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Distribution and Conservation plan of Vascular Plants in Outstanding Forest Wetlands in Jeonnam Area (전남권역 우량 산림습원의 관속식물상 변화 및 보전방안)

  • Lee, Jong-Won;Yun, Ho-Geun;Kang, Shin-Ho;An, Jong-Bin
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.224-255
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    • 2022
  • This study was carried out to examine the changes in vascular flora in the first and second surveys targeting 32 outstanding forest wetlands in Jeonnam area including Gwangju metropolitan city, and based on this, establish a future monitoring system and effectively manage the excellent forest wetlands. The survey investigated the area seasonally every 4-5 years from 2015 to 2021. The change of flora of 32 excellent forest wetlands in Jeollanam-do increased from 103 families, 311 genera, 496 species, 16 subspecies, 38 varieties, 6 varieties, 556 taxa, to 111 families, 362 genera, 599 species, 16 subspecies, 51 varieties, 8 varieties, 674 taxa. Remarkable plants such as Red list and plants endemic to the Korean Peninsula increased also. However, Nepeta cataria and the like are exterminated locally, so an in situ and ex situ conservation strategy must be established. In the case of plants categorized according to wetland preference, the distribution ratio of such wetland plants slightly decreased and the distribution ratio of such terrestrial plants lightly increased for absolute wetland plants. It is necessary to prepare countermeasures for the terrestrialization of forest wetlands and to develop research techniques that can distinguish boundaries. In addition, the forest wetland should be systematically managed and supervised by designating it as a Forest Genetic Resources Reserve that can effectively conserve it.

Estimation of Soil Moisture Using Sentinel-1 SAR Images and Multiple Linear Regression Model Considering Antecedent Precipitations (선행 강우를 고려한 Sentinel-1 SAR 위성영상과 다중선형회귀모형을 활용한 토양수분 산정)

  • Chung, Jeehun;Son, Moobeen;Lee, Yonggwan;Kim, Seongjoon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.515-530
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    • 2021
  • This study is to estimate soil moisture (SM) using Sentinel-1A/B C-band SAR (synthetic aperture radar) images and Multiple Linear Regression Model(MLRM) in the Yongdam-Dam watershed of South Korea. Both the Sentinel-1A and -1B images (6 days interval and 10 m resolution) were collected for 5 years from 2015 to 2019. The geometric, radiometric, and noise corrections were performed using the SNAP (SentiNel Application Platform) software and converted to backscattering coefficient of VV and VH polarization. The in-situ SM data measured at 6 locations using TDR were used to validate the estimated SM results. The 5 days antecedent precipitation data were also collected to overcome the estimation difficulty for the vegetated area not reaching the ground. The MLRM modeling was performed using yearly data and seasonal data set, and correlation analysis was performed according to the number of the independent variable. The estimated SM was verified with observed SM using the coefficient of determination (R2) and the root mean square error (RMSE). As a result of SM modeling using only BSC in the grass area, R2 was 0.13 and RMSE was 4.83%. When 5 days of antecedent precipitation data was used, R2 was 0.37 and RMSE was 4.11%. With the use of dry days and seasonal regression equation to reflect the decrease pattern and seasonal variability of SM, the correlation increased significantly with R2 of 0.69 and RMSE of 2.88%.

A Value Inquiry of Cultural Relics of Waryongmae and a Restitution of Cultural Heritage (창덕궁 선정전 와룡매(臥龍梅)의 환수 문화재로서 문화콘텐츠적 가치)

