland) was given, followed by treatment with 25 mg of $PGF_2$ alpha (Lutalyse, Upjohn, Belgium) 48 h later. Blood samples were obtained during the induced estrus, on cycle day 10 (luteal phase), at the superovulatory estrus (43 h after PGF) and during the periovulatory period (64 h after PGF). Ultrasonography was done daily to monitor follicular development. Plasma concentrations of inhibin and FSH were determined by specific radioimmunoassays. Differences between $mean{\pm}SEM$ values of different phases of the cycle were compared by ANOVA. The mean number of small (2-5 mm), medium (6-9 mm) and large (>10 mm) follicles observed two days after eCG treatment and on the day of superovulatory estrus was $2.8{\pm}0.31$, $5.2{\pm}0.30$ and $1.4{\pm}0.09$ and $1.9{\pm}0.21$, $2.8{\pm}0.40$ and $5.0{\pm}0.83$, respectively. The mean number of ovulations was $3.6{\pm}0.37$ and the mean number of unovulated follicles was $6.1{\pm}0.47$. Most of the follicles >10 mm in diameter had ovulated (72%). The mean ${\pm}SEM $ of plasma inhibin concentration $(2584.15{\pm}17.92pg/ml)$ during the superovulatory estrus was significantly higher $(p{\leq}0.05)$ than during the induced estrus $(749.87{\pm}17.29pg/ml)$, the luteal phase $(1099.54{\pm}24.98pg/ml)$ and periovulatory period $(1682.71{\pm}29.88pg/ml)$, respectively. $Mean{\pm}SEM$ plasma FSH concentration during the induced estrus $(10.35{\pm}0.41ng/ml)$ was not different from that during the superovulatory estrus $(8.52{\pm}0.39ng/ml)$, but was significantly higher $(p{\leq}0.05)$ than during the luteal phase $(2.81{\pm}0.42ng/ml)$ and periovulatory period $(5.7{\pm}0.28ng/ml)$. These data indicate that treatment with eCG in buffaloes for inducing superovulation results in a significant elevation in plasma inhibin levels and a decrease in plasma FSH levels during the superovulatory estrus. Thus, we suggest that the elevated plasma inhibin coming from fully developed follicles continued for a long time which results in inhibition of FSH leading to poor ovulation in the remaining follicles, which may be the cause of suboptimal superovulatory response.

Superhongmi bran extract improves lipid profile and menopause symptoms: a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial (슈퍼홍미 미강 추출물의 폐경 후 여성의 혈중 지질 농도 및 대사성 질환 개선 효과)

  • Chung, Soo Im;Nam, Su Jin;Liang, Jie;Ma, Jing Wen;Kang, Mi Young
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.182-187
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    • 2019
  • Women who undergo natural menopause transition have increased numbers of risk factors relating to metabolic syndrome due to estrogen deficiency. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Superhongmi bran extract on metabolic syndrome improvement in menopausal women. Thirty women, who participated in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, were assigned to placebo-control (n=15) or Superhongmi bran extract (n=15) groups and were asked to consume two tablets (350 mg per extract per tablet) per day. After 12 weeks, weight, body mass index (BMI), plasma triglyceride (TG) levels, and total cholesterol (TC) levels were significantly decreased, whereas HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C), apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1), adiponectin, superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), and GSH (glutathione) concentrations were significantly increased in the Superhongmi bran extract group. Moreover, $17{\beta}-estradiol$, and progesterone levels in the Superhongmi group were significantly higher than those in the placebo-control group. These results suggest that Superhongmi bran extract alleviates metabolic symptom in menopausal women.

Investigation on the occurrence and fate of micropollutants in domestic wastewater treatment plants based on full-scale monitoring and simple statistical analysis (현장 모니터링과 기초통계분석에 기반한 국내 하수처리장 미량오염물질 발생 및 거동 조사)

  • Chae, Sung Ho;Lim, Seung Ji;Lee, Jiho;Gashaw, Seid Mingizem;Lee, Woongbae;Choi, Sangki;Lee, Yunho;Lee, Woorim;Son, Heejong;Hong, Seok-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.107-119
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    • 2022
  • The frequent detection and occurrence of micropollutants (MPs) in aquatic ecosystems has raised public health concerns worldwide. In this study, the behavior of 50 MPs was investigated in three different domestic wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Furthermore, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to assess the geographical and seasonal variation of MPs in the WWTPs. The results showed that the concentrations of 43 MPs ranged from less than 0.1 to 237.6 ㎍ L-1, while other seven MPs including 17-ethynylestradiol, 17-estradiol, sulfathiazole, sulfamethazine, clofibric acid, simvastatin, and lovastatin were not detected in all WWTPs. Among the detected MPs, the pharmaceuticals such as metformin, acetaminophen, naproxen, and caffeine were prominent with maximum concentrations of 133.4, 237.6, 71.5, and 107.7 ㎍ L-1, respectively. Most perfluorinated compounds and nitrosamines were found at trace levels of 1.2 to 55.3 ng L-1, while the concentration of corrosion inhibitors, preservatives (parabens), and endocrine disruptors ranged from less than 0.1 to 4310.8 ng L-1. Regardless of the type of biological treatment process such as MLE, A2O, and MBR, the majority of pharmaceuticals (except lincomycin, diclofenac, iopromide, and carbamazepine), parabens (except Methyl paraben), and endocrine disruptors were removed by more than 80%. However, the removal efficiencies of certain MPs such as atrazine, DEET, perfluorinated compounds (except PFHxA), nitrosamines, and corrosion inhibitors were relatively low or their concentration even increased after treatment. The results of statistical analysis reveal that there is no significant geographical difference in the removal efficacy of MPs, but there are temporal seasonal variations in all WWTPs.