  • OHN, Hyoungkeun;KIM, Chungsik
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.136-153
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    • 2021
  • The restitution of cultural heritage located abroad has been going on for 107 years, starting with the return of the Jigwangguksa Tower to Beopcheonsaji Temple in Wonju after it was taken during the Japanese occupation in 1915. The Overseas Cultural Heritage Foundation, established in 2012, has laid the foundation for retrieval, preservation, restoration, and exchange of cultural heritage through research cooperation and the purchasing of cultural heritage items. The pace of the collection of cultural heritage objects and the locating of others has increased every year since its establishment, and the number of returned, rather than recovered, cultural heritage items has also increased. The present study aimed to complete a value inquiry of the cultural relics of Waryongmae (臥龍梅) and a restitution of cultural heritage as the main focuses. The process of recovering relics from Waryongmae has been recorded in the book The Cultural Property Returned into Our Arms, published by the above-mentioned foundation. This record was revised and supplemented to try and raise its cultural value by adding elaborate storytelling to the process of recovering the Waryongmae that grew in the courtyard of Changdeokgung Palace. The cultural value of Waryongmae is that it is unique. The Waryongmae is the first living cultural heritage, and therefore has cultural value due to its uniqueness. Second, the Waryongmae has unique cultural value due to its restitution and return to Korea twice, once in 1992, and another time in 1999. The first restitution was special in that it was featured by the Japanese media, and the second was special in that it was intensively reported by the Korean media. Third, 42 Waryongmae cultural content types were explored, including nineteen visual contents, eleven interactive contents, and twelve skate contents.

『Chūn-qiū』Wáng-lì(『春秋』王曆)① - A Study on the Discussion of 'the Changes in the Names of Months and a Season(改月改時)' in the calendar of 『Chūn-qiū(春秋)』 since Song(宋) Dynasty (『춘추(春秋)』왕력(王曆)① - 송대(宋代) 이후 춘추력수(春秋曆數)의 개월(改月)·개시(改時) 논의에 대한 소고(小考))

  • Seo, Jeong-Hwa
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.67
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    • pp.345-378
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    • 2017
  • In the scriptures of "$Ch{\bar{u}}n-qi{\bar{u}}$(春秋)", the expression method of '$Ch{\bar{u}}n-w{\acute{a}}ng-zh{\bar{e}}ng-yu{\grave{e}}$(春王正月 : It's spring. It's the first month regulated by the king.)' was used as Jì-yuè-fǎ(紀月法 : the rules to determine the first month(正月)), the month of winter solstice was regarded as the first month of a year, and three years since then were named as $Ch{\bar{u}}n$(春 : spring). With regard to this "$Ch{\bar{u}}n-qi{\bar{u}}$"Wáng-lì("春秋"王曆 : the calendar regulated by the king of $Zh{\bar{o}}u$(周) dynasty in "$Ch{\bar{u}}n-qi{\bar{u}}$"), depending on whether Confucius(孔子) changed and recorded the names of the months and the season or not, there were three different arguments; the theory that 'Confucius changed the names of both the months and the season'(孔子改月 改時說), the view that 'Confucius changed the name of the season, not the names of the months'(孔子不改月 改時說), and then the theory that 'Confucius changed neither the names of the months nor the name of the season'(孔子不改月 不改時) since Song(宋) dynasty. The first view was taken by $Hh{\acute{u}}-{\bar{a}}n-gu{\acute{o}}$(胡安國) and $C{\grave{a}}i-ch{\acute{e}}n$(蔡沈), and the second theory was mentioned by Chéng-yí(程?) and Zhū-zǐ(朱子). The advocates of the third view had become remarkable since Ming(明) dynasty, and one of representatives was Wàng-yáng-míng(王陽明). All of them based their arguments on ancient scriptures and Confucian legal books, and there were cases of taking the same records as the support for different opinions. Confucius' so-called 'Chūn-qiū-bǐ-fǎ(春秋筆法 : the method to describe historical facts by making clear discrimination between right and wrong)' and '$Sh{\grave{u}}-{\acute{e}}r-b{\grave{u}}-zu{\grave{o}}$(述而不作 : the attitude to succeed virtuous men's achievements and only explain and describe them not creating and adding new contents)' could come from thoughts of $Z{\bar{u}}n-w{\acute{a}}ng$(尊王 : to respect the king with the virtues of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and sincerity). Therefore, even though Confucius is assumed to have been the writer of "$Ch{\bar{u}}n-qi{\bar{u}}$(春秋)", whether he actually changed and recorded the names of the months and the season in the calendar used in "$Ch{\bar{u}}n-qi{\bar{u}}$" is doubtful. These theories on Confucius's intervention in the calendar of "$Ch{\bar{u}}n-qi{\bar{u}}$" hadn't been discussed as conflicting in reality until Tang(唐) dynasty.

A Study on the Effect of the Thematic Audit Review on Conservative Accounting of Unbilled Revenue (테마감리가 미청구공사의 보수적 회계처리에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Yeon Ho;Um, Jae Yeon;Jeon, Seong Il
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.177-188
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    • 2021
  • On December 2015, Financial Supervisory Service(FSS) announced the four key thematic audit review areas, one of them is an appropriation of unbilled revenue. Accounting of unbilled revenue is intertwined with a percentage of completion, that is concerned about discretionary decision by manager. Therefore, if manager motivated by income-increasing manipulation is exaggerating percentage of completion, unbilled revenue is excessively recognized. This problem is caused the serious accounting issues(e.g., shock at a loss for 2013 fiscal year by some construction firms, malpractice of accounting in order-made production industry). Distrust of accounting was grown because the shipbuilding and construction industries successively went poor management and bad accounting of them is revealed. Those accounting issues were the trigger for problem recognition of unbilled revenue, they were background for the designation of appropriation unbilled revenue as thematic audit review areas by FSS. Therefore, this study verified effectiveness of thematic audit review by empirically analyzing whether designation of thematic audit review makes the firm increases conservative behavior. Conservative accounting is estimated by using Basu(1997) model. We analyzed the effect of the thematic audit review on conservative accounting of unbilled revenue by comparing with reflecting unbilled revenue or not. The sample for test consists of firm-years the manufacturing and construction industries from 2012 to 2017. The test results of this study suggested that the conservative accounting of unbilled revenue after designation of the thematic audit review was significantly increased. We also tested again by classifying whether or not it is construction industry. We found that construction industry is more conservative than the other industry only for the designated year of the thematic audit review, otherwise there was not any evidence for significantly increasing conservatism. This study contributes to the literature by empirically analysing relationship of the unbilled revenue to the thematic audit review from the perspective of the conservatism and verifying effectiveness of the thematic audit review.

Comparison of Models for Stock Price Prediction Based on Keyword Search Volume According to the Social Acceptance of Artificial Intelligence (인공지능의 사회적 수용도에 따른 키워드 검색량 기반 주가예측모형 비교연구)

  • Cho, Yujung;Sohn, Kwonsang;Kwon, Ohbyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.103-128
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    • 2021
  • Recently, investors' interest and the influence of stock-related information dissemination are being considered as significant factors that explain stock returns and volume. Besides, companies that develop, distribute, or utilize innovative new technologies such as artificial intelligence have a problem that it is difficult to accurately predict a company's future stock returns and volatility due to macro-environment and market uncertainty. Market uncertainty is recognized as an obstacle to the activation and spread of artificial intelligence technology, so research is needed to mitigate this. Hence, the purpose of this study is to propose a machine learning model that predicts the volatility of a company's stock price by using the internet search volume of artificial intelligence-related technology keywords as a measure of the interest of investors. To this end, for predicting the stock market, we using the VAR(Vector Auto Regression) and deep neural network LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory). And the stock price prediction performance using keyword search volume is compared according to the technology's social acceptance stage. In addition, we also conduct the analysis of sub-technology of artificial intelligence technology to examine the change in the search volume of detailed technology keywords according to the technology acceptance stage and the effect of interest in specific technology on the stock market forecast. To this end, in this study, the words artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning were selected as keywords. Next, we investigated how many keywords each week appeared in online documents for five years from January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2019. The stock price and transaction volume data of KOSDAQ listed companies were also collected and used for analysis. As a result, we found that the keyword search volume for artificial intelligence technology increased as the social acceptance of artificial intelligence technology increased. In particular, starting from AlphaGo Shock, the keyword search volume for artificial intelligence itself and detailed technologies such as machine learning and deep learning appeared to increase. Also, the keyword search volume for artificial intelligence technology increases as the social acceptance stage progresses. It showed high accuracy, and it was confirmed that the acceptance stages showing the best prediction performance were different for each keyword. As a result of stock price prediction based on keyword search volume for each social acceptance stage of artificial intelligence technologies classified in this study, the awareness stage's prediction accuracy was found to be the highest. The prediction accuracy was different according to the keywords used in the stock price prediction model for each social acceptance stage. Therefore, when constructing a stock price prediction model using technology keywords, it is necessary to consider social acceptance of the technology and sub-technology classification. The results of this study provide the following implications. First, to predict the return on investment for companies based on innovative technology, it is most important to capture the recognition stage in which public interest rapidly increases in social acceptance of the technology. Second, the change in keyword search volume and the accuracy of the prediction model varies according to the social acceptance of technology should be considered in developing a Decision Support System for investment such as the big data-based Robo-advisor recently introduced by the financial sector.