Expression of steroidogenic enzymes in human placenta according to the gestational age

    • Molecular Medicine Reports
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.3903-3911
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    • 2019
  • Female sex steroid hormones, including estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4), serve significant physiological roles in pregnancy. In particular, E2 and P4 influence placenta formation, maintain pregnancy and stimulate milk production. These hormones are produced by ovaries, adrenal glands and the placenta, of which the latter is a major endocrine organ during pregnancy. However, the mechanism of hormone production during pregnancy remains unclear. In the present study, the regulation of steroid hormones and steroidogenic enzymes was examined in human placenta according to gestational age. In human placental tissues, expression levels of steroidogenic enzymes were determined with reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction and western blotting. The mRNA and protein expression of CYP17A1, HSD17B3 and CYP19A1, which are associated with the synthesis of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and E2, was elevated at different gestational ages in human placenta. In addition, to evaluate the correlation between serum and placental-produced hormones, steroid hormone levels, including pregnenolone (PG), DHEA, P4, testosterone (T) and E2, were examined in serum and placenta. Serum and placenta expression of DHEA and E2 increased with gestational age, whereas T and P4 were differently regulated in placenta and serum. To confirm the mechanism of steroidogenesis in vitro, placental BeWo cells were treated with E2 and P4, which are the most important hormones during pregnancy. The mRNA and protein expression of steroidogenic enzymes was significantly altered by E2 in vitro. These results demonstrated that concentration of steroid hormones was differently regulated by steroidogenic enzymes in the placenta depending on the type of the hormones, which may be critical to maintain pregnancy.

Studies on the Changes of Reproductive Organs, Serum Sex Hormones and Metabolites according to the Gestation Period in Rabbit (가토(家兎)의 임신(姙娠)에 따른 생식기관(生殖器官), 혈중(血中) 성(性)Hormone 및 대사물질(代謝物質)의 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Kyu Seung;Han, Sung Wook;Park, Chang Sik
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.303-313
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    • 1982
  • The study was conducted to find out the concentrations of sex hormones and the contents of metabolites in serum, and the changes of weights and tissues on ovary, thyroid gland and adrenal gland according to gestation period in rabbit. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The ovary weights were increased significantly with the time e lapse after gestation and recovered normally at 5 days after parturition. In the histological changes of ovary, the lutein cells were hypertrophied and the secretory granules were increased actively until 3 weeks after gestation, and then a trophied thereafter. 2. The thyroid gland weights at all observation times were higher than those in control group, and the significance was recognized at 1, 3 and 4 weeks after gestation. The histological features of the secretory epithelium were the hyper trophic and columnar condition stimulating the functional state from 1 week after gestation. 3. The adrenal gland weights in experimental group were recognized significantly at 4 weeks after gestation, but showed higher than those in control group at all observation times. The zona fasciculata and zona reticularis of the gland showed the slight hypertrophic condition, but the zona glomeerulosa and adrenal medulla did not find out any particular changes. 4. The serum concentrations of progesterone and LH reached a peak level at 2 weeks and 1 week after geestation respectively, and rapidly began to decline thereafter. 5. The serum concentrations of estradiol-$17{\beta}$ and FSH were not detected below 20.0 pg/ml and 1.3 mIU/ml respectively. 6. The contents of total protein and non-protein nitrogen nitrogen were decreased gradually with the time elapse after gestation, but the significant differences were recognized from 3 weeks. 7. The total lipids were not changed markedly until 3 weeks, but increased significantly at 4 weeks after gestation and at 5 days after parturition. 8. The serum cholesterol tended to be decreased until 3 weeks, but increased at 4 weeks after gestation and at 5 days after parturition. 9. The serum calcium showed a continuous decrease during the gestation period, but the significant differences were recognized at 3 and 4 weeks. The serum phosphorus also had a significant decrease at 4 weeks after gestation.

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