Changes in Meteorological Variables by SO2 Emissions over East Asia using a Linux-based U.K. Earth System Model (리눅스 기반 U.K. 지구시스템모형을 이용한 동아시아 SO2 배출에 따른 기상장 변화)

  • Youn, Daeok;Song, Hyunggyu;Lee, Johan
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.60-76
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    • 2022
  • This study presents a software full setup and the following test execution times in a Linux cluster for the United Kingdom Earth System Model (UKESM) and then compares the model results from control and experimental simulations of the UKESM relative to various observations. Despite its low resolution, the latest version of the UKESM can simulate tropospheric chemistry-aerosol processes and the stratospheric ozone chemistry using the United Kingdom Chemistry and Aerosol (UKCA) module. The UKESM with UKCA (UKESM-UKCA) can treat atmospheric chemistryaerosol-cloud-radiation interactions throughout the whole atmosphere. In addition to the control UKESM run with the default CMIP5 SO2 emission dataset, an experimental run was conducted to evaluate the aerosol effects on meteorology by changing atmospheric SO2 loading with the newest REAS data over East Asia. The simulation period of the two model runs was 28 years, from January 1, 1982 to December 31, 2009. Spatial distributions of monthly mean aerosol optical depth, 2-m temperature, and precipitation intensity from model simulations and observations over East Asia were compared. The spatial patterns of surface temperature and precipitation from the two model simulations were generally in reasonable agreement with the observations. The simulated ozone concentration and total column ozone also agreed reasonably with the ERA5 reanalyzed one. Comparisons of spatial patterns and linear trends led to the conclusion that the model simulation with the newest SO2 emission dataset over East Asia showed better temporal changes in temperature and precipitation over the western Pacific and inland China. Our results are in line with previous finding that SO2 emissions over East Asia are an important factor for the atmospheric environment and climate change. This study confirms that the UKESM can be installed and operated in a Linux cluster-computing environment. Thus, researchers in various fields would have better access to the UKESM, which can handle the carbon cycle and atmospheric environment on Earth with interactions between the atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, and land.

Clinical and Radiological Results of Treating Unstable Distal Radial Fractures with a Domestically Developed Volar Locking Plate That Has the Characteristic of Double-Tiered Subchondral Support (불안정성 원위 요골 골절의 치료에 있어 한국형 이중 연골하지지고정 전방 금속판의 임상적 및 방사선학적 결과)

  • Lee, Chul-Hyung;Jung, Deukhee;An, Chung-Han;Jeong, Uitak
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.495-502
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of domestically developed volar locking plate which has the concept of double-tiered subchondral support (DSS) in maintaining the reduction after distal radial fracture surgery. Materials and Methods: From July 2017 to December 2018, 54 patients were assessed. Plain radiographs were obtained immediately after surgery and at the last follow-up, and the radiographic parameters were measured in those images: radial length, radial inclination, volar tilt, ulnar variance, and distal dorsal cortical distance. The patients were subdivided into their age, type of fracture, and the position of the plate to evaluate the influence of each factors on the reduction maintenance. Results: Distal dorsal cortical distance in radiographs after the surgery was 5.91 mm (standard deviation, ±1.95 mm) on average. Significant differences in the radial length (p=0.038) and ulnar variance (p=0.001) were observed between immediately after surgery and at the last follow-up. When the parameters were evaluated by dividing the patients into subgroups according to the three specific factors, the ulnar variance showed a significant increase at the last follow-up when the patients were included 65-years-old or older. AO/OTA type C3 fracture, and Soong classification grade 0 plate position (p=0.007, p=0.012, p=0.046, respectively). Conclusion: Using the domestically developed DSS-type volar locking plate, significant reduction after distal radial fracture surgery could be maintained successfully. On the other hand, further study will be needed to determine about the reduction loss of the lunate facet identified in special cases that deal with fractures in elderly patients, unstable AO/OTA type C3 distal radial fractures, and Soong classification grade 0 plate position.

Analysis of Service Factors on the Management Performance of Korea Railroad Corporation - Based on the railroad statistical yearbook data - (한국철도공사 경영성과에 미치는 서비스 요인분석 -철도통계연보 데이터를 대상으로-)

  • Koo, Kyoung-Mo;Seo, Jeong-Tek;Kang, Nak-Jung
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.127-144
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to derive service factors based on the "Rail Statistical Yearbook" data of railroad service providers from 1990 to 2019, and to analyze the effect of the service factors on the operating profit ratio(OPR), a representative management performance variable of railroad transport service providers. In particular, it has academic significance in terms of empirical research to evaluate whether the management innovation of the KoRail has changed in line with the purpose of establishing the corporation by dividing the research period into the first period (1990-2003) and the latter (2004-2019). The contents of this study investigated previous studies on the quality of railway passenger transportation service and analyzed the contents of government presentation data related to the management performance evaluation of the KoRail. As an empirical analysis model, a research model was constructed using OPR as a dependent variable and service factor variables of infrastructure, economy, safety, connectivity, and business diversity as explanatory variables based on the operation and management activity information during the analysis period 30 years. On the results of research analysis, OPR is that the infrastructure factor is improved by structural reform or efficiency improvement. And economic factors are the fact that operating profit ratio improves by reducing costs. The safety factor did not reveal the significant explanatory power of the regression coefficient, but the sign of influence was the same as the prediction. Connectivity factor reveals a influence on differences between first period and latter, but OPR impact direction is changed from negative in before to positive in late. This is an evironment in which connectivity is actually realized in later period. On diversity factor, there is no effect of investment share in subsidiaries and government subsidies on OPR.

GMI Microwave Sea Surface Temperature Validation and Environmental Factors in the Seas around Korean Peninsula (한반도 주변해 GMI 마이크로파 해수면온도 검증과 환경적 요인)

  • Kim, Hee-Young;Park, Kyung-Ae;Kwak, Byeong-Dae;Joo, Hui-Tae;Lee, Joon-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.604-617
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    • 2022
  • Sea surface temperature (SST) is a key variable that can be used to understand ocean-atmosphere phenomena and predict climate change. Satellite microwave remote sensing enables the measurement of SST despite the presence of clouds and precipitation in the sensor path. Therefore, considering the high utilization of microwave SST, it is necessary to continuously verify its accuracy and analyze its error characteristics. In this study, the validation of the microwave global precision measurement (GPM)/GPM microwave imager (GMI) SST around the Northwest Pacific and Korean Peninsula was conducted using surface drifter temperature data for approximately eight years from March 2014 to December 2021. The GMI SST showed a bias of 0.09K and an average root mean square error of 0.97K compared to the actual SST, which was slightly higher than that observed in previous studies. In addition, the error characteristics of the GMI SST were related to environmental factors, such as latitude, distance from the coast, sea wind, and water vapor volume. Errors tended to increase in areas close to coastal areas within 300 km of land and in high-latitude areas. In addition, relatively high errors were found in the range of weak wind speeds (<6 m s-1) during the day and strong wind speeds (>10 m s-1) at night. Atmospheric water vapor contributed to high SST differences in very low ranges of <30 mm and in very high ranges of >60 mm. These errors are consistent with those observed in previous studies, in which GMI data were less accurate at low SST and were estimated to be due to differences in land and ocean radiation, wind-induced changes in sea surface roughness, and absorption of water vapor into the microwave atmosphere. These results suggest that the characteristics of the GMI SST differences should be clarified for more extensive use of microwave satellite SST calculations in the seas around the Korean Peninsula, including a part of the Northwest Pacific